人教新目标英语八年级上册 Unit 9 Section B 同步练习

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人教新目标英语八年级上册 Unit 9 Section B 同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Once there was a jackal(豺) in the forest. Every animal in the forest _the jackal as it was so weak that it could not hunt for its food. However, all of them were _of the tiger. The big cat hunted _ and every animal used to be its good. Then the jackal got an surprising idea. It had got its body painted with yellow and black stripes like the tigers. Then every animal was _ to see the new kind of tiger and escaped quickly. Some animals that ran slowly were _by this “tiger”. Facing such a big cat, they thought there was no need to fight against it. The jackal had rich meals for quite a season. Then the _ season came. The first shower in the forest washed out all the color strips form its body. Then the jackals secret had been out to all and it was killed by them.Every truth has its time to be made known to all. People sometimes have the idea that all the _doers have rich life to enjoy. However, many good people have to live a life full of _.In my opinion, though the life built on the wrong may bring comfortable life, finally it ends up with _. On the other hand, though the virtuous (正直的) life usually needs long hard work and wait, it would win at last. In a word, the truth _ succeeds.1 . Alook forward toBlook out ofClook up toDlook down upon2 . AproudBafraidCgladDfond3 . AhappilyBcarefullyCeasilyDangrily4 . ArelaxedBsurprisedCtiredDexcited5 . AbittenBeatenCthrowDhidden6 . ArainyBsnowyCwindyDcloudy7 . AsillyBhard-workingChappyDwrong8 . AhappinessBsuccessCdifficultiesDsurprises9 . AwealthBfailureCpainDsuccess10 . AalwaysBsometimesChardly everDneverThere lived a young man in a village. He was born in a_family. His parents had a lot of farms and got much money . He was in school for only four years, but he thought he knew all._the villagers called him Mr. Know-All. And he told his servants not to tell him the results(结果) directly (直接地). The servants . were afraid of him and had to listen to him.One day Mr. Know-All went to_his friend who lived in a town. He stayed there for nearly a week. Suddenly one of his servants came and called out, “_, sir!”“What happened?” “Your cat has died!” “Whats there to be surprised at (吃惊)?” said the young man. “Throw it to the river. By the way, of what illness did it die?” “It_much meat of the horse and died.”“What? Has my horse died, too? And what illness did it die of, then?”“It pulled(拉) the carried (马车) to the hospital,” said the servant. “ We made it_as fast as possible. When we reached the hospital, it was so tired that it couldnt_up any longer and died.”“Wait a minute,” said Mr Know-All. “What did you go to the hospital for?”“To_your mother there.”“Whats the matter with my mother?”“She_down stairs and hurt her head. We sent her to the hospital, but it was too late. The doctors operated on(动手术)her at once, they tried their best to save her, but she died!”Mr Know-All became angry and shouted, “Why didnt you tell me about it_?”“You never let us tell you the results directly, sir.”11 . AworkersBteachersCfarmersDsoldiers12 . AButBThenCOrDSo13 . Alook afterBhurtClook forDvisit14 . AGood newsBBad newsCGood morningDGood afternoon15 . AateBsawCtouchedDcut16 . ArunBwalkCjumpDfly17 . AsitBlieCsleepDstand18 . ApostBbringCtakeDput19 . AwentBlivedCstayedDfell20 . AearlyBearlierCearliestDthe earliest二、阅读单选Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)One day Jacks parents told him that his grandpa would retire after working for forty years. Jack said in surprise, “Im only seven, so it means Grandpa has been worked for really a long time!”His parents said, “Yes. Thats why we are going to have a surprise party for him.”Jack loved his grandpa and wanted to do something special for him. He remembered the business card his grandpa had given him two years before. He knew that his grandpa would no longer have the position (职位) on that card, so he decided to build a new one for his grandpa.When the big day came, Jack was ready. But he didnt want to put his gift together with others with others. He carried it around with him the whole evening.When all the other people left, he took his grandpas hand and brought him over to a chair and gave him the gift.His grandpa smiled, “Well, it must be a beautiful gift. May I open it now?” “Sure!” Jack said excitedly.As Grandpa opened the gift tears (眼泪) came into his eyes. Jack gave him the greatest gift he had ever got! They were business cards with his new position: “FULL-TIME GRANDPA!” Jack said, “Now your full-time job is my grandpa!”