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人教版2019-2020年度九年级中考一模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文7选5请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。Starting high school is a great experience for any teenager. Whether you are coming from a middle school(grades six through eight) or a junior high school(grades seven through nine), there are many things about high that are different from your old school environment.1 . You will face being in a new school, making new friends in an unfamiliar class and getting to know new teachers. These new teachers will usually have higher academic(学术的) level than your middle and junior-high schoolteachers. 2 . In return, they expect you to work hard and develop your skills, On top of all this, peer pressure(同伴压力) to drink and smoke often increases in high school. 3 . Although there is a lot of pressure, it is nothing you cannot deal with. If you are feeling pressure to do something that you feel is wrong, talk to a friend, parent or counselor to find a solution(解决) .4 . If you are not succeeding academically, find someone to help you. If you feel lonely, try to join a school club or group to make new friends.5 . With time, you will come to be thankful for everything about your experience. On the point of starting you high school, are you ready?AYou will experience many changes.BThey want to help you get into college.CHigh school may seem discouraging at first.DThey are there to help you get into this great new time in your life.EBesides, the pressure could also come from grades, loneliness and so on.FYou should pay more attention to it.GThey would like to go there and have a picnic.二、完型填空One day, several young people went for a picnic. They walked in the open air with_. As soon as they came to a river, they_ by the clear and calm water. They played with cool water excitedly. Suddenly, a lovely_ passed by Tom. He tried to catch it,_ the fish was just swimming a few feet ahead of him. He ran_ it, hoping to catch it. Gradually, Tom came to the water with waist deep. He felt_, so he wanted to jump out of the water. _ up and down in the water, he went farther and farther away from the bank. Just at the time, Barry saw this, he offered_ help to Tom at once. Tom saw someone_ to him, and he caught the person_ was close to him. Unfortunately, Barry was dragged into the water. The two struggled in the water _. Amy, on the bank, noticed that, and she_ others near the bank. Hearing their cries, two farmers near the river took a long rope there. They threw one end of the rope to_ of them in the water. Together, all the people on the bank pulled_ end. Finally, the two boys were saved!The experience has told us_ we should do something to help others correctly.6 . AsadBsadnessCjoyDjoyful7 . Aare attractedBwere attractedCattractDattracted8 . AfishBfrogCbirdDinsect9 . AsoBthenCorDbut10 . AbeforeBafterCbesideDback11 . AhappyBboredCexcitedDnervous12 . ALaughingBJumpingCDrivingDPlaying13 . AthemBtheirChimDhis14 . AswimmingBis swimmingCbe swimmingDto swimming15 . AwhichBwhoseCwhomDwho16 . AtiredBhardlyChardDweak17 . Aturned offBturned onCturned toDturned down18 . AallBneitherCbothDnone19 . AanotherBeitherCthe othersDthe other20 . AwhatBhowCwhyDwhenIn a very cold winter, there was a group of monkeys living in a forest and they were looking for fire (火) to get warm. One night, they saw a firefly(萤火虫) and thought that it was _. Two monkeys tried to catch the firefly_ it escaped. In the next evening, the monkeys caught a few fireflies successfully. They _ the fireflies in a hole and tried to blow the fireflies. An owl(猫头鹰) was watching the _ of the monkeys. He reached the monkeys and told them, “Hey, those are not fire! They are fireflies. You wont be able to use them _ a fire.” The monkeys laughed at the owl. The owl _ the monkeys a few times again. But the monkeys still kept blowing the fireflies. At last, the owl told the monkeys, “ Go to find a cave(洞穴) to stay. You can save _ from the coldness!” The monkeys still didnt listen to the owl. And they didnt stop their _ activities. Until midnight, they were very tired and realized that the words of the owl were correct. They decided to find a cave. And _, they escaped from the coldness.This story tells us that we may go wrong many times and should seek(寻找) and accept others _.21 . AfireBwindCrainDsnow22 . AandBbutCorDso23 . AputBcutCturnedDmurdered24 . AfamiliesBwordsCactivitiesDambitions25 . Ato flyBto makeCto knowDto shake26 . AwarnedBmissedCaskedDanswered27 . AhimselfByourselvesCmyselfDherself28 . AstupidBbraveCcommonDpretty29 . ArecentlyBfinallyCnearlyDpersonally30 . AquestionsBhabitsCadviceDnews三、阅读单选One day when the government officials(官员)were rebuilding a barn(谷仓), they found a mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to force the mice inside the hole to come out. A while later they saw mice running out, one after another. The strange thing was that after two mice came out of the hole, they did not run away quickly. Instead, one chased after the other near the exit of the hole. It seemed that one was trying to bite the tail of the others.Everyone was puzzled, so they stepped closer to take a look. They realized that one of the mice was blind and could not see anything, and the other one was trying to allow the blind mouse to bite on his tail, so he could pull the blind one with him to escape. Everyone said nothing and was lost in thought. During the mealtime, the group of people sat down in a circle and started to chat about what happened between the two mice.One official said, “I think the relationship between those two mice was that of emperor and minister(大臣).”A smart young man said,“I think the relationship between those two mice was husband and wife.”A Chinese said,“I think the relationship between those two mice was that of mother and son.”At that moment, one Samaritan(善人)asked,“Why did those two mice have to have a certain relationship ?”Suddenly, the atmosphere(气氛)froze, in fact, the true love is not based on money, friendship, loyalty or blood relationship. Instead, it is based on no relationship.31 . The government officials used to force the mice to come out.AdrugsBdelicious foodCwaterDsmoke32 . Why did one mouse chase after the other near the exit of the hole ?AThey were fighting for food.BThey were biting each otherCThe one wanted to help the other to escape.DThey gave up escaping.33 . What did the government officials talk about during the meal ?AHow to rebuild the barn.BWhat they did with the mice.CWhat the relationship was between the two mice.DHow they made the mice inside the hole come out.34 . The underlined word“loyalty”probably means .A地位B职业C亲情D忠诚35 . We can infer(推断)from the passage that .Amaybe the two mice had no relationship, but had true loveBwhat the smart young man said was rightCa mouse is as clever as a manDthe two mice were mother and sonWelcome! 