2020年(春秋版)人教新目标版九年级英语Unit 14单元检测题(青岛专版)(I)卷

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2020年(春秋版)人教新目标版九年级英语Unit 14单元检测题(青岛专版)(I)卷_第1页
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2020年(春秋版)人教新目标版九年级英语Unit 14单元检测题(青岛专版)(I)卷_第2页
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2020年(春秋版)人教新目标版九年级英语Unit 14单元检测题(青岛专版)(I)卷_第3页
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2020年(春秋版)人教新目标版九年级英语Unit 14单元检测题(青岛专版)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Hey, James. Do you still remember _ me in the camp in Qingdao?Of course I do. You were so careful and always remembered _ a map.Ato see; to takeBseeing; to takingCseeing; to takeDto see; to taking2 . There are three people in my _ .They are my parents and I .Ahome Bhouse Cschool Dfamily3 . Dont_ your deskmate in class.AtalkBtalk toCspeakDtell4 . We will have a _ holiday next month. Lets have a trip to Mount Tai. Thats great.Athree-dayBthree-daysCthree dayDthree-days5 . There are about twenty people waiting . How can I get the ticket in five minutes?AaheadBbehindCabroadDinside6 . He made his sister _ at last. She began to laugh.Astop cryingBto stop cryingCstop to cryDto stop to cry7 . (题文)Why do you _ the radio? I cant hear the light music clearly.Im afraid of waking the baby up.Aturn downBturn onCturn offDturn up8 . Mike! Our country is building the third aircraft carrier(航空母舰).Xinhua News Agency reported last month.What_ unusual thing! Im proud _ itAa;ofBan; ofCthe; inD/: in9 . Did you go out with ?AsomeoneBsomethingCanyoneDanything10 . Tom, dont be _ in the library.AquietBquietlyCnoisyDnoisily二、补全短文7选5Every year, thousands of people get hurt(受伤) or die(死亡) when they are crossing the road11 . .Old people often get hurt or die because they cant see or hear very well. Children usually meet with accidents(事故) because of their carelessness(粗心)12 . .How can we lessen(减少)traffic accidents? All of us must follow the traffic rules. 13 . If they drive too fast, it will be very difficult to stop the car in a very short time. For the walkers, its very important to be careful when they are walking on the road. So when we walk across the road we must try to walk along the pavements(人行道)14 . Look left first, next look right, and then look left again, When we are sure that the road is clear, we can cross it, The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly. 15 . If people run across the road, they may fall down.We should try to help children, old people or blind people to cross the road, and never play in the street.Aits not safe to runBDrivers shouldnt drive too fastCThey forget to look and listen before they cross the roadDDrivers should let us go firstE. Most of these people are old people and children.F. We must wait until there is no carG. We must stop and look both ways before crossing the road三、完型填空Everyone is forgetful, but as we age, we start to feel like brains are showing a bit and that can be upsetting. _ , research shows there is a lot you can do to avoid(避免)those moments.Focus on the _ .People who regularly made plans and looked forward to the coming events had a 50 percent reduced enhance of Alzheimers disease(早老性痴呆症),according to a recent study. But dont_ if your plan isnt filled with life-changing events. Something as simple as setting a goal to have weekly coffee date with a friend will do. Theres proof that people who have a purpose in life or who are working on long or short-term goals appear to do better. That is, keep your brain looking forward.Go for a walk.Raised glucose(葡萄糖)levels can harm the area of the brain that helps you form memories. _ activity can help get blood glucose down to normal(正常)levels. In fact, exercise produces chemicals that are good for your brain. _ , when you take care of your body, you take care of your brain.Learn something new.Take a French class online, join a drawing club, or learn to play cards. A study found that mental stimulation(大脑刺激)limits the weakening effects of aging on memory and the mind. But what is best for your brain is that you keep physically _ at the same time when learning something new. It can be something like learning gardening, or going dancing with your friends.16 . ASadlyBSeriouslyCLuckilyDFinally17 . AfutureBbrainCbehaviorDillness18 . AargueBworryCfrightenDhesitate19 . APhysicalBPublicCPowerfulDPleasant20 . AAt lastBIn additionCSo farDIn other words21 . AfitBactiveCsafeDtired四、阅读单选Do you like Dinosaur Island?The film Dinosaur Island? I went with my younger brother Dave to see it last Friday. I had a great time, but he closed (闭上) his eyes in many parts because the dinosaurs (恐龙) looked so real and he didnt laugh once. I thought the story was really exciting. The beginning and the ending were excellent!GeorgeI saw the advertisement (广告) for the film Dinosaur Island on TV. It looked great but it wasnt as good as I hoped. I loved the beginning but the second half was boring, I think. I wouldnt go and see it again. I like films aboutteenagers and their lives much more. I also like reading books about teenagers. Id like to be a writer and write for teenagers one day.RobertI didnt want the film Dinosaur Island to end because I liked it so much! I read this story before I saw the film. I usually enjoy the books more, but this time was “ ” . I really loved the film! I read all about how they made the dinosaurs on the Internet after I went to see it. I think most young people will love seeing this film!Andrew22 . What might Dave think of the film Dinosaur Island?ABoring.BFunny.CExciting.DScary.23 . What does Robert want to be in the future?AA writer.BA scientist.CA film maker.DA TV reporter.24 . The best word for “ ” is “_”.AseriousBcommonCpopularDdifferent25 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?AGeorge often watches films at home.BRobert is interested in films about teenagers.CDave went to see the film Dinosaur Island yesterday.DAndrew didnt laugh once when he saw the film Dinosaur Island.26 . What question might the three boys answer?AWhere do you usually watch films?BWhat kind of films do you like most?CWhy did you go to see the film Dinosaur Island?DWhat did you think of the film Dinosaur Island?