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China Chamber of International CommerceFixture Note of Voyage Charter Party(2000 Standard Form)航次租船合同确认书(中文)_年_ 月_日It is mutually agreed between as Owners (address: fax:Telephone: ) and as Charterers (address: fax:Telephone: ) that this Fixture Note shall be performed subject to the following terms and conditions:出租人与承租人双方同意按下列条款和条件履行本确认书:1. Particulars of Performing Vessel:M/V: Flag: Built: Classification: Registered Shipowners: GT/NT/DWT: / / TS SSW:LOA/BM: / MS Grain/Bale Capa: / CBMS Ho/Ha: /Derr: Tweendeck:add other items when necessary第一条承运船舶的规范: 船名:_船旗国:_建造时间:_船级:_登记船东:_ 总吨净吨载重吨:_吨_吨_吨 夏季干舷:_米 总长型宽:_米_米散装舱容包装舱容:_立方米_立方米舱舱口:_吊杆:_二层甲板:_可根据需要增加项目2. Cargo and Quantity: Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with (A) m/ts of in bag or bulk, % more or less at option Owners option or Charterers option. (B) cbms of , % more or less at option Charterers option or Owners option.第二条货物和数量:使用标明选择(A)或(B) (A)_公吨_袋装或散装货物_,增加或减少_,由_出租人或承租人选择。 (B)_立方米货物_,增加或减少_,由_承租人或出租人选择。3. Laycan:/ .第三条受载期:_年_月_日至_年_月_日。4. Loading/Discharging Port(s): Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with (A) safe port(s) at / . (B) safe berth(s) at port(s) of / .第四条装货卸货港:使用标明选择(A)或(B) (A)在_的_个安全港口。 (B)在_港_港的_个安全泊位。5. Loading/Discharging Rate: Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) with (A) / m/ts per weather working day, Sundays and holidays excepted unless used (PWWD SHEX UU). (B) / m/ts per weather working day, Sundays and holidays excepted even if used(PWWD SHEX EIU). (C)Customary quick dispatch at port(s) of loading or discharging (CQD).第五条装货卸货率:使用标明选择(A)或(B)或(C) (A)每晴天工作日_公吨_公吨,星期日、节假日除外,除非已经使用(PWWD SHEX UU) (B)每晴天工作日_公吨_公吨,星期日、节假日除外,即使已经使用(PWWD SHEX UU)。 (C)在_装货港或卸货港按港口习惯快速装卸货(CQD)。6. Laytime Calculation: Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with (A) Separate laytime for loading and discharging. (B) Total laytime for loading and discharging.第六条装卸时间的计算:使用标明选择(A)或(B) (A)装货时间与卸货时间分别计算。 (B)装货时间与卸货时间合并计算。7. Freight Rate: Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) with (A) Lumpsum foist. (B) per net or gross m/t foist. (C) per net or gross m/t on free in and liner out. (D) per net or gross cbm foist第七条运费率:使用标明选择(A)或(B)或(C)或(D) (A)包干运费_,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。 (B)每净或毛公吨_,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。 (C)每净或毛公吨_,出租人不承担装货费,卸货费安按班轮条件。 (D)每净或毛立方米_,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。8. Freight Payment: Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) with (A) Freight to be paid within banking days after completion of loading. (B) Freight to be paid within banking days after completion of loading, but always before breaking bulk.Freight collected or to be collected as per aforesaid (A) or (B) shall be deemed earned by Owners upon cargo loading on board, and such freight must be paid by Charterers non-returnable and non-discountable whether vessel /cargo lost or not. (C) Freight to be paid within banking days after completion of discharging.第八条运费的支付:使用标明选择(A)或(B)或(C) (A)运费应于装货结束后_个银行工作日内支付。 (B)运费应于装货结束后_个银行工作日内支付,但至迟应在开舱卸货以前。 按照以上(A)或(B)已收取或应收取的运费,在货物装上船后为出租人所赚取;不论船舶货物灭失与否,承租人必须支付,无需返还,不得扣减。 (C)运费应于卸货结束后_个银行工作日内支付。9. Demurrage/Despatch:/ per day or pro rata to be settled within days after completion of discharging provided that Owners lien, if any, on the cargo shall not be affected by this provision.第九条滞期费速遣费: 滞期费速遣费为每天_,不足一天按比例计算,于卸货结束后_天内结算,但出租人如有留置货物的权利,不受本条规定的影响。10. Taxes/Dues/Fee:Taxes/dues/fee if any on vessel/freight to be for Owners account, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed. Same on cargo if any to be for Charterers account, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed.第十条税费规费费用: 船舶运费的税费规费费用由出租人负担,不论其计算方法如何。货物的税费规费费用由承租人负担,不论其计算方法如何。