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北师大版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中英语试题(不含听力材料)一、听短对话回答问题1 . What does the man mean?AHe wants his daughter to stay at home.BHe will offer any help to his daughter.CHe will give the talk instead of his daughter.2 . AGood idea!BWhat bad news!CIts very kind of you.3 . How much are the two T-shirts?A100 yuan.B180 yuan.C280 yuan.4 . What does the woman like about the film?AThe story.BThe actor.CThe photography.5 . What is the probable relationship(关系) between the speakers?AClassmates.BA teacher and a student.CA teacher and a parent.6 . AHe doesnt have money to buy new clothes.BHis clothes are out of style.CHis clothes are in style.二、听长对话回答问题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。7 . How much is the yellow notebook?AFive dollars.BFour dollars.CThree dollars.8 . Where is the green eraser?AIn the pencil box.BIn the boookcase.COn the desk.9 . How many(多少) color pens does the boy want to buy?AFour.BFive.CTen.三、听句子或对话选择图片10 . ABC11 . AABBCC12 . What does the man think of the story?ABC13 . What would the girl like to have? ABC四、听短文回答问题听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。14 . Whats the guide doing?AShes talking to the tourists.BShes helping some friends.CShes having a class in London.15 . Wherere the tourists?ATheyre on River Thames (泰晤士河).BTheyre in Big Ben(大本钟).CTheyre on the way to London.16 . Whats the population of London?AAbout 7.1 million.BAbout 7 million.CAbout 1.7 million.17 . What kind of place is London in the guides eyes?APoor and uninteresting.BBusy but uninteresting.CBig and beautiful.18 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThere are many parks and gardens in London.BPeople in London dont like to help foreign tourists.CPeople working in London have a lot of time to visit museums.五、单选题19 . What are you busythe Internet?Asearch forBto search forCsearching forDsearching for on20 . My parents often tell me too much time computer games.Anot to spend; playingBnot to spend; to playCto not spend; playDto not spend; playing21 . -What_great success your speech is!-Thank you!_university teacher helped me to write the manuscript.Aa;AnB/;ACa;AD/;The22 . What are you going to do this weekend? Im not sure. But I _ visit the science museum.AmustBcanCwillDmight23 . Its true that Shakespeares(莎士比亚) play by so many people every year.AseeBis seenCare seeingDwill see24 . Look! Someone left a book. It be Lily s. Only she likes reading this kind of book.AcanBmustCmayDmight25 . Yesterday, Mrs. Smith gave us _ on how to deal with stress.Aan adviceBmany advicesCsome adviceDsome advices26 . Doctor, it seemsyou like to work with animals.Yes, I think animals shouldas our friends.Athat; considerBthat; be consideredCwhat; considerDwhat; be considered27 . Your clock is so nice._.AYes, it isBThank youCYou are welcomeDNo, thanks28 . I dont know the bad boy.Awhat to deal withBwhat to do withChow to do withDhow will I deal with29 . Could you tell me _? Certainly. In half an hour.Awhen will the high speed train arriveBwhen the high speed train will arriveCwhen does the high speed train arriveDwhen the high speed train arrive30 . (题文)On weekends he can _ until 12:00p.m.Astay upBstay inCstay onDstay at31 . What are we going to do after school?What about_basketball?AplayBto playCplaying32 . E - bookin many schools now.AuseBwas usedCusedDis used33 . “You didnt go to the movie with them, did you?”“_Because I was very busy”AYes I didBNo I didntCYes I wasDNo I Wasnt六、完型填空Mrs Brown had a small garden in front of her house. She_some vegetables in her garden and_them carefully. When the summer came, the_looked very nice. One evening Mrs Brown said to her son, “Tomorrow I am going to_the vegetables and eat them.”But the next morning she_that her neighbors ducks had_her vegetables. Mrs Brown_and her neighbor was very_for that. On Christmas day, the neighbor_Mrs Brown a beautiful, fat roast (烤) duck, and said, “Mrs Brown, please_your vegetables now.”34 . AplantedBputCtookDcarried35 . AwatchedBlooked afterClooked atDkept36 . AhouseBgardenCvegetablesDsun37 . AsellBcookCwaterDpick38 . AfoundBknewCwatchedDnoticed39 . Adug upBeaten upCtaken awayDpulled up40 . AshoutedBsmiledCwas gladDspoke41 . AsorryBhappyCangryDsurprised42 . AborrowedBbroughtCshowedDlent43 . AcookBpickCenjoyDsave七、阅读单选Most of the taxi drivers in Beijing can speak some simple English, so western tourists can communicate (交流) with them. If a foreigner is in a street in Beijing, and he wants to take a taxi, the friendly taxi driver will stop near him and ask him in a friendly way. Here is the usual dialogue in English between them. The taxi driver:” Can I help you?”The foreigner: “Yes, please.”The taxi driver:” Please get on the taxi.”The foreigner: “Thank you.”The taxi driver: “Can you tell me where you would like to go?”The foreigner: “Id like to go to Tian Qiao Street.”The taxi driver: “OK, I see.”During the ride, the driver will play the western music for the foreigner, and the driver will also begin the conversation with a small talk like the weather or the fashion.After getting off the taxi, the foreigner will give the driver some tips (小费) like the way in his country, however, the driver will say politely, “Thank you, but I only take what the ride costs.”44 . Beijing taxi drivers speak to western tourists_.Ain ChineseBin SpainCin RussianDin English45 . When Beijing taxi drivers see foreigners, they will say“_” firstly.APlease get on the taxi.BCan I help you?CCan you tell me where would you like to go?DDo you like Beijing?46 . During the ride, A Beijing taxi driver wont_.Aplay the western music for the foreignerBtalk about the weather with the foreignerCask the foreigners ageDtalk about the fashion with the foreigner47 . As for a foreigners tip, Beijing taxi drivers_.Awont accept itBwill get itChate it very muchDhave to exchange (找零) it48 . The passage mainly tells us_.Awestern tourists like Beijing very muchBhow to learn English wellCBeijing taxi drivers can communicate (交流) with western tourists in simple EnglishDwestern tourists are very polite and friendly to Beijing taxi driversIt was the worst day of my professional life. My publisher shut down, and we had no idea if another publisher would take over my novel. In addition, my second novel hadnt sold as well as the first one. It seemed that I was watching my career going downwards. It was so terrifying. However, as I shared my fears with my mother, she said something I would never forget: “I would love you if you were a garbage man.” She wasnt looking down upon garbage men. She was just saying that whatever my job was, she loved me. It was just her honest feeling at that moment, but those simple words are still the ones I use to fight so many of my fears today. To this day, when I sit down to write every day, I say those words to myself, “Id love you if you were a garbage man.” I can still feel the selflessness of my mothers love. A few years ago, my mother passed away because of breast cancer. It was she who set me on the path of writing a series of childrens books to give strength to my own children. The first two are Im Amelia Earhart and Im Abraham Lincoln. In six months, well publish Im Rosa Parks. For me, this isnt just a book series. Its my dream for my own daughter, for my sons, and for all of us who need to see the power and potential (潜力) in each of us. This series was born also because I was tired of my daughter thinking that reality TV stars were heroes. I tell my kids all the time: Thats fame (名气). Fame is different from being a hero. I wanted my kids to see real heroes who are no different than themselves. For this reason, each book tells the story of the hero when he/she was a kid. We see them as children. So its not just Amelia Earhart andAbraham Lincoln being famous; its them being just like us. Look around. We live in a world that desires heroes. Our solution is what my mother taught me with her words: the power of an ordinary person. I can proudly repeat my mothers words to my kids. Theyll understand how I love them.49 . The author felt terrified because.Ahe was experiencing a difficult time in his careerBhis mother passed away because of breast cancerChe had no idea how to sell his second novelDhe