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外研版版九年级下学期英语适应性考试试卷(无听力材料频)D卷考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。 (共6题;共9分)1. (1.5分) (2018兰州) 选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。 A . Yes, she will.B . No, she wont.C . Yes, she is.2. (1.5分) (2019九上宝安月考) 听录音,根据你所听到的问句选出合适的答句( ) A . 2019.B . August.C . October.3. (1.5分) (2019八下景县月考) 听句子,选出最佳答语。 A . Its very long.B . Its about 3,000 meters.C . About two hours.4. (1.5分) (2019成都) 听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语( ) A . Well done!B . So easy!C . See you there!5. (1.5分) (2018八上深圳期中) 根据你所听到的答句,选出合适的问句( ) A . Who is your father?B . What is your father?C . How is your father?6. (1.5分) (2019八下融安期中) 听句子,选择恰当的答语( ) A . Really wonderful!B . Chinese food.C . Enjoy yourself.二、 根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案 (共6题;共9分)7. (1.5分) What kind of food does Tom like? A . The food that tastes good.B . The food that looks nice.C . The food that is healthy.8. (1.5分) When was Li Ming supposed to arrive? A . B . C . 9. (1.5分) (2019七下泰兴期中) How often does Lily take her dog to swim? A . Once a week.B . Twice a week.C . Three times a week.10. (1.5分) When did the man come to school today? A . At 7:10.B . At 7:20.C . At 7:30.11. (1.5分) Why does Mary like red? A . Because it makes her relaxed.B . Because it makes her energetic.C . Because it makes her happy.12. (1.5分) What does the man mean? A . His French teacher is strict.B . His French has improved quickly.C . His French lessons are boring.三、 根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。( (共2题;共6分)13. (3.0分) (2019九上浙江期中) 听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1) What is the boy going to do tonight? A . Listen to the music.B . Watch an NBA basketball game.C . Play basketball.(2) What does the boy think of the test? A . Its very easy.B . Its difficult.C . Its unnecessary.14. (3.0分) 听对话,完成问题。 (1) Where are the speakers talking? A . In the street.B . On the phone.C . At school.(2) What does Bai Lu want to do? A . She wants to invite Xiao Nas family to her home this Saturday.B . She wants to visit Xiao Na this Saturday.C . She wants to invite Xiao Na to her home this Saturday.四、 根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。 (共1题;共6分)15. (6.0分) (2019九上自贡开学考) 听下面一段材料,回答问题 (1) Whats wrong with Helen? A . She has a stomachache.B . She has a toothache.C . She feels weak.(2) When did Helen come to the city? A . On the 1st of this month.B . On the 4th of this month.C . On the 12th of this month.(3) Whats the weather like in this city? A . It rains all the year.B . It is usually fine.C . It changes often.五、 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) (共10题;共10分)16. (1分) Sydney Opera House is _ famous opera house in the world. A . aB . anC . theD . /17. (1分) (2019九上江油开学考) Running can help _ keep healthy. A . meB . myC . ID . mine18. (1分) The dog kept waiting for its owner for many years. A . inB . onC . at19. (1分) (2019八下广州期中) They cant leave the country without .A . informationB . permissionC . confidence20. (1分) (2019东城模拟) Jenny is only eight years old, but she cook. A . mayB . mustC . shouldD . can21. (1分) (2019山东模拟) You looked tired. Whats the matter? I studied until midnight last night, _ I didnt get enough sleep.A . orB . ifC . butD . so22. (1分) (2018九上云浮期中) Which country has population in the world? China. A . largeB . largerC . the largestD . largest23. (1分) (2019八上伊川月考) You are so selfish(自私的)that you only_ yourself. A . look forB . laugh atC . care aboutD . shout at24. (1分) (2019海淀模拟) A large forest park near the lake next ye ar. A . completesB . was completedC . will completeD . will be completed25. (1分) have you lived with your grandparents? About three years. A . How manyB . How longC . How muchD . How often六、 完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)26. (15分) 完形填空 Last summer holidays, I went to visit my grandparents. Their neighbourhood is a(n) 1one, so its nice, clean and modern (现代的). I like the beautiful 2best in the neighbourhood. After supper, a lot of people go to the park to have a 3. Its a good way to relax after a days work. When you walk into the park, you will see a big square (广场) 4. In the square, the old and the young 5to the music. There is a long and clean river in the park, too. I usually boat or swim in it with my new friends. The park also has a modern 6club. My grandparents and I take part in all kinds of activities (活动) there, 7running and playing ping-pong. In my grandparents home, they can get hot water 8, because they use solar energy (太阳能) 9water. Each house is cool in summer and warm in winter. This new neighbourhood is really 10. Do you like it?