2019年鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 3 Section B & Self Check课时练习(I)卷

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2019年鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 3 Section B & Self Check课时练习(I)卷_第1页
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2019年鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 3 Section B & Self Check课时练习(I)卷_第2页
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2019年鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 3 Section B & Self Check课时练习(I)卷_第3页
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2019年鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 3 Section B & Self Check课时练习(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What color is that car?_AIts redBThats redCThats a red carDThis is a red car2 . This is map. map is Toms.Athe; ABthe; TheCa; TheDa; A3 . Whatdo you have to do besidesthe room at home ?I have to take out the trash.Aelse; cleaningBelse; cleanCother; cleaningDother; clean4 . - _ sleep do you think is necessary for a Grade 7 student?- Eight hours at least.AHow oftenBHow longCHow manyDHow much5 . 如果别人夸奖我们的衣服漂亮,我们应该说_。AThankBThank youCHello6 . What color is the panda(熊猫)?-Its_.AblackBblack and whiteCa black and whiteDwhite7 . 下列选项中不同类的是。AredBcolorCblueDyellow8 . Youd better keep the classroom _.AcleaningBcleanedCclean9 . _ is it to your hometown from here? Well, it takes over two hours to get there by train.AHow oftenBHow farCHow long DHow10 . _ do you like swimming?Because it can make me healthy.AWhatBWhyCHowDWhere11 . _will he arrive here?In an hour.AHow longBHow oftenCHow soon12 . -What color is the orange?-Its _.Aan orangeBorangeCthe orangeDa orange13 . - Have you ever been to Xiao Meisha?- Yes. It was a fantastic beach in ShenzhenAvery excellentBvery commonCvery colourful14 . How do you spell it? _.Ao-a-n-g-eBO,R,A,N,G,ECO-R-A-N-G-E15 . Do you like ice-cream? -_AYes, I amBYes, I dontCNo, I likeDNo, I dont16 . Its going to be _ tomorrow.ArainBrainyCrainsDraining17 . 2018年上海金山二模Kobe Bryant made _exciting short film called Dear Basketball.AaBanCtheD/18 . Im sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel because she has a pretty good_of direction.AideaBfeelingCsenseDvoice19 . Which is your new English teacher? The young lady _ red over there.AwithBinConDfor20 . -_ are the baseballs?- -Theyre green and white.AWhereBWhatsCWhat colorDHow21 . -_ have you studied English? - Since I was six.AHow oftenBWhenCHow longDWhat time22 . issunnytoday!Youdbetterwalktoschool.AThatBThisCItDOne23 . 当别人向你表示谢意时,你这样回答:_.AThat all rightBRightCYoure welcome.二、补全对话7选5A:Good af ternoon!B: 24 . A:Im Frank.And you?B: 25 . .A: How do you spell it?B:26 . A: Whats this in English?A27 . A:What color is it?A28 . Its yellow map.AIts a map.BGood afternoon!CHow are you?DG-R-A-CE.E.Its yellow.EIts W.FIm Grace.三、完型填空Lucy, Tom, Mary and Jack are playing games. They put their coats_ the table. They are white, blue, red and black. We know that the _coats arent red and the girls arent black. What color _Lucys coat? I dont _. But I know it is not blue. Jack says, “_ coat is white.” Then what color are their coats?29 . AonBinCoverDunder30 . AboysBboysCboysDboy31 . AisBareCdoDdoes32 . AthinkBknowClookDhave33 . AIBMeCMyDMine四、阅读单选同学们你们已经学习了很多单词,想必一定能读懂下面的文章,试试看,你准行!Look at this. Its a blue bag. It is my bag. Whats in it? Look, this is my English book. Its blue, too. My Chinese book isalsoin my bag. It is yellow. This is my pencil case. Its big and nice. I like English and Chinese. My bag is my good friend.34 . My bag is _.AyellowBblueCnice35 . Whats in my bag? _.AMy English bookBMy Chinese bookCAll the two36 . My Chinese book is also in my bag. “Also” means (意思是) _.A也B颜色C不在37 . My _ is my good friend.AbagBEnglish bookCpencil case38 . My pencil case is _.AyellowBblueCbig and niceStudents in many countries wear school uniforms. Heres a list of countries below.In