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1. In my opinion, there was no _evidence against him.A assumptionB landmarkC evaluateD credible参考答案:D2 . He stayed down there longer than usual, enjoying the _ water.A refreshedB subsidingC manufacturedD subsided参考答案:B3 . I was so inspired and _ by your article and follow-up readings on Barbara biog.A refreshedB subsidingC manufacturedD subsided参考答案:A4 . Most of those cars were _ in China for Chinas domestic market.A refreshedB subsidingC manufacturedD subsided参考答案:C5 . Though _ in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.A raisedB grownC developedD cultivated参考答案:A6 . Im afraid this painting is not by Picasso. Its only a copy and so its _.A pricelessB invaluableC unworthyD worthlessA pricelessB invaluableC unworthyD worthless参考答案:D7 . I used to be able to play well but Im _ now.A out of dateB out of touchC out of practiceD out of place参考答案:C8 . Ive had some difficulties, but _(和你遇到的困难相比不算什么).A put down because of coming back lateB dont care about what measures you takeC keep track of your capital /moneyD they are nothing compared with yours参考答案:D9 . More than one-third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, _ in San Francisco.A previouslyB predominantlyC practicallyD permanently参考答案:B10 . I was so inspired and _ by your article and follow-up readings on Barbaras biog.A refreshedB subsidingC manufacturedD subsided参考答案:A11 . Most of those cars were _ in China for Chinas domestic market.A refreshedB subsidingC manufacturedD subsided参考答案:C12 . He stayed down there longer than usual, enjoying the _ water.A refreshedB subsidingC manufacturedD subsided参考答案:B13 . The performance of each employee is _ once a year.A assumptionB landmarkC evaluateD critical参考答案:C14 . The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _ him of speeding.A chargedB accusedC blamedD deprivedA chargedB accusedC blamedD deprived参考答案:B15 . Is he Japanese or Korean? I think he is _ instead of _.A the later, the formerB the later, the formalC latter, formerD the latter, the former参考答案:D16 . If it had not rained last,the road _so slippery nowA would not be beingB would not have beenC would not beD must not be参考答案:C17 . He has the _ of an athlete: he really goes all out to win.A instantsB instancesC instinctsD intelligences参考答案:C18 . Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves _ know where to look.A virtuallyB variouslyC unavoidablyD invariably参考答案:D19 . As a result of the radio _ for help for the earthquake victims,over a million pounds has been raisedA appealB callC programD advertisement参考答案:A20 . The lost car of the Lees was found _ in the woods off the highway.A vanishedB abandonedC scatteredD rejected参考答案:B21 . Kates ambition to become a nurse _ from a desire to help others.A promptedB promotedC programmedD proceeded参考答案:D22 . The child enjoyed _ up the wooden bricks then knocking them down.A addingB pushingC pilingD forming参考答案:C23 . Henrys news report covering the conference was so _ that nothing had been omitted.A understandingB comprehensibleC comprehensiveD understandable参考答案:C24 . We _ Moonlight Sonata(月光奏鸣曲)to Beethoven.A distributeB tributeC contributeD attribute参考答案:D25 . The continuous rain was _ for the exceptional poor harvestA blamedB condemnedC accusedD charged参考答案:A26 . There were no tickets _ for Fridays performance.A preferableB possibleC considerableD available参考答案:D27 . A good way to _ a language is to live in the native culture with the native speakers.A requireB acquireC inquireD sustain参考答案:B28 . In a typhoon, winds _ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.A assumeB accomplishC attainD assemble参考答案:C29 . Professor Smith and Professor Brown will _ in giving the class lectures.A exchangeB alterC shiftD alternate参考答案:D30 . A hush fell over the guests who had _ for the wedding celebration.A assembledB participatedC attendedD summoned参考答案:A31 . A_ gain or profit is the actual gain after all working expenses have been paid.A grossB netC positiveD negative参考答案:B32 . Pack the cake in a strong box, or it might get _ in the post.A splashedB spiltC crushedD crashed参考答案:C33 . Your help is _ for the success of the project.A indispensableB indicativeC inevitableD inherent参考答案:A34 . A better working environment