11. Agency: Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with (A) Owners agents both ends. (B) Owners agent at loading port and Charterers agent at discharging port.第十一条代理:使用标明选择(A)或(B) (A)装卸港均为出租人的代理。 (B)装货港为出租人的代理,卸货港为承租人的代理。 12. Commission: Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with (A) Commission on freight, dead-freight and demurrage totals percent including address commission. (B) Commission on freight, dead-freight and demurrage totals percent, pluspercent to be for .第十二条佣金:使用标明选择(A)或(B)(A)运费、亏舱费和滞期费的佣金包括洽租佣金合计_。 (B)运费、亏舱费和滞期费佣金合计_,另加_,给付_。 13. Law and Arbitration:This Fixture Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Chinese law, and the Charter Party shall be established when this Fixture Note is signed. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Fixture Note shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitration Commission for arbitration in Beijing. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon the parties.第十三条法律和仲裁: 本确认书适用中国法律并根据中国法律解释,自签订之日起租船合同成立。本确认书产生的或与本确认书有关的任何争议均应提交中国海事仲裁委员会在_仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对当事人均有约束力。14. Gencon Charter: Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with (A) Other terms and conditions are as per Gencon Charter 1994, except Clause 2. (B) Other terms and conditions are as per Gencon Charter 1976, except Clause(s) .第十四条金康租船合同:使用标明选择(A)或(B) (A)其他条款和条件按1994年金康条款租船合同,但第2条除外。 (B)其他条款和条件按1976年金康合同租船合同,但第_条除外。15. Special Provisions:第十五条特别条款:_航次租船合同确认书 (中英文)标签:租船合同航次租船合同确认书 (中英文)X航次租船合同确认书 (中英文)Fixture Note of Voyage Charter(2000 Standard Form)Owner: 出租人Address: 地址Fax: 传真Telephone: 电话Charterer: 承租人Address: 地址Fax: 传真Telephone: 电话It is mutually agreed between A company as Owners and B company as Charterers that this Fixture Note shall be performed subject to the following terms and conditions:出租人与承租人双方同意按下列条款和条件履行本确认书:1. Particulars of Performing Vessel: 第一条承运船舶的规范:M/V: 船名:Flag: 船旗国:Built: 建造时间:Classification: 船级:Registered Shipowners: 登记船东 GT总吨 / NT净吨 / DWT 载重吨TS SSW: 吨夏季干舷LOA/BM: 米总长型宽MSGrain/Bale Capa: 散装舱容包装舱容:_立方米CBMS Ho/Ha: 舱口:Derr: 吊杆Tweendeck: 二层甲板add other items when necessary 可根据需要增加项目2. Cargo and Quantity: 第二条货物和数量:Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with 使用标明选择(A)或(B) (A) m/ts of in bag or bulk, % more or less at option Ownersoption or Charterersoption.(A)_公吨_袋装或散装货物_,增加或减少_,由_出租人或承租人选择。 (B) cbms of , % more or less at option Charterersoption or Ownersoption.(B)_立方米货物_,增加或减少_,由_承租人或出租人选择。3. Laycan: 第三条受载期:From the date of day month year to the date of day month year_年_月_日至_年_月_日。4 Loading/Discharging Port(s): 第四条装货卸货港Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with 用标明选择(A)或(B) (A) safe port(s) at )在_的_个安全港口。 (B)safe berth(s) at port(s) of 在_港_港的_个安全泊位。5. Loading/Discharging Rate: 第五条装货卸货率Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) with 用标明选择(A)或(B)或(C) (A) / m/ts per weather working day, Sundays and holidays excepted unless used (PWWD SHEX UU).每晴天工作日_公吨_公吨,星期日、节假日除外,除非已经使用(PWWD SHEX UU) (B) / m/ts per weather working day, Sundays and holidays excepted even if used(PWWD SHEX EIU).每晴天工作日_公吨_公吨,星期日、节假日除外,即使已经使用(PWWD SHEX UU)。 (C)Customary quick dispatch at port(s) of loading or discharging (CQD).在_装货港或卸货港按港口习惯快速装卸货(CQD)。6. Laytime Calculation: 第六条装卸时间的计算Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with 用标明选择(A)或(B) (A) Separate laytime for loading and discharging.装货时间与卸货时间分别计算。 (B) Total laytime for loading and discharging.装货时间与卸货时间合并计算。7. Freight Rate: 第七条运费率Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) with 用标明选择(A)或(B)或(C)或(D) (A) Lumpsum foist. 包干运费_,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。 (B) per net or gross m/t foist.每净或毛公吨_,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。 (C) per net or gross m/t on free in and liner out.每净或毛公吨_,出租人不承担装货费,卸货费安按班轮条件。 (D) per net or gross cbm foist每净或毛立方米_,出租人不承担装卸、堆舱及平舱费。