2019秋七年级英语上册 Module 9 People and places Unit 3 Language in use同步习题课件(新版)外研版.ppt

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2019秋七年级英语上册 Module 9 People and places Unit 3 Language in use同步习题课件(新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋七年级英语上册 Module 9 People and places Unit 3 Language in use同步习题课件(新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋七年级英语上册 Module 9 People and places Unit 3 Language in use同步习题课件(新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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Unit3Languageinuse Module9Peopleandplaces 目录 contents 语法探究 巩固提升 写作训练 中考链接 语法探究 目录 contents 一 现在进行时的用法现在进行时表示现在正在发生或进行的动作 常与look listen now atthemoment rightnow等连用 语法探究 二 现在进行时的谓语结构 be am is are 动词现在分词 v ing 1 现在进行时肯定句结构 主语 be am is are v ing 其他 1 I msleepingintheroom 我正在房间里睡觉 2 Sheisdancinginthesportshall 她正在体育馆跳舞 语法探究 3 Theyareeatinginthedininghall 他们正在餐厅吃东西 2 现在进行时否定句结构 主语 be am is are not v ing 其他 1 I mnotsleepingintheroom 我没有在房间里睡觉 语法探究 2 Sheisn tdancinginthesportshall 她没在体育馆跳舞 3 Theyaren teatinginthedininghall 他们没在餐厅吃东西 语法探究 语法专练 一 写出下列动词的现在分词 ing 形式 1 wait 2 share 3 say 4 sit 5 write 6 sleep 7 run 8 lie waiting 语法探究 sharing saying sitting writing sleeping running lying 二 单项填空 1 It steno clock BettyandI pictures A istakingB aretakingC aretakeD take 2 Look Tony ontheplayground A lyingB islyingC lieD lies B 语法探究 B 3 Lindais abusoverthere A waitingB waitingforC waitsforD waits 4 What he Heisreadingabook A does doB is doC is doingD does doing B 语法探究 C 5 They putergamesnow A arenotplayingB playingC don tplayingD isplaying 6 Hello IsthatBenspeaking Sorry He dinner A ishavingB havingC hasD have A 语法探究 A 7 Whereisyourgrandfather He andheoften intheevening A watchesTV iswatchingTVB watchingTV watchesTVC iswatchingTV watchesTVD iswatchingTV iswatchingTV C 语法探究 8 Sometimeswe towork A aredrivingB isdrivingC driveD drives C 语法探究 三 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 It snineo clock She read 2 Yoursisters watch TVatthismoment 3 Thosepeople notwork now 语法探究 isreading arewatching aren tworking 4 Mybrother notwrite rightnow He dance 5 They play basketballeveryday 语法探究 isn twriting isdancing play 四 根据中文提示完成句子 词数不限 1 我没在洗脸 I myface 2 吉姆正在吃早饭 Jim breakfast 3 他们正在操场上踢足球 They footballintheplayground 语法探究 amnotwashing ishaving areplaying 4 玛丽和她的表妹在上海购物吗 Maryandhercousin inShanghai 5 我正在做假期计划 I plansformyholiday 语法探究 Are shopping ammaking 巩固提升 目录 contents 一 短语填空 1 玩得开心 2 入睡 3 赶巴士 4 学习历史 5 买明信片 巩固提升 haveagoodtime gotosleep runforabus studyhistory buypostcards 6 躺在阳光下 7 站成一排 8 照相 9 等候 10 在长城上 11 与某人谈话 巩固提升 lieinthesun standinline takephotos waitfor ontheGreatWall talktosb 12 参加学校郊游 13 几个 一些 14 正在出售 15 寄某物给某人 16 喜欢学校郊游 17 非常 巩固提升 ontheschooltrip