五、阅读判断There once were two poor woodsmen who made a living by collecting woods in the mountain. One day, they happened to discover two large bags of cotton in the mountain and felt surprisingly happy.When they were walking home, one of the woodsmen found a large bundle(捆)of cloth beside the road. So he asked his partner whether to throw the cotton and take the cloth instead. But his partner held a different view(观点) that since he had carried the cotton for such a long way , he would not change it with cloth. He thought all his previous (之前的)effort would turn out to be useless. Therefore, the other woodsman gave up the cotton and carried the cloth. After walking for a while, the woodsman who carried the cloth found several pieces of gold disseminated(散落)on the ground. He felt so happy while his partner was still unwilling to throw the cotton and wondering whether the gold was real or not.However, when they just walked to the foot of the mountain, it began to rain suddenly. The woodsman who carried the cotton found that his cotton got wet and became so heavy that he couldnt carry it. Finally, he went back home empty-handed , but his partner carried gold.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。27 . The two poor woodsmen lived by collecting woods in the mountain.28 . On their way home, they found two bundles of cloth first.29 . Both of them threw the cotton and carried the cloth.30 . They met a rain on their way home that day.31 . One of the woodsmen carried several pieces of gold home at last.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写32 . There was nothing but_(寂静) in the room33 . Its_(粗鲁的) to make noises while eating in China34 . Please_(检查) your test paper before you hand it in35 . I worked out the maths problem with this_(方法)36 . The book I want is right at the_(底部) of the shelf七、用单词的正确形式完成句子Choose the right word to complete the sentence(选择合适的词,完成句子):37 . Do you enjoy _(do, doing)the project with your classmates?38 . Peter and I are schoolmates. We are in _(the same, different)school.39 . Mr. White draws plans of buildings. He is an _(artist, architect).40 . Nurses _(wear, put on)uniforms at work.41 . A _(secretary, manager)answers the phone and takes notes.42 . A doctor looks after _(ill, sick)people well.八、多任务混合问题Do you obey the rules in your school? How do you like your school rules? A lot of school rules are similar around the world, (A)_ some are different. Every school has their own rules. There are some rules in Japanese schools. The students are not allowed (允许) to dye (染) their hair (B)_ should keep the hair Japanese black color. They are not allowed to wear earrings (耳环), either. Almost all schools required (要求) students to wear uniforms in the past but now half of the schools require uniforms. The students feel happy to wear all kinds of clothes. (C)学生们一定不能上学迟到. If they are late, they cant get into the school gate because the school gate is closed. In Japan, students are not allowed to have parttime jobs because they may not concentrate (专心于)on their study. American schools have their own rules. For example, in Morton High School, students are not allowed to choose their own clothes. They must get to school and leave school on time. They must wear sports shoes in gym class. (D)They should keep quiet on the school bus. In America, the students can have parttime jobs in their free time.43 . 任务一:在(A)、(B)处填入适当的连词_; _44 . 任务二:将(C)处画线句子翻译成英语_45 . 任务三:将(D)处画线句子翻译成汉语_46 . 任务四:回答下面的问题Why are the students not allowed to have parttime jobs in Japan?_47 . 任务四:回答下面的问题What must the students in Morton High School wear in gym class?_A good book can be satisfying, can improve your knowledge and can teach you a lot. There are several ways to develop a lifetime reading habit.Set times. 61. You should have a few set times every day when youll ready for at least 5-10 minutes, no matter what happens. For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch (and even dinner if you eat alone)Always carry a book. 62. 不管你去哪,随身携带一本书。 When you leave a house, make sure to have at least one book. You may keep the book in the car, or into the office or to anywhere you go, unless youre sure you wont have time to read.Make a list. Keep a list of all the great books you want to read. You can keep this in a pocket notebook. Be sure to add to it whenever you hear about a good book. Keep a running list, and cross out the ones you have read.Find a quiet place. Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair without television or computer near the chair. There should be no music or noisy family members.Set a high aim. For example, tell yourself that you want to read 50 books this year. Try your best to finish reading them. Just be sure youre still enjoying the reading.48 . 将61处划线英语翻译成汉语。49 . 将62处划线汉语翻译成英语。50 . 根据短文内容,完成句子。When you read, you should find a_place.51 . 回答问题。When should we carry at least one book according to the passage?52 . 写出全文的主题句。九、讲稿53 . 假如你班要召开一次以“Keep our school clean”为主题的班会,请就同学们应该或不应该做的事情,写一篇简短的发言稿。例如:我们应该保持学校干净整洁;我们不被允许乱扔垃圾、瓶子;不允许在墙上乱涂乱画;应该每天打扫教室。如果每个学生都能为保护校园做点什么,我们的校园会越来越美丽等。要求:1. 80词左右;2. 需包括所有写作要点,但不逐字逐句翻译,可以适当加入过渡语句,使短文通顺、连贯。Keep our school cleanGood afternoon,everyone!We are studying in this school.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、多任务混合问题1、2、九、讲稿1、

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