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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . South Africa is _ from China.AawayBnearCfarDlong2 . That man _be Mr Wang , because he has gone to Beijing.AcouldntBmight notCcantDmustnt3 . The text of the lecture was _ to guests on the night.AagreeBacceptCavailableDappear4 . That is my _, and we have classes in it.AclassroomBfamilyCmapDdictionary5 . Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. _, some students would like to go to the moon some day.AAfter allBAt onceCIn factDFor example6 . It is so noisy here that I cant hear _ just now. Could you please say it again?No problem.Awhat you sayBwhat do you sayCwhat you saidDwhat did you say7 . Dont worry _ yourself . Drink some hot tea _ honey . Thank you .Aabout ; inBabout ; withCwith ; aboutDwith ; in8 . Do you think an advertisement is _ help when you look for a new job?Well, it all depends. Anyway, it gives me more of _ chance to try.Aa; aB/; theCa; theD/; a9 . I called you at 6:00 p.m. yesterday, but no one answered. I basketball at that time.AplayBplayedCwill playDwas playing10 . He found it unnecessary for us to stay behind. In this sentence, the underlined word “unnecessary” means “_”.Anot patientBnot necessaryCnot importantDnot tiring11 . The country spends _ dollars helping the poor every year.Atwo billion ofBtwo billionsCbillion ofDbillions of12 . I want to be a member of you club. Could I _ it?AjoinBcome toCgo toDtake part in13 . What _ do you like best? P.Aand music.BsportsCsubjectsDstoriesEanimals14 . Choose the correct structure of this sentence “He gave Laura a present.”AS+V+OBS+V+IO+DOCS+V+PDS+V+DO+OC15 . Our country is getting _.So we can live a happy life and be proud of our great country.Aeasier and easierBsmaller and smallerCstronger and strongerDfaster and faster二、完型填空On a cold November afternoon, my mother and I were walking back home from a pizza store. We had bought many things. We were dressed warmly, and I was feeling a little_as I was carrying our shopping bag. I decided to_something away. I was walking towards a dustbin_ I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us. He headed over to the nearby dustbin and started looking through it.I suddenly felt very _because I was about to throw away a new drink just because it was too heavy. I walked up to him and handed the drink and some bread over to him. The man looked up in surprise and took what I gave him. A huge smile_on his face. I felt I couldnt be happier with myself. But then he said: “Wow, this is my sons lucky day!”With that, he thanked me _and started off on his bike. I even heard him singing as he rode away. It gave me a warm feeling inside. I now understand what it_when someone says, “Giving is getting.” _it was only a small act, I learned more in those two minutes than I did in the rest of the month. Everyone in the world_help. Everyone can give help and everyone can be helped.The look of that mans happiness appears in my mind _ I have the chance to do something nice. This is the power of kindness.16 . AworriedBinterestedCsurprisedDtired17 . AthrowBputCgiveDkeep18 . AifBbutCsoDwhen19 . AnervousBhappyCsorryDproud20 . AturnedBappearedCwentDran21 . AsadlyBhappilyCsilentlyDangrily22 . AaimsBmeansClooksDoffers23 . AIfBThoughCBecauseDWhile24 . AneedsBgivesCtakesDbrings25 . AwhicheverBhoweverCwhateverDwhenever三、阅读单选We cant remember clearly since when we started to take our mobiles to a dinner table. This happens a lot, especially when we eat out. Once a dish comes, instead of lifting our chopsticks, we take out our mobiles and click (点击). Later, we post the photos onto Weibo or Wechat, waiting to be “liked”. Then we check our mobiles from time to time during the meal, to see whether we get “liked” or not. We just cannot leave our mobiles for only a meal.Does that sound familiar to you? Do you do that often? If not, how do you feel when others do that when having dinner with you?A recent study suggests that what we are used to doing is not so good. Spending time taking photos of food makes the food less pleasant. To test this, some researchers did a test. Some people were required to take photos before they could enjoy food. The result of the test showed that the number of photos they took was in inverse proportional to (成反比) how they felt about the food. So, why not stop taking photos and just enjoy the food in front of you?In addition, there are also some other bad influences of taking photos of food before meals. After posting the photos onto the Internet, one will not be able to control himself and check his mobile many times. “Does everyone accept my photos? I hope a lot of people like them!” It seems like your mobile secretly calls your name all the time, even when you are with real people.So, next time you go out to have dinner with your family or friends, how about not taking photos of food? Let the food be delicious as it is and share your life with people around you. Believe in me, it will be a wonderful time.