“Well, how much do I get paid?” his grandpa asked, smiling. As many hugs (拥抱) as you want! With these words, Jack gave Grandpa a hug. “Well, I guess that means Im the richest man in the world!” said Grandpa.21 . Jacks grandpa was going to _.Awork as a businessmanBretire after working for a long timeCwork for a long timeDstay at home only22 . Jack remembered _ his grandpa had given him two years before.Athe birthday cardBthe toyCthe business cardDthe hug23 . Jacks parents wanted to _ for his grandpa.Abuy a giftBfind a full-time jobCcook some delicious foodDhold a surprise party24 . Jack decided to _ for his grandpa.Aget a new positionBdraw a postcard.Csing a songDbuy a gift25 . _ moved Grandpa to tears.AThe Jost positionBThe surprise partyCJacks giftDSo much pay26 . Grandpa guessed he was the richest man in the world as he could _.Aget much moneyBwork again in the officeCremember his business cardDget love from his grandsonMost people make their living(谋生)with their hands, but Bob makes his living with his feet.Bobs story began in a small city in England. His parents were poor. Seven people lived in a small house. Bob had no place to play but on the street.Bobs father often played football. Little Bob wanted to play football, too. So his father made a soft (柔软的) ball for him to kick. It was a sock full of old cloth. He kicked it every day.At last Bob learned to kick a real football. And after a few years he could play football very well.27 . People usually make their living _.Aby learning by themselvesBwith their feetCby playing footballDwith their hands28 . Which of the following is TRUE?ABob was born in a small village.BBobs house was very big.CThere were eight people in the family.DThe little boy often played on the street.29 . Why did the father make a soft ball for his son?ABecause the family all liked football.BBecause Bob also liked to play football.CBecause they had lots of old cloth.DBecause he didnt want to throw the sock away.30 . The word“kick”in the story means _.A踢B玩C射门D弹起31 . From the story we can see _.ABobs ageBits about an American boyCBobs mothers nameDthe boy became a good football player at lastYesterday afternoon, it was very hot. Mr. Green, with his family, decided to go swimming. There was a new and large swimming pool near their house. It was free for the first week. So they wanted to have a try there. When they got the swimming pool, they were told to read the notice first.Swimming Pool Rules & Regulation* The swimming pool is open from 8:00 till 22:00.* Wear a swimming suit before using the pool.* Take a shower before entering the pool.* Dont smoke in the whole area.* Watch your children all the time while swimming.* Dont move the sun chairs or umbrellas without permission (允许).*Diving (跳水) into the pool is not allowed.*Stay away from the deep area if your swimming skills are not so good.*People who have drunk, catch colds or who have skin diseases(疾病) cant enter the pool.After reading the notice, the Greens were all very clear about what they should do and how they could keep themselves safe in the swimming pool. They enjoyed themselves there all the afternoon.32 . The Greens were told to _ first when they got to the pool.Ago swimmingBread the noticeCfill in the formDbuy the tickets33 . According to the rules, Mr. Green should _ before entering the pool.Atake a showerBmove to the sun chairsCsmoke a lotDsend the children back34 . The rules tell the Greens NOT to _ when they swim in the pool.Awatch the children all the timeBwear a swimming suitCcarry umbrellas with themDdive into the pool35 . The number of the kind of persons who cant enter the pool is _.AtwoBthreeCfourDnine36 . From the passage, we know that_.Athe swimming pool is open from 7:00 to 20:00Bpeople can stay in the deep area if they cant swimCpeople who have skin diseases can enter the poolDthe Greens family spent the whole afternoon in the pool三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词37 . What do you want to do this weekend?I want to c_ in the park.38 . There is a small l_ near my home and we often go swimming there.39 . What did you do on the b_ by the sea yesterday?We played volleyball.40 . Every year,many v_ come to Hangzhou.41 . My mother is always t_ after she comes home from work because she is very busy.42 . My uncle works a_ a tour guide.43 . Its good for our health to play _(羽毛球)44 . My grandparents live in the country.They like enjoying the _(自然的)beauty.45 . What did Lucy do yesterday?She _(待)at home and read an interesting book.