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精选资料建设工程造价咨询合同Contract on Building Costs Consultation for Constructional Project项目名称: Name of Project:: 委 托 人: Principal: 咨 询 人: Consultant: 制定中华人民共和国建设部国家工商行政管理总局Worked out by:Ministry of Construction of the Peoples Republic of ChinaState Administration for Industry and Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China 第一部分建设工程造价咨询合同Part One Contract on Building Costs Consultation for Constructional Project (以下简称委托人)与 (以下简称咨询人)经过双方协商一致,签订本合同。 (hereinafter referred to as the Principal) and (hereinafter referred to as the Consultant) have, through discussions, reached mutual agreement upon which the following Contract is concluded and signed. 一、 委托人委托咨询人为以下项目提供建设工程造价咨询服务:I. The Principal entrusts the Consultant to provide consultation services for the building costs of the said constructional project: 1项目名称: 1. Name of Project: 2服务内容:全过程造价(包括概算、预算编制、结算及协助甲方进行预算管理和控制,并协调与施工方间的工程量及价格争议等)。2. Contents of services: Building costs for the entire constructional process (including the working out of the general financial estimates, the budgetary draw-up, and the account settlements, as well as the assistance to the Principal in managing and controlling of the budgets and in coordinating with the building contractor(s) on the project workloads and price disputes, etc.) 3服务范围: 3. Coverage of service: 二、本合同的措词和用语与所属建设工程造价咨询合同条件及有关附件同义。II. The words, phrases and terms used in this Contract shall be identical in meaning with those used in the Contract Conditions and other Appendixes for the Building Costs Consultation Contract on the said constructional project. 三、下列文件均为本合同的组成部分:III. All of the following documents shall be part of this Contract: 1 建设工程造价咨询合同标准条件;1. Standard Conditions for the Contract on Building Costs Consultation for the said constructional project2建设工程造价咨询合同专用条件;2. Specific Conditions for the Contract on Building Costs Consultation for the said constructional project;3建设工程造价咨询合同执行中共同签署的补充与修正文件。3. Additional and revised documents jointly concluded and signed by both parties during the execution process of the Contract on Building Costs Consultation for the said constructional project;四、咨询人同意按照本合同的规定,承担本合同专用条件中议定范围内的建设工程造价咨询业务。IV. The Consultant agrees to undertake, in accordance with what is specified in this Contract, all the consultation services concerning the building costs for the said constructional project as described in the Specific Conditions of this Contract.五、委托人同意按照本合同规定的期限、方式、币种、额度向咨询人支付酬金。V. The Principal agrees to pay service fees to the Consultant in accordance with the specified time limits, ways and approaches of payments, currency type and rated amounts. 六、本合同的建设工程造价咨询业务自 2016 年 月 日开始实施,至 2016 年 月 日结束,咨询人须提交审核成果一式三份。VI. The building costs consultation services for the said project shall be started on the date of _(month)_(date) of 2016 and ended on the date of _(month)_(date) of 2016 . And the Consultant shall submit three copies of the written report on the results of examination and verification. 可修改编辑精选资料第二部分建设工程造价咨询合同标准条件词语定义、适用语言和法律、法规Part Two Standard Conditions for the Contract on Building Costs Consultation for the Constructional Project Terminology, definitions, applicable language, laws and regulations 第一条 下列名词和用语,除上下文另有规定外具有如下含义。Article One The following words, phrases and terms shall, unless otherwise specified by the contexts, have the following meanings: 1、“委托人”是指委托建设工程造价咨询业务和聘用工程造价咨询单位的一方,以及其合法继承人。1. “The Principal” shall refer to the party who entrusts the consultation services for the building costs of the constructional project and engages the Consultant through contract, as well as the legal successor of the Principal. 2、“咨询人”是指承担建设工程造价咨询业务和工程造价咨询责任的一方,以及其合法继承人。2. “The Consultant” shall refer to the party who undertakes the consultation services for the building costs of the constructional project and all the responsibilities involved in the consultation process, as well as the legal successor of the Consultant. 3、“第三人”是指除委托人、咨询人以外与本咨询业务有关的当事人。3. “The Third Party” shall refer to any parties to be concerned with this consultation business, other than the Principal and the Consultant. 4、“日”是指任何一天零时至第二天零时的时间段。4. The word “day”shall refer to the time period from zero oclock of the current day to the zero oclock of the next day. 第二条建设工程造价咨询合同适用的是中国的法律、法规,以及专用条件中议定的部门规章、工程造价有关计价办法和规定或项目所在地的地方法规、地方规章。 Article Two The applicable laws and rules & regulations for the Contract on Building 此为样本部分翻译件,如需全文翻译件,请发邮件至:1263423430qq.com;也可添回此QQ号,并注明需要英文翻译件。价格面议THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考可修改编辑

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