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。26 . The underlined word “familiar” in the passage means “_” in Chinese.A陌生的B熟悉的C亲近的27 . From the passage, we know that people like _ first before meals recently.Ataking photos with friends or familiesBtaking photos of the dishCtalking about their Weibo or WeChat28 . People _ check their mobiles during the meal to see whether they get “liked” or not.AalwaysBhardly everCseldom29 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?APeople should take photos of food in order to have a wonderful life.BSpending time taking photos of food makes the food more delicious.CPeople pay more attention to mobiles than to real people during meals.30 . What is the main idea of the passage?AThe bad influences of taking photos of food before meals.BThe advantages of posting the photos onto the Internet.CThe tips (提示) of making others like your photos on the Weibo.All our food comes from the soil. Some of us eat meat, but animals live on plants. If there are no plants, we will have no animals and meat. So the soil is necessary for us to live. The top of ground is usually covered with grass or other plants. Plants grow in soil, which has a dark color. This dark soil is humus. Dead leaves, dead plants and animals waste make it, but this takes a long time.When the humus has been made, plants can grow well in it. All soil needs food. If we dont give it any, the plants will be weak. Animals waste is the best food for the soil, but chemical fertilizers(化肥) are also very useful. The same crop should not be grown in the same place every year. It is better to have a different crop. A change of crop and the use of a good fertilizer will keep the land in good condition.When the soil is dry, the wind blows it away. Sometimes heavy rain carries the humus down to a river. People should grow more and more trees and grass to stop wind from carrying the humus away. It takes hundreds of years to make humus, and so we must save every bit of it. Without soil, where can we grow food?31 . From the text, we know people live on _.AanimalBplantCmeatDsoil32 . The word humus means _ in Chinese.A微生物B土壤C腐殖土D粘土33 . We should _ to keep the soil.Agive more fertilizersBkill more animalsCmake more humusDgrow more trees and grass34 . We should save every bit of humus, because _.Ait takes a long time to make humusBthe more humus in the soil, the better plants growCthe chemical fertilizers are expensiveDA and BWe all want to be healthy. You know food is very important(重要的). There is lots of healthy food . You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and carrots. Fruits and vegetables are good for you . Healthy food can make you strong and happy. Remember(记住) there is a saying , “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also make you healthy . Do some sports and eat healthy food every day and you will be healthy and happy .35 . What are healthy food?AVegetables .BHot dogs .CHamburgers .D Ice-cream36 . “An apply a day keeps the doctor away” means(意思是) _ .AThe doctor goes away when he sees an apple .BThe doctor cant find good apples .CThe doctor likes eating apples very much .DYou eat an apple every day and you can be healthy .37 . _ can also keep people healthy and happy .APlaying computerBDoing sportsCWatching TVDBuying fruits四、句型转换句型转换38 . They succeeded finally .(改为同义句)They succeeded_.39 . My mother didnt get a letter from her sister.(改为同义句)My mother didnt _ her sister.40 . They will finish the work in a week.(对划线部分提问)_ will they finish the work?41 . Pour the milk into the blender.(改为否定句)_ the milk into the blender.42 . I shall stay two more months .(改为同义句)I shall stay _ months.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。