初三英语I remember meeting all of you in Grade全册能力提升章节标准检测(答案)Unit 14

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初三英语I remember meeting all of you in Grade全册能力提升章节标准检测(答案)Unit 14_第1页
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初三英语I remember meeting all of you in Grade全册能力提升章节标准检测(答案)Unit 14_第2页
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初三英语I remember meeting all of you in Grade全册能力提升章节标准检测(答案)Unit 14_第3页
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初中英语每课一练初三英语Unit 14I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.第1课时(Section A 1a3c)一、单词拼写。请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。名词:1.s_调查2s_标准;水平 3r_一排;一列;一行 4k_键盘式;电子乐器;键盘 5m_方法;措施6i_指示;命令 动词:1.s_将要;将会2o_克服;战胜 3g_毕业;获得学位形容词:c_体贴人的;关心他人的 代词:o_我们的兼类词:d_ v加倍;是的两倍 adj.两倍的;加倍的二、短语翻译。请浏览教材,找出以下短语,并背诵之。1_ a row连续几次地2be _ with对有耐心3_ in more _投入更多的精力4look _ _回首(往事);回忆;回顾5make a _弄得一团糟(一塌糊涂)6_ ones _沉住气;保持冷静三、完成句子。请仔细阅读教材,补充完整下列句子。1I remember _ all of you in Grade 7.我记得在七年级时见过你们所有人。2Pride of _ fear.以克服恐惧为骄傲。3Im trying _ _ my cool.我在尽力保持冷静。单项填空。()1.Remember _ to the post office after school.Ago Bgoing Cto go Dwent()2.Didnt you remember_ me two years ago?Ameet BmeetingCto meet Dmet 完成句子,每空一词。3一些大城市里农民工的数量增加了一倍。The number of peasantworkers in some big cities _ _ in the past few years.4在父母的房间里有张双人床。There is a _ bed in my parents room.5当我们处于困境时,我们不得不保持沉着冷静。We have to _ _ _ when we are in trouble.6孩子们喜欢穿着酷酷的音乐组合。Children like musical groups that wear _ _.7青少年应该投入更多的精力在他们的学习上。Teenagers should _ _ _ _ in their studies.一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1Do you want a single room or a d_ one?2He made a m_, so his mother asked him to clean up his room.3We are doing a _ (调查) about the health problem.4The teacher makes high _ (标准) for his pupils.5Please read the _ (指示) on the bottle before taking medicine.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Shall we _ (go) to the zoo tomorrow? 2I remember _ (bring) my umbrella.But I cant find it anywhere.3Those apple trees are _ (we), and theirs are over there.4My parents bought us a _ (double) bed.5.The room is much _ (cool) than that one.三、单项填空。()1.We are preparing _ art festivals.Aon Bin Cfor Dof()2.They didnt go climbing Mount Tai _ the bad weather.Abecause of Bbecause Cso Dfor()3.Yao Ming retired but he didnt take a break _ basketball.Ato play Bfrom playing Cfor playing Dfrom play()4.My math teacher always takes the time _ difficult questions to us.Aexplain Bto explaining Cto explain Dexplaining()5.Who will you miss _ after junior high school? My English teacher, Mr.Zhang.Amore Bthe bestCthe more Dthe most()6.I remember _ the classroom this afternoon, but now it is a real mess.Acleaning Bclean Cto clean Dcleaned()7.Yao Ming is the _ of Chinese.We are _ of him.Apride; proud Bproud; prideCpride; pride Dproud; proud()8.They decided to work harder and _ more effort after their failure.Aput in Bputted in Cput on Dbe put in ()9.Students stand hand in hand _ a row.Ain Bon Cbetween Dof()10.I believe that you can _ this problem by yourself.Awork in Bwork outCwork on Dwork at四、完形填空。