2019年中考英语知识点总复习 宾语从句课件.ppt

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句法终结者之宾语从句 Hesayssomething 宾语成分 由一个词语充当 Hesaysthattheyarefamily 宾语成分 由一个句子充当 简单句 宾语从句 宾语从句 什么鬼 搞定宾语从句三大招 超强引导词 连接词 陈述句 疑问句 that引导 whether和if的区别 连接代词 whowhomwhosewhatwhich 连接代词 whenwhywherehow 注 that在句中无词汇意义 在从句中不能充当成分 在口语当中往往省略 由从属连词that引导的宾语从句 1 我听说他很帅 Ihear that heishandsome 2 他说他非常喜欢这条裙子 Hesaid that helovedthisdressverymuch 3 李易峰告诉我们地球围绕太阳转 LiYifengtoldus that theearthmovesaroundthesun 注意 当从句是客观真理的时候 无论主句什么时态 从句一律用一般现在时 由从属连词whether if引导的宾语从句 e g 1 Askhim 他是猪吗 2 Idon tknow 他们是否是男孩 whether if heisapig whethertheyareboysornot 说明对陈述的事物不明确或不清楚 常用在ask wonder can could youtellme等后 原句为一般疑问句 选择疑问句或反意疑问句 If和whether傻傻分不清楚 Idon tknow hewilleornot Idon tcareof heishandsome Hewondered tostayherethenextweek hewilleisnotdecided 与ornot连用只能用whether 介词后只能用whether 与todo不定式连用只能用whether 作主语只能用whether 啥时候用if 啥时候用whether 葵花宝典 前有介词狼 后有todo虎 句中有ornot和discuss 只能用whether 由连接代词 连接副词引导的宾语从句 Whatisshedoing Canyoutellme Canyoutellmewhatsheisdoing Wheredoesshelive Doyouknow Doyouknowwhereshelives 当从句原本是特殊疑问句时 用以下连接代词和连接副词引导 what which who whom whose when where how why howfar howlong howmany howmuch howoften 作用 连接主句和从句 并在从句中担任句子成分 具有一定的意义 从句 从句 主句 主句 句子类型 that 陈述句 一般疑问句 if whether 特殊疑问词 7W 1h 特殊疑问句 超强引导词 连接词 由连接代词what whom whose which what及连接副词when where how why引导的宾语从句 whenwe llhaveameeting whereheis howIcangettothestation whythetrainislate whocouldanswerthequestion whomtheyarewaitingfor 语序 陈述句语序 语序 又是什么鬼 陈述句语序 主语 谓语疑问句语序 谓语 主语 将下列句子换成陈述句语序1 Ishealovelyboy 2 Aretheygoodboys Heisalovelyboy Theyaregoodboys 主语 谓语 主语 谓语 1 Iwanttoknow hecanbehereontime A whoB whenC whereD which2 Couldyoutellme A whatyourmotherdoB whatdoesyourmotherdoC yourmotherdoesD whatyourmotherdoes3 Didyouknow asportsmeetingnextSaturday A therewouldhavetobeB iftherewereC iftherewasgoingtobeD therewasgoingtohave4 Tellme please A howoldisheB howoldheisC heishowoldD howolddoeshe 一步两步 选出Mr Right 将下列句子合并为一句 1 Wheredotheystopontheway Iasked 2 Whatwillyouspeakatthemeeting Couldyoutellme 3 Dotheyliketogoskiing Heasked 4 Heisdoinghishomework Hesaid 5 Hewilleback Tomsaid 让我们在一起 Iaskedwheretheystoppedontheway Couldyoutellmewhatyouwillspeakatthemeeting Heaskediftheylikedtogoskiing Hesaidthathewasdoinghishomework Tomsaidthathewouldeback 师太原则 葵花宝典 主现从不限 主过从必过 真理规律用一现 委婉语气不影响 主现从不限 Hesayssheisright Hesaysshewasright 判断yesorno 主句是一般现在时 从句时态不受限制 这就是深藏功与名的 主过从必过 Hesaidsheisright Hesaidshewasright 主句是一般过去时 从句时态必须是相对应的过去式 什么是相对应的过去时 HewillgotoHongKong Heissick Heisreadingabook Hehasfinishedhiswork hewouldgotoHongKong hewassick hewasreadingabook hehadfinishedhiswork Hesaid Hesaidtheearthmovedaroundthesun Hesaidtheearthmovesaroundthesun 不变的真理 规律永远都用一般现在时 真理规律永一现 CouldyoutellmehowIcouldgothere CouldyoutellmehowIcangothere Could Would等表示委婉语气 时态不受影响 委婉语气不影响 判断yesorno 师太原则 你造了吗 拓展 宾语从句转化为简单句 1 当主从句的主语一致时 Idon tknowwhatIshalldonext Idon tknowwhattodonext 2 Johndidn tdecidewhichshirthewouldbuy Johndidn tdecidewhichshirttobuy 当宾语从句的主语和主句的主语相同 且主句的谓语动词是know remember forget learn decide等时 从句可简化为 疑问词 不定式 结构 拓展 宾语从句转化为简单句 2 当主句的谓语含有双宾语时 如果间宾与从句 直宾 中的主语一致时 1 CanyoutellmehowIcangettothepolicestation Canyoutellmehowtogettothepolicestation 2 PleaseshowmehowIshouldstarttherecorder Pleaseshowmehowtostarttherecorder 补充 乾坤大挪移之否定转移 在含有宾语从句的主从复合句中 当主句的主语为第一人称 谓语动词是think believe guess suppose等时 要将从句的否定词转移到主句中 即主句的谓语动词用否定式 宾语从句的谓语动词用肯定式 1 我认为他不会和你一起来 Idon tthinkhewillewithyou 2 我不相信他已经完成了作业 Idon tbelievehehasfinishedhishomework 当从句的原句为以下句子以及what who作主语时 语序不变 What swrong What sthematter What shappening eg Idon tknowwhat sthematter Canyoutellmewhoisoverthere 注意了 前方有坑 Iaskedhimwhetherhe howtopronouncethisword A knowsB knewC hasknownD willknow2 Dicksaidthathe inatraintoWashingtonatsevenyesterday A rideB wouldrideC wasridingD hadridden3 Petersaidthathe thewaytothechemist sshop A doesnotknowB didnotknowC donotknowD didnotknew4 Hesaidthathe thenextday A willsetoffB setC wouldsetoffD won tsetoff5 Theteachertoldusthattheearth round A isB wasC wereD be 一步两步 选出Mr Right Theradiosaysit cloudytomorrow be Theheadmasterhopeseverything well go Tomsaysthatthey play basketballatsixo clockyesterdayevening Ihearthey return italready Hesaidthatthey membersofthePartysince1948 be Heaskedwhatthey ateightlastnight do Theteachertoldhisclassthatlight fasterthansound travel Ithinkyou aboutthemurdernow talk willbe goes wereplaying havereturned hadbeen travels aretalking weredoing 智商担当 来填坑 9 Ididn tknowwhomtheletters from be 10 Ididn tknowwhattimehe theletter write 11 MrWangtoldmethattheearth move roundthesun 12 Couldyoutellmewho awaythebookalready take 13 LingFengtoldmehe thereseveraltimes be 14 Ourteachertoldusinclassthesun intheeast rise 15 Canyoutellmewhatthey yesterday do wrote moves hastaken hadbeen rises did were


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