人教版2019年七年级英语上册:Unit2 Looking Different topic 1测试(II)卷

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人教版2019年七年级上册:Unit2 Looking Different topic 1测试(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I want to eat one of the _.AdishBdishesChorseDhorses2 . - How much time do you _ surfing the Internet every week?- Less than an hour.AcostBpayCtakeDspend3 . Are those her rings? _. They are his.AYes, it isBNo, they arent.CNo, it isntDYes, they are.4 . _ you have _ friends here?ADo, someBAre, anyCAre , someDDo, any5 . _ book are you looking for, Tony? The Kite Runner.AWhoBHowCWhyDWhich6 . My friends _from Canada.AisBamCareDlook7 . Liu Mei has short hair.AaBanCtheD/8 . Li Hong a ruler. But she has a book.AhasBhaveCdont haveDdoesnt have9 . I often listen to the news_ the radio.AonBinCatD/10 . My mother has _.Along hair B. a long hair C. long hairs D. the long hair11 . You should pay attention _ English in your everyday life.AuseBusingCto useDto using12 . C919, The first large Chinese-made passenger airplane _on its first flight in May last year.Atook overBtook upCtook offDtook in13 . He could play the violinwhen he was five.Aat the age of fiveBfive years laterCfor five yearsDfive years age14 . -How often do you see your grandparents?-_.AFive days.BOnce a month.CIn a week.DFor a month.15 . -The children _some time for reading, right?-Yes. And everyone _a library card.Ahas, hasBhave, hasChas, haveDhave, have二、补全对话5选5(题文)情景交际:从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。A:Hello,Lisa speaking.B:Hi,Lisa.This is Jane.(小题1)A:Im playing chess with Tony.B:Who is Tony?(小题2)A:He is my new friend.B:(小题3)A:Hes short and thin.B:(小题4)A:Beijing.Your cousin lives in Beijing,right?B:Yes.A:You can also make friends with Tony.(小题5)B:Thats good.AWell,whatdoeshelooklike?BHesveryfriendly.CWhatareyoudoingnow?DWheredoeshecomefrom?EIdontknowhim.三、完型填空Hello ! I _ Wang Hao . And _ is my family name . I go(去)to school in the _ and go home(回家)in the afternoon . I have _ English name-Dale . This is my jacket . What color is _ ? Oh , its _ . Look , this is my _ . Its white . _ do you spell it ? I know C-L-O-C-K . I have a brother . _ is a teacher . My _ is 354-0504 .16 . AamBisCareD/17 . AWang HaoBHaoCWangDDale18 . AafternoonBmorningCeveningDclass19 . AaBtheCanD/20 . AitBthisCthatDjacket21 . AOKBsmallCyellowDlarge22 . ApenBclockCmapDkey23 . AWhatBHowCWhatsDHows24 . AHeBHisCYourDShe25 . AcardBtelephoneCphone numberDschool四、阅读单选I have twin brothers , Tim and Tom. They look the same and a lot of people dont know which twin is which . They both have brown hair and blue eyes, and they always wear jeans and T-shirts .They like wearing the same things , and they like doing the same things , too .For example,they both like pop music , football and computer games . They go to a football match every Saturday . Theyd like to play computer games games every night , but our mother says they cant do that because they have a lot of homework .Theyre twins , but they arent the same in some ways . For example , Tim works hard at school , but Tom doesnt .Our mother is often away from home because she travels a lot in her job , so we all help in the house .I think its fun to have twin brothers .26 . My twin brothers both have _hair and _eyes and they always wear jeans and T-shirts .Ared ; blackBwhile ; greyCbrown ; blueDyellow ; purple27 . Tim and Tom both like _and _.Apop music ; model robotsBcomputer games ;pop musicCfootball ; homeworkDhousework ; computers28 . They go to a football match every _.AFridayBSaturdayCSundayDholiday29 . Timworks _ , but Tom doesnt .AeasilyBhardlyChardDholiday30 . _often travels and doesnt often stay at home.AThe writerBTimCTomDTheir mother五、根据首字母、中文提示填空31 . My fathers mother is my g_.32 . My fathers sisters are my a _.33 . T_ for your help.34 . L_ !This is a photo of Tom.35 . W_ are they? They are my parents.36 . On March 15, customers are encouraged to complain if they are not _(满意) with the products or service.37 . Thank you for giving me some useful _ (建议). Theyre of great value to me.38 . To everyones surprise, such a big award was _ (颁发) to a singer.39 . Its too noisy to hear you clearly. Would you mind _ (升高) your voice?40 . All the people in Syria(叙利亚)are looking forward to a _(持久的)peace.41 . As students, we shouldnt do anything_(反对) the laws or rules 42 . Drums play an important role in _(非洲的)traditional music.43 . “Dont go _(超过) the fifth street, or youve gone too far,” the guide said to the visitors.44 . Does it _(要紧)if I dont take my ID card with me?45 . Look at the two boysThey look _(完全地)the same.