Brazil, students dont have to wear uniforms in public schools although they might have one. In general, the uniforms are a pair of blue trousers and a white T-shirt with the school symbol printed on it.School uniforms are used in Cuba. All students wear school uniforms with the color as a symbol of grade level. Children also wear scarves because they are young pioneers.Japan introduced school uniforms in the late 19thcentury. Today, All students wear school uniforms. Many boys wear white shirts, short pants and caps. Girls uniforms might include a gray pleated (褶)skirt and a white blouse.In Singapore, all students must wear uniforms. Though the colors are different from school to school. The uniform for boys is usually shorts or long trousers, with a shirt (often white), while girls wear white pinafores(连衣裙) or skirts.39 . In Cuba a student wears the scarf as a symbol of _.Agrade levelBcold weatherCpublic schoolDyoung pioneer40 . Which is true about the students uniforms in Singapore?ASchool uniforms are introduced in the late 19thcentury.BOnly the students in public schools wear uniforms.CBoys uniforms are different from girls in color.DStudents usually wear white shirts or skirts.41 . On the school day, a student doesnt wear the uniform. He probably comes from _.ABrazilBCubaCJapanDSingapore五、句型转换同义句转换42 . He is a member of Huanghe Football Club.He _ Huanghe Football Club.43 . What else do you like to do?What _ do you like to do?44 . Look left, then right, then left when you cross the road.Look left, then right, then left when you _ the road.45 . Our school starts at eight in the morning from Monday to Friday.Our school starts at eight in the morning _.46 . We always have a good time at school.We always _ at school.A) 写出与句意相同或相近的句子,每空一词。47 . In the beginning, I saw leaves fly in all directions in the wind._, I saw leaves fly _ in the wind.48 . Babies eyes are usually not open at birth.When babies _, their eyes are usually _.49 . Simon didnt go to work yesterday because he was ill.Simon didnt go to work yesterday _ his _.50 . The heavy rain caused a flood. We must take action to help the people there.The heavy rain _ a flood. We must _ to help the people there.51 . Helens car went wrong. She is fixing it alone.Helens car _. She is fixing it _.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据所给汉语和首字母提示补全单词,使补全后的句子意义通顺,语法正确。52 . Our monitor won the first prize in the c_.53 . The u_ rain dropped down over and over again in the city of Urumqi from June 7th to June 17th.54 . All of us have been here e_ Tom. He has gone to London.55 . You were so c_ that you made at least five mistakes in the test.56 . He gave really clear _(指示) during P.Aclass.57 . All the students in my class_(参加) the concert last night.58 . I think its not good for students to go _ (国外) at a young age.59 . I promised to buy my son a new bicycle but I had to _(使失望) him.根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。60 . In the US, people dont celebrate f_ (秋天) with the Mid-autumn Festival, but they do have many fall traditions.61 . I asked Clive where he was going, but he didnt r_ (回复).62 . You can find all of these books in your l_ (当地的) library.63 . His opinion c_ (改变) those of most people last time.64 . Its every policemans dream to keep people s_ (安全的) and traffic in good order.七、看图识词根据句意及图片提示完成句子65 . I have a _ and it is red. 66 . The model _ is under the bed. 67 . -Is this your fathers _ ? -Yes, it is.68 . Here are some English _.69 . The CD _ is Lindas. 八、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的恰当形式填空70 . _ (spell) the word “brown”, please.B-R-O-W-N.71 . Is _ (her) from Shanghai?72 . Lucy and Lily are _ (England).73 . What color _ (be) your jacket?74 . Helens _ (bike) are white and black.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空75 . Are_(your)Peter?76 . This is_(I)friend,Frank.77 . She is Lucy. This is_(she)ruler.78 . My name is John Green. My_(one)name is John.79 . I dont know_(he)phone number.