afew onsale sendsth tosb sendsb sth enjoytheschooltrip alot 18 回去 返回 19 此时此刻 20 在不同的地方 21 做不同的事情 22 下班 23 下车 巩固提升 goback atthemoment indifferentplaces dodifferentthings leavework getoff 24 喝下午茶 25 晚上 26 喝酒 27 在饭馆里 28 吃饭 29 下班回家 巩固提升 haveafternoontea atnight haveadrink inarestaurant havedinner gohomefromwork 30 喝咖啡 31 给家里打电话 32 因某事而感谢某人 33 给某人写 巩固提升 drinkcoffee callhome thanksb forsth writesth tosb 二 单项填空 1 Someoldbooksare saleinfrontofthedininghall A inB onC atD of 2 meafterschool I mafraidIcan t Myphoneisathome A WatchB LeaveC VisitD Call B 巩固提升 D 3 Hisfriendoften himCDsashisbirthdaypresent A issendingB aresendingC sendsD send C 巩固提升 4 Hereisyourtrainticket Haveagood Thankyou A friendB sleepC tripD dinner C 巩固提升 5 TodayJim hiswhiteshirtandbrowntrousers A isputtingonB wearC putonD iswearing 6 Candyisbadforyourteeth Don teat A alotB alotofC lotsofD toomany D 巩固提升 A 7 Theworkisdifficult but peoplewanttodoit A littleB alittleC afewD few 8 Remembertotakeyourbagwhenyou thebus A getoffB getupC turnoffD getto C 巩固提升 A 9 Thankyou mesomanynicepresents A togiveB togivingC forgiveD forgiving 10 I vegotsomecardsin bag Wouldyouliketohavealookat A my itB me itC me themD my them D 巩固提升 D 目录 contents 写作训练 学会写一篇关于介绍人物活动的文章 美文鉴赏学习 MynameisBobSmith It swinterinmycitynow Theweatherisverycold Mygrandpa myparents myuncleandIareatourhouse Wearedoingdifferentthings 写作训练 Mygrandpaisreadingabookaboutscience Readingishisfavourite Hethinksitisinterestinganduseful MyfatheriswatchingTV HelikeswatchingCCTVnews Fromthenews hecanknowaboutthingsallovertheworld Mymotheriscleaningthehouse 写作训练 Mymotherisalwaysbusydoingthehouseworktokeepourhousecleanandtidy Myuncleisplayingputergamesinthestudy Hehasgotasonandadaughter TheyarestudyingEnglishinAustralia WhatamIdoing I mwritinganemailtomycousins ItisveryhotatthemomentinAustralia Theyarehappythere Imiss 想念 themverymuch 写作训练 一 根据文章内容 完成下列信息表 InformationCard 写作训练 Smith five 5 reading 一 根据文章内容 完成下列信息表 InformationCard 写作训练 Bob scousins cold 二 重点词汇积累 1 世界各地 2 忙于做某事 3 此时 此刻 allovertheworld 写作训练 bebusydoingsth atthemoment 写作步步高 今天是星期六 天气晴朗 公园里有许多人 请根据以下提示描述他们分别在做什么 写作内容 1 交代地点 天气情况 2 你和父母正做着的事以及周围的人正做的事 3 你的感受 写作训练 写作要求 1 不能照抄原文 不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名 2 语句连贯 注意分段 70词左右 作文的开头已给出 不计入总词数 写作训练 思路点拨 第一步 审题 人称 时态 写作训练 第一 三人称 现在进行时 第一段 开篇点题 交代时间 地点 参考句型 1 ItisSaturdaytoday 2 Therearemanypeopleinthepark 写作训练 第二段 描述公园里的人们分别在做什么 参考词汇 flyakite playtennis basketball football drawapicture playgames takeaphoto rideabike 写作训练 第三段 总结全文 画龙点睛谈感受 参考句型 Howhappyweare 第三步 运用therebe句型及现在进行时将以上要点连成文章 并注意句型多样化 写作训练 小试牛刀 It sSaturdaytoday 写作训练 It sSaturdaytoday It ssunny Iamintheparkwithmyparents Therearemanypeopleinthepark boththeoldandtheyoung Myparentsarestandingonasmallbridge