improves peoples performance, and _ productivity.A furthermoreB henceC moreoverD even参考答案:B35 . This experiment _ last weekA. ought to be done B. B. ought to do C. C. ought to have been done D. D. ought to have done参考答案:C36 . Thomas Edison considered genius to be _ one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.A composed ofB constituted inC consisted ofD comprised in参考答案:A37 . Although Lucy was slimming, she found cream cakes quite _.A irregularB inevitableC incredibleD irresistible参考答案:D38 . In order to _ the rising production costs, the subscription rates have been increased.A add up toB look up toC cut shortD keep up with参考答案:D39 . I benefited a lot from his words. In fact, his words _.A encouraged no moreB couldnt be more encouragingC not more encouragingD couldnt be more encouragement参考答案:B40 . Your essay is quite good: just _ it _ with a few illustrations and quotations.A put . upB touch . upC cut . outD write . off参考答案:B41 . What is the air _ to London?A chargeB fareC feeD tuition参考答案:B42 . There are three basic ways of _ language to writing, and all known graphic systems use one or a combination of these.A committingB attachingC comparingD relating参考答案:A43 . Half of the work _ the student to finish.A remainsB remains ofC remain toD remains to参考答案:D44 . Roses are quite _ flowers in English gardens.A ordinaryB commonC usualD general参考答案:B45 . On turning the corner, we saw the road _ steeply.A departingB decreasing C descendingD depressing参考答案:C46 . I _ them that I think they are making a great mistake.A toldB will tellC am tellingD have telling参考答案:D47 . He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science.A which I think isB which I think it isC which I think itD I think which is参考答案:A48 . He returned at midnight and found his house _.A had broken intoB was broken inC to be brokenD had been broken into参考答案:D49 . I thought her nice and honest _ I met her.A first timeB for the first timeC the first timeD by the first time参考答案:C50 . he professor was knowledgeable and humorous and _ with enthusiasm.A was always listenedB was always listened toC always was listenedD always listen to参考答案:B1 . In my opinion, there was no _evidence against him.A assumptionB landmarkC evaluateD credible参考答案:D2 . I was so inspired and _ by your article and follow-up readings on Barbara biog.A refreshedB subsidingC manufacturedD subsided参考答案:A3 . The throbbing in my head _ a little after I took a warm shower.A refreshedB subsidingC manufacturedD subsided参考答案:D4 . Her display of bad temper completely _ the party.A harmedB damagedC spoiltD hurt参考答案:C5 . Though _ in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.A raisedB grownC developedD cultivated参考答案:A6 . I used to be able to play well but Im _ now.A out of dateB out of touchC out of practiceD out of place参考答案:C7 . I was _(因为回来晚而被责备).A. put down because of coming back lateB. B. dont care about what measures you takeC. keep track of your capital /moneyD. they are nothing compared with yours参考答案:A8 . Ive had some difficulties, but _(和你遇到的困难相比不算什么).A put down because of coming back lateB dont care about what measures you takeC keep track of your capital /moneyD they are nothing compared with yours参考答案:D9 .More than one-third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, _ in San Francisco.A previouslyB predominantlyC practicallyD permanently参考答案:B10 . I was so inspired and _ by your article and follow-up readings on Barbaras biog.A refreshedB subsidingC manufacturedD subsided参考答案:A11 . The managing director took the _ for the accident, although it was not really his fault.A guiltB chargeC blameD accusation参考答案:C12 . Most of those cars were _ in China for Chinas domestic market.A refreshedB subsidingC manufacturedD subsided参考答案:C13 . The firemen managed to _ the fire in time.A extinguishB preventC suppressD ruin参考答案:A14 . On this happy occasion, Id like to say that we are _ much obliged to you for your kind cooperation.A even soB ever soC as yetD so far参考答案:B15 . The performance of each employee is _ once a year.A assumptionB landmarkC evaluateD critical参考答案:C16 . Is he Japanese or Korean? I think he is _ instead of _.A the later, the formerB the later, the formalC latter, formerD the latter, the former参考答案:D17 . He has the _ of