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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -I hope you can_the problems and complete the work on time.-I will.Aget offBget overCget up2 . A: Im sorry Im late, Tony, but the bus broke down, and there were no taxis.B: _, Arthur. Ive just got here myself, so I wasnt waiting for long.AIts my pleasureBThats all right.CEnjoy your timeDGood idea3 . What should we do for the disabled children in the Childrens Home?I think you are supposed to _ a study group to help them.Atake upBfix upCgive upDset up4 . - Why do you like P.E.?- _ they re fun.AAndBForCBecauseDBut5 . When shall we see the tea art performance in Jinli, this afternoon or this evening?_is OK. Im free today.AEitherBNeitherCBoth6 . Here are some famous around the world. Choose one to read.AworksBbuildingsCplayersDclubs7 . You need two years of teaching_ to get this job.AinformationBexperienceCknowledgeDcondition8 . The programme “Running Man” has been hot on screen recently _ some pop stars bring us a lot of fun. Yes, I think so.AuntilBbecauseCthoughDunless9 . Could you tell me how many books I can borrow at a time?Sorry, at all. Our computer has broken down.ANotBNoneCNothingDNo10 . -Is Sam taller than John?-No. Sam is not _ him.Atall thanBthe same tall asCtaller thanDso tall as11 . I _ go sailing on the lake.Aam usedBam used toCused toDused12 . Whats that? It s _orange.AaBanC/13 . We have _ things to do this week, but I think we have _ time to do them.Amuch; a lot ofBa lot of; manyCmany; lots ofDlots of; many14 . After a long walk, most of us are so tired and _ that we fall _ quickly on the grass.Asleepy; asleepBsleepy; sleepyCasleep; sleepyDasleep; asleep15 . You may _ the book for two weeks.AkeepBborrowClendDbuy二、补全短文5选5Mike lives in the country (乡村),and he loves playing in the river near his house. 16 . And he moves there with his family.Their new house has a garden, but the garden is very small. 17 . “ Is there a river near here?” he asks his mother on the first morning.“No, there isnt. But there is a beautiful park near here, Mike, and there is a pool in it.18 . ”Mike is happier now. 19 . Mike wants to walk near the pool, but there is a sign in front of it.His mother reads it to him.Warning (警告):No swimming! 20 . 46 people have fallen (掉落) into it.Mike looks into the pool carefully, and says, “But I cant see them.”根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项只能用一次)AThis pool is dangerousBMike is not very happy.CWe are going there this afternoon.DHis father gets a job in a hospital in a big city.EAfter lunch, Mike and his mother go to the park.三、完型填空Carlos liked to play baseball. Every day after school, he played with his little sister, Selena. One day, the coach (教练) of the school_team saw Carlos play and asked him if hed like to join the school team.“Im_inthis school. I dont know the kids here,” said Carlos.“Playing sports can help you make new_,” said the coach.“I will join the team!” said Carlos.Soon the team would have a game. Carlos wore his baseball glove (手套) to bed the night before his first game. When he_, he found the glove was still on his hand.After Carlos got to school, a girl named Becky gave him a card. It was Beckys birthday that day. She invited Carlos to_birthday party.“We have a game today,”said Carlos,“but maybe I can come to your party instead (代替).”Carlos didnt want to_the chance (机会) to make a new friend. He went to ask the coach if he could miss the game.“_you dont come,”the coach said,“our team wont have enough players.”“I should not miss the game,” Carlos said. “The_needs me.” So he told Becky that he couldnt go to her party. But he felt_for her.That day, Carlos played very well in the game. His team won. Just before they started to_, Becky brought a cake for the team! Everybody was very happy.21 . AbasketballBsoccerCbaseballDtennis22 . ApopularBnewCluckyDrich23 . AfriendsBplansCinvitationsDfoods24 . Adressed upBgrew upCstayed upDwoke up25 . AhisBherCitsDtheir26 . AtryBenjoyCtakeDlose27 . AIfBAlthoughCWhenDBefore28 . ApartyBclubCschoolDteam29 . AtiredBgladCsorryDshy30 . AplayBcelebrateCpracticeDwait四、阅读单选How hard we all pray(祈祷) to grow up quickly,and look forward to the happy days of being a grown-up(成人), and enjoy the many interests that a youth should have.At last,you grow up. At least you are no longer a child. They call you young lady. You then enjoy being a young lady. You are proud (骄傲) of being a grown-up teenager. People welcome you-this young lady warmly. You are glad that your prayer has been answered.But there is always something that troubles you a lot. You say, Papa and Mama, give me some money please. My pocket money is all gone (用完) already.No, they say, Your age is dangerous. If you have too much money to spend, it wont do you any good. Then you have to stay at home because you dare not go out with an empty pocket.Another time you tell your grandma, Grandma, see,I am a grown-up now.Good,now, you can sit here and knit (编织) this for me when I go and have a rest. To show that you are no more a child, you have to sit there the whole afternoon doing the work,which only a grown-up can do. After an hour,you find it hard to do, and give the knitting basket back to your grandma. Your