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外研版版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . If you talk with the old, please behave _.AloudlyBclearlyCquietlyDpolitely2 . When it is below 0,the weather will be _.AhotBcoolCwarmDfreezing3 . - What were you and your father doing at 7: 00 yesterday evening?-I was doing my homework _ my father was reading newspapers.AwhenBas soon asCwhile4 . The girlis wearing a beautiful hat is my sister.AthatBwhereCwhoseDwhich5 . Could you tell me tomorrow?It will be rainy.Awhat will the weather be likeBwhat the weather will be likeCwhen will the weather be rainyDwhen the weather will be rainy6 . Is this Alices eraser? No, _ is on the white desk.AhersBhisCtheirsDher7 . Ms. Xu is not in. Can I take a _? Thanks. Please tell her that Andy called.AstoryBinformationCletterDmessage8 . Save and protect natural resources, _ well run out of them in the near future.AandBorCbutDso9 . His mother himBut he says he can look after himself wellAis angry withBis worried aboutCis hard onDis interested in10 . Could I study English _ you?No problem.AinBforCwithDabout11 . Have you ever been to Beijing?_.ANo, I haveBNo, I haventCYes, I haventDYes, I do12 . Can you tell me theof the word? I dont know how to read it.AnameBspellingCmeaningDpronunciation13 . Could I borrow your dictionary? I left mine at home. Yes, you _ Here you are.AmustBmayCcanDshould14 . Do you think _ story I told you yesterday _ interesting one?Aa; theBthe; anCa; anDthe; a15 . Its Toms birthday today. Hes got many birthday cards his classmates.AforBfromCinDof二、补全短文7选5请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。What is lifes greatest gift? It is choice. Choice is the ability to choose some actions from a set of things to achieve a goal. 16 . The reason is that it turns us from dumb animals into artists. Choice becomes the tool we use to sculpt(雕刻) our life. The tool doesnt come free, however, for the price of choice is responsibility.17 . It is enjoyment.Choice is power. Choice is at the heart of life. It is the creative power of life. Life is always changing and we have to make lots of choices. 18 . We often need to check where we are on our journey. We need to ask questions: Am I moving closer to my goals? If not, what action will I take now to make myself realize my goals?19 . And our life becomes more convenient or comfortable because of them. For example, you decide which store to shop at and which bus station to go to. But the decisions that we make to sculpt our lives are much more important than deciding where to shop. The more we understand the difference between small and big decisions, the more pleasure we will get.Life is like a chess game.20 . All chess lovers realize that it isnt necessary to win to enjoy the game. Make the best moves you can under the conditions. Then you can enjoy your life.AWhy is choice so great?BThe pleasure is in the playing.CIn fact, we have to make choices every day.DBut when we accept and carry it out, we get a great return.EBecause making right choices is more important than working hard.FEvery choice we make leads us closer to or farther from our goals.GDo you enjoy making choices?三、完型填空Einstein is a world-famous scientist. In 1899, he _ at a famous university in Zurich. Once Einstein asked his teacher, Professor Minkevsky, “ How _ a person, like me, leave his clear footprints on the road of science and make a great success?” Minkewsky said that it was a “_” question and he would give him an answer later. Three days later, Minkevsky told Einstein that the _ was coming! He pulled Einstein walk towards a building site and straight set _ on a conerete(混凝土) road. It was a road that the workers had _ finished !All the workers _ him. “Sir, dont you lead me the wrong way?” Einstein was confused(疑惑不解的) and asked Minkevsky _. “Cant you see?” Minkrvsky asked. “Only the _ conerete road surface can leave deep footprints. The old road surface has been walked on and countless _ have been left by many people,_ you can hardly find your footprints. ” Hearing that, Einstein thought for a long time and nodded. After that, a very strong sense of _ began to guide Einsteins thought and action. He tried again and again to _ new things. He believed strongly that _ could tell him what to do and no books could help him, He always said, “I never memorize what books carry because my brain was only _ those things that are not in books. ” It was because of this that Einstein left his shining footprints in the history of science.21 . AworkedBstudiedCspokeDtaught22 . AmustBshouldCcanDneed23 . AsadBstupidCdifficultDboring24 . AwayBquestionCsuccessDanswer25 . AhandBfootCfaceDbody26 . AneverBjustCalreadyDall27 . Ashouted atBlistened toClooked forDtalked with28 . Ain publicBin personCin surpriseDin agreement29 . AnewBwideCstraightDbeautiful30 . AstepsBbooksCflowersDdictionaries31 . AthoughBbecauseCsoDbut32 . AactivityBdirectionCcreativityDeducation33 . AwriteBfollowCrememberDdiscover34 . AnobodyBanybodyCsomebodyDeverybody35 . AinBforCaboutDagainst四、阅读单选Different colours have different meanings and represent different characteristics. Everyone has his or her favourite colour.Blue is popular because it is the colour of the clear sky and the sea. People who like blue are modest. Communication is a strong need for them. _.Green is a peaceful colour. It often _ wide field and forests. People who like green are patient and practical. They often do things step by step. They are also good at planning to spend their money.Yellow is the cheerful colour of the sun. People who like yellow are curious, active and outgoing. They like making friends with others. Sometimes they need lots of mental stimulation(精神鼓励).Red usually represents power. People who like red are energetic and lively. They have strong feelings, but sometimes they like to talk big.Black is the colour of protection. People who like black would rather do things by themselves and keep their own space.White is the colour of purity. People who like white are honest and loyal. Of course they are tidy in the everyday life.36 . 