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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I have homework to do. I feel tired.Atoo much; too muchBmuch too; much tooCtoo much:much tooDtoo many; much too2 . If it _ tomorrow, we will go to Sheshan for sightseeing and fun.Awont rainBnot rainCdidnt rainDdoesnt rain3 . The Winter Jasmines often _ in blossom in spring.Abreak upBbreak outCbreak onDbreak into4 . People who always do sports are inspirits than those who dont.AhighBhigherCtallDtaller5 . - Kitty , please get some fruit before it _.-OK .I will go to the supermarket at once .Aruns outBis run outCis running outDwill be run out6 . Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go too, mom? _ Wait till you are old enough, dear.AGood idea.BWhy not?CI hope so.DIm afraid not.7 . Our library is nice and clean. You can enjoy_ here.AreadBreadingCreadsDto read8 . I watched soap operas on TV for.AsometimesBsome timesCsometimeDsome time9 . _ is the hospital from here? About ten minutes walk.AHow oftenBHow farCHow longDHow soon10 . There _ ten players in our team.AamBisCareDbe二、完型填空Now, most people have watches. As we know, Switzerland(瑞士) is famous for its watches._, the watch was not _ in this country. It was the British who did. Many years ago, an Englishman traveled to Italy and on his way he went_a small town in Switzerland. This Englishman traveled in a carriage(马车) inside which there was a carriage watch. This was the_kind of watch. A blacksmiths(铁匠) assistant hoped to see the watch. He_what it was._he asked the Englishman about it. “ It is a carriage watch,” said the Englishman. “ This machine can tell the_but now it isnt working.”At once the blacksmiths assistant decided to try to_it. So the traveler handed him the watch. He was very_. So it was not surprising that he was_in showing it right. He even remembered how it was made. As soon as the traveler had gone, he made a watch of exactly the same kind.So the watch-making was started in Switzerland. Today Swiss watches are sold all over the world.11 . ASoBAndCHoweverDFor12 . AbroughtBinventedCcameDappeared13 . AonBatCinDthrough14 . AearliestBlatestCnicestDcheapest15 . AknewBwonderedCthoughtDwrote16 . ABecauseBAfterCSoDSince17 . AtimeBpriceCaddressDnumber18 . ArepairBstealCmakeDbuy19 . AhardworkingBstrongCforgetfulDclever20 . AdifficultBhardCgladDsuccessful三、阅读单选CToday most people cant live without a television set! During the 1980s and 1990s the quality (质量) of both pictures and sound became very, very good. The first VCR (video cassette recorder) was introduced in 1977 in the USA. With VCRs, people could record their favorite programs, but the quality was not perfect. The invention of the CD and the DVD during the 1990s produced a better quality of both pictures and sound. The first DVD player was introduced in 1997 in the USA. At that time you could not record programs with DVD players, but today DVD recorders are available.During recent years, people began to develop new ways to record television programs with machines that had memory. This way your television set can save films, almost like a computer. This new invention is called TiVo, and it has become very popular in the USA. With TiVo, television sets are similar to computers, but at the same time computers are similar to television sets. With a computer you can now pay to download (下载) films and TV programs from the Internet and watch them on the computer screen. In the future, computers will probably take the place of television sets.Living rooms with large-screen TV sets and big speakers (扬声器) are like small cinemas at home: they are called “home movie theaters”. Watching movies at home or in the cinema are both great and fun, but some people think that cinemas are still the best places to watch movies.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。21 . Which of the following isTRUEabout early VCRs?A. The quality of pictures was very good.AThe quality of sound was very good.BThey could be used to record programs.CThey soon got very popular in the USA.22 . DVD appeared _ years later than VCR.A7B9C13D2023 . Which of the following has memory?AVCR.BCD.CDVD.D. TiVo.24 . What does the underlined word “save” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A存储B拯救C节省D储蓄25 . According to the writer, “home movie theaters” are _.Aa great choiceBnot good for healthCbetter than cinemasDnot popular with AmericansLast Sunday, our English club had a trip to the zoo. The zoo is far from our club. The bus ride took us about two hours to get there. The zoo is big and beautiful. There are lots of animals in it. I took many photos of the animals. Now let me show you my photos. Look at this tiger. It is eleven years old. It was sleeping when we got there. Look! The elephants are so lovely. Theyre from South Africa. Theyre eating food. What are the monkeys doing? Oh, theyre climbing the tree. There are many apples on the tree. Look at these photos. They are all about my favorite animals- pandas. Theyre really cute and beautiful, right? Where is the photo of the giraffe? Oh, its under the chair. The giraffe is taking a walk. The photos are so interesting. Do you like them?26 . The writer is in the _ club.AEnglishBartCswimmingDscience27 . They went to the zoo _.Aby bikeBby busCby carDby train28 . The tiger was _ when they arrived.AeatingBplaying gamesCsleepingDtaking a walk29 . The writer likes _ best.AtigersBelephantsCmonkeysDpandas30 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThey went to the zoo last Saturday.BThe