grandma criticizes (批评 ) your work. You hear what she says, Such a big girl cant do such easy work. You wish then you were a child again.But the fact is, you are growing up, and you cant help it. Thats the way it goes.31 . The passage is told about _ problem.Aa grown-up boysBa teenage girlsCan old womansDan old mans32 . It is clear that the writer,as a teenager,_.Ais happy with the present lifeBis unhappy about growing upCdoesnt think her present life happy enoughDis sad about being a kid33 . How does she know her prayer had been answered(得到回应)?APeople treat her as a young lady.BShe doesnt need to play with kids now.CPeople begin to call her teenager.DShe can join women in all kinds of activities.34 . From what her parents say,we know _Athe girl always has much money in her pocketBits dangerous for a girl to spend moneyCthey love her more than beforeDthey still treat her as a child35 . Why does she promise (承诺) to help her grandma do some knitting?ABecause she likes doing knitting.BBecause she wants to show that she grows up.CBecause she has much more free time.DBecause her grandma is very tired.I found out one time that doing a favor (关心)for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was in the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a final test. During the test, the girl sitting next to me whispered something, but I didnt understand. So I leaned(倾斜)over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if I had an extra pen. She showed me that hers was out of ink and would not write. I happened to have an extra one, so I took it out of my pocket and put it on her desk.Later, after the test papers had been turned in, the teacher asked me to stay in the room when all the other students were dismissed. As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about what it meant to grow up; she talked about how important it was to stand on your own two feet and be responsible for your own acts. For a long time, she talked about honesty and emphasized(强调)the fact that when people do something dishonest, they are really cheating themselves. She made me promise that I would think seriously about all the things she had said, and then she told me I could leave. I walked out of the room wondering why she had chosen to talk to me about all those things.Later on, I found out that she thought I had cheated on the test. When she saw me lean over to talk to the girl next to me, it looked as if I was copying answers from the girls test paper. I tried to explain about the pen, but all she could say was it seemed very strange to her that I hadnt talked of anything about the pen the day she talked to me right after the test. Even if I tried to explain that I was just doing the girl a favor by letting her use my pen, I am sure she continued to believe that I had cheated on the test.36 . The story took place exactly.Ain the teachers officeBin an exam roomCin the school libraryDin the language lab37 . The thing(s) emphasized in the teachers talk was (were).AhonestyBsense of dutyCseriousnessDall of the above38 . The boy knew everything.Athe moment he was asked to stay behindBwhen the teacher started talking about honestyConly some time laterDwhen he was walking out of the roomRaisins(葡萄干) in ice cream, in chocolate, and in cookiesYour favourite snacks cannot be without raisins!But do you know how people get raisins from full and juicy grapes? Dry(晒干) them in the sun? Well, that may be one way. But people from Xinjiang have another way. People there build many “blockhouses(碉堡)” near a grape garden. People build many “blockhouses” on the hillside. The blockhouses are usually three metres tall and are as big as the size of a classroom.They are quite different from the houses we live in. They have lots of holes in the wall. Inside there are many wooden shelves.After picking the grapes, people put them on the shelves. Because of the hot weather, hot dry wind gets through the holes in the wall and dries the grapes up. 30 to 45 days later, the fruit will turn into soft, sweet raisins!In around the year 535, people in Xinjiang started to send raisins as presents to the emperor(皇帝). This means that 1,500 years ago people began to know how to make raisins!39 . This passage is mainly about _.Ahow to grow grapesBhow to make raisinsChow to build blockhousesDhow to pick grapes40 . Where do people build “blockhouses” in Xinjiang?AIn the classroom.BIn the grape garden.COn the hillside.DOn wooden shelves.41 . What does the underlined word hole mean in Chinese according to the passage?A树桩B枝条C架子D洞孔42 . Why are the “blockhouses” different from the houses we live in?ABecause they have lots of holes in the wall.BBecause they arent as big as the houses we live in.CBecause there arent any windows in them.DBecause therere lots of grapes growing in them.43 . Which of the followings is Not true?APeople can find raisins in some ice cream, chocolate and cookies.BPeople only dry the full and juicy grapes in the sun to get the raisins.CThe grapes need 30-45 days to turn into raisins in the blockhouses.DPeople in Xinjiang began to know how to make raisins 1,500 years ago.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、

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