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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Why do people watch comedy movies?_ of the main reasons is that they want to feel relaxed. A lot of people live a stressful life, and they need to relax _ from time to time. a stressed worker can feel relaxed while and after _ a humorous movie such as The Simpsons Movie.Secondly, people might want to improve their mood (情绪) _ comedy movies. For example, if a person is in a bad mood or feels great pain, watching a comedy movie can help him or her change to a _ mood. Comedy movies can do that because of the funny and easily understandable content (内容) they offer. People can easily _ the story and get happy by watching the funny scenes. For example, Ice Age, a cartoon movie for both adults and children, tells a simple story and has a lot of funny dialogs in it. _, watching this movie means relaxing and distracting (注意力) yourself from the outside world and your problems.Another _ for watching comedy movies is to kill time. If people dont know _ to do and feel bored, they like to watch movies with easily understandable content. Comedy movies offer just this kind of content.So if you feel stressed, unhappy or _ want to kill time, watching comedy movies is a good choice.1 . AallBsomeCbothDone2 . AourselvesByourselfCitselfDthemselves3 . AwatchBto watchCwatchingDwatched4 . AinBthroughCofDfrom5 . AgoodBbetterCbestDworse6 . AreadBtellCfollowDshare7 . AAs a resultBAt leastCAfter allDIn that case8 . AideaBadviceCreasonDexcuse9 . AwhatBhowCwhenDwhich10 . AevenBsimplyCalmostDstillWhat do you know about the sea? Some people often see it, _the others dont. The sea looks_on a fine sunny day. Millions of people hope to take their_by the sea. They can swim in it, or lie on the beaches in the sun. They_themselves there. But it can be very rough when there is a strong wind. What other things do we know about it? Of course, the sea is very large. Looking at a_of the world, you can see it is much bigger than land. There are a lot of_in the sea. Some of them are big and the others are_. Did you swim in the sea? If you answer “Yes”, you may know that the water is salty(咸的). Rivers carry_from the land to the sea. Some places of the sea are more salty(咸的) than other places. Do you know the Dead Sea? Fish_live in it. And people can easily swim in it. Nobody is afraid to_in the water.11 . AandBsoCbutDor12 . AusefulBbeautifulCterribleDweak13 . AclassesBsportsCmeetingsDholidays14 . AenjoyBlikeCstopDbegin15 . AbookBmapCnewspaperDpicture16 . AroadsBshopsChousesDislands17 . AsmallByoungClittleDgood18 . AsugarBbutterCsaltDoil19 . AcanBmustCcantDmustnt20 . AliftBsinkCwalkDsleep二、阅读单选Today is my teacher Miss Lis birthday. She is forty years old. She is a very kind teacher in my school and we love her very much. We are going to send lots of presents to her. The cold winter is coming, so I buy a red scarf for her. She likes it very much. Some of my classmates buy flowers for her. She sees many flowers on her desk when she comes into the classroom.We have a birthday party at night. We sing a birthday song and dance for her. She also plays games with us. Were very happy!21 . Miss Li is _ years old this year.AthirteenBthirtyCfourteenDforty22 . I buy a scarf for her because _.Ashe likes itBshe doesnt like flowersCthe cold winter is comingDshe asks me to buy it23 . Many students buy _ for Miss Li.AclothesBflowersCbooksDanimals24 . We have a birthday party for her and we _ at the party.Asing a birthday songBdanceCplay gamesDA, B and C25 . Which is NOT right according to (根据) this passage?AMiss Li is kind in our school.BSome of the students buy flowers for our beautiful teacher.CWe dont have a birthday party for her.DShe plays games with us at the party.Mr. Black is short-sighted but he doesnt wear glasses, because he thinks it is not cool to wear glasses.Its Saturday and its fine today. Mr. Black wants to take a walk. He puts on his black hat, takes his yellow bag and then goes out of his house. He walks on the street and looks around. The sun is shining and the birds are singing in the tree. Mr. Black feels very happy. Suddenly, a strong wind blows away his hat. “oh, my hat!” Mr. Black begins to run after it. He runs and the hat “runs”, too. Mr. Black feels surprised. An old man shouts at him from a window.“Hey! What are you doing?”“Running after my hat!”“Your hat? You are running my black cat.”26 . Mr. Black doesnt wear glasses because _Ahe has no glassesBhe lost his glassesChe doesnt like to wear themDhe doesnt need to wear them27 . What does the underlined (下划线)words mean?A带来B吹走C远离D紧跟28 . Mr. Black runs on the street because _.Ahe wants to get his hatBhe wants to get a catCan old man runs after himDhe wants to do some sports29 . The best title(标题) for the passage is _.AAn old manBA strong windCRunning after a catDCat or hatIt is good to keep animals in zoos. Zoos are places for people to see many different kinds of animals from all over the world. Without zoos, most people would never see a real tiger or bear. Secondly, zoos look after the animals very well. The animals are always given food and cleaned on time. In the wild, it is not always possible for an animal to find food, so sometimes it goes hungry. Thirdly, Zoos protect the animals. They give them safe place to live in. In the wild, some kinds of animals are in danger. If there is no zoos, there would be fewer kinds of animals in the world.However, some people think it is unnatural(非自然的) and unfair to keep wild animals in cages. Some cages are too small for many animals such as bears and tigers. They always look not happy in cages. Wild animals should look for their own food. Anyone would not feel happy if he isnt allowed(允许) to go outside his home and animals dont like it either.30 . If you go to a zoo, you can see _AdogsBtigersCcatsDmice31 . In the zoos, _AAll animals are very happy.BAnimals dont eat enough food.CAnimals always died because they get ill more easily.DSome cages are too small for many animals in the zoo.32 . In the wild, _AAnimals can eat enough