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鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册期末测试(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you like to go mountain climbing with us? Im afraid not. Thats the thing in the world I want to do.AveryBbestClastDfirst2 . She used to _chess after school, but now shes used to _Weiqi.Aplay, playingBplaying, playCplay, playDplaying, playing3 . Bob _ exercises. Hes _ unhealthy boy.Ahardly ever; anBalways; anCusually; aDnever; a4 . We were _ that we couldnt say anything when we heard the terrible noise.Atoo scaredBtoo scaryCso scaryDso scared5 . It is very useful to read English aloud for half hour every day.AaBanCthe6 . Every time he comes up with a new idea, he writes it down in his notebook(笔记本).(选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项)Acome underBcomes inCthinks ofDcomes on7 . My room is good, Cindys is not.AandBforCbutDof8 . -_ hours do you exercise every day? -Two.AHow oftenBHow manyCHow muchDHow long9 . What do you think _ if the car _?Acan we do; is brokenBcan we do; breaks downCwe can do; breaks downDwe can do; is broken down10 . Millie is a kind girl. I think she can_her classmates.Aget along well withBhear ofChear fromDget ready for二、补全对话5选5从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。David: Excuse me. _Gina: Are they on the sofa?David: _Gina: Are they in the backpack?David: _ Wheres my backpack?Gina: _David: No, it isnt.Gina: Look! They are on that bookcase.David: Yes, theyre my keys. _Gina: Thats all right.AThanks.BIs it under the table?CNo, they arent.DWhere are my keys?EI dont know.11 . _12 . _13 . _14 . _15 . _三、完型填空Hello, boys and girls! My name is Betty. Im twelve. I have some _ .They are Mike, Mary, Jack and Kate. We are middle school _ .Mike, Jack and Mary are in the same_ ._ are in Class Two, Grade Seven. _. Kate and I are in Class Three. This is _ Green. He is our English teacher.This is _ new classroom. In the classroom, you can see 45 desks and 45 chairs. They are green. A blackboard, a clock and a map of China are _ the wall .You can see _ pencils on the teachers desk. The red one is mine. The green one is Mikes. The yellow one is Marys. Kates pencil isnt there. Her pencil is in her schoolbag.Look! You can see a ball under a desk. Thats Kates desk. The ball is _ ,too. This is my desk. You can see some books on it. They are our new books.16 . AstudentsBbrothersCsistersDfriends17 . AteachersBstudentsCboysDgirls18 . AfamilyBschoolCgradeDclass19 . AWeBYouCTheyDThere20 . AAndBSoCOrDBut21 . AMrBMrsCMissDMs22 . AtheirByourCourDours23 . AonBinCunderDat24 . AmanyBoneCtwoDthree25 . AJacksBhisCKatesDher四、阅读单选Lin has a few e -friends from different countries. He is telling us something about them. Tony is from the USA. He is thirteen years old. He is tall and good-looking. And he likes playing basketball. His dream is to be a great basketball player. Lisa is 12 years old. Shes a German(德国的)girl. She has brown and long hair. She likes listening to music. But she likes drawing best. Her dream is to be an Art teacher. Judy is a 12-year-old Australian girl. Her hobby is reading books. She has many friends because she is friendly to everyone. Shed like to be a reporter. Eric is from Japan. He is fourteen years old. Hes strong because he often does sports. His favourite subject is Maths. And he wants to be a scientist. 26 . These e-friends come from _ different countries.ATwoBthreeCfourDfive27 . The underlined word“scientist”means“ _ ”in Chinese.A裁判员B科学家C艺术家D教练员28 . From the passage, we know Judy _ .Acomes from GermanyBwants to be a playerCis good at making friendsDlikes to do sports best29 . _ were born in the same(相同的) year.AEric and LinBLisa and JudyCTony and EricDJudy and Tony30 . Lisas favourite hobby is _ .AdrawingBdancingCreadingDsingingTom is _ years old. He likes to watch TV with his parents after supper, but his parents never let him stay long. After watching TV for some time, his mother _ says, Its eight oclock now. Its time_ you to go to bed, Tom.But why dont you go to bed, too? Tom always asks.And he is not_.We are adults (大人), mother says, And adults go to bed_.One evening Tom asked his mother for_apple.But its too late, his mother didnt want to give him anything to_at bedtime. The apples are already asleep. _ not all of them, Mom. Tom said, The baby apples are perhaps asleep, but their parents are surely not. _ go to bed late. And then he asked, “ Can I eat the baby apples _now, Mom?31 . AthreeBthirteenCthirtyDtwenty32 . AsometimesBalwaysCneverDoften33 . AtoBforCatDof34 . AgoodBangryChungryDhappy35 . AlateBearlyCnowDfast36 . AaBanCthisDthat37 . AwatchBplayCeatDdrink38 . AAndBButCSoDBecause39 . AYouBSheCTheyDWe40 . AmotherBbrotherCsisterDfriendFOR BASKETBALL PLAYERS At least eight hours of sleep every night. Drink ten glasses of water every day. Two hours of training every day.No soft drinks. Eat plenty of rice. Eat fruit four times a day. Eat vegetables three times a day. Eat white meat only. No red meat. 41 . How many times should the basketball players eat fruit?ATwo.BThree.CFour.42 . This picture mainly introduces the ways of _.Abecoming strongBtrainingCeating五、句型转换根据要求完成下列句子,每空一词。