Iamtakingaphotoforthem Underabigtreenearthelake 写作训练 someoldpeoplearesittingtogetherandtalkingtoeachother Aboyisridingabikeonasmallroad Somegirlsareflyingkitesonthegrass Wearehavingagoodtimeinthepark 写作训练 中考链接 目录 contents 4 一 阅读理解 中考链接 中考链接 中考链接 1 WhereisDave sfriendfrom A America B China C Australia D England 2 WhatanimaldoesLisahave A Acat B Adog C Amouse D Abird C 中考链接 B 3 What sthemeaningoftheunderlined 画线的 word sick inChinese A 聪明的B 粗鲁的C 腼腆的D 生病的 D 中考链接 4 WhatisMollydoing A Sheiswritingemails B Sheislisteningtomusic C Sheissinginganddancing D Sheisworkinginheroffice A 中考链接 5 Selinawantstogetsomegoodideasabout A schoolrulesB familyrulesC birthdayparties B 中考链接 二 配对阅读 左栏是五个人的情况简介 右栏是七个人的相关信息 请将左栏的五个人与他们想要接的人匹配起来 中考链接 A YiJianlianisaChinesebasketballplayer Heistallandstrong Hehasshorthairandhedoesn twearglasses B Thismanisofmediumheight HewearsablackT shirtandahat Hegotoffhistrainamomentagoandhewaitedforsomeonetomeethim 中考链接 C Thismanisveryshortandheavy Helookslikeapear Hehaslongcurlyredhair Heiswearingapairofsunglasses D ThisconcertwillbeheldinGuangzhou AveryfamoussingerJayChouisgoingtoeheretoputonhisconcert 中考链接 E KobeisgoingtoGuangzhoutoseehisbasketballfans HewillalsohaveatalkwithsomereportersonGDTVtomorrownight F AnnaisagirlfromLondon Sheistallandthin Shewearsjeansandahat SheestoGuangzhouforavisit 中考链接 G Thismanisabout30yearsold Heistallandverystrong Hehaslongcurlyhair Heoftenusesapairofsunglassestocoverhiseyes 中考链接 1 Paul spenpalistallandthin SheestoGuangzhouforavisit It sherfirsttimetobeherefromLondon SoPaulhastomeetherattheairport 2 Tomisafanofbasketball TomorroweveninghewillgotoseeaCBAmatch AndhehopestotakeaphotowithafamousCBAbasketballplayer A 中考链接 F 3 Tina smotherisverybusy SheasksTinatomeetherfriendJackatthetrainstation Jackisofmediumheight HewearsablackT shirtandahat B 中考链接 4 MarylikesJayChou ssongs TomorrowafternoonJayChouisgoingtogiveaconcertinGuangzhoutheatre Shewantstogotheretoseeheridol sperformance 5 Johnisapoliceman Heislookingforacriminal Thecriminalistallandstrong Hehaslongcurlyhairwithapairofsunglasses D 中考链接 G 三 短文填空 Sallyandherfamilyareonthebeach Theyare1 agoodtime Sallylikeslisteningtomusic SheasksherbrotherPaul2 listentomusicwithher 3 Pauldoesnotlikethat Helikesswimming having 中考链接 to But Hismotherlikesswimming 4 NowPaulandhismotherare5 happilyinthesea Sally sfatherlikestocatchcrabs 螃蟹 butPaul6 liketodoit 7 Sally sfatherasksSallytogowithhim too 中考链接 swimming doesn t So Sallyagreestogoand8 crabswithherfatherandshefeelsexcited Sally sgrandparentsdonotwanttodoalotofthings Theyjustsitatthetableand9 thejuice Allthefamilyhavealotof10 Theysaytheywillehereagain catch 中考链接 drink fun 谢谢观看

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