(1)A . old B . big C . new D . small (2)A . park B . bank C . bookstore D . bakery (3)A . dream B . picnic C . walk D . party (4)A . one B . first C . final D . last (5)A . dance B . play C . shout D . work (6)A . art B . sports C . English D . bicycle (7)A . as for B . such for C . so as D . such as (8)A . hard B . hardly C . easy D . easily (9)A . heat B . heats C . heating D . to heat (10)A . comfortable B . bad C . interesting D . hard 七、 阅读理解(41-43每小题1分,44-59每小题2分,共35 (共5题;共35分)27. (3分) (2016七下临河月考) 判断正(T)误(F)。Kangkangs TimetableMon.Tues.Wed.Thur.Fri.8:00-8:45ChineseMathEnglishChineseEnglish8:55-9:40EnglishChineseMathEnglishChinese10:10-10:55MathEnglishPoliticsMusicMath11:05-11:50GeographyP. E.MusicMathArt14:20-15:05HistoryGeographyChineseP. E.Computer science15:15-16:00BiologyBiologyChineseHistoryComputer science16:10-16:55Outdoor activitiesClass meetingOutdoor activitiesOutdoor activitiesOutdoor activities(1) Kangkang has an English lesson every weekday.(2) Classes begin at ten to eight in the morning.(3) Kangkang has four lessons in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.(4) Its 11:30 on Friday morning.He is having a Biology class now.(5) Kangkang doesnt have a computer class on Wednesday.28. (8分) (2019九上宝安月考) 阅读理解 Everybody hates rats. But rats may soon be mans new good friends. What happens after an earthquake? We send in rescue dogs. Why? Because they can smell people. Dogs save lives. They help rescuers to find living people. But dogs are big and they cant get into small spaces. So now a new research project is using a smaller animal to save lives: the rat.How does it work? First, the rat is trained to smell people. When this happens, the rats brain gives a signal. This is sent to a small radio on its back, and then the rescuers follow the radio signals. When the rats brain activity jumps, the rescuers know that someone is alive. The rat has smelled that person.Although there are already robots which can do this job, rats are better. Robots noses dont work well when there are other smells around. Rats are good at that. Rats can also see in the dark, they are cheaper and quicker to train than dogs, and unlike robots, they dont need electricity!The rat project is not finished. But a scientist says, It would be great. A rat could get into any place we couldnt get to, and a rat would get out if it wasnt safe. Perhaps for the first time in history, people will be happy to see a rat in a building (but only after an earthquake, of course).(1) Where do you think you can find this passage? A . In a magazine about toys.B . In a history book.C . In a newspaper about science.D . In an advertisement.(2) Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A . Rats dont need electricity.B . Rats are better than robots when smelling.C . Rats are as clever as radios.D . Rats can see things in the dark when doing rescues.(3) Why does the rat project sound great according to the passage? A . Because rats can get into very small spaces.B . Because rats have better noses than dogs.C . Because rats dont like robots.D . Because rats are brave.(4) Which is the best title of this passage? A . Ways of saving peopleB . RatsC . EarthquakesD . Rats for rescue29. (8分) (2018九上天台月考) 阅读理解 Lidong usually comes on November 7 or November 8 every year. It is the Chinese word for one of the 24 solar terms(节气). It means the beginning of winter. As the weather gets colder and there is less sunlight, people might get sick easily. According to scientific research, adults usually have two to four colds each year, while young children suffer from six to eight colds each year, especially in winter months. One of the best ways to keep healthy during winter is to stay warm.There are many ways to stay warm. A living room should be around 18-21, and you can also use a hot water bottle to keep warm. Getting plenty of exercise is always a good idea to keep your blood moving. Food gives us energy and helps to warm us from the inside. Add some things to your winter dishes, such as pepper, ginger, and garlic. These things can make you warm. A winter coat warms you up from the outside. Add several layers(层) of thin clothing, for example, a shirt and a thin sweater, to stay even warmer. Clothes made from wool are usually very warm.How can you make winter days colorful? Is it too cold to play outside? Dont worry. Here are some tips for having fun at home. Give it a try!Enjoy a movie with your parents. There are a lot of choices, such as Spy Kids. You can also talk about the movie with your parents after its over.Cook a meal with your parents. You can cook some simple dishes, such as eggs with tomato. You may need your mothers help for the first time.Read your favorite book. Reading is not only helpful for your writing ability, but can also help to build your character.