43 . These are Sams books. _ Sams books? (改为一般疑问句)44 . Those are oranges. (改为单数句子) _ orange.45 . This is her bike. (改为同义句) This bike _.46 . Is this your father?No, _. (否定回答)47 . His name is Li Lei.(划线部分提问)_ name?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词48 . English is a f_ language for us Chinese.49 . This is my o_ car. Its not my parents.50 . The girl enjoys _(用颜料画)very much,and her dream is to be an artist.51 . Last week,his father _(承诺)to buy a bike for him on his birthday.52 . Can you tell me a good way to _(提高)my English?B.根据句意及首字母提示写出英语单词。53 . Tofu is a kind of traditional Chinese f_.54 . Your classroom is on the second floor a o_ is on the third floor.55 . Its a piece of cake to you, but for me its quite d_.56 . Boys usually wear s_ on their feet inside their shoes.57 . He left without s_ a word.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据所给单词,用其适当的形式填空。58 . Mr. Li asks the students _ (not swim) in the river, because its dangerous.59 . The _ (speak) of the Birdwatching Society are giving a talk.60 . All the people felt quite happy after hearing the _ (excite) news.61 . If you wear the special glasses, you can watch animals much _ (easy).62 . While Millie _ (ride) to school this morning, she saw a traffic accident.63 . Which story is _ (interest) of all in this book? The last one.64 . Could you please _ (leave) the door open for me when you leave?65 . They will learn how to protect _ (they) when they are a little older.66 . My parents _(cook) in the kitchen from 5 to 6 last night.67 . The panda _ (call) Xi Wang looked very cute when it was born.八、完成句子根据课文内容及提示完成句子68 . I am very busy _.我在星期五很忙。69 . The teacher says _ is _, but I think it is _.老师说它很有用,但是我认为它很难。70 . Lunch is _ 12: 00 _ 1: 00.午餐是从12点到1点71 . Our _ teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great _我们的语文老师王老师是个很有意思的人。72 . My classes _ 1: 50, but after that I have _ for two _.我学校的课(下午)1点50结束,但随后我要上两个小时的美术课。73 . Lets _.咱们在星期六见面吧。九、用单词的正确形式完成句子sound like make trouble make jokes about keep sb company take place74 . Jeffery often goes to his grandparents to _. He doesnt want them to feel lonely.75 . Who called just now?I dont know. It _ Mr Jiang.76 . The sports meet last year _ in the Olympics Center. Students from all grades attended this great event that day.77 . Mrs White is living a tiring life because his son always _.78 . They were criticized (批评) by the headteacher because of _ that poor guy with only one leg.十、单词填空根据短文内容及所给首字母提示,补全文中所缺单词,使短文完整、通顺。Jason and Bert are my two friends. Jason is an Australian boy. He comes from Sydney, Australia. He is a good student. And he always spends his s79 . time on study. At home he doesnt allow others to bother (打扰) him when he studies. If his sister is watching TV, he always makes her s80 . it off. Of course, at school Jason is always p81 . by his teachers because of his good marks. Like me, Bert is English. Like me, Bert likes music. And he likes music that has great l82 . . When hes free, he spends p83 . of time on music. Because of this, we s84 . together like glue. Wherever Bert goes, you can always find me. Which one do you p85 . , Jason or Bert? As for me, I like Bert better.十一、多任务混合问题(题文)Tom is my brother. He isnt tidy. He always asks me, “Where is my English book? Where are my rulers? Wheres my notebook?” Heres a picture of his room. You can see the watch, English book, radio, bag, ID card, notebook, keys and hat. The watch is on the desk. The English book is on the desk, too. The yellow radio is on the bed. The notebook is in the bookcase. The bag is in the desk. The ID card is in the notebook. His keys are in the schoolbag. Can you see his hat? Is it on the chair? No, its his cat on the chair. 86 . (小题1)下列哪些物品在文中提到过;请选出并将其变成复数AhatBclockCCDDradio E. watch87 . (小题2)请将划线的两个句子并为一个句子。88 . (小题3)Where are his keys?89 . (小题4)What color is his radio?90 . (小题5)Is his cat on the chair?十二、将所给单词连成句子连词成句。(注各小题的词形变化)91 . pollute, the, smoking, environment_.92 . it, smoke, give, easy, is, up, to_.93 . change, talk, the, when, topic, smoking, someone, about_.94 . everyone, in, want, a, clean, to, live, environment_.95 . try, it, how, explain, important, is_.十三、书信作文96 . 假如你是大明,最近刚结识了英国笔友Dale.请你根据以下提示内容,给他写一封70词左右的电子邮件,详细介绍你自己。要求:1,要点齐全、条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确、书写规范;2,文中不得出现真实校名及姓名,否则不予评分;3,开头已给出、不计入总词数、可适当发挥年龄12外貌黑色短发,圆脸,又高又瘦爱好打篮球,唱歌,看书,交朋友性格对朋友友好,遇到困难感到紧张Dear Dale,Im very glad to know you. Let me tell you something about myself._Im looking forward to knowing something about you. Please write to me.Yours,Daming第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、十、单词填空1、十一、多任务混合问题1、十二、将所给单词连成句子1、十三、书信作文1、

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