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人教版中考二模英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Alipay really makes a great to our life. More and more people use it now.AchanceBproblemCdifferenceDsurprise2 . They are from. Theyre.AGermany; GermansBGermans; GermanyCGermans; GermanyDGermany; Germen3 . When will A Bite of China begin tonight? -It _ for ten minutes.Awill begin B. has begunBwill be on D. has been on4 . Did you go to the cinema last night? Oh, no. I go to the cinema. I think the tickets are too expensive.AalwaysBhardlyCusuallyDoften5 . AschoolBchickenCcheer6 . There was nothing muchin the countryside in the evening butwith the farmers.Ato do; talkBto do; to talkCdoing; talkDdoing; to talk7 . Have you ever asked her the reason _ may explain her absence?AwhyBwhenCwhatDthat8 . In China, people believe the dragon is the _ of success and good luck.AsymbolBpictureCphotoDhope9 . Our school has a music party _ October 16 each year.AinBonCatDfor10 . I regret _ breakfast.Anot havingBhaving notCnot haveDhave not11 . Among the four underlined letters, which one has the different pronunciation from the other three?AbossBpoliceCcottonDnod12 . Where does he live? He _ England.Acomes fromBis fromClives inDlives at13 . If a junior middle school student and his father go to Sunshine Theater to see a film on Sunday,according to the price list, they will pay yuan for the film.The Price of Tickets in Sunshine TheaterMonday - FridaySaturday - Sunday35 yuan40 yuanPS: Half price on Sunday for children( age 6 -17); Free for children( under 6)A50B55C60D6514 . Why not come over at the weekend? My familyseeing you again.AenjoyedBwould enjoyCwill enjoyDhave enjoyed15 . (北京市朝阳区) May I put my car here? No, you _. Put it over there, please.AmustntBneedntCshouldntDwouldnt16 . Its 12:00 now. Its timeushave lunch.Aof; toBto; forCto; ofDfor; to17 . (题文)“What would you like to be when youbeome an adult?” The teacher asked me.Abecome a high school studentBbecome a personCare growingDgrow up18 . The library is on the left _ of the bank.AsaidBsendCsadDside19 . Lin Tao is _ Chinese and Jim is _ American boy.A/ ; aBa ; anCan ; /Da ; a20 . He can play tennis better than _ in the classAany boysBany other boyCany boyDany other二、补全对话7选5从A-G中选出正确答案,其中有两个多余选项A: Christmas used to be my favorite time of year, but right now I feel terrible.B: Yes. Jack.21 . A change of situation would easily affect(影响)peoples feelings.A: What do you miss most as Christmas is coming, David?B: Of course, my family. 22 . A: Me, too. Nothing in the world is better than being with my family at Christmas time.B: At least, your brother is here with youA: Thats true. 23 . But now, instead I do feel great to have him around on this special day here.B: Maybe hell be here soon. I hope he will like the gift we bought for him.A: Im sure he will. Hes always wanted a camera so that he can record every moment that moves him deeply here in Beijing, and he can share whats recorded with my family.B: Perfect. 24 . One more thing, our Chinese classmates are going to hold a Christmas party for us, and they want to spend Christmas with us.A: They are friendly. .25 . I will go to the party with you.AIts our first Christmas away from home to study here.BI used to like spending time with himCI spent every Christmas with my family before this year.DIn this way, your parents can see peoples happy life in Beijing and understand China better.EIm sorry I cant go to the party.FHe used to be boring to me.GIm very glad to get their invitation.三、完型填空Dear daughter,You are a wonderful person and your mother and I love you. It will not be long before you leave school to make your way in the world. Can I give you some friendly _?Here are some things that you should never do.Never get upset with your look.We think you look great. Please be _ the person you are and the body you have. Eat well,take exercise and be healthy. Some girls worry too much about not getting the perfect _.You look fine.Never put yourself at serious risk.You cannot trust people _ you really know them. And sometimes you have to _ things that might look like fun,like smoking.Never look down on yourself.You are great and able to achieve great things,so believe in yourself. When things go badly,never stop _.Some girls get upset,doubt themselves and _ confidence(自信).Then many problems can follow.Never give less than your best.We are very proud of _ you have achieved. You should be proud,too. Keep trying your best at everything you do.Never forget that your parents love you.Whatever happens in life,your family will _ be your family. Whatever difficulties you have,you can always talk to _.We are here for you and we will try to help.Love,Dad26 . AmessagesBinformationCadvice27 . Ahappy withBpolite toCworried about28 . AshapeBgradesCperformance29 . AsoBuntilCif30 . AavoidBlistCrepeat31 . AmissingBbelievingCexplaining32 . AshowBloseCforget33 . AwhenBwhereCwhat34 . AstillBhardlyCalmost35 . AhimBherCus四、阅读单选Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsBy J. K. RowlingPaperback, 784 pages.Publisher: Arthur a Levine Date: 07/07/2009Reading level: Age: 9-12Price: $16.69Deceptively DeliciousBy Jessica SeinfeldHardcover, 204 pages.Publisher: Collins Date: 09/01/2007Reading Level: ParentsPrice: $12.83Rich Dad, Poor DadBy Robert T. KiyosakiPaperback, 