人教版八年级英语上同步练习1Unit 9Section B

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人教版八年级英语上同步练习1Unit 9Section B姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Please _ who broke the window .AfindBlook forClook atDfind out2 . I want to buy a pair of gloves(手套)my father.AtoBforCinDat3 . The doctor looked over Alice carefully and _ her to take some medicineAto tellBtellsCtoldDhas told4 . -I hear they are _. -Yes, they come from _.AGerman; GermanBGermen; GermanyCGermans; GermanyDGermany; German5 . _ do you buy for your father for Fathers Day?A Tshirt.AWhatBWhenCWhereDHow6 . The scientists _most of their time _ the research.Adevoted; into doingBdevoted; to doCdevoted; to doingDdevoted; for doing7 . Can you sleep _ your eyes open like a fish?AforBofCwithDat8 . _ will you finish the work? In two days.AHow manyBHow oftenCHow soon二、补全对话7选5Complete the conversation.Jessica: Hello, 25341.Cathy: Hello, Jessica. 9 . J: Hi, Cathy. How are you?C: Fine.10 . J: I think so.C:11 . J: It sounds great. Id love to.At the partyJ: Cathy, 12 . C: Hes my new workmate, Roy. He comes from China.J: Oh, he looks tall and slim.13 . C: Hes nice and interesting. Come and meet him. AWhats the man?BAnd whats he like?CThis is Cathy speaking.DWhos the man in a blue suit?E. Im Cathy.F: Are you free on Saturday evening?G: Would you like to come to my new flat for a housewarming party?三、句型转换句型转换。14 . My father went to Beijing last month.(用for a month改写句子)My father has _ Beijing for a month.15 . She used to be afraid of the dark.(就划线部分提问)_ did she _ to be afraid of ?16 . Has your father stopped smoking ? (改同义句)Has your father _ smoking ?17 . The old man used to live a hard life, _ ? (补全反意疑问句)四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示完成单词。18 . The writer is famous at home and _ (国外)19 . I dont suppose he will _ (参加) the meeting, will he?20 . I _ (意识到) that you want me to stay here.21 . The dictionary is very _ (有用的) for us to learn English well.22 . We saw many beautiful flowers, _ (包括) roses and lilies.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空23 . Whats the _(mean) of this word?24 . I _ (fall)down from the bike yesterday afternoon.25 . LiYundi is a famous _(piano) around the world.26 . Look! There are two new _(build) in front of the shopping center.27 . Dont worry. He wont refuse _(help) you.28 . In China, the Spring Festival is a _(tradition) festival.29 . Tom made a few mistakes because he is too _(care).30 . Ms Clark came into the classroom without _(say) a word.31 . _(final), enjoy the milk shake.32 . I am looking forward to _(visit) the famous writer soon.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。33 . 他只不过是个孩子,你应该对他耐心点。He is just a child.You should _ him.34 . 看一小时电视后,你应该休息一下。You should _ after watching TV for an hour.35 . 他们失败之后决定更努力,并且投入更多的努力。They decided to work harder and_ after their failure.36 . 在足球比赛中,他连续进了三个球。He scored three goals _ during the soccer competition.37 . 在日常生活中,我的老师经常帮助我解决困难。My teacher often helps me _ difficulties in daily lives.七、语法填空完成短文At the moment,we are getting ready for Spring FestivalWe38 . (clean)the house and we39 . (sweep)the floorMy mother40 . (cook)a meal and my father41 . (decorate) the houseMy sister42 . (watch)TVUsually we43 . (buy)clothes, but we44 . (not buy)any clothes this New YearWe always45 . (get)presents from our family and friendsThe New Year Festival46 . (finish)at The Lantern Festival,and we often47 . (eat)round rice dumplings called yuanxiao第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、补全对话7选51、三、句型转换1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、语法填空1、


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