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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (2016青岛)Tim is going to(将要) give his father a surprise _ Fathers Day.AinBatConDby2 . Friend rhymes with _.AbubbleBballCparrotDend3 . You can see _ university at the end of the street.AaBanCanyD/4 . _ Just look at all these books and clothes!Sorry, Mom! Ill put them away right now.AWhat a surprise!BWhat a shame!CWhat a mess!5 . - Why does he like koalas ? - _ he thinks they are very cute.ABecauseBSoCButDAnd6 . (2017安庆市大观区期末)一Lets play basketball together._ASounds goodBThats all rightCYes,pleaseDThank you7 . More underground railways _ in Shanghai in the near futureAwill be builtBwere builtCare builtDwill build8 . Hi, Nancy. Are you _ now? Sorry. I have some things to do.AHealthyBbusyCfatDfree9 . Is the tall man over there our head teacher? No, it be him. He has gone to Shanghai for a meeting.AmustBcantCcanDmustnt10 . - _ the music sounds!-Yes. It reminds us _our happy childhood.AWhat wonderful, aboutBHow wonderful, ofCWhat wonderfully, aboutDHow wonderfully, of.11 . When will Diana arrive?Oh, she. She is in the meeting room now.AarrivesBis arrivingCarrivedDhas arrived12 . Everyone except Tom and John_ there when the meeting began.AisBwasCareDwere13 . Im amazed to hear from my school teacher again. _, it is ten years since we met last time.AIn a wordBIn generalCThats not the caseDBelieve it or not14 . Could you tell me _, please?Athat he has been to Beijing twiceBwhat will they talk at tomorrows meetingCwhere they would meet at the gate of the parkDsomething about tomorrows trip15 . Look at the new words. Please _ in your notebook.Awrite it downBwrite down itCwrite them downDwrite down them16 . Whats up?AHow are you?BWhats happening?CWhats your name?17 . -What does Jim look like?-He is the second_ student in our class. But Im_ than him.Ataller; tallestBthe tallest ;the tallerCtallest ;tallerDtallest ;the taller18 . At this time yesterday my grandfather _ flowers in the garden.Ais wateringBwas wateringCwater19 . You should check your test paper before you hand it in.Ago overBlookCRead20 . the students in this school is about four thousand,of them are boysAA number of, three fifthBThe number of, three fifthsCA number of, three fifthsDThe number of, three fifth二、完型填空Do you know what an electronic dictionary is? Have you ever got one?Now more and more students _ electronic dictionaries to learn English. They think they can help _ a lot to learn English well. An electronic dictionary is small and easy _ and very convenient (方便的) to use. When students dont know _ a word means, it can tell them not only its Chinese meaning _ the pronunciation. However, some students think the electronic dictionary can solve all their problems in the _ study. When they meet a new word, they dont use their minds (头脑) to think _ turn to the electronic dictionary for help immediately. Its no _ for their study. I think the electronic dictionary can help students _ their English study, but students shouldnt _ too much on it. If they want to learn English well, they should work hard and keep practising English all the time.21 . AkeepBsuggestCuseDsend22 . AtheirBthemChimDthey23 . Ato carryBtakeCto bringDcarry24 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhat does25 . AeitherBas wellCtooDbut also26 . AEnglishBmathsChistoryDChinese27 . AorBsoCthatDbut28 . AbetterBwellCbadDgood29 . AforBinCwithDof30 . AdependBofferCspendDdiffer三、阅读单选阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A,B, C,D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。From May 20 to May 24 Science Week is coming!Science Club May 9, 2019Black HolesOn April 10, people around the world got their first look at a real black hole.Want to know more? Come and enjoy a film about black holes at 3 p.m. on Thursday in the school hall!Why cant we grow to be 3 meters?Speaker: Doctor Hu Time: 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.Day: FridayPlace: Biology (生物) Lab Two5G is coming! Come and experience what it is like!Time: 2:30 p.m.-4:30p.m.Day: MondayPlace: Science Center Teachers: Miss Yang, Mr. Zhu3D-printed products must bring you different feelings!Time: 8:20 a.m.-10:20a.m.Day: TuesdayPlace: Computer Room Four Teacher: Miss Wang31 . You can enjoy a film in _on Thursday afternoon.Athe school hallBComputer Room FourCBiology Lab TwoDScience Center32 . _will tell you why we cant grow to be 3 meters.AMr. ZhuBMiss YangCDoctor HuDDoctor Zhu33 . At 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, you can_.Awatch a filmBenjoy 3D-printed productsClisten to a talkDexperience what 5G is like34 . The passage above is probably a _.AnoticeBpoemCmapDstory四、句型转换35 . Dont make too much noise in class, _ ? (完成反义疑问句)36 . Hot days make her uncomfortable.(改否定句)Hot days _her uncomfortable.37 . They usually make me read two hours a day.(改同义句)I _ usually made _ read two hours a day.38 . It made me kind of angry to wait for him.(改同义句)_ for him _ me kind of angry.39 . Tina has made me clean the window for half an hour. (就划线部分提问)_ has Tina made you clean the window ?