elephants are from Australia.CThere are many pears on the tree.DThe writer found the photo of the giraffe under the chair.Lost:A white dogMy name is Alan Green. My phone number is 216-0911.You can e-mail me at alan6512163.com.Found:A brown schoolbagAn English book, a dictionary and some keys are in it. My name is Tina Black. My phone number is 612-7878.Found:A photoI found a photo in the school library. A teacher, a girl and a boy are in the photo. The teacher is in a blue jacket. Is it yours? Call Mike at 216-9871.Lost: A model planeI lost my model plane. I must find it. Call Bill at 678-0911 or e-mail me at bill808126.com.31 . Alan lost his .AschoolbagBdogCphotoDmodel plane32 . The color of the teachers jacket is .AwhiteByellowCblueDbrown33 . If you find a model plane, you can call .AAlanBTinaCMikeDBill34 . is NOT in the schoolbag.AA dictionaryBAn English bookCA notebookDSome keysDo you want to be in good health? Try to do the following things! You can become stronger. Drink eight cups of water every day. Water helps your body in many ways. If you feel thirsty, just have a cup of water. Dont forget to eat your breakfast. Breakfast gives you everything your body needs for the morning, so do not forget your breakfast. Get enough calcium(钙). Your bones need it. Milk has more calcium. You may also drink soya milk. Go for a walk every day after meals. Walking is good exercise, and people need exercise for good health. Its better to walk after meals. Stretch for five minutes after sitting for one or two hours. Stretching your arms and legs is good for your body. Use your brain(大脑) every day. For example, you can do stand crossword puzzle or read a new book. Have a rest for about twenty minutes when you are tired. You may do something different to have a break. For example, stand up and walk. Or sit down to listen to music.35 . How many things does this passage mention(提及) for you to do if you want to keep healthy?AFive.BSix.CSeven.DEight.36 . Which meal can give what your body needs for the morning?ABreakfast.BLunch.CDessert (甜点).DDinner.37 . What does the underlined word “Stretch” mean in Chinese?A锻炼B跳跃C跑步D伸展38 . Which of the following is True according to this passage?AReading a new book can improve our brain.BWe can only drink eight cups of water every day.CWe should stretch for fifteen minutes after two hours.DHave a rest for about five minutes when you are tired.四、语法填空根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。One day,all feelings were on a vacation on39 . island,and each was having a good time.Suddenly,they were told that a storm was coming.so all rushed to their boats. Love also wanted to a40 . the storm,but there were no boats to use. Just then, Richness was passing by. Love asked, “Richness, can you take me with you?”Richness answered, “No, I cant. Theres a lot of gold in my boat. Theres no place here for you.”Sorrow passed by after a while. Again, Love asked for help. But it was useless. No, I cant take you with me. I am so sad. I want to be by 41 . ().When Happiness passed by a few minutes later, Love again asked for help. But Happiness was42 . happy that it couldnt care about anyone else.He went away without s43 . a word.Two44 . (three)of the feelings went away.The clouds seemed much45 . (heavy)than ever.The storm was coming soon.Love was in46 . (dangerous).She was growing hopeless,Just then somebody shouted,“Come on,Love,I will take you with me.”Love didnt know who was so kind, but jumped onto the boat47 . (happy).After getting off the boat, Love met Knowledge. Love asked, Knowledge, do you know who was so kind to give me a lift when no one else wished to help?Knowledge smiled, That was Time.Time? asked Love. But why did Time help me? Knowledge smiled and answered, 48 . only Time is able to understand how valuable Love is.五、多任务混合问题任务型阅读请根据材料内容,完成各题。Every year people celebrate the Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important festival in China. So before it comes, everyone buys many things. (2)And they often make a special kind of food called dumplings. It means “get together.” Parents always buy new clothes for their children and children buy their parents presents ,too.On the Spring Festival Eve(除夕),all the family members come back home for a big dinner. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year. After dinner, all the family stay up(熬夜)until midnight(午夜)to welcome the New Year. (1)They sing, dance , play cards. and _ _ fireworks.On the first day of the New Year, people put on new clothes and visit their friends. They say “Happy New Year!” to each other. They all have a good time during the festival.49 . 在处填上两个合适的词使句意完整_50 . 将句翻译为中文_51 . 回答下面的问题:What is the most important festival in China?_52 . 在文章中找出下句的同义句 They wish each other good luck for the next year._53 . 写出文章的主题句_六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句。(注意各小题的词形变化)54 . some, you, language, know, sign, do _?55 . will, miss, she, greatly, be _.56 . was, pride, fill, Anne, with _.57 . did, help, she, to, her, best, other _.58 . Helen Keller, for, be, famous, what _?七、材料作文59 . 书面表达三年快乐而充实的初中生活结束了,你将进入高中学习。回顾过去,展望未来,你对高中生活充满期待。请根据下面的提示写一篇80词左右的短文。文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。内容要点:简单回顾初中的学习生活,感恩老师的教导;设想高中的生活、学习环境(如餐厅,图书馆,运动场)及与老师、同学融洽相处;生活多彩、学业进步。参考词汇:get along with;colorful(adj.); I am graduating from this Junior middle school and I will study in a high school soon. Im so excited now. 第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、

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