Last year my English class was _1_ for me.First of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she _2_ to the class.To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt _3_ every word.Later on, I realized it didnt matter if you didnt understand every word, _4_.I was afraid to speak in class because I thought my classmates might laugh _5_ me.I couldnt always _6_ complete sentences, either.Then I started to _7_ Englishlanguage TV.It helped a lot.I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of _8_ a good language learner.Another thing that I found very difficult was English _9_.So I decided _10_ lots of grammar notes in every class.()1.A.lucky BhappyCdifficult Dgreat()2.A.talked BtalkCsing Dsang()3.A.think BbelieveCforget Dunderstand()4.A.either BneitherCalso Dtoo()5.A.to BwithCat Din()6.A.make Bmade Cmaking Dto make()7.A.watched BwatchCwatches Dwatching()8.A.making BbecomingCchanging Dturning()9.A.grammar BwordsCpronunciation DTests()10.A.take BtakingCto take Dtook第2课时(Section A Grammar Focus4b)一、单词拼写。请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。名词:1.t_课文;文本 2l_水平形容词:s_级别(或地位)高的二、短语翻译。请浏览教材,找出以下短语,并背诵之。1_ _ (school)高中2look _ to doing sth.期待做某事3have problems _在方面有问题或困难4go _ (时间)逝去;过去三、完成句子。请仔细阅读教材,补充完整下列句子。1What _ in Grade 7 that was special? 在七年级时发生过什么特殊的事情?2Ive become much better at _ English.我已经变得更擅长说英语了。3I _ _ take dance lessons, but I dont anymore.我过去上舞蹈课,但是我不再上了。 4How do you think things will _ _ in senior high school? 你认为在高中情况会有什么不同?单项填空。()1.Tom has problems _ English.Alearning Bto learn Clearn Dlearned()2.There will be a flower show in the park _ we visited last week.Awho BwhenCwhat Dwhich()3.The first thing _ my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter.Awhy Bwho Cthat Dwhose()4.Have you read the book _ is about the moon? Awhat Bit C/ Dwhich ()5.There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.Awill be going to Bwill going to beCis going to be Dwill go to be()6.Charlie _ here next month. Aisnt working Bdoesnt workingCisnt going to working Dwont work()7.The teacher told us the sun _ in the east.Awill rise Brises Cwill raise Draises ()8.She lived there before she _ to China.Acame Bcomes Ccome Dcoming()9.When _ you have supper?I _ it half an hour ago.Ahave; had Bdo; have Cdid; had Dwill; had一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1.The article is too difficult for most s_ high school students to understand.2This is their classroom and o_ is in front of theirs.3The t_ is informative and wellwritten.4We are looking f_ to your coming.5After a longtime hard work, his English I_ has improved a lot.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Our class _ (win) the school soccer games last Saturday.2I remember _ (be) a volunteer in Grade 8.3I didnt use to _ (sing) after class, and now I dont, either.4Look! What _ (happen) over there?5My sister will _ (become) an actress when she grows up.三、单项填空。()1.Mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday.Awill gives Bwill giveCgives Dgive()2.We will go shopping if it _ tomorrow.Adont rain Bdidnt rain Cdoesnt rain Disnt rain()3.He said the sun _ in the east and _ in the west.Arose; set Brises; sets Crises; set Drise; sets()4.Wang Mei _ music and she _ to music now.Alike; listen Blikes; listens Clikes; is listening Dliking ; listening()5.In Grade 8, Tim _ different school clubs, but he didnt have fun.Atook part in Btook part Cjoined Djoined in()6.Mr.Green is looking forward _ a big house for his family.Ato buying Bto buy Cbuy Dbuying()7.He _ be late for class, but now he is always on time.Aused to Buse to Cto use Dto used()8.Tom _ hard since he came to China.So he can get good grades.Aworked Bworks Chas been working Dhas been worked()9.Do you have any problems_ your English? Yes, I have some difficulty _ texts.Awith; reading Bread; study Cwith; study Din; of()10.This is the best song _ I have ever heard.Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dwhose 四、阅读理解。(2013年浙江舟山) One day in the eighth grade, I was taking a Math Test on basic trigonometry (三角学)Now for a middle school student, there was nothing basic at all about it.So I had studied for about two hours the night before.After reviewing it for some time, I had started to understand it, so then I closed the book and _.However, it was not until midnight that I fell asleep.The next day, when I got the test, it might as well have been written in Serbian (which I dont know how to read)I tried my best to work out the hard problems, but the numbers I came up with were strange.I sat back on my chair and looked for any possible answers, but I could not remember anything or think correctly.I started thinking about my dad coming home from work to find that I failed the test.“How could you have failed the test? I am certain that nobody else in the whole class got as bad a grade as you did!” Naturally I didnt want that to happen.My dad was also really busy at work at present, so I was afraid that this might make him mad.When feeling hopeless, I noticed that my table partner was writing fast on his test.I could see smoke rising up from how fast he was writing.I was attracted to look over at his test, but then the many bad results I had heard about cheating (作弊) came into my mind.I reasoned that if I started cheating now, it would be hard to give up that habit during high school.In the end, I decided not to copy his answers, and got a B on that test.Even though my dad gave me a hard time about it, it would have been a lot worse if he found out that I had given in and cheated. ()1.The writer might feel _ before the Math Test.Asurprised Brelaxed Cworried Dexcited()2.Which is the best expression to fill in the blank (空白处) in the passage?Ahad breakfast Bwent to bedCtook exercise Drode to school()3.The writers father was _.Aproud of him Btired of himCstrict with him Dpleased with him()4.From the passage, we know that the writer_.Acould read Serbian Bdidnt cheat at lastCgot a good grade at lastDdidnt work hard that night第3课时 (Section B) 一、单词拼写。请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。名词:1.d_ (大学)学位;度数;程度2m_经理;经营者 3g_先生;绅士4g_毕业5c_典礼;仪式6t_任务;工作 7w_翅膀动词:c_祝贺形容词:1.t_渴望的;口渴的2t_感谢;感激3r_有责任心的副词:1.l_最后2a_向前面;在前面兼类词:s_ adj.单独的;分离的 v分开;分离 二、短语翻译。请浏览教材,找出以下短语,并背诵之。1believe _ 信任;信赖2first _ _首先3be thirsty _渴望;渴求4be thankful _ sb.对某人心存感激5ahead _在前面6along _连同;除以外还7be responsible _对有责任;负责任8set _出发;启程9separate _分离;隔开三、完成句子。请仔细阅读教材,补充完整下列句子。1But today I see a room _ _ talented young adults who are full of hope for the future.但是今天我看到屋子里坐满了对未来充满希望的有天赋的年轻人。 2But along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things _ _ you.但是除了困难之外,也有许多令人兴奋的事情在等着你。3_ you set out on your new journey, you _ forget where you came from.在新的旅行启程之际,不应忘了你来自何处。单项填空。