人教版2019-2020学年九年级上册英语Unit 7单元测试题

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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上册英语Unit 7单元测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Kitty always _ her food _ me.Ashares; withBshare; withCshares; andDshare; and2 . - Hello. This is Steve. Is Jeff at home?-Yes. But hea shower.AtakeBtakingCis takingDtakes3 . Mr. Black is going to give much money to the poor,he isnt rich enough.AifBunlessCuntilDthough4 . Its very kind _ you, Jane. Thank you _ your help.Afor; ofBof; for Cof; of5 . Hurry up, _ you will be late for class.AandBorCbutDso6 . -You come to school early every day. _ is it from your home to school?-Its only about one kilometer.AHow longBHow muchCHow manyDHow far7 . How terrible! The truck hit the wall to avoid the child.AhurtBto hurtChurtsDhurting8 . -How was your vacation, Rick?-It was relaxing. I saw people_ on the beach and I did the same as them.AliesBlyingCliedDlay9 . There isumbrella andmagazine on the table.Aa;anBa;aCan;aDan;an10 . _ you take out the trash?ACouldBHowCWhenDWhere11 . All the people had better keep _ in the library.AsilentBcarefulCseriousDharmful12 . He _ a complaint to the police because his neighbors party was too noisy.AtoldBsaidCmadeDgave13 . Do you know _ have our summer holiday?Next week.Awhen will weBwhen we willCwhere will weDwhere we will14 . Your father is sleeping. Please stop _ .Ato singBsingCsingingDsings15 . At weekends Eric may play computer games, but for less than 30 _.Aall the timeBat a timeCat timesDon time16 . Most pandas can grow up to 1.8 meters _ and look like bears.AlongBhighCwideDdeep17 . Last night, _ girl was killed in the street.Aa 18-year-oldBa 18-years-oldCan 18-years-oldDan 18-year-old18 . I buy this book because it is for my Chinese study.AusefulBniceCboringDdifficult19 . His answer is different mine, but the same the girls.Awith; toBfrom; toCfrom; asDwith; as20 . What _ great fun we had _ the changes _ the birds numbers!Aa; recorded; inBa; to record; ofC/; recording; inD/; record; of二、完型填空Haire, 19, with five friends, got into his car at around 10 p.m., and went to a party. Theyd driven on the streets often,_they couldnt find the house, and Haires iPhone GPS wasnt working.He had to drive into a parking place by a small lake to see_his cars GPS could help. Before Haire could stop the car, his friend Sawin, 19, looked up from the backseat and saw a pair of_lights from the water about fifty yards away. “There is a car in the water!” he cried.In the darkness, the boys could hardly see_through the windows. “We thought we had to get this man out of there now, or he was going to die,” says Haire.He and Sawin jumped into the cold water and_hard to the sinking car. Inside, Miguel Hernandez was holding the steering wheel and looking up in fear.Haire_the car first and helped Hernandez roll down the window, and he opened Hernandezs seat belt. Then water began_into the car, causing it to go down to the bottom of the 15-foot-deep lake.Haire and Sawin_Hernandez out of the car and took him back to the shore as the_car went down completely into the darkness below.“Some things happened sometime, and it was hard for people to_,” says Haire. “We left my friends house at a certain time, didnt have to stop at any red lights, and got_” Sawin agrees, “If we had showed up 30 seconds later, he probably would have been dead.”21 . AbutBsoCorDand22 . AthatBwhatChowDif23 . AdarkBstrangeCblackDinteresting24 . AclearlyBslowlyCquicklyDloudly25 . AranBdroveCswamDjumped26 . AreachedBarrivedCdroveDstopped27 . AdroppingBpouringCthrowingDbringing28 . AsawBturnedCsentDpulled29 . AenterBexpectCexploreDexcuse30 . AlostBfoundCworriedDpleased三、阅读单选What do you do to get pocket money from your parents? In western countries, many children do chores to get pocket money. They usually start to do this when they are eight years oldSchool students have to do homework and study for tests.They dont have a lot of free time on weekdays. They often do chores on weekendsYoung kids only do easy chores. So they dont get much money. But thats all right. Many of them only want to buy candy. And candy is cheap!They often help do the dishes, sweep the floor, or feed the family cat or dogWhen they get older, kids want to buy more and more things. They want things that are more expensive than candy. So they have to work harder!They often help their parents wash the family car, cut the grass, or cook mealsIts a good way for kids to learn new things. For example, they can learn how to cook. Of course, their parents help them at first31 . How do many children get pocket money in western countries?AThey do