沪教版中考英语专题复习——名词 卷二(真题)B卷

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沪教版中考英语专题复习名词 卷二(真题)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1. (2分) Alice, do you often get lost in the city?Im afraid so. I havent got a very good sense of _.A . introductionB . instructionC . direction2. (2分) (2019八上黔南期末) After a , my family decided to go to Hong Kong on vacation. A . discussionB . differenceC . programD . competition3. (2分) (2019八上沭阳开学考) People in the UK say autumn while people in the USA say . A . storeB . cookieC . soccerD . fall4. (2分) Im going to the _. Do you want anything?Yes, a bag of bread.A . marketB . schoolC . museum5. (2分) (2017七下仙游期中) Mo Yan is my favorite _. I like his novels a lot. A . teacherB . writerC . driver6. (2分) (2019重庆) One _ of the book is missing, so I cant learn the whole story. A . copyB . pageC . writerD . reader7. (2分) My mothers sister is my _. A . grandmotherB . sisterC . cousinD . aunt8. (2分) (2019九上宝安月考) What did the doctors say about the mans illness? His _was terrible, but they have found the medicine for the illness.A . difficultyB . situationC . advantage9. (2分) (2019八下南山期中) There is nothing more important than_. I agree with you. We should exercise every day to have a strong body.A . healthB . powerC . ability10. (2分) (2019襄阳) She is leaving to take part in the final poem competition. Im proud of her. I wish her a great .A . speedB . methodC . pressureD . success11. (2分) Heilongjiang is in the_of China.A . northeastB . northeasternC . northwestD . northwestern12. (2分) (2019八下潮南月考) We set up a food bank for the homeless people and it gave me a strong feeling of . A . noticeB . interestC . kindnessD . satisfaction13. (2分) (2019七下柳州期末) There are many _ flying kites in the park. A . RussiaB . RussiansC . Russian14. (2分) In Western countries _ is as important as the Spring Festival in China. A . Christmas DayB . Mothers DayC . Thanksgiving DayD . Childrens Day15. (2分) (2019八下封开期末) I cant go fishing with you this weekend. I am not free then. What a !You have looked forward to it for a long time.A . shameB . mistakeC . recordD . mess16. (2分) My brother _ very much.A . like bananaB . likes bananasC . like bananasD . likes banana17. (2分) Michael is my . His family name is smith A . friendB . mapC . schoolD . ruler18. (2分) 选出不属于同一类的词( ) A . pearB . grapeC . water19. (2分) If you have for something or someone, it is your job or duty to deal with it. A . difficultyB . responsibilityC . fun20. (2分) (2019仁寿模拟) The sky is blue and I can smell the Mowers. _ great fun it is to go spring outing!A . How aB . HowC . What aD . What21. (2分) We can find a simple and easy _ to solve the problem. A . adviceB . methodC . answerD . sign22. (2分) Julie fell off halfway and lost the game. What a !I thought she could win the match.A . problemB . pityC . troubleD . question23. (2分) (2018八上龙华期中) I think nothing can be more powerful than the human _. Why? Does it work faster than a computer?A . brainB . heartC . mouth24. (2分) (2019七下泰兴期中) I tried to make the baby _ by jumping around like a monkey, but it didnt work. A . to stop to cryB . to stop cryingC . stop to cryD . stop crying25. (2分) (2019八下宽城期末) What is the _ of this town? About 50, 000. But many people work in the city.A . populationB . inventionC . fictionD . communication26. (2分) (2019九上长春月考) The true meaning of Christmas is the _ of sharing and giving love and joy to people. A . differenceB . importanceC . difficultD . important27. (2分) Do you have any for being late again today? A . mattersB . causesC . reasons28. (2分) _ like eating candy.A . ChildB . ChildsC . ChildrenD . Childrens29. (2分) (2019福建) What should we do for the camping trip? Wed better make a _ of things like foods, drinks, medicine and so on.A . listB . cardC . report30. (2分) (2015八上永胜期末) They eat many but little .A . vegetables; meatB . vegetables; meatsC . vegetable; meats第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、

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