266 pagesPublisher: Business Plus Date: 01/01/2010Reading Level: Age 20-25Price: $5.59 The RoadBy Cormac McCarthyPaperback, 304 pages.Publisher: Vintage Books Date: 09/11/2007Reading Level: AdultsPrice: $5.5036 . How many books written for children are there from the posters above?AOne.BTwo.CThree.37 . Which of the following books is after 2009 in print?AHarry Potter and the Deathly HallowsBDeceptively DeliciousCRich Dad, Poor Dad38 . Mr. Wang will pay at least _for two of the books for adults.A$29.52B$18.42C$11.09Jane Eyre(简爱)tells the story of a good and independent woman, who does not depend on others and does not give up even facing many difficulties. Jane is poor and an orphan(孤儿)and is treated badly by her rich aunt and cousins. She is sent away to a school where the pupils are treated very badly. Jane remains strong, because she knows she is good. And when she had the chance to run away, she does. Jane takes a job in the house of a rich man called Mr Rochester.Jane falls in love with Mr Rochester who is twenty years older than her. Jane is sad when Rochester brings a beautiful woman Blanche to his house. Jane thinks Rochester will marry Blanche. So she decides to leave. Rochester asks her to stay but she will not. She tells him she loves him and says that she is poor and not beautiful, but it does not mean that she has no feelings. She speaks to Rochester as a spiritual equal.Rochester asks Jane to marry him and she agrees, but on the day of the wedding she finds out that Rochester is already married. Jane decides to leave and even though Rochester says his wife is mad and begs Jane to stay, she cannot. Jane will not stay with a man who is already married. She has no family to protect her and no money, but she is proud and she wants to do the right thing.When Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte was first published, it was called an autobiography(自传). In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, like Charles Dickens, shows the double-standards in Victorian Britain. The poor and especially orphans were not given any protection by the law, they were seen as animals not humans. The rich lived a life of luxury(奢侈) and by giving a little money to charity they thought they had done their best.39 . What does the underlined “independent” mean in the first paragraph?A坚强的B大方的C自立的D严谨的40 . In this passage, how many names in the book are mentioned?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive41 . The double-standards in Victorian Britain refers to _.Athe unequal rights between men and womenBthe different thoughts between adults and childrenCthe huge differences between the rich and the poorDthe different lives between material and spiritual worlds42 . The passage is mainly about _.ABritish life in the 19th centuryBEnglish literatureCCharlotte Brontes life and worksDthe book Jane Eyre and its valueComputers can help us in many ways, but they cannot think or do things on their own. Humans have to feed them with information and tell them what to do. They cannot come up with any new information, but they can save much time and work. For example, all the information and the office files (文件) can be stored in a computers “memory”.The first computers were huge and expensive. They filled up almost the whole floor of large offices. Later, scientists found ways to produce cheaper and smaller computers. They invented chips (芯片) which made it possible to store more information in less space.Today, computers are not only cheaper, but also more compact. They can just be placed on top of an ordinary writing table. They can even be carried from place to place easily. Computers are not only used in offices by companies, but are used at home by families who can afford them.Robots are only moving parts controlled by computers. A robot can do the same work as a person for 24 hours without complaining or getting tired. In Japan and some places in America, robots are used in factories to assemble (装配) cars. As computers become more and more common in businesses and factories, people fear that one day computers and computer-controlled robots will put human workers out of work.43 . What were the first computers like?ASmall and cheapBHuge and expensiveCSmall and expensiveDHuge but cheap44 . The underlined phrase “more compact” can be replaced by “”.AlargerBbrighterCsmallerDheavier45 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?ARobots are controlled by computers.BRobots can do the same work as humans.CRobots do not get tired of working.DRobots are used to sell cars in China.46 . Humans fear that one day computers and robots .Awill be busier than humansBwill be cleverer than humansCwill make humans joblessDwill make humans become blind47 . The BEST title for this passage can be .AComputers and robotsBOld and new computersCRobots are our servantsDThe electronic invention五、阅读判断Giant panda baby named Bao Bao in US ZooDec 2. 