parttime jobsBThey study hardCThey do choresDThey ask their parents for it32 . Western kids start to make money by doing housework at the age of_AeightBnineCtenDeleven33 . Why do school students often do chores on weekends?ABecause they have a lot of free time on weekdaysBBecause they have to study on weekdaysCBecause their parents are not at home on weekendsDBecause nobody can look after them on weekends34 . Sally wants to get more pocket money to buy something expensiveShe mayAdo the dishesBsweep the floorCfeed the family cat or dogDcut the grass35 . Whats the best title of this passage?AWhy western kids do choresBHow western kids do choresCHow western kids get pocket moneyDHow western kids learn new thingsMost English people have three names: two given names and a family name. The family name is the last name. My name is Linda Susan Baker. Linda is my first name. Its a given name, too. My last name is Baker. People can call me Linda or Miss Baker.In China, the first name is the family name, and the last name is the given name. A mans name is Wang Tao. Wang is his family name and Tao is his given name.36 . Most English people have_ names. .AoneBtwoCthree37 . In England, the first name is _.Athe given nameBthe family nameCmothers name38 . Linda Susan Bakers family name is _.ALindaBSusanCBaker39 . We can call Wang Tao _.AMr. TaoBMr. WangCMiss Wang40 . The passage(文章) is about _.Aschool thingsBnamesCboys and girls阅读理解(A)There are thousands of different languages in the world .Everyone seems to think his native language is the most important one , as it is their first language. For many people it is even their only language all their lives. But English is the worlds most widely used language.As a native language, English is spoken by nearly 300 million people in the United States, England, Australia and some other countries.For people in India and many other countries, English is often necessary for business, education and other activities. So English is the second language there.As a foreign language, no other language is more widely studied or used than English. We use it to listen to the radio, to read books or to travel. It is also one of the working languages in the United Nations and is more used than the others,41 . There aredifferent languages in the world.AtwoBthreeChundreds ofDthousands of42 . The native language is a personslanguage.AfirstBonlyConeDforeign43 . People inuse English as their second language.AEnglandBIndiaCthe United StatesDAustralia44 . People in China use English as alanguage.AfirstBsecondCforeignDnative45 . English isused working language in the United Nations.AmuchBmoreCthe moreDthe most四、用单词的正确形式完成句子camera,sky,suit,catch,land46 . In the USA,men in offices usually wear _ and ties.47 . The plane _ safely half an hour ago.48 . He ran slowly and soon he was _ up.49 . There are a lot of birds flying in the _50 . My father bought me a _ as a birthday gift last year.五、多任务混合问题We sometimes can see the moon clearly.But when it is a cloudy night we cannot always see it clearly.We dont always see the whole moon because(A)月球围着地球转.The moon seems to change its shape because as the moon moves,we see different parts of the moon lit(照亮)by the sun.(B)Usually we see a full moon once a month.When there is a big,round,full moon,the night sky is sometimes brighter.At other time we only see half of the moon or a quarter of the moon.Sometimes the moon is completely dark because the moon is halfway(中间的)between the sun and the earth.The dark side of the moon is facing the earth and the sun is shining on the other side.When this happens,it is called a new moon and like a full moon.This only happens about once a month.51 . 将文中(A)处画线句子翻译成英语。_52 . 将文中(B)处画线句子翻译成汉语。_53 . 在文中找出下列句子的同义句。Sometimes we have brighter night sky when the moon is full._54 . 根据短文内容回答下列问题。When cant we see the moon clearly?_55 . 根据短文内容回答下列问题。How often does a new moon happen?_六、将所给单词连成句子(题文)三连词成句。56 . (小题1)pencil sharpener where the is_?57 . (小题2)drawer fathers my keys in the are _58 . (小题3)is a computer there the table on _.59 . (小题4)chair the the is under baseball_?七、材料作文60 . 书面表达86.某英文报社正就青少年与父母关系这一话题开展题为“How to keep a good relationship with parents”的征文活动。请你根据以下要点提示,写一篇英语短文参加此次活动。(1)父母规矩太多,不允许晚上出去,过于强调学习成绩,不理解自己。(2)你应该理解父母,他们是爱孩子的,希望孩子前程似锦。(3)你与父母保持良好关系的做法:努力学习,听父母话。(4)(至少一条)。要求:(1)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。(2)文中不得出现真实的姓名与校名。(3)词数:80100个。(4)短文的开头己给出,不计入总词数。How to keep a good relationship with parentsIn my opinion, I have too many rules at home. My parents never allow me.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、

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