将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。46 . _pass the exam,he studies hard every day.(为了)47 . You shouldnt _your parents completely.(依赖)48 . I dont want to do chores and _.(他也不想)49 . Chen Bin didnt come to school because he _yesterday.(患病)50 . Lucys mother asks her _herself after she gets up in the morning.(整理床铺)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词51 . A standard bed is six feet three _ (英寸) long.52 . She seldom eats _ (三明治) because she doesnt think they are healthy enough.53 . How much does a panda weigh at b_?54 . Please bring me two p_ of bread.55 . How much does it cost p_ kilo?四、用所给单词的正确形式填空.用所给词的适当形式填空56 . I _ (walk) along the road when a car hit the old man.57 . Its very _ (danger) for the kids to play in the street.I agree with you.58 . Look! They are waiting _ (cross) the road.59 . When I hear the sound of the ball _ (hit) the floor, my heart follows its beat.60 . She _ (not want) to stay in bed while the others _ (work) in the fields.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号内所填词的适当形式填空)61 . Johns mother asked him to take care of_. (he)62 . We call people from Britain_. (Britain)63 . Some people are_ to their pets sometimes. They are a little rude.(kind)64 . The _mans job is to move peoples furniture. (remove)65 . The Bund is_ with tourists from all over the world. (crowd)66 . Hold the puppy_ with your both hands, please.(care)67 . When Susan came back home,she found the windows_. (break)68 . Maggie_ wrote to Peter about the accident happened this afternoon. (immediate)用所给动词的正确形式填空69 . Li Ping wants _ (borrow) a book from me.70 . Listen! He can _ (speak) much French.71 . There _ (be) a pair of shoes under the bed.72 . What time _ Tom usually _ (go) to school?73 . Would you like _ (help) me with my English?74 . I find your socks over there. But where _ (be) mine?75 . Nancy, _ (not play) computer games again.76 . Lets _ (be) friends.77 . Thank you for _ ( give ) me the picture of Li Yuchun.78 . My twin brother often _ ( dress ) up as a cool boy.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子A. get toAgo to seeBenjoy themselvesCat lastDcome intoEfather and mother79 . We will arrive at the airport at 5: 00 this afternoon.80 . The door opened and Mum entered the kitchen.81 . The Whites will visit the Great Wall this summer.82 . They climbed the high mountain finally.83 . Our parents will come to visit our school on the school Open Day.84 . I hope they will have a good time during their trip to the USA.Choose the expression in the box which is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence(在方框中选择与划线部分意思相近的词组):A. get away from B. came C. be certain D. go to sleep E. be finished E. at last85 . Jack returned to make sure that he had locked the door.86 . Many people can not fall asleep after drinking coffee this late.87 . Sometimes the students are wishing “if only” they could escape from their pressures.88 . Most agree theres little that can be done for this most famous of wrecks(沉船).89 . Army tanks attacked a village near the capital on Sunday.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空the day before yesterday;look forward to;look after;take a trip;at the end of90 . Thank you all for coming to our meeting. We all _serving you again.91 . Last June, I decided _ to Hainan.92 . We will begin to take up a new subject _ this month.93 . Granny Jane gave me a beautiful gift _.94 . Could you _ my pet bird for me when I am on business next week?六、单词填空阅读下面短文,请根据所给中文正确拼写单词,使短文意思完整。There are really many important things in life. Everyone wants to have healthy teeth. When you cant help 95 . (大笑), you will open your mouth and show your teeth. The healthier your teeth are, the happier you will feel. Why is it? Because your teeth are valuable in many ways. For96 . (例子), they are certain to bring you more pleasure. In fact, 97 . (没有人) of us wants to appear untidy. I cant even imagine what the life will be like without teeth. Luckily, there are many dentists who can help you.Now, a 98 . (项目) called Show Your Teeth was set up by a group of young people. They99 . (邀请) some famous dentists to give speeches since one week ago. These dentists are always offering people with lots of good advice. First, brush your teeth 100 . (两次) a day, after getting up and before bedtime. Be sure your toothbrush is 101 . (软的). We advise you to check your teeth, 102 . (或许), three times a year to see if they are in excellent 103 . (状况). Also its usually a good idea to avoid sweet things in your daily life. We104 . (期待) that you will follow these steps and protect your own teeth.