43 . When you get into trouble, the m_ (主要的) thing is to have an active attitude.44 . As the technology develops, we can pay the b_ (账单) more easily.45 . She r_ (回复) to me with a sweet smile after I helped her.46 . My parents were proud of my good g_ (成绩) in the English exam.47 . I plan to e_ (腾空) a big box to post my used books to someone in need.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)48 . I got to the station late, but _ the train was still there.(lucky)49 . The great scientist gave us a lecture on how to _ success.(achievement)50 . The plans have been under _ for a year, but no agreement has been reached.(discuss)51 . Linda was still on her way to the office, because she _ to catch the first bus.(failure)52 . Tom came home later than _ last night because his car broke down on the way.(usually)53 . Excuse me, can you tell me how many small _ there are in this town? (busy)54 . I think the _ of the book will be very high because of the writer.(sell)55 . A whizz-kid is probably a young person who is very _ in some way.(success)七、完成句子根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)56 . 因为孩子们还小,她不得不待在家里照顾他们。Because the kids are still young, she has to stay at home to _them.57 . 人们太残忍了,杀了那么多野生动物。_ cruel of people _ so many wild animals.58 . 在这次严重的车祸中他们并没有受伤。他们真幸运啊!They were not hurt in the terrible accident. _ they are!59 . 为了赶上早班车,我父亲一大早就出发了。_ the early bus, my father set off early.60 . 要么你,要么我去看这场电影,因为只有一张票。_ you _ I will go to see the film because there is only one ticket.61 . 上周我们学校邀请了李教授做了一场关于健康的演讲。Professor Li _ to give a lecture about health in our school.62 . 这本书真有趣,你能告诉我在哪里买的吗?This book is so interesting. Can you tell me _ it?八、单词填空Once there was a garden in front of a church gate . Every day a number of children p63 . by the garden to go to school , so the flowers were picked from time to time .That spring , the flowers of the garden were in full bloom ( 开花 ) . One early morning , the pastor ( 牧师 ) stood in the garden to w64 . for the children going to school . Soon , some of them came along . A little boy asked the pastor , “ Can I p65 . a flower ?”“ Which one do you want ?” the pastor asked k66 . . The boy chose a tulip .The pastor said ,“Very good . It b67 . to you now .However ,if you leave the flower here ,it can still bloom for several days ; if you pick it now , you can only play for a while . You are a s68 . kid , so you choose by yourself .The little boy t69 . for a while and said , “ Then I leave it here . I will come back to see it after school is over .”On that day , more than 29 children a70 . to leave the flowers in the garden . And they all came back to see their favorite flowers after school . However , n71 . of them picked the flowers from then on .That spring , the pastor left the whole garden to the people , but he had never l72 . one .九、填空Do you know that each child in school catches six to ten colds every year? Though there is no cure for colds, there are some suggestions for you to avoid (避免) getting a cold.First, you can avoid catching a cold by practising healthy habits. begin by eating healthy food. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink milk and juice. Other healthy habits include getting plenty of sleep at night and lots of exercise.Next, you should try to avoid contact with the viruses (病毒) that cause colds. If you can, stay away from large crowds. When people cough and sneeze, the cold virus goes into the air. Do not share a drinking cup, fork, or spoon with someone else because that could spread the virus. Washing your hands is also a good way not to catch a cold. The cold virus may be on things like telephones and money. Shaking another persons hand could even spread the virus. By washing your hands, you can stop the virus from infecting you.Follow the suggestions above until doctors find a way to stop the viruses that cause colds.73 . You can avoid catching a cold by practising _.74 . _ at night and lots of exercise are healthy habits.75 . To avoid contact with the viruses that cause colds, you can stay away from _.76 . There may be _ on some things like telephones and money.77 . The passage mainly tells us _.十、材料作文78 . Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic The most shocking news to me.(以“最令我震惊的新闻”为题写一篇不少于60个词的作文,标点符号不占格。)Suggested questions: Whats the most shocking news to you? Why do you think its the most shocking news? Whats your opinion about the news?第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、单词填空1、九、填空1、十、材料作文1、

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