九、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子80 . 在那个时候我们好像都感觉到了他的悲伤。We all seemed _his sadness at that time.81 . 他过去有一段痛苦的经历。He had _in the past.82 . 他的行为反映他的思想。His actions _ his _.83 . 我抬起头来看见了他。I _ and saw him.84 . 共计有百余人参加了这个会议。_ over 100 people attended the conference.十、用单词的正确形式完成短文请根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。方框中有两个词为多余项。finish they play for Sunday alwaysfavorite because busy one cool haveHello! My name is Li Hua, a student in Yuncheng. I85 . classes from Monday to Friday at school.In the morning, I86 . eat breakfast at home. Then I go to school with my friend Li Tao. We get to school at about 7: 30. And the87 . lesson begins at 8 oclock. At 10 oclock, we have a morning break88 . 20 minutes. During(在期间) the break, I like89 . volleyball with my classmates. Its my90 . . Im in our school volleyball team(队)and I think I look very91 . when Im playing volleyball. Also, I like history very much,92 . I can know much about what happened in the past(过去发生了什么)。On93 . , I often watch basketball games with my cousins. I like to be with 94 . .We often have a good time .十一、填写适当的句子补全对话三、填写适当的句子补全对话.根据图画提示补全对话A:Hi,Tom!95 . .B:Hi,Bob!96 . ,too.A:Look!Whats this in English?B:97 . .A:98 . .B:ORANGAA:99 . ?B:Its orange.十二、多任务混合问题Very often, new-born babies arent beautiful. Theyre wrinkled (皱褶), or they have an angry look on their faces. They seem to say, “Get away!I hate everybody.” But to a parent, that wrinkled, angry-faced baby is the most beautiful and perfect child in the world. When a proud (自豪的) parent asks you, “Well, what do you think? Isnt she beautiful?” What are you going to say? Is this the time for the truth (真相)? Of course not!You look at that proud parent in the eye and say, “Yes, she is! She is really a beauty. Shes going to be a movie star! I can tell!”In English this is_1_White lies dont hurt (伤害) people. They arent angry words. People use them to make a difficult thing a little easier. When people dont want to meet someone, or they eat something new that they really dont like at a friends house, theyll tell a white lie. They are trying to be kind. They dont want to hurt anyone. Its important to be honest, but being kind is sometimes more important.根据短文内容完成下列任务。100 . 根据短文内容填空:Parents are usually _ when their babies are born.101 . The word “white” in the phrase “a white lie” means _.A白色的谎言B善意的谎言C真实的谎言102 . Which of the following is a white lie?AYou break the window but you say you dont know who breaks it.BYou know Jim has picked up (捡起)a wallet but you say you dont know.CYou dont think your friends first picture is great but you say it is.103 . 从文中找出下列句子的同义句。Sometimes its more important to be kind._104 . .回答问题:Why do people use white lies? _十三、阅读排序105 . 请按由大到小的顺序写出瓶子的颜色。There are five bottlesa red bottle, a white bottle, a blue bottle, a brown bottle, and a green bottle. The red bottle is bigger than the white bottle; the blue bottle is bigger than the brown bottle, but smaller than the green one. The brown bottle is bigger than the white bottle; the green bottle is smaller than the red bottle.A:B:C:D:E:十四、材料作文106 . 书面表达假如你是Jim,请向你的同学介绍一下你房间的物品及其颜色。物品的颜色可以任意发挥。要求:30词左右。_十五、其他将下列书籍按照所给的类别进行分类,将序号填在横线上AChina in the 1900sBLiving on the MoonCBe a Quick English LearnerDThe Diary of Anne FrankEFamous Towns in Jiangsu107 . Literature _108 . History _109 . Science _110 . Language _111 . Geography _112 . Aa fBb pCd jDi r113 . Ab iBd rCg pDj p114 . Ah lBe uCh mDn x115 . Am wBs rCc fDf l116 . Ah zBs vCv hDf s第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、句型转换1、2、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、七、看图识词1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、九、完成句子1、十、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、十一、填写适当的句子补全对话1、十二、多任务混合问题1、十三、阅读排序1、十四、材料作文1、十五、其他1、2、

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