将处翻译成汉语_.37 . 在的空白处填入适当的单词使句意完整、上下文通顺:_38 . 回答下列问题:Why blue is popular?_39 . 找出文中与下列句子意思相近的句子:They also spend their money wisely._.40 . 找出或写出最能表达该短文主题的句子:_Roger, a young man from China, has taught Chinese in a primary school in England for 3 years. Many children like his class and he enjoys teaching them very much. All the pupils are quite interested in what Roger teaches them. They learn quickly and do everything carefully.One day he said to the children, “People in a lot of Asian countries wear white clothes at funerals, but the people in America wear white in the weddings because white means purity and happiness. What colour does an English woman wear when she gets married ?”Mary said, “White, sir. Because she is happy.” “That is good, Mary.” Roger said, “You are quite right. She wears white because she is happy.”But then one boy in the class put up his hand. “Yes, Dick?” Roger said, “Do you have a question?” “Yes.” Dick said, “Why do men wear black in our country when they get married, sir?”41 . What does Roger do ?AHe teaches English in ChinaBHe is a Chinese teacher in China.CHe teaches Chinese in England.DHe teaches English in England.42 . An English woman wears white clothes _.Awhen she gets marriedBwhen she is worriedCwhen she is sadDat funerals43 . Which of the following is true?ARoger dislikes teaching the childrenBMary was a slow girl.CPeople in England wear white when they get married.DDick, a clever boy, liked asking questions.五、阅读判断1970 was World Conservation(保护) Year. The United Nations wanted everyone to know that the world is in danger. They hoped that governments would act quickly to conserve nature(保护自然). Here is one example of the problem. At one time there were 1,300 different plants, trees and flowers in Holland but now only 866 remain. The others have been destroyed by modern man and his technology. We are changing the earth, the air, the water and everything that grows and lives. We cant live without these things. If things go like this, we shall destroy ourselves.What will happen in the future? Perhaps it is more important to ask, What must we do now? The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today. A lot of them know conservation is necessary. Many are helping to save our world. They plant trees, build bridges across rivers in forests, and so on. In a small town in the United States, a large number of girls cleaned the banks of 11 kilometers of their river. Young people may hear about conservation through the song called No one is going to change our world. It was made by the Beatles, Cliff Richard and other singers. The money from it will help to protect animals.根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的写“A”,错的写“B”。(10分)44 . The United Nations wanted everybody to know that the world is in danger.45 . There are fewer plants, trees and flowers in Holland because many kinds of plants, trees and flowers cant grow there any more.46 . The most important thing for us to do is to clean the banks of our rivers.47 . “No one is going to change our world” is a name of a song.48 . From this passage we know that we must conserve nature.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据括号中所给的英文单词提示、汉语提示或首字母提示写出单词,使句子意思完整。(每空一词)49 . Sun Yang is good at _ (swim). His answer at The fourteenth FINA World Swimming Championships in 2018 won many peoples hearts.50 . Doing eye exercises _ (be) good for our health.51 . We hope Daniels dream _ (come) true when he grows up.52 . Reading helps Vivian _ (know) a lot about the Amazon (亚马逊) rainforest.53 . Millie likes to go shopping. She goes to Wanda Plaza _ ( two ) a month.54 . Lucy tries her best to do everything. Hand-writing and travelling are her _ (业余爱好).55 . The leaders of APEC _ (成员) will take part in the meeting on November 15, 2018.56 . Shanghai Disneyland isnt far _ (离开) from Zhenjiang. You can drive a car and have a nice weekend there.57 . On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Tiangong-2 flew to the sky. After that, China will_ (开始) building our own space station.58 . Of all the subjects, Joy likes _ (地理) best.59 . I am in Class 4. Lily is in Class 4 too. We are c_.60 . I can see a boat and a boy in the picture. What e_ can you see?61 . What? P_ ? What time is it?62 . John doesnt like water. He s_ goes to do water sports.63 . To get the first prize, we p_ playing football in the school playground every morning.七、完成句子完成句子64 . 蒂姆正后悔刚才和妈妈顶嘴。Now Tim is regretting _ to his mother.65 . 我们为西宁感到骄傲,因为她正变得越来越好。We take_ Xining, because she is becoming better and better.66 . 英语老师经常把我们班分成十个小组。The English teacher always_ our class_ ten small groups.67 . “一带一路”在社会上产生了巨大的影响。“The Belt and Road” had a great_ in the_ .八、话题作文68 . 为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某英语报社正举办以“How to be a good learner?为题的征文比赛,请你根据下列提示,写一篇英语征文稿。提示:1.拥有良好的学习习惯;2.经常参加学习小组;3.不忘参加体育锻炼。要求:1.必须包括全部要点,可适当发挥;2.80字左右,文章标题已给出,不计入总字数。How to be a good learner ?_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、话题作文1、

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