()1.The 13yearold boy is creative and _, and he has a lot of _ in his daily life.Aenergy; energy Benergetic; energetic Cenergy; energetic Denergetic; energies()2.He _ getting plenty of exercise must be good for his health.Abelieve BbelievesCbelieves in Dbelieve in ()3.When are you leaving?We are _ for the airport tomorrow.Asetting up Bsetting out Csetting about Dsetting on 完成句子,每空一词。4当我们上大学的时候,我们将开始新的旅程。We will _ _ our new _ when we go to college.一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1After g_ she became a teacher.2The young man is always working hard at lessons.He is t_ for knowledge.3Although the old man is 80 years old, he has lots of _ (活力)4I _ (祝贺) you on your great discovery.5Parents should be _ (负责) for their childrens studies.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Look! There are many students _ (play) football on the playground.2Most students finished these _ (task) the teacher gave them.3We are _ (pride) of the table tennis player Malong. 4.Never forget to be _ (thank) to the people around you.5Teenagers should be allowed _ (choose) their own clothes.三、单项填空。()1.Thanks for _ me with my English.Ahelping Bto help Chelp Dhelped()2.The boy _ up so much already and he can look after himself.Ahas grew Bgrown Chas grown Dgrew()3._ they all worked very hard, none of them succeeded at last.AAlthough BBecause CBut DIf()4.In our daily life, there is always something unexpected_ around us.Ahappen Bhappening Cto happening Dto be happen()5.I can _ him, but I cannot _ him.Abelieve; believe inBbelieve; believe Cbelieve in; believe in Dbelieve in; believe()6.When the police asked him some questions, he forgot _.Awhere he came from Bwhere will he come from Cwhere he comes from Dwhere did he come from()7.Tom wants to become a professional player_.Ain ten years Bin ten years time Cin ten years Din ten years time()8.I _ you to have a good journey.Ahope Bwish Chope with Dwish to()9.After a weeks rest, we _ for Beijing again.Aset out Bset up Cset free Dset on()10.Its time to say goodbye, but _ of us wanted to leave our relatives.Anone Bno one Cany one DNobody四、信息归纳。A graduation ceremony is a custom which takes place when students graduate from school.Usually the ceremony is held in a big hall or in the open air.During the ceremony, it is common for the best students to give speeches.So will the principal and other officials.Each graduate will receive a document called a diploma (毕业证书)It shows that the student has successfully completed a course or has passed an examination.After the ceremony, students often chat with their teachers,friends and relatives who come to congratulate them.They also take photos with one another and talk to one another about their future. The graduation ceremony is exciting and it marks the end of a period in a students school life.It is also sad, because the time when they studied with friends has come to an end.It means change, and leaving unforgettable faces and places behind.However, change always brings about new possibilities.Information CardWhen is a graduation ceremony usually held?When 1._.Where is a graduation ceremony usually held?2._.What the each graduate will receive3._.After the ceremonyStudents often chat with their teachers,friends and relatives who come to congratulate them.They also 4._ with one another and talk to one another about their future.How is the graduation ceremonyExciting and 5._.