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第三课时 Warmingup OurschoolThisisthewayIgotoschool gotoschool gotoschool ThisisthewayIgotoschool whereIliketolearnallday Thisistheclassroominmyschool inmyschool inmyschool Thisistheclassroominmyschool whereIliketolearnallday Let stalk Lookatthepictureandhaveatalk Pairwork A Whereis B It sonthefirstfloor A Whereis B A Whereis B Freetalkinpairsusingwhatyouhavelearnt computerroom classroom Canyousay library teachers office Lookatthepicturesandsaythewords Wehaveaguest Hello I mChenJie Welcometoourschool IntroduceChenJieandletChenJieshowstudentsaroundtheschool Yes wedo It sonthesecondfloor Doyouhaveacomputerroom Whereisit Showthepictureandlearnthedrills Showthepictureandlearnthedrills Yes wedo It sonthesecondfloor Doyouhavealibrary Whereisit Showthepictureandlearnthedrills Yes wedo It sonthefirstfloor Doyouhaveateachers office Whereisit Showthepictureandlearnthedrills Yes wedo It sonthefirstfloor Doyouhaveaclassroom Whereisit Whereisit Practice Yes wedo It sonthe floor Doyouhavea Askandanswerinpairsorgroups Guess Whataretheytalkingabout HowmanystudentsarethereinChenJie sclass Forty fivestudents It sonthesecondfloor Listenandanswer 2 Whereisthelibrary Readafterthetape Thisway please 请这边走 Actoutthedialogue 1 四人一组 准备纸和笔 设计一栋教学楼 2 小组内根据所设计图纸 用所学语言编对话 操练对话 3 让几组同学展示所编对话 4 师生共同评价 选出优秀小组 设计教学楼 Listenandnumber 教室在二楼 The isonthe floor 电脑教室在哪里 isthe room 你们有一个图书馆吗 youhavea 1 Finishthesentences classroom second computer Where Do library Howmany arethereinyourclass A studentB studentsC astudent isthelibrary Nexttotheclassroom A WhatB HowC Where Theteachers officeis thefirstfloor A onB inC at 2 Choosetherightanswers B C A 3 Putthewordsintherightorder how many students are there in your class where is the teachers office Homework 1 Readandrecitethedialogue 2 Makeanewdialoguetotalkaboutyourschoolwithyourpartner Goodbye Goodbye

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