2013A female giant panda baby was named Bao Bao at the National Zoo in Washington today. Just over 123, 000 people voted on her name online. Bao Bao was born at the zoo on August 23, 2013. Tom Santorelli reports. Washington Zoos giant panda baby celebrates her first birthdayAugust 24, 2014Bao Bao, the female giant panda baby celebrated her first birthday. She received several gifts, including pictures of peaches and bamboo, Nuala McGovern reports. Panda sees snow for first lime in zooJan 7, 2015Sixteen-month-old giant panda baby Bao Bao played in the snow for the first lime at the National Zoo as a winter storm hit Washington on Jan 6, 2015. Ashley Johnson reports.Bao Bao the panda leaves US for ChinaFeb 22, 2017Bao Bao a 3-year-old giant panda who was born at the National Zoo in Washington, has left for China. She has taken about 25 kg of bamboo with her on the 16-hour flight. Laura Trevelyan reports.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断文后句子的正误。正确的句子涂A,错误的涂B。48 . This passage is about four pandas in US.49 . Bao Bao was brought to the National Zoo in Washington from China in 2013.50 . Bao Bao saw the snow in 2015 for the first time.51 . Bao Bao has already come to China.52 . All these pieces of news were reported by the same reporter.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. sleeping B. nervousC. normal D. body E. problemIt happens every night-bedtime. But what if youre not sleepy? Should you still go to bed if you are just going to lie there with your eyes wide open?Its a 53 . that has been around as long as there have been people trying to sleep.For many, thinking about 54 . only keeps them awake. You might be excited you did that day. Maybe you cant sleep because you dont like sleeping all alone in your room. Maybe you have a frightening dream that keeps coming back every time you close your eyes.All of these feelings are 55 . .One thing that can help is talking to a parent about what youre thinking about. If youre56 . about taking a test, or upset about being laughed at in school, it can really help to tell somebody .Knowing that somebody has heard you can help your thoughts rest so that you can too.七、填写适当的单词补全对话填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A: Hello, Li Lei, long time no see. B:Yes, Zhang Ming, I miss you very much.57 . did you return?A:Yesterday. My family just had a welcome party for me last night.B:How was it? They must be happy to see you again, it has been three years58 . you left.A:It was great. They said I had grown up.Well, 59 . changed a lot, you used to have short hair and you were thin.B:Yeah, thats because I have been studying hard, I will have an important test soon. I even dont have time to get my hair 60 . .A:Oh, hope to have good luck.B:Thanks. I will go 61 . of my way to get a good result.八、填空阅读表达阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。(10 分)Japanese children are so happy because they have three festivals each year. Including Boys day, they have Girls day and the 7-5-3 Festival. May 5th is Japanese Childrens Day. But since the festival is mainly celebrated by boys, it is usually called Boys day. On Boys day, children dont have to go to school. Each family with a boy hangs up huge carp-shaped flags(鲤鱼旗). The flags are usually with three colors: black (standing for the father), red (standing for the mother), and blue (standing for the son). 1)_.Girls day is a girls festival on March 3rd. It is also called the Dolls Festival because on that day, families get a set of dolls at home for their daughters. It is celebrated because the parents want their children to be strong and healthy.2)The 7-5-3 Festival is for_aged three, five and _. Japanese people think that these three ages are the luckiest ones in ones life. On that day, these children get special candies wrapped(包裹) in beautiful bags. The candy is the symbol of a long and healthy life for these children. The 7-5-3 Festival falls in November.62 . 将1)句译成中文:_63 . 在2)句的空白处分别填入一个适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:_ _64 . 回答问题:Why do people call Girls day the Dolls Festival?_65 . 在文中找出与Sweets represent kids living long and keeping fit.意思相近的句子,并将它写在答题卡上。_66 . 在文中找出最能表达该短文主题的句子,并将它写在答题卡上。_九、多任务混合问题李军第一次拿工资,想给每个家人买一份礼物,请根据对其家人的具体介绍,为他们选择合适的礼物。,将相应的图片序号填入第71-74空格中,并完成第75小题。67 . Li Juns brother likes listening to music, he always listens to songs while reading books or on buses.68 . Li Juns father is a taxi driver , he is very busy in the day , but he loves sports very much . He often plays soccer when he is free.69 . Li Juns grandma likes exercising . She often walks in the park on sunny days. She hopes to be in good health.70 . Li Juns mother is a teacher , she is always busy with her work, so she has a sore back these days, she decides to swim in her free time.71 . How much will it take Li Jun to get these present for his family ?ALess than 700 yuan.BMore than 1200yuan.CLess than 1200 yuanD1000yuan.十、书信作文72 . 书面表达假设你是李华, 你的英国朋友Rena通过拍摄的纪录片中国新年(Chinese New Year)了解到在中国过春节的一些情况, 很想知道你家过春节都有哪些活动, 春节对你来说有什么意义。请根据表格内容, 给她写一封邮件, 介绍一下你理解的春节吧。活动1. 做大量准备(购物, 打扫卫生)2. 走亲访友 3. 吃团圆饭 4. 意义辞旧迎新;家人团圆.参考词汇: do lot of preparations; visit relatives;get together;say goodbye to; welcome a new year; spend time with要求:1.参考表格内容, 可适当发挥;2.语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写工整;3.文章不得出现任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);4.词数不少于70词。(开头已给出, 但不计人总词数。)Dear Rena, Im glad that youre interested in Spring Festival._Best wishesLi Hua第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、阅读判断1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填写适当的单词补全对话1、八、填空1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、书信作文1、


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