24-hour service.MenuMain DishesCheeseburger ¥5.2Big Mac ¥10.4Mc Chicken ¥5Fillet-o-fish ¥9.9SnacksPie(apple, pineapple) ¥3.5French Fries ¥5/6/7.5(small, middle, big)MC and Hot Crispy Strips ¥5/pairThe fastest!The most delicious!The cleanest! DrinksCoca Cola ¥3.5/4.5/5.5(small, middle, big)Orange Juice ¥7Coffee ¥4/4.5/(small, big and refilled for nothing)Call at 563-5566.Dairy DessertsIce Cream ¥2Milk Shake (strawberry, Chocolate) ¥4.5/6.5(small, big)Visit 166 Goodfood Road.Happy Meal(with happy toys)Hamburger + mini French Fries + mini Pop ¥12Cheeseburger + mini Milk Shake +mini Orange Juice ¥14.536 . A Big Mac could be a kind of _ .Aice creamBchocolateCfruitDhamburger37 . How much did you need to pay for two middle French Fries and one big cup of Cola?A¥12.B¥16.5.C¥17.5.D¥23.38 . Which one is TRUE about the restaurant?AIt is located at 116 Goodfood Road.BIt is only for children.CThe food here can be the most delicious and the cleanest, but slow.DIt will be open all day and all night.Mr. Guo is a teacher from Xian. He asked his students to hand in their homework through a QR code(二维码), We spent an hour or two in class learning how to generate(使产生) the codes, and in the end everything gets easier. Said Guo. When students finish the homework, they keep it on WeChat. Then, each student makes his own QR code and gives it to me. So I can check their work everywhere using my computer or telephone.The QR codes can be sent to Mr. Guo by email, QQ and WeChat. When Guo scans(扫描) his students QR codes, their homework appears on his phone. He finds that their homework becomes more creative, with many pictures, music and even videos.Guos students like the new way and think it is interesting. We are living in the information age. Many students like to work with computers, which makes learning more fun. said Tingting, a student of Guos.The paper is not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share. Guo said. It is worth trying to use new technology in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. I dont want my students to fall behind the times.However, some parents are worried. They are afraid that their children will spend too much time on computers and less time communicating with teachers. But in fact, its unnecessary. Students still need to look up information in books and write it down when they do their homework. They only use the code when they hand in their work, which doesnt take them too much time. Also for teachers, it allows them to check the students work at any time. And its also an easy way to share homework with other students.39 . According to the passage, students can keep their homework on _.AWeChatBQQCemailDblog(博客)40 . Guos students think the new way is _.AstrangeBboringCinterestingDunnecessary41 . What does it in Paragraph 4 refer to(指代)?AThe paper is not easy to keep.BKeeping and sharing the code easily.CTrying to use new technology in education.DEducation itself is a kind of creation.42 . Some parents are worried, because they think their children will _.Atalk with teachers face to faceBspend too much time on computers or phonesCnot like the new way of handing in homeworkDfind the QR codes too difficult to useAll students need to have good study habits. When you have good study habits, you can learn things quickly. You can also remember them easily.Do you like to study in the living-room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important, too. You ll feel tired easily if there is not enough light.43 . When you have good study habits, you will.Alearn things quicklyBremember things easilyCthink aboutDboth A and B44 . The living-room is not a good place for study because it is too.AquietBnoisyCgoodDclean45 . You will feel tired easily if the light is.AgoodBenoughCbadDwonderful46 . The best title for this passage is.AStudy in the BedroomBGood Study HabitsCHow to StudyDDesk Light is Important四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及所给的词首字母或汉语提示,补全单词。47 . My mother always worries about my s _when I go out with my friends at night .48 . Beijing is the c_ city of China .49 . There are four _(季节)in a year .50 . No people like the_(战争). We all like peace .51 . You shouldnt _(吸烟) in the hospital .五、完成句子52 . 海伦的全家福在桌子上。Helens_ is on the table.53 . 你认识那个坐在沙发上的女孩吗?Do you _ the girl _ the sofa?54 . 劳驾,这是你的铅笔吗+_, is this your pencil?55 . 我的朋友在中国。My friend is_.56 . 你能向露西要回你的书。You can _ Lucy _ your book.六、书信作文57 . 今天,学校“阳光心理”的老师Mr. Help收到了一位同学的来信。请你根据来信,帮助Mr. Help写一封回信。Dear Mr. Help,When I was on my way home, something terrible happened to me yesterday. Some students in my class came close to me suddenly and asked me for some money for no reason. I was so scared at that time that I didnt know what to do but to give all my money to them. Dear Mr. Help, what should I do if I meet them again? And how can I avoid it? Could you please give me some advice? Yours,Jenny要点提示:再次遇到这些同学的处理办法避免此类事件再次发生的办法保持冷静,不要害怕与同学友好相处,不发生冲突为了自己的安全,不要激怒他们回家途中避免一个人独行要求:1 内容必须包含以上要点并作适当发挥;每个方面至少包含二个要点。2 词数:80-120(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Jenny,I am really sorry to hear that some of your classmates bullied you on your way home. Now Id like to give you some helpful advice.Yours,Mr. Help第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、补全短文7选51、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、书信作文1、

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