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空40 . Can you tell me the _(mean)of the phrase“give up”?41 . At the _(begin)of each act,someone might say“Act One”.42 . (易错题)Reading books is one of my _(hobby).43 . May I ask you a_(person)question?44 . I think its best to make a_(week)plan.45 . Nobody taught them how to play the guitar;the twin brothers learned it by _(they).六、用单词的正确形式完成短文go remember danger alone season,Kids like swimming in summer, even in the other three 46 . But you shouldnt swim in a47 . place. Some kids are not careful. They often think they swim well. Last summer, a few students 48 . swimming in the river(河流), Unluckily(不幸地), three of. them never came out of the river.Sumner is coming again. Dont get close to the water when you are 49 . ,or when you see“ No Swimming” sign. If you 50 . these, swimming will be good for you.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A continues B serious C apply D strong E wildAnimal bitesIf an animal bites you, you can wash the part with soap and water and51 . the wound with a clean cloth if it is a bleeding. Bites by 52 . animals like bats, rats and foxes may cause terrible diseases. If this happens, ask for advice from a doctor.Nosebleeds(流鼻血)Although they are scary, nosebleeds are not strange in children and they usually arent 53 . . Let the person sit up with his or her head forward. Do not let the person lean back as this may cause coughing. Press the soft part of the nose for at least 10minutes. If the nosebleed54 . after this, ask for advice from a doctor.AgentlyBambulanceCimmediatelyDcareEagentInsect stings(虫叮)Although insect stings can be awful, they usually dont require treatment by a doctor. They still need emergency(紧急)medical 55 . . If a bee stings the person, remove it56 . with a hand. Wash the part with soap and water. Use ice or a cool wet cloth to make it less painful. If there are any signs of getting worse, call a(n)57 . Knocked-out tooth(碰落的牙)Find the knockedout tooth. Wash the tooth in milk or salt water. Store it in milk until you get to the dentist. Ask for help from a dentist or go to an emergency room 58 . . It may help you save the tooth.七、单词填空Paper cutting is a traditional art in China. It has been around for 59 . (多于)1,500 years. This kind of art went after the invention of p60 . in Han Dynasty.It once became one of the main61 . f:(r)mz of art, and62 . (受欢迎) the people of that time; e63 . in royal (王室的) families, ladies were also judged by the ability at paper cutting.Most of the papercut artists are w64 . . The themes of their works usually include everything in peoples65 . (日常生活),such as flowers, animals, and things about Chinese history. Familiarity (熟悉) makes them understand the real spirit of the art.The main tool for paper cutting is s66 . . Once they are owned by a master of papercut, they will become so supernatural (超自然的) 67 . the papercuts beyond imagination flow out (倾泻) of his/her hands. Another tool68 . paper cutting is carving knives which are necessary to improve a sharpened effect or to make a good job. Its believed that art69 . (来自) life and serves life. The bright colors of red, green or light blue papercuts provide a merry atmosphere. 70 . they are often found in wedding ceremonies or festivals in China. And people like to decorate71 . windows and doors u72 . colorful papercuts.Papercuts made 73 . (在不同地区) have different characteristics. Shanxi window papercuts are simple and bold (轮廓突出的) ; papercuts from Hebei Province are bright in color; papercuts in southern provinces are good and fine.八、回答问题阅读表达阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。John went to Sanya with his family last winter for pleasure. Sanya is a very beautiful and modern coastal city.They arrived at the hotel at 8:30 a.m. After breakfast, they began their trip. First, they took the bus to the Sea World. There were so many different kinds of fishes there that John couldnt believe his eyes. They also saw the popular dolphin show with two cute dolphins performing for visitors. What a great performance they gave! This was the best part of their visit in Sanya! Then they had lunch in a restaurant called Nicks Seafood. The seafood is very famous and delicious.After lunch, they went swimming in the sea. And they also did some other water sports. They all had lots of fun in the sea. Finally, they went back to the hotel.In the following few days, they visited some interesting places of interest in Sanya such as Tianya Haijiao, Yalong Bay and Nanshan Temple.Several days later, they left Sanya by train. On their way home, they were very excited about the beautiful scenery (景色) along the way. So they didnt feel tired at all.74 . When did John and his family visit Sanya?75 . Where did they go after breakfast?76 . What is Johns favorite part in his Sanya trip?77 . Did they have a good time in Sanya?78 . Why did not they feel tired on their way back home?九、话题作文79 . Writing. (作文):Write at least 60words about the topic My views on mobile phones,(以 手机之我见为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)提示:随着时代的发展,手机的普及率越来越高,然而,也有越来越多的人反对中学生携带手机进入校园,请你结合自己的生活和学习,谈谈你的看法Use the following points as a reference(以下问题仅供参考)1Is it a good idea to own a mobile phone for a middle school student?2Why do you think so?(give at least three reasons)(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分)_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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