(1) From the passage, we can _ to have fun at home in winter days. A . wear some warm clothesB . do some cleaningC . add some things to the foodD . cook some dishes with parents(2) The writer tried to make the readers understand his ideas better by _. A . having interviewsB . giving examplesC . following time orderD . showing research results(3) The purpose of this writing is mainly to tell us _. A . some of the 24 solar terms in a yearB . certain changes of the weather in winterC . the reasons why people easily get sick in winterD . some ways to keep warm and have fun at home in winter days(4) Which part of a magazine is the passage most probably taken from? A . Health.B . Travel.C . Sports.D . Ads.30. (8分) (2019昌平模拟) 阅读理解 Im going to make a time capsule(胶囊), Anna told her parents at the breakfast table. Dad looked up from his coffee cup and smiled. Sounds interesting. Dad, Im building a time capsule its like a memory box. I watched my teacher dig one up from our school yard yesterday. Some students buried(埋) the capsule thirty years ago. It had a lot of old things in it, so we could see what life was like back then. After breakfast, Anna looked around in the garden and found an old coffee can. What should she put in the can? With her cat Kitty following close behind, Anna looked through her things. She grabbed her favorite book, her yo-yo and some photos. She put them in the can. She pulled off her watch and placed it in the can too. What else should I put into it? she asked Kitty. Meow. Kitty pushed a ball toward the can. Sure, Kitty, Ill include your ball. Anna put Kittys ball in the can. Anna put the top on and closed the can. On the front, she wrote ANNA AND KITTYS TIME CAPSULE and then buried it in the garden. All done, she told Kitty. After a few minutes, Anna sighed. What should she do next? She couldnt yo-yo. Or read her favorite book. Shed buried those. Now, she missed them. Meow. Kitty looked at her. Do you miss your ball? Anna asked. Dont worry. Ill get it for you. So Anna dug up their time capsule. Kitty pounced on the ball. And Anna pulled on her watch and read her book while yo-yoing under a tree in the garden. (1) When did Anna begin to build a time capsule? A . In the morning.B . At noon.C . In the afternoon.D . In the evening.(2) What did Anna put into a time capsule? A . A yo-yo, photos and her skirt.B . A book, a watch and her dress.C . A book, a watch and the cats ball.D . A yo-yo, photos and the cats bell.(3) At last, Anna dug up the can because _. A . her cat lost its ballB . her cat needed a canC . she had nothing to doD . she would put more into it31. (8分) (2019湖州模拟) 阅读理解 Many of us spent our childhoods dreaming of becoming astronauts. However, the hard reality is that only a select few will make it. But does that mean youll never get the chance to work in space? Not necessarily. In fact, some of the space jobs are not only for astronauts and they all sound just as cool.One of the most interesting space jobs that you may have never heard of is chief sniffer (嗅探员). NASA has already hired a chief sniffer named George Aldrich, whose job is to smell materials and components before they are used in spacecrafts (航天器).Using your nose at work might sound a little strange, but the job is actually important. A spacecraft is of small size and high temperature, which makes smells stronger inside of it. And once a spacecraft is launched, astronauts have no way of escaping unpleasant smells, Aldrich told The Telegraph. More importantly, smelling objects can help identify dangerous chemicals (化学物质) that could threaten astronauts health.Another job, the space tour guide, may seem a little ahead of its time after all, whats the point of hiring a tour guide when there arent any tourists there? But now, many private companies are starting to provide space trips, and wealthy space lover such as Justin Bieber and Sarah Bright man have already signed up for tours. It may not be long before space becomes one of the top travel destinations for Earthlings.Being a space tour guide requires rich knowledge of astronomy (天文学), astrophysics (天体物理学), geography and history to help passengers get the most out of their journey. Tour guides also need to be excellent storytellers so that passengers can experience the true beauty of space travel.Astronauts often spend weeks or even months in a small capsule (太空舱) with the same group of people, which is why a space psychologist is also needed to help astronauts overcome mental challenges, like feeling bored and lonely.Were crossing the boundaries (界限) between science fiction and reality, said Rohit Talwar, chief executive of US company Fast Future Research. Things weve seen in the past in movies are now becoming real career opportunities.