根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。The villagers in Mhangeni, Africa. faced a very big challenge(挑战).They didnt have a school for their kids.Then the village elder thought of an i105 . . He said that there was an old, abandoned (废弃的)farmhouse. It could be changed into classrooms after cleaning and furnishing(装设备)it. All the villagers were p106 . with his suggestion and started the project immediatelyThe parents repaired the broken walls. Some villagers d107 . the house into three classrooms by using pieces of wood. The others helped make desks and chairs for the students. Still, there was much more work to do. But the rains were coming. They had to s108 . working for the school as it was now the best time for them to plant.So the children of Mhangeni decided to finish the house by t109 . .They had to hurry as summer had ended and other schools had already opened. They didnt want to delay(耽搁) their studies. Everv day they were busy with cutting the grass and clearing the bushes(灌木).The news about the porject s110 . and many people knew it. Two teachcrs who worked for the countrys Department of Education arrived to help out. and two foreign visitors were also touched (感动) by the childrens a111 . .They donated money for them to buy textbooks and stationery.After 10 days of hard work, the new school was r112 . .The kids were very happy but a bit worriedthey were behind in their studies.Besides(除之外)this, they also faced many d113 . .There were not enough classrooms to hold all the students. And two or three students had to share one book.However, the children are happy to study in schoole114 . in their new school which they helped to build. Though their school might not be modern, their dream of having a school near their homes has come true.七、语法填空Why do people wear clothes? The answer will 115 . (probable)be “To make me warm and to cover my body”. Thats why people wear clothes, but people also want to look attractive and appear successful to others.If people only wore clothes for116 . (warm) and to cover their bodies, most clothes would be simple and cheap. In many countries, 117 . , clothes are sometimes very expensive. 118 . main reason for this is not the cost of the materials but the cost of making the clothes in fashion.Successful 119 . (businessman), for example, often wear very expensive suits, shirts and ties. So they pay thousands of dollars for a suit and hundreds of dollars for a tie. Its still just a suit and a tie but they pay these prices because 120 . the famous designer.Fashion is always 121 . (change). It means people 122 . want to be fashionable have to buy new clothes every few months, even if last 123 . (month) clothes have only been worn once or twice. Some people have boxes full of clothes, but some of these clothes have never been worn. These clothes are no 124 . (long) in fashion though they are still new.阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Today is Friday.Its125 . (I)birthday.Im 13 126 . (year)old.My parents buy me127 . big birthday cake.Its128 . the table.You can see some birthday candles on the cake.My 129 . (cousin),Xiao Ming and Xiao Chuan,are in our home.They bring me some fruit and school things as my 130 . (present)They sing a song to me 131 . I blow out the candles.After dinner,we watch a film,and it is very 132 . (interest)Later,my father 133 . (send)Xiao Ming and Xiao Chuan to their parents.Im very 134 . (happy)today.八、阅读排序Introduction to InvitationsInvitations are important. In the west, people often give invitations to their friends. Most invitations are for dinner or a birthday party.When people accept an invitation to a dinner or party, they usually ask what they can bring. They often take flowers, chocolates, or other presents. People usually take a birthday present to a birthday party.After a dinner or birthday party, most people telephone the host to say “thank you”. Some people write a short thankyou note or send an email to the host.Mary想邀请James参加生日晚会,请将以下各项活动按正确的顺序排列,把序号填入相应的横线上。AMary and James enjoy the party together.BJames accepts the invitation.CJames writes a thankyou note.DJames brings a birthday present.EMary invites her friend James to her birthday party.135 . _136 . _137 . _138 . _139 . _第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、3、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、3、六、单词填空1、2、七、语法填空1、2、八、阅读排序1、

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