was given a job as a garbage man50 . What was the authors understanding of his mums words?AMum wanted him to be a garbage man.BMum loved him no matter what he did.CMum was looking down on garbage men.DMum didnt want him to continue writing novels.51 . What does “themselves” in the fifth paragraph refer to?AReal heroes.BChildrens books.CThe authors kids.DReality TV stars.52 . The author is trying to teach his children to.Arespect real heroesBbehave themselvesCbe ordinary peopleDrealize their own potentialBPersonal RobotMake your parents and teachers happy!Are you having problems finishing your homework on time? Do you avoid tidying your room until your mom shouts at you? You dont need to worry if you buy a Mr. Helping Hand personal robot. Mr. H can help to plan your time and hand in homework on time. Your own personal robot will follow you around, putting away books and objects that you have left on the floor or bed.Mr. H also has these features (特点):as light as a telephoneworks for long hoursunderstands simple wordsOriginally (最初) sold for $499NOW ONLY $299BUY NOWWatchThis is a watch that James Bond would be proud to wear!This is NOT a watch for ordinary people!This is PENGO WATCH CONTROL!. control(控制) your TVs, videos, even cars. gives you a daily weather report. reminds you things you may forget. sets off a silent warning alarm(闹铃) when parents or teachers get closeBesides, your PENGO WATCH CONTROL will always tell you the right time!Originally sold for $199NOW ONLY $99For further information, click here.53 . With the help of Mr. H, you can .Ahelp to plan your timeBwork for long hoursCtake photosDset off a silent warning alarm54 . A PENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you to .Arepair your TVBtidy your roomCknow what your parents areDknow what the weather is like55 . You can get your Mr. H for now.A499B299C199D9956 . What cant Mr. Helping Hand help you to do?ATidy the room.BHelp to do homework.CHelp to plan the time and hand in homework on time.DPut away books and objects that you have left on the floor and bed57 . Where would you be most likely to find the two texts?AOn a city mapBIn a story book.COn a teenage website.DIn a sports newspaper.A kind of little cars may some day take the place of todays cars. If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will also be more space for parking cars in cities and the streets will be less crowded. Three such cars can fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size.The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive. Driving will be safer, too, as these little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour. The cars of the future will be fine for getting around a city, but they will not be useful for long trips. Little cars will go 450 kilometers before needing to stop for more gasoline.If big cars are still used along with the small ones, two sets of roads will be needed in the future. Some roads will be used for the big, fast cars and other roads will be needed for the slow, small ones.58 . There is much pollution in the air today because_.Apeople drive big carsBpeople drive little carsCthe cars go 65 kilometers an hourDthe cars can go 450 kilometers an hour59 . The usual size of cars today is _that of future cars.Amuch smaller thanBthe same asCthree times as large asDa little larger than60 . We can learn from the passage that_.Abig cars cost less to own and to driveBbig cars are not useful for long tripsCthe cars of the future will be smaller than todays carsDsmall cars are faster than big cars61 . The street will be less crowded because_.Athere will be fewer cars in the futureBthere will be fewer passengers in the streetCdriving future cars will be saferDfuture cars will be much smaller62 . Two sets of roads may be needed in the future because _.Athere will be too many cars in the futureBmore and more people will get around a cityCbig cars and little cars may be used along with each otherDit looks more beautiful to have two sets of roads八、听短文填写表格听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息。听录音前,你将有15秒钟的阅读时间。录音播放两遍,你将有80秒钟作答时间。