an athlete: he really goes all out to win.A instantsB instancesC instinctsD intelligences参考答案:C18 . The lost car of the Lees was found _ in the woods off the highway.A vanishedB abandonedC scatteredD rejected参考答案:B19 . Kates ambition to become a nurse _ from a desire to help others.A promptedB promotedC programmedD proceeded参考答案:D20 . The child enjoyed _ up the wooden bricks then knocking them down.A addingB pushingC pilingD forming参考答案:C21 . It isnt quite _ that he will be present at the meeting.A sureB rightC exactD certain参考答案:D22 . Henrys news report covering the conference was so _ that nothing had been omitted.A understandingB comprehensibleC comprehensiveD understandable参考答案:C23 . The meeting was _ when the chairman fell ill.A put downB shut outC cut shortD taken off参考答案:C24 . I just managed to _ a quick breath before I was sucked under the water by the passing boat.A snatchB scratchC scrapeD scan参考答案:A25 . We _ Moonlight Sonata(月光奏鸣曲)to Beethoven.A distributeB tributeC contributeD attribute参考答案:D26 . The continuous rain was _ for the exceptional poor harvestA blamedB condemnedC accusedD charged参考答案:A27 . There were no tickets _ for Fridays performance.A preferableB possibleC considerableD available参考答案:D28 . In a typhoon, winds _ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.A assumeB accomplishC attainD assemble参考答案:C29 . A great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the _ of becoming white collar workers.A privilegeB advantageC profitD preference参考答案:A30 . A hush fell over the guests who had _ for the wedding celebration.A assembledB participatedC attendedD summoned参考答案:A31 . A better working environment improves peoples performance, and _ productivity.A furthermoreB henceC moreoverD even参考答案:B32 . We could see that he was trying to _ his own responsibility for the delay, instead of accepting his fault.A run overB smooth overC pass offD turn down参考答案:B33 . This experiment _ last weekA ought to be done B ought to do C ought to have been doneD ought to have done参考答案:C34 . His complete _ on his parents made them very disappointed. He decided to encourage him to be _ of them.A independent, dependentB independence, dependentC dependence, independenceD dependence, independent参考答案:D35 . Although Lucy was slimming, she found cream cakes quite _.A irregularB inevitableC incredibleD irresistible参考答案:D36 . In order to _ the rising production costs, the subscription rates have been increased.A add up toB look up toC cut shortD keep up with参考答案:D37 . I benefited a lot from his words. In fact, his words _.A encouraged no moreB couldnt be more encouragingC not more encouragingD couldnt be more encouragement参考答案:B38 . What is the air _ to London?A chargeB fareC feeD tuition参考答案:B39 . Bacon and eggs_a heavy breakfast for a growing boy.A makeB madeC makesD are making参考答案:C40 . There are three basic ways of _ language to writing, and all known graphic systems use one or a combination of these.A committingB attachingC comparingD relating参考答案:A41 . Half of the work _ the student to finish.A remainsB remains ofC remain toD remains to参考答案:D42 . Roses are quite _ flowers in English gardens.A ordinaryB commonC usualD general参考答案:B43 . On turning the corner, we saw the road _ steeply.A departingB decreasingC descendingD depressing参考答案:C44 . I _ them that I think they are making a great mistake.A toldB will tellC am tellingD have telling参考答案:D45 . They _ how to operate the machines.A are being shownB are being showingC were to be shownD have been showing参考答案:A46 . He returned at midnight and found his house _.A had broken intoB was broken inC to be brokenD had been broken into参考答案:D47 . he professor was knowledgeable and humorous and _ with enthusiasm.A was always listenedB was always listened toC always was listenedD always listen to参考答案:B48 . He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science.A which I think isB which I think it isC which I think itD I think which is参考答案:A49 . _, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A However late is heB However late he isC However is he lateD However he is late参考答案:B50 . On hearing the joke, he burst into _.A a loud laughterB loud laughsC loud laughterD loud laughing参考答案:C

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