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AGREEMENT ON TRADE-RELATED INVESTMENT MEASURESMembers,Considering that Ministers agreed in the Punta del Este Declaration that Following an examination of the operation of GATT Articles related to the trade restrictive and distorting effects of investment measures, negotiations should elaborate, as appropriate, further provisions that may be necessary to avoid such adverse effects on trade;Desiring to promote the expansion and progressive liberalisation of world trade and to facilitate investment across international frontiers so as to increase the economic growth of all trading partners, particularly developing country Members, while ensuring free competition;Taking into account the particular trade, development and financial needs of developing country Members, particularly those of the least-developed country Members;Recognizing that certain investment measures can cause trade-restrictive and distorting effects; Hereby agree as follows:与贸易有关的投资措施协定各成员, 考虑到部长们在埃斯特角城宣言中同意“在审查与投资措施的贸易限制作用和扭曲作用有关的GATT条款的运用情况之后,谈判应酌情详述为避免此类对贸易的不利影响而可能需要的进一步规定”; 期望促进世界贸易的扩大和逐步自由化,便利跨国投资,以便提高所有贸易伙伴、特别是发展中国家成员的经济增长,同时保证自由竞争; 考虑到发展中国家成员、特别是最不发达国家成员特殊的贸易、发展和财政需要; 认识到某些投资措施可能产生贸易限制作用和扭曲作用: 特此协议如下:Article 1CoverageThis Agreement applies to investment measures related to trade in goods only (referred to in this Agreement as TRIMs).第1条范围 本协定仅适用于与货物贸易有关的投资措施(本协定中称“TRIMs”)。Article 2National Treatment and Quantitative Restrictions1.Without prejudice to other rights and obligations under GATT 1994, no Member shall apply any TRIM that is inconsistent with the provisions of Article III or Article XI of GATT 1994.第2条国民待遇和数量限制1. 在不损害GATT 1994项下其他权利和义务的情况下,各成员不得实施任何与GATT l994第3条或第11条规定不一致的TRIM。2.An illustrative list of TRIMs that are inconsistent with the obligation of national treatment provided for in paragraph 4 of ArticleIII of GATT 1994 and the obligation of general elimination of quantitative restrictions provided for in paragraph 1 of ArticleXI of GATT 1994 is contained in the Annex to this Agreement.2. 本协定附件列出一份与GATT 1994第3条第4款规定的国民待遇义务和GATT 1994第11条第1款规定的普遍取消数量限制义务不一致的TRIMs例示清单。Article3ExceptionsAll exceptions under GATT 1994 shall apply, as appropriate, to the provisions of this Agreement.第3条例外 GATT 1994项下的所有例外均应酌情适用于本协定的规定。Article4Developing Country MembersA developing country Member shall be free to deviate temporarily from the provisions of Article2 to the extent and in such a manner as ArticleXVIII of GATT 1994, the Understanding on the Balance-of-Payments Provisions of GATT 1994, and the Declaration on Trade Measures Taken for Balance-of-Payments Purposes adopted on 28 November 1979 (BISD 26S/205-209) permit the Member to deviate from the provisions of ArticlesIII and XI of GATT 1994.第4条发展中国家成员 发展中国家成员有权以GATT 1994第18条、关于1994年关税与贸易总协定国际收支条款的谅解和1979年11月28日通过的关于为国际收支目的而采取贸易措施的宣言(BISD 26册205至209页)允许该成员偏离GATT I994第3条和第11条规定的程度和方式,暂时偏离第2条的规定。Article5 Notification and Transitional Arrangements1.Members, within 90 days of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, shall notify the Council for Trade in Goods of all TRIMs they are applying that are not in conformity with the provisions of this Agreement. Such TRIMs of general or specific application shall be notified, along with their principal features. In the case of TRIMs applied under discretionary authority, each specific application shall be notified. Information that would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of particular enterprises need not be disclosed.第5条通知和过渡性安排1. 各成员应在WTO协定生效之日起90大内,将其正在实施的、与本协定规定不一致的所有TRIMs通知货物贸易理事会。在通知这些普遍或具体适用的TRIMs时,应同时说明其主要特征。1如TRIMs是根据酌定权实施的,则其每一次具体适用均应通知。但可能损害特定企业合法商业利益的信息不必披露。2.Each Member shall eliminate all TRIMs which are notified under paragraph1 within twoyears of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement in the case of a developed country Member, within five years in the case of a developing country Member, and within sevenyears in the case of a least-developed country Member. 