8. Freight Payment: 第八条运费的支付Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) or (C) with 用标明选择(A)或(B)或(C) (A) Freight to be paid within banking days after completion of loading.运费应于装货结束后_个银行工作日内支付。 (B) Freight to be paid within banking days after completion of loading, but always before breaking bulk.Freight collected or to be collected as per aforesaid (A) or (B) shall be deemed earned by Owners upon cargo loading on board, and such freight must be paid by Charterers non-returnable and non-discountable whether vessel /cargo lost or not.运费应于装货结束后_个银行工作日内支付,但至迟应在开舱卸货以前。按照以上(A)或(B)已收取或应收取的运费,在货物装上船后为出租人所赚取;不论船舶货物灭失与否,承租人必须支付,无需返还,不得扣减。 (C) Freight to be paid within banking days after completion of discharging.运费应于卸货结束后_个银行工作日内支付。9. Demurrage/Despatch: 第九条滞期费速遣费Demurrage/Despatch per day or pro rata to be settled within days after completion of discharging provided that Owners lien, if any, on the cargo shall not be affected by this provision.滞期费速遣费为每天_,不足一天按比例计算,于卸货结束后_天内结算,但出租人如有留置货物的权利,不受本条规定的影响。10. Taxes/Dues/Fee: 第十条税费规费费用Taxes/dues/fee if any on vessel/freight to be for Ownersaccount, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed. Same on cargo if any to be for Charterersaccount, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed.船舶运费的税费规费费用由出租人负担,不论其计算方法如何。货物的税费规费费用由承租人负担,不论其计算方法如何。11. Agency: 第十一条代理Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with 用标明选择(A)或(B) (A) Ownersagents both ends. 装卸港均为出租人的代理。 (B) Ownersagent at loading port and Charterersagent at discharging port.装货港为出租人的代理,卸货港为承租人的代理。12. Commission: . 第十二条佣金Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with 用标明选择(A)或(B) (A) Commission on freight, dead-freight and demurrage totals percent including address commission.运费、亏舱费和滞期费的佣金包括洽租佣金合计_。 (B) Commission on freight, dead-freight and demurrage totals percent, pluspercent to be for运费、亏舱费和滞期费佣金合计_,另加_,给付_。13. Law and Arbitration: 第十三条法律和仲裁This Fixture Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Chinese law, and the Charter Party shall be established when this Fixture Note is signed. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Fixture Note shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitration Commission for arbitration in Beijing. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon the parties.本确认书适用中国法律并根据中国法律解释,自签订之日起租船合同成立。本确认书产生的或与本确认书有关的任何争议均应提交中国海事仲裁委员会在_仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对当事人均有约束力。r14. Gencon Charter: 第十四条金康租船合同Indicate Alternative (A) or (B) with 使用标明选择(A)或(B) (A) Other terms and conditions are as per Gencon Charter 1994, except Clause 2.其他条款和条件按1994年金康条款租船合同,但第2条除外。 (B) Other terms and conditions are as per Gencon Charter 1976, except Clause(s) .其他条款和条件按1976年金康合同租船合同,但第_条除外。15. Special Provisions: 第十五条特别条款:(双方另行约定: )(双方签署 略)附:船舶合同中常用技术术语SHIPS PARTICULAR 船舶规范SHIPS NAME: 船名CALL SIGN 呼号TYPE OF SHIP:GENERAL CARGO SHIP 类别:杂货船PORT OF REGIDTRY & FLAG: 船籍港/国籍OFFICIAL NO. 船舶编号IMO NO. IMO 编号CLASSIFICATION&NO 船级与编号DATE OF DELIVERY 交船日期PLACE OF BUILT 建造地点OWNER 船东OPERATOR 管理公司DISPL/DWT(SUMMER):9,084.83T/6693.71T 夏季排水量/载重量:9,084.83T/6693.71TG.R.T./N.R.T.:4253/2562 总吨/净吨:4253/2562L.O.A./L.B.P.:108.47M/100M 总长/型长:108.47米/100米BREATH/DEPTH: 18M/9M 宽/深:18米/9米DRAFT: SUMMER FULL 7M, LIGHT SHIP 3M 吃水:夏季满载7米,空船3米AIR DRAFT; 50M(KEEL TO TOP)CAN FOLD 5M MORE AT MAST空高:50米(龙骨到顶)后桅可再折叠5米TPC: SUMMER FULL 16T/M 每厘米浸吨:夏季满载16吨/厘米NUMBER OF DECK:SINGLE DECK 甲板层数:单层甲板NO OF HOLD/HATCH/HATCH COVER:2/2/PONTOON STEEL货舱/舱口/舱盖类型:2/2箱型HATCH SIZE: NO.1 27X9M 舱口尺寸:第一舱27x9米NO.2 28X9M 第二舱28x9米HOLDS CAPACITY 舱容: GRAIN散装,4500+4310=8810M3:BALE包装,4200+4000=8200M3 D:CARGO GEAR: DERRICK 2X16T,GRANE 2X16T 装货设备:吊杆2x16t,克令2x16tMAIN ENGINE:HANSHIN 6EL44-D 3500PSX230RPM SP:11KT主机:6EL44-D 3500PS 速度11节AUXILIARY ENGINE:SL155L-HT 2X365PSX1200RPM 辅机:SL155L-HT 2X365马力CONSUMPTION AT SEA/DAY: 海上日油耗IF080CST-7T,MGO-0.8TAT PORT MGO/DAY: WORKING船吊工作1.3T,IDLE岸吊工作0.8T

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