TomA junior school student, 63 . years old, dreams to be an 64 . .Toms familyMother is a nurse and father is an 65 . .They often play table tennis on 66 . afternoons. Toms school lifeHe often runs with classmates after school,67 . but happy.九、根据首字母、中文提示填空黑卷拓展训练68 . The computer was indeed invented in the early twentieth _(世纪).69 . We should never give up when we meet difficulties, but thats _(容易)said than done.70 . I did some volunteer work this summer vacation. Its the _(重要)thing Ive done in my life.71 . It is reported that Friday will be _(冷)of the week.72 . The young man is looking forward to _(进入)the film industry in the future.73 . By _(阅读)30 minutes a day,you can improve your writing skills.74 . The foreigner tried his best to make himself _(理解)by the doctor.75 . 每天都有数百名仰慕者来到烟台大剧院欣赏艺术之美。_ admirers come to Yantai Grand Theatre every day to enjoy the beauty of art.76 . 对学生来说选择信息并且做出正确的决定是有必要的。It is _ for students to _ information and make the right decision.十、单词填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Jenny has an 77 . (兴趣) in English.She is good at 78 . (口语) English.Her 79 . (发音) is really nice.She often has80 . (谈话) in front of the class with her81 . (同伴) and her 82 . (表情) are very rich.She says her 83 . (秘密) to learn English well are 84 . (重复) grammar rules and being85 . (有耐心的)She also does well in physics and 86 . (化学)十一、填空What colour is your name?What colour is Wednesday?These questions might sound strange to most people, but some can answer right away. One person says her name is the colour red. For another person,Wednesday is blue. These people have a condition called synesthesia(联觉). This means they experience two senses at the same time. For these people,the senses of smell,sound,sight,touch,and taste are not separate(分开的). They might see and also hear colours,for example,or hear as well as feel sounds. The most common form of synesthesia is to hear sounds as colours. A person with synesthesia might hear the number three as blue or the letter D as red. Someone might always see green upon hearing the word April. Another person might see different colours while listening to music. Some people also taste colours. To one person,beef might taste blue and to another,yellow. Some people experience feelings in colour. For example,one person with synesthesia reports feeling pain as the colour orange. Another form of synesthesia is to experience sounds or tastes as shapes. Some people see music as squares and circles. Some people taste a sweet as a smooth ball. There are other forms of synesthesia,as well. For one man,different words have different tastes. Some words taste like pork;others taste like potatoes or eggs. Synesthesia is not a common condition. Perhaps only one person in every 5,000 has it. For these people,the everyday world can be a colourful and interesting place. SynesthesiaThe _ of synesthesiaSome people can experience one _ with another at the same time. The forms of synesthesiaThe most common form is to experience what they hear, see,_ and taste as colours. Another form is to experience what they _or taste as shapes. ExamplesA person who _synesthesia might see _when he or she feels pain. Another person with synesthesia might taste a _as a smooth ball. ConclusionSynesthesia is not a common condition. _ for these people, the_world can be a place which is full of _and interest. 87 . _88 . _89 . _90 . _91 . _92 . _93 . _94 . _95 . _96 . _十二、汉译英:整句根据括号内的英语提示翻译句子97 . 妈妈正在摆放餐桌。(at the moment)_98 . 众所周知,葡萄酒是用葡萄酿造的。(be made from)_99 . 比如,托尼就对流行音乐不感兴趣。(for example)_100 . 哈利想知道艾尔斯岩(Ayers Rock)有多大。(how big)_101 . 朱丽叶听到那个消息很吃惊。(be surprised at)_十三、材料作文102 . 书面表达你喜欢周杰伦吗?他是一名台湾歌手,他的英文名字是Jay Chou。他今年39岁,身高1.75米。他的眼睛很小。他最喜欢的颜色是蓝色,最喜欢的篮球明星(basketball star)是Michael Jordan。请根据以上提示,以“My Favourite Singer”为题,用英语写一篇小短文。词数:50词左右。第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、听长对话回答问题1、三、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、四、听短文回答问题1、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、4、八、听短文填写表格1、九、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、十、单词填空1、十一、填空1、十二、汉译英:整句1、十三、材料作文1、

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