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学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 密封线2013年秋学期期中学情调查六年级英语听力部分(30分)一、听录音,根据所听到的单词或词组。(听两遍)(10分)( )1、A. 21st B. 12th C. 22nd D. 11th ( )2、A. June B. July C. August D. October ( )3、A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Saturday ( )4、A. near B. pear C. year D. dear( )5、A. eleven B. excuse C. twelve D. seven ( )6、A. bird B. girl C. her D. teacher( )7、A. hers B. his C. ours D. theirs ( )8、A. take off B. get on C. put on D. get off ( )9、A. feel B. film C. fish D. field( )10 A. stop B. steak C. stand D. scream二、听录音,判断下列句子内容是否与录音意思相符。相同用“T”,不同用“F”表示。(听两遍)(5分)( )1、My Dads mobile phone is beside the telephone.( )2、Nancy cant find her glasses.( )3、Su Yang picks the films up for Su Hai.( )4、It is the 21st of November.( )5、Toms birthday present is a VCD of American cartoon.三、听问题,找答案。(听两遍)(5分)( )1、A. Yes, we are. B. We have an English class everyday . C. We are having an English class now.( )2、A. No, I wasnt . B. I was in Liu Taos house.C. I had a good time. ( )3、A. It was the third of June. B. It was Monday. C. Its the third of Jane. ( )4、A. Danger B. Yes, it does C. No, it doesnt.( )5、A. Sure. B. Yes, you can . C. No, you cant 四、听录音,填写所缺单词 。(听两遍)(10分)1、A:_ watches are they? B:Theyre Bens. 2、A:_ was it a moment ago ? B: It_ under the table. 3、A:_ is your birthday? B: Its on the _ of .4、A:You should from the building. B: All right. 5、A:What _it mean ? B: It means be _ . 笔试部分(70分)一、单词辨音。选出画线部分读音与其他不同的选项 。 (共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )1. A. lunch B. child C. teach D. school( )2. A. room B. foot C. look D. good( )3. A. egg B. eleven C. pencil D. seven ( )4. A. have B. cake C. same D. take ( )5. A. think B. mouth C. this D. three二、词汇。用所给单词的适当形式填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)1. All the students are very _ (exciting).2. They are _ (watch) a running race now.3. David can _ (play) football very well.4. Monday is the (two) day of a week?5. Helen wants (take) some photos, too.三、单项选择。 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)( )1Mother buys a new dress me as a present. Ain Bon Cat Dfor( )2Kate usually homework after schoo1 Ado her Bdoes her Cdo hers Ddoes hers( )3I drank(喝) yesterday. A. three bottle of milk B. three bottles of milk C. three bottles of milks D. three bottles milk( )4Where did the tea first come from? A. Japan B. England C. China D. America ( )5. Su Hai and Su Yangs school has a every year. A. Sports DayB.sports day C.sport day( )6May I speak to Mr Green, please? .AYesI am BIm speaking CThis is Mr Green speaking DYes, you may ( )7Listen! Some of the girls about Harry Pottor. Atalk Bare talking Cwill talk Dtalked ( )8.Where are your ? Aa pair of earphones B. earphonesC. earphone( )9.Hes his camera now, but he cant it. A. looking forfindB.find, looking for C. find, looking at( )10.Whens Halloween?Its . A.on OctoberB.in October C. on the 1st of October四、选择方框里适当的介词填空(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)about, as, for, on, with1.I like playing table tennis my friends.2.There are a lot of signs the grass.3.What would you like a birthday present?4.They are talking the running race.5.Su Hai is looking the films.五、改错。下列各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正。(10分)( ) 1.Jim have a dictionary. Do you have one? A B C D( ) 2.My schoolbag is new. How about your? A B C D( ) 3.How many vase are there in the shop? A B C ( ) 4.He would like go to the supermarket. A B C D( ) 5. Look, your pen is on the ground. Pick up it. A B C D六、根据所给汉语,完成下列句子(每空一词,每空1分,计10分)1.它们意味着不同的东西。 They mean .2.一年有几个月?十二个。 Months are there in a year ? .3.你昨天在哪里?我在学校。 Where you yesterday? I at school.4.现在它不在那儿了,刚才它是在那儿的。It isnt there now,. It was there .5.所有的学生都很兴奋。 All the students are very . 七、将下列单词连成一个完整的句子, 并在括号内写出中文意思。(10分)1.you, come, birthday, would, like, party, to, my, to ( ? )_( )2.her,is ,for ,camera , she , looking ( . )_( )3.see, park, we, some, public, in, the, can, signs ( . )_( )4.diary, ago, was, my, where, moment, a ( ? )_( )5.please, you , can , pick , me , them , up , for ( ? )_( )八、阅读理解。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)Tim often goes to the park at the weekendsHe likes playing with antsThe ants are small,but they can carry big thingsThey work in groupsTim likes catching fireflies,tooSometimes he puts them in some bottlesMany boys like insectsThey like crickets(蟋蟀)Crickets are brave and they like to fightBut many girls like butterflies and dragonflies,because they are beautiful根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的打“T”,不相符的打“F”。( )1The ants cant carry big things( )2Many girls like crickets( )3Tim likes butterflies,too( )4The crickets like to fight( )5Tim often goes to the zoo at the weekendsMrs Smiths living room is large. There is a television in the room. The television is near the window. There are some magazines on the television. There is a table in the room. There are some newspapers on the table. There are some armchairs in the room. The armchairs are near the table. There is a stereo in the room. The stereo is near the door, Mrs Smith often listens to music from it.阅读短文后回答问题,将正确答案的序号写在括号内。(选自新概念英语第一册Lesson 27)( )6.Is Mrs. Smiths living room big? A. Yes, it is small. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isnt( )7.Where is the television? A. Its near the table B. Its near the door. C. Its near the window.( )8.Whats on the television? A. some newspaper B. some magazines C. some armchairs.( )9.Whats in the room? A. a television and a stereo B. a table and some armchairs C.A and B( )10.Whats the meaning(意思) of “stereo”? A.梳妆台 B. 立体声音响 C.电冰箱九、根据提示信息,写一篇小作文,不少于50词。(5分) My Class教室里有两扇门,6扇窗和45套课桌椅。语文老师Miss Gu; 英语老师Miss Feng; 数学老师Miss Li,班级是我学习的好地方。(place:地方) My Class 六年级英语听力材料一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组1.twenty-second 2.October 3.Tuesday 4.year 5.eleven 6.girl 7.his 8.take off 9.film 10.scream二、听录音,判断下列句子内容是否与录音意思相符。相同用“T”,不同用“F”表示。1. Dad, where is your mobile phone?It is in my pocket.2. Mum, where are my glasses ?They are in your bag, I think.3. Su Yang, where are my films ?Look, they are on the ground .Can you pick them up for me ?Ok. 4. What date is it today ?It is the twenty-first of November.5. Hi, Tom ,what is this ?It is my birthday present a VCD of Japanese cartoon.三、听问题,找答案。1. Are you having a Chinese class now ?2. Where were you a moment ago ?3. Today is the fourth of June .What date was yesterday ?4. What does this sign mean ?5. Shall we go home together ?四、听录音,填写所缺单词。1.Whose watches are they ? They are Bens .2.Where was it just now ? It was under the table .3.When is your birthday ? It is on the third of May 4.You should stay away from the building . All right.5.What does it mean ? It means be quiet.

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