(1) How many cool and new space jobs are mentioned in the passage? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(2) What does the article mainly discuss? A . How science fiction becomes reality.B . The possibility of space travel for common people.C . Career opportunities that you shouldnt miss.D . Cool jobs in space other than being an astronaut.(3) According to the article, George Aldrichs job at NASA is mainly about _. A . measuring the size and temperature of spacecraftsB . keeping astronauts safe from things that have unpleasant smellsC . cheering astronauts up with excellent storiesD . cleaning up dangerous chemicals that are found in spacecrafts(4) What is Rohit Talwars attitude toward new job opportunities in space? A . Worried.B . Doubtful.C . Pleased.D . Negative.八、 口语应用(每小题1分,共5分) (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) 补全对话 A. Ill do the cleaning every day for him.B. I dont think they are very good pets.C. Can you buy me one?D. You should pay more attention to your studies.E. Whats your favourite animal?F. Whats more, do you think you can take good care of him?G. Im sorry to hear that.A: Mum! Look at these birds. They are so beautiful. _B: No, honey. _They may get the floor very dirty.A: Please, Mum. I want one. Please, please! _B: OK. Dont forget what youve just said. _A: Mum, I promise Ill take good care of him.B: Ill buy one for you. But you shouldnt spend too much time on him. _A: Thank you, Mum. Dont worry. Ill just play with him after I finish doing my homework.九、 任务型阅读(共9分) (共1题;共9分)33. (9.0分) (2019广州模拟) 阅读短文及文后选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Being a good friend isnt always easy, but taking the time to nurture(培养) a lasting friendship is worth the effort. As the years pass, some people will stay by your side; but many wont. And youll realize that each friendship you keep is valuable. To have a good friend, you must be one. But, what is the quality of a good friend? _Being trustworthy. _If you say youll go out with a friend and just cannot go, give your friend a gift and tell him or her youre sorry. Nobodys perfect, and its okay if you break a promise once in a blue moon, but dont make it a regular thing.Be respectful. _If your friend doesnt share the same values and beliefs with you, respect his or her choices and be open to hearing more about them._Dont interrupt conversations. Take the time to truly understand when your friend is talking to you. Listening may open space between the two of you. _The best gifts are often hand-made and come from the heart. A phone call can mean as much as a visit!A. You dont have to spend a lot of time or money to be good friend.B. Good friends show respect for each other by being open and supporting each other.C. Just follow these steps.D. Be a good listener.E. Dont ever make a promise that you cant keep.十、 完成句子,根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。(每空 (共5题;共10分)34. (2分) He goes to school by bike every morning. (对画线部分提问) _ _ he _ to school every morning?35. (2分) This is my favourite shop.(改为同义句) I _ this shop _.36. (2分) Playing the piano is my favourite. (同义句转换) I _ _ the piano best. 37. (2分) 她姐姐也许在洗衣服。 Her sister _ _ _ clothes.38. (2分) My grandma cleans the room every day. (改为被动语态)The room _ _ by my grandma every day. 十一、 短文填空(每空2分,共16分) (共1题;共16分)39. (16分) 根据短文内容和所全中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Colours are connected with your daily life.You wake up inthe UK on a cool Monday morning in_(三月) . The sky is dark and red because the sun is rising_(在后面)the clouds. Maybe the weather wont be very good today!Before school you have to _(收集)newspapers from a shop and deliver them to the houses in your neighbourhood. You get paid some money to do this.The newspapers are black and white. But on the back of todays paper is a colour picture showing people whose faces are_(涂成)white with a red cross. They are cheering and waving white_(旗)with red crosses on, too. Englands football_(队)has won an important match.After that, yougo home to put on your school uniform, which is dark_灰色的). It is different to other sc


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