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空46 . Im hungry.Give me something _ (eat).47 . I didnt know how _ (teach) children when I started to work in a primary school.48 . Its too hard for me to learn it. Can you show me how _ (throw) the ball?49 . When night came, they put up a tent _ ( keep ) warm.50 . Please promise _ ( not tell) lies any more, will you?七、用单词的正确形式完成短文词语运用how nice the in be she one too yellow parent who CDI have two good friends.They are Peter and Gina.Here are two photos of them.The 51 . one is a photo of Ginas room,and the next one is a photo of Peters family.52 . the first photo,you can see a tidy room.Its Ginas room.A blue desk,a 53 . chair,a green jacket and a white bed are in it.A key and some54 . are on the desk.Ginas room is very 55 . and clean.In the next photo 56 . four people(人)They are Peters 57 . ,his sister and Peter.Peters father is a teacher.And his mother is a teacher,58 . She teaches English in a middle school.Can you see the boy on the bed? Hes Peter.A red hat is on his head.59 . is the girl?Oh,she is Peters sister. 60 . name is Nancy.八、语法填空用所给单词的适当形式完成短文My name is Li Lin. Im a boy. I 61 . (be) a student in No.1 Middle School. Im thirteen 62 . (year) old. Im from63 . (Chinese). Im in 64 . (class) 165 . (grade) 7. I have a good friend.66 . (he) name is Jim Green. He is thirteen years old too. He is 67 . (England). His sister68 . (be) two years old. She 69 . (be not) a student. She is a nice girl. My English teacher is Miss Wang. 70 . (her) is twentynine years old. She is from Beijing. She is a good teacher.九、填空Tom: Hello, Li Lei! This is Tom.Li Lei: Hi, Tom. Where are you?Tom: Im in Toronto. Im studying here.Li Lei: Thats great! Hows it going?Tom: Not bad. How about you?Li Lei: Pretty good. Hows the weather there?Tom: Its cold. Its snowing outside.Li Lei: Snowing? Hainan is sunny and hot. The weather is quite different in different places.Tom: Youre right. What are you doing?Li Lei: Im helping my mom clean the room.Tom: Oh. Really? Good boy.NameHows it going?Whats he doing?Hows the weather?Tom71 . 72 . 73 . Li Lei74 . helping his mom clean the room75 . 任务型阅读:每空填一个单词Dr. Albert Schweitzer was a jungle doctor in Africa. He was born in France. He had learned to play the piano since he was five and he was a very good musician. He decided to be a doctor when he was 30 years old. Then he studied medicine for eight years. After that, he asked to be sent to Africa in 1913.Dr. Schweitzer took big boxes of medicine with him to Africa. He had to go through a lot of dangerous places. At first the new white doctor was not welcome, but soon the people of Africa understood that he was their friend and they helped him build his first small hospital near a river. Many people came to the hospital. Dr. Schweitzer worked day and night.When he ran out of money and needed more medicine, he would go back to Europe to play music to make money. Then he would return to Africa. Later he built a bigger hospital. He spent most of his life in Africa, not only helping sick people but also teaching the people how to help each other.During World War I, he was sent to prison. He found that war was more terrible than diseases (疾病 ). When the war was over, he made a speech everywhere to propose (提倡) peace and respect (尊敬) for lives. In 1952, he was named winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.OccupationJungle76 . Birthplace77 . EducationHe learnt to play the piano for many years and then he studied78 . for 8 years.CareerHe was sent to Africa in 1913.He was79 . at first because people there didnt understand him.He worked day and night in his first small hospital to treat the sick people in Africa.He made money for his hospital by80 . music in Europe. He devoted most of his life to helping81 . and teaching the people how to help each other.He was put into82 . during World War I. After the war, he gave83 . around the world to make people realize the84 . of peace and ask people to respect lives.HonourIn 1952, he was given the Nobel85 . Prize.十、材料作文86 . (2017海南)梁玲同学是你校初三(1)班的学生。她家境贫寒,但她勇于面对困难、主动承担家务且刻苦学习,大家都很喜欢并敬佩她。作为学校英文报刊记者,你对她进行了采访。请根据下面的采访笔记写一篇关于她的报道。要求:1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;2. 必须包含所给提示,并做适当发挥;3. 行文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名;4. 词数 80 左右。(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Liang Ling, a 14-year-old girl, is a student in Class 1, Grade 9. She comes from_She is great. Lets wish her a better future. 十一、其他十遣词造句:87 . mouth, wide_88 . has, ear_89 . dad, nose_90 . have, hair_91 . Tom, round face_写出下列单词画线部分的音标。92 . lesson snow93 . angry walking94 . blue early95 . healthy close96 . bread grass97 . yearyellow98 . writewrong99 . waywant第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、语法填空1、九、填空1、2、十、材料作文1、十一、其他1、2、


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