2. 每一成员均应取消根据第1款进行通知的所有TRIMs,发达国家成员应在WTO协定生效之日起2年内取消,发展中国家成员应在5年内取消,最不发达国家成员应在7年内取消。3.On request, the Council for Trade in Goods may extend the transition period for the elimination of TRIMs notified under paragraph1 for a developing country Member, including a least-developed country Member, which demonstrates particular difficulties in implementing the provisions of this Agreement. In considering such a request, the Council for Trade in Goods shall take into account the individual development, financial and trade needs of the Member in question.3. 如一发展中国家成员,包括一最不发达国家成员可证明其在实施本协定规定方面存在特殊困难,则货物贸易理事会可应请求延长其取消根据第1款进行通知的TRIMs的过渡期。在考虑该请求时,货物贸易理事会应考虑所涉成员特殊的发展、财政和贸易需要。4.During the transition period, a Member shall not modify the terms of any TRIM which it notifies under paragraph1 from those prevailing at the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement so as to increase the degree of inconsistency with the provisions of Article2. TRIMs introduced less than 180 days before the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement shall not benefit from the transitional arrangements provided in paragraph2.4. 在过渡期内,一成员不得修改根据第1款进行通知的任何TRIM的条件,使之不同于WTO协定生效之日通行的条件,从而增加其与第2条规定不一致的程度。在WTO协定生效之日前180天内采用的TRIMs不能获得第2款规定的过渡期安排的利益。5.Notwithstanding the provisions of Article2, a Member, in order not to disadvantage established enterprises which are subject to a TRIM notified under paragraph1, may apply during the transition period the same TRIM to a new investment (i) where the products of such investment are like products to those of the established enterprises, and (ii ) where necessary to avoid distorting the conditions of competition between the new investment and the established enterprises. Any TRIM so applied to a new investment shall be notified to the Council for Trade in Goods. The terms of such a TRIM shall be equivalent in their competitive effect to those applicable to the established enterprises, and it shall be terminated at the same time.5. 尽管有第2条的规定,但是一成员为不使受根据第1款进行通知的一项TRIM约束的已建企业处于不利地位,在(i)该新投资的产品与已建企业的产品属同类产品,且(ii)在有必要避免扭曲新投资与现有企业之间竞争条件的情况下,仍可在过渡期内对新投资实施相同的TRIM。任何如此对新投资实施的TRIM均应通知货物贸易理事会。该TRIM的条件在竞争效果上应与适用于已建企业的TRIM的条件相同,并应同时终止。Article6Transparency1.Members reaffirm, with respect to TRIMs, their commitment to obligations on transparency and notification in ArticleX of GATT 1994, in the undertaking on Notification contained in the Understanding Regarding Notification, Consultation, Dispute Settlement and Surveillance adopted on 28 November 1979 and in the Ministerial Decision on Notification Procedures adopted on 15April1994.第6条透明度1. 对于TRIMs,各成员重申它们在GATT l994第10条中、在1979年11月28日通过的关于通知、磋商、争端解决和监督的谅解包含的关于“通知”的承诺中以及在1994年4月15日通过的关于通知程序的部长决定中,就透明度和通知所承诺的义务。2.Each Member shall notify the Secretariat of the publications in which TRIMs may be found, including those applied by regional and local governments and authorities within their territories.2. 每一成员均应通知秘书处刊载TRIMs的出版物,包括其领土内地区及地方政府和主管机关实施的TRIMs。3.Each Member shall accord sympathetic consideration to requests for information, and afford adequate opportunity for consultation, on any matter arising from this Agreement raised by another Member. In conformity with ArticleX of GATT 1994 no Member is required to disclose information the disclosure of which would impede law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of particular enterprises, public or private.3. 每一成员应对另一成员就与本协定有关的任何事项提出的提供信息的请求给予积极考虑,并提供充分的磋商机会。根据GATT 1994第10条,不要求任何成员披露会妨碍执法或违背公共利益或损害特定公私企业合法商业利益的信息。Article7Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures1.A Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures (referred to in this Agreement as the Committee) is hereby established, and shall be open to all Members. The Committee shall elect its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and shall meet not less than once a year and otherwise at the request of any Member. 