food.BAnimals look for their own food.CThere will be more kinds of animals.DAnimals cant live happily.33 . According to the last sentence, we can say _ASome people think we should take the animals back to the wild.BPeople shouldnt go outside home.CPeople will be glad to stay at home.DAnimals like to stay in the cages.34 . What does the writer think of the animals?AAnimals should be kept in zoos.BIts better for wild animals to go outside.CIts better for wild animals to be kept in zoos.DHe is not sure whether it is better for animals to stay in zoos.Do you have any online classes? It is possible to take classes at home. All you need is a computer and a headset(套头耳机).However, most students dont seem to like online classes. According to a recent survey, only 33 percent of students would take such classes. Over 1, 500 students from 10 cities took the survey.Many students said it is hard to pay attention to studying while taking online classes. This was true for Lian Ruohan, 15, at the Affiliated(附属的)High School of Peking University. “There are no classmates, no real teachers watching me. I can get on the Internet or do other things if I want to. Its harder to always stay focused(聚精会神的),” she said.Lian prepares a lot before taking her classes to make sure she will pay attention. She also pushes herself to communicate with teachers. Students can come up with or answer questions while taking online classes.But Wen Jiayi, 14, at the Yucai Middle School, thinks online interaction (互动)isnt enough. “The online teachers dont really get to know me, When I dont hand in homework, all I get is a short message instead of real care.” she said.However, online classes still have other advantages. “It saves time and money compared to taking offline classes(线下课). Also, if I dont understand some parts of a lesson, I can watch it over again,” Lian said.35 . If you want to take online classes, you need_ and a headset.Aa teacherBa classroomCa houseDa computer36 . How many students would take the online classes according to the survey?AAbout 33.BAbout 45.CAbout 495.DAbout 1500.37 . What does Lian Ruohan do to make sure she will pay attention to the online classes?AShe prepares a lot before taking her classes.BShe watches the lessons over and over again.CShe gets on the Internet or do other things if she wants.DShe doesnt push herself to communicate with teachers.38 . What does Wen Jiayi think of taking online classes?AShe thinks it saves time and money compared to taking offline classes.BShe thinks she cant get real care from the online teachers.CShe thinks its easy to come up with or answer questions.DShe thinks its difficult to pay attention to online classes.39 . What does the passage mainly talk about?AHow to take online classes.BWhat we can do while taking online classes.CThe advantages and disadvantages of taking online classes.DThe number of students who would like to take online classes.三、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。The world of the out-of-doors is full of secrets. And they are so interesting that quite a lot of people are busy 40 . them. All around us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be.Do you know that the great presidents (总统) of the USA spent hours and hours 41 . (study) birds? A business, who lives near New York City became 42 . interested in insects (昆虫) that he began to collect them. He now has more than one thousand different kinds 43 . (careful) kept in glass boxes.Come along with me, and I will help you find scene of natures secrets. Let us go quietly through the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit tells the other rabbits that there is 44 . (dangerous). We shall follow a mother bear and her young 45 . (one) as they look for food and get ready for winter sleep. We shall watch bees dancing in the air to let other bees 46 . (know) where they can find food. I will show you many other interesting things, but the 47 . (good) thing that I can teach you is to keep your eyes and ears 48 . (open) when you go out of doors. Nature tells her secrets only to people 49 . look and listen carefully.四、信息归纳阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容补全答题卡上对应表格中所缺失的信息。不超过3词。People know and drink Coca-Cola all over the world. Hundreds of millions of people can know a Coke bottle by its shape and the famous Coca-Cola logo (商标) is also the most famous logo in the world with a history of 100 years.But the story of Coca-Cola is even older than that. It was in 1886 that John Pemberton, a druggist in America, invented a new type of sweet liquid (液体), using coca leaves, sugar and cola nuts, plus a few other secret ingredients! Pemberton sold it as a medicine. And with its coca, he thought it must have made people feel good! However, Pembertons medicine was not very successful, so he sold his secret formula (配方) to another druggist, Asa Candler. Candler was interested in it because he thought that Pembertons “medicine” would be much better if being mixed with soda.Candler was the man who really invented the drink Coca-Cola. At first he sold it in his drugstore. Then he began selling it to other drugstores, who used it with their soda fountains. Candler also advertised his new drink, and soon people love it. Before long some businessmen expected to sell it in bottles. Then the famous bottle was designed in 1916.During the First World War, American soldiers in Europe began asking for Coca-Cola, so the company began to export (出口) to Europe. Today, it is made in countries all over the world and is the worlds most popular drink.50 . _51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _五、材料作文55 . 假如你是Sam,你的朋友Larry来信邀请你到他家玩电脑游戏,而你不愿意去。请根据下列要点写一封回信。1.我没有时间到你家去玩电脑游戏,因为我今天要准备数学考试。2.现在我们读八年级,应该少玩电脑游戏,努力学习,锻炼身体。 3.劝告Larry最好不再玩电脑游戏,邀请他和你一起学习并陈述理由(一条或两条即可)要求:1.用上所给要点,并适当发挥,使短文条理清楚、语句连贯;2.词数70左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Larry, Thanks for your inviting me to play computers at your home. Im afraid I cant.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、语法填空1、四、信息归纳1、五、材料作文1、

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