话题14校园生活1He _ really clear _ during PE.class.他在体育课上指示清楚明了。2Ive _ much _ _ speaking English.我变得更擅长说英语了。3Next year, I will be in senior high school.I cant believe _ _ _ _ _ _.明年我就要上高中了。我无法相信时间过得那么快。4Never _ _ be thankful to the people around you.对周围的人常常心怀感激。5Youll _ _ along the way, but _ _ is to _ _ your mistakes and never _ _.一路上你会犯错,但关键是从错误中学习并从不放弃。初中生活即将过去,是时候对自己三年的学习生活进行反思了。请根据下列表格提示的内容,将三年来的学习生活进行总结与回顾。对自己满意的方面交了一些好朋友,并且玩得愉快加入了不同的学校俱乐部九年级时我的英语水平已经提高了对自己不满意的方面七年级时,我课堂上不努力学习八年级时,我的英语成绩很差,在发音和读课文方面有困难对进入高中后的打算期待着考入高中加入学校游泳队写作要求:语句连贯,词数80个左右。_Unit 14I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.第1课时(Section A 1a3c)课堂基础练习1Cremember to do表示记住去做某事,这个动作在说话的时候还没做。 remember doing sth.表示已做过某事,说话的时候动作已完成。由句意“记住放学后要去邮局。”可知说话时此事还没做,故选C。2B由句意“难道你不记得两年前见过我了吗?”可知动作已完成。故选B。3has doubled4.double5.keep our cool6cool clothes7.put in more effort课后巩固提升一、1.double2.mess3.survey4.standard5instructions二、1.go2.bringing3.ours4.double5.cooler三、1.Cprepare for为做准备。 2Abecause of 后接名词或名词性短语,故选A。3Btake a break from doing sth.意为“在做某事期间休息”,故选B。4Ctake the time to do sth.意为“花费时间去做某事”,故选C。5D根据语境可知表示“你将最思念谁”应用much的最高级,故选D。6A句意:我记得已经打扫了教室,但是教室现在很混乱。表示“记得做过某事”应用remember doing sth.的结构,故选A。7Abe the pride of是的骄傲, be proud oftake pride in以为骄傲, 故选A。 8Aput in more effect 意为“投入更多的精力”,又因为此词组与前面的word hard 为并列成分,故选A。 9Ain a row 既有“连续几次”之意,也有“在一排;在一列”之意。句意:学生们手拉手站成一排。故选A。10B句意:我相信你能自己算出这道难题。work out 意为“算出来;解决”,故选B。四、15CADAC610ABBAC第2课时(Section A Grammar Focus4b)课堂基础练习1Ahave problems doing sth.在做某事方面有困难。2D当先行词是物,且先行词在定语从句中做宾语时,关系代词用that/which,也可以省略。3C当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,定语从句只能用that引导。4D先行词是the book,指物,关系代词用which/that,且关系代词在从句中做主语,不能省略。5C一般将来时有两种表达形式:“be going to动词原形”和“shall/will动词原形”。本句为there be句型,故选C。6Dnext week 为一般将来时的时间状语,排除了A、B两项,又be going to和shall/will后接动词原形,故选D。7B从句为客观存在的真理,故用一般现在时。此句的“升起”应为不及物动词,故选B。8A这是以before引导的一般过去时的时间状语从句,主句为一般过去时,从句也应用一般过去时,故选A。9C根据答语中的half an hour ago可知本句应用一般过去时,故选C。课后巩固提升一、1.senior2.ours3.text4.forward5.level二、1.won2.being3.sing4.is happening 5become三、1.B根据时间状语判断本句为一般将来时,又will和be going to后接动词原形,故选B。2C以if引导的条件状语从句,主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,而从句为第三人称单数形式,rain为动词,故选C。3B在宾语从句中,如果从句为客观存在的真理,从句应为一般现在时,又从句中的主语是第三人称单数,故选B。4C本句的前半部分为一般现在时,后半部分有时间状语now,故后句用现在进行时,选C。5Ctake part in 意为“参加,参与(某事或某活动等)”, join意为“参加(某组织),加入(某处任职),参加到某个人群中去,从而成为其中一员”, join in意为“参加”,后面接的宾语一般是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或动名词。本句表示“参加学校俱乐部”,故选C。6Alook forward to doing sth.期待做某事。 7Aused to do sth.过去常常做某事。8Csince意为“自从以来”,是强调对现在造成的影响或结果,故用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。又根据语境可知,汤姆来中国以来学习一直很努力,故选C。9Ahave problems with在方面有困难,have difficulty doing sth.做某事有困难。10B此句为定语从句。在定语从句中,当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,关系代词只能用that, 不能用which, 故选B。四、14CBCB 第3课时(SectionB)课堂基础练习1D句意:这个十三岁的男孩很有创造力和活力,他在日常生活中很有精力。前面用形容词做表语,后句用名词做宾语。故选D。2Cbelieve表示“相信”“信以为真”;believe in 表示“信仰”“信任”,其后的常用搭配语为:有关宗教、理论、原则、概念及可信任之人的词。句意:他相信得到大量锻炼对他的身体有好处。表示相信一种理论,且主语为第三人称单数,故选C。3Bset up建立,设立;set out出发;启程;set about开始;着手。由句意“我们将在明天出发前往飞机场。”可知选B。4set out; journey 课后巩固提升一、1.graduation2.thirsty3.energies4congratulated5.responsible二、1.playing2.tasks3.proud4.thankful5to choose三、1.Afor 是介词,后面跟动名词形式。故选A。2Calready 为现在完成时的时间状语,故选C。3A句意:他们尽管都努力工作了,但是他们中没有一人最后成

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