第7条与贸易有关的投资措施委员会1. 特此设立与贸易有关的投资措施委员会(本协定中称“委员会”),对所有成员开放。委员会应选举自己的主席和副主席,每年应至少召开一次会议,或在任何成员请求下召开会议。2.The Committee shall carry out responsibilities assigned to it by the Council for Trade in Goods and shall afford Members the opportunity to consult on any matters relating to the operation and implementation of this Agreement.2. 委员会应履行货物贸易理事会所指定的职责,并为各成员就与本协定运用和执行有关的任何事项进行磋商提供机会。3.The Committee shall monitor the operation and implementation of this Agreement and shall report thereon annually to the Council for Trade in Goods. 3. 委员会监督本协定的运用和执行,并每年就此向货物贸易理事会报告。Article8Consultation and Dispute SettlementThe provisions of ArticlesXXII and XXIII of GATT 1994, as elaborated and applied by the Dispute Settlement Understanding, shall apply to consultations and the settlement of disputes under this Agreement.第8条磋商和争端解决 由争端解决谅解详述和适用的GATT 1994第22条和第23条的规定适用于本协定项下的磋商和争端解决。Article9Review by the Council for Trade in GoodsNot later than five years after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, the Council for Trade in Goods shall review the operation of this Agreement and, as appropriate, propose to the Ministerial Conference amendments to its text. In the course of this review, the Council for Trade in Goods shall consider whether the Agreement should be complemented with provisions on investment policy and competition policy.第9条货物贸易理事会的审议 在不迟于WTO协定生效之日后5年,货物贸易理事会应审议本协定的运用情况,并酌情建议部长级会议修正本协定的文本。在审议过程中,货物贸易理事会应考虑本协定是否应补充有关投资政策和竞争政策的规定。ANNEXIllustrative List1.TRIMs that are inconsistent with the obligation of national treatment provided for in paragraph4 of ArticleIII of GATT 1994 include those which are mandatory or enforceable under domestic law or under administrative rulings, or compliance with which is necessary to obtain an advantage, and which require: (a)the purchase or use by an enterprise of products of domestic origin or from any domestic source, whether specified in terms of particular products, in terms of volume or value of products, or in terms of a proportion of volume or value of its local production; or(b)that an enterprises purchases or use of imported products be limited to an amount related to the volume or value of local products that it exports.附件例示清单1. 与GATT I994第3条第4款规定的国民待遇义务不一致的TRIMs包括根据国内法律或根据行政裁定属强制性或可执行的措施,或为获得一项利益而必须遵守的措施,且该措施:(a) 要求企业购买或使用国产品或自任何国内来源的产品,无论按照特定产品、产品数量或价值规定,还是按照其当地生产在数量或价值上所占比例规定;或 (b) 要求企业购买或使用的进口产品限制在与其出口的当地产品的数量或价值相关的水平。2.TRIMs that are inconsistent with the obligation of general elimination of quantitative restrictions provided for in paragraph 1 of ArticleXI of GATT 1994 include those which are mandatory or enforceable under domestic law or under administrative rulings, or compliance with which is necessary to obtain an advantage, and which restrict: (a)the importation by an enterprise of products used in or related to its local production, generally or to an amount related to the volume or value of local production that it exports;(b)the importation by an enterprise of products used in or related to its local production by restricting its access to foreign exchange to an amount related to the foreign exchange inflows attributable to the enterprise; or(c)the exportation or sale for export by an enterprise of products, whether specified in terms of particular products, in terms of volume or value of products, or in terms of a proportion of volume or value of its local production.2. 与GATT 1994第11条第1款规定的普遍取消数量限制义务不一致的TRIMs包括根据国内法律或行政裁定属强制性或可执行的措施,或为获得一项利益而必须遵守的措施,且该措施: (a) 普遍限制企业对用于当地生产或与当地生产相关产品的进口,或将进口限制在与其出口的当地产品的数量或价值相关的水平; (b) 通过将企业可使用的外汇限制在与可归因于该企业外汇流入相关的水平,从而限制该企业对用于当地生产或与当地生产相关产品的进口; (c) 限制企业产品出口或供出口产品的销售,无论是按照特定产品、产品数量或价值规定,还是按照当地产品在数量或价值上所占比例规定。


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