人教版2019版七年级英语下册练习:Unit 6 Topic 3 which is the way to the hospitalD卷

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人教版2019版七年级英语下册练习:Unit 6 Topic 3 which is the way to the hospitalD卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Look at _! They are red! We must shop!Atraffic lightBthe traffic lightsCthe traffic lightDtraffic lights2 . He often _,but sometimes he likes _.Awatches TV,to do some readingBwatching TV,to do readingClook at TV,do the readingDwatch at TV,do the reading3 . (题文)It is important for students _ for class.Anot be lateBnot to be lateCto be lateDbe late4 . - Leo, _ in bed.-. Sorry, Mom.Acant sleepBnot sleepCdoesnt sleepDdont sleep5 . I have a lot of _ in my head. I think I have to go to see a doctor.AfunBtroubleCideaDpain6 . You should change _ the No. 44 bus there.AinBtoCforDat7 . The more I get to know Nancy, the more I can realize that we have a lot _No wonder she is your best friend.Ain styleBin commonCin need8 . Dont be a couch potato, or you will _ weight.Aput downBput offCput upDput on9 . -_ I _the bus? -No, Its not far.ANeed; to takeBDo; need to takeCDo; need byDMay; by10 . Jenny meets Danny _ home.Aon his way toBon her way toCon his wayDon her way11 . I dont like the game shows. I think theyre _.AmeanBmeaningCmeaningfulDmeaningless12 . Theres a map of China _ the wall.AinBonCunderDbetween二、句型转换句型转换13 . I will finish my homework in three hoursA(提问)_ will you finish your homework?14 . Her books are on the table.(改为同义句)The books on the table_.15 . I shall go to the beach this SundayA(一般疑问句)_ go to the beach this Sunday?16 . Shall we go rowing this weekend ?(改为同义句)_ go rowing this weekend ?17 . There are two cups of coffee on the tableA(提问)_ coffee is there on the table?三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母、中文提示填空18 . Mr. Green is Emmas father and Emma is his d_.19 . This is a photo of Li Fangs f_.20 . Mrs. Brown is Jims m_ and Jim is her son.21 . Lucy and Lily are twins (双胞胎).They are twin s_.22 . My uncle has a son. He is my c_.四、完成句子根据汉语意思用英语完成句子。请务必将46-49小题的答案写在答题卡的相应位置!23 . 我习惯每天读书和锻炼身体。I _ to reading books and _ every day.24 . 妈妈总是希望我尽最大努力实现目标。Mother always _ try my best to _ my goal.25 . 昨晚当我在做作业时,电停了。While I _ homework last night, the electricity went out.26 . 今年暑假一考完试,我就会去旅行。_第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、句型转换1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、完成句子1、

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