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鲁教版中考英语模拟试卷(一)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 读音选词,根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分) (2015七上浙江期中) What color is Erics _?A . faceB . pencilC . cat2. (2分) (2019七下赣榆期末) 选出横线部分发音不同的单词( ) A . easyB . teamC . dreamD . weather3. (2分) (2019七下连云港期末) Which of the following underlined letters sound is different from others? A . talkedB . carriedC . playedD . lived4. (2分) (2019山东模拟) What a _/ fan/day to have a trip with the friends! A . funB . findC . fondD . fine5. (2分) (2019天水) 根据下列对话的情景找出画线句子在一般情况下单词需要重读的选项。How do you spend your free time?I like to exercise in my free time.A . like, exerciseB . like, exercise, free, timeC . I, like, exerciseD . Like, to exercise二、 选择填空,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 (共20题;共40分)6. (2分) (2019九上黑龙江月考) When he was _ university student, he dreamed of becoming _ NBA player. A . an; aB . a; anC . an; anD . the; an7. (2分) Is this her bike? No, it isnt. Its_.A . mineB . myC . ID . me8. (2分) (2019八下双阳期末) Jim is_ boy in our class and he often helps us carry heavy things. A . strongB . strongerC . strongestD . the strongest9. (2分) She doesnt speak _her friend, but her written work is excellent. A . as well asB . so often asC . so much asD . as good as10. (2分) (2019马龙模拟) Success comes from hard work. Lazy people can achieve . A . everythingB . somethingC . nothingD . anything11. (2分) _ does Li Ming usually do in the evening? He usually writes his homework.A . HowB . WhyC . WhatD . When12. (2分) (2018八上西安期中) I dont agree _ you. I think she has something to do _ it. A . to; aboutB . with; withC . with; toD . with ; about13. (2分) (2018九上云浮期中) There a great number of students there. The number of the students five thousand. A . is; areB . are; isC . are; areD . is; is14. (2分) (2019九上咸阳月考) The vegetable soup _delicious. Can I have more? A . looksB . tastesC . soundsD . feels15. (2分) What are you doing? Im my English book. I cant find it.A . looking atB . looking forC . looking after16. (2分) I dont know how to make a kite, so I asking my father to make one for me. I think you how to make it.A . set off; should learnB . set off; shouldnt learnC . decide on; should learn17. (2分) Lily and her sister look the same. I cant tell one from _. A . otherB . anotherC . the other18. (2分) and I will hit you. A . If you say that againB . Say that againC . Say you that againD . Youll say that again19. (2分) (2019鼓楼模拟) Its reported that Music and Art will enter the Entrance Examination for the High School. big news! So its important for students to learn them well. A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a20. (2分) (2019本溪) I went to your home yesterday morning, but you werent in. Well, I _along the river at that time. A . walkedB . was walkingC . am walkingD . have walked21. (2分) Those women look so pretty black and white. A . inB . onC . atD . with22. (2分) Which do you think is the most difficult about English? _. I dont usually know how to make a sentence with some words.A . GrammarB . PronunciationC . VocabularyD . Conversation23. (2分) (2019九下温州竞赛) We are going to Hong Kong for the Spring Festival this winter holiday. !A . No wayB . Have a good tripC . Thats no goodD . Thats a shame24. (2分) (2019九上珠海开学考) Kate loves China a lot and she _ in Beijing since she _ ten years old. A . has lived, wasB . lived, wasC . lived, has beenD . has lived, is25. (2分) (2019南充模拟) Do you know _ ? Let me see. I remember it was on March 18th.A . why did they move hereB . why they moved hereC . when did they move hereD . when they moved here三、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)26. (1分) 完形填空 Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to Daxin Store. It is a 1store, but there are many things in it.2and have a look. All the school 3are at a very good price. You can buy4at our great sale. Look at those bags for students.5bags are¥18 each. Do you like pens? You can buy red pens for only¥5 each and 6pens for only ¥6. Do you 7nice rulers for 10 yuan each? Pencil sharpeners are just ¥2 each. Oh, come with me. Here are the 8. Do you have a soccer ball or a basketball? They are all only¥50 each. And the sports shoes in all colors are¥40 a pair! Theyre so cheap! Do you 9them? Please come 10Daxin Store.(1)A . small B . nice C . good D . boring (2)A . Go B . Let C . Come D . Call (3)A . pens B . rice C . bread D . things (4)A . it B . him C . her D . then (5)A . Big B . Long C . Short D . Interesting (6)A . red B . color C . nice D . blue (7)A . have B . make C . need D . take (8)A . clothes B . food C . balls D . vegetables (9)A . bring B . know C . watch D . like (10)A . to B . in C . at D . on 四、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)27. (1分) 补全对话 A. Do you also go to school by bike?B. Which is the fastest way to go to school?C. Is it crowded on the underground?D. I have a lot of money. E. Why dont you take a taxi?F. It usually takes me 20 minutes to arrive at school. G. How does your sister go to school every day?A: Hello, Li Qing. _B: She goes to school by bike. A: Its the most popular way now. Many students in my class ride to school too. B:_A: No, my home is far from the school, so I take a bus. _What about you?B: My home is much farther than yours, so I take the underground every day. A: _B: Yes, it is. It is very uncomfortable because there are many people. A:_B: I think it is the most comfortable way, but its too expensive for me. A: Yes, I think so. 五、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)28. (10分) (2019山东模拟) 阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and I surf the net. I often check my e-mail forty times a day. I often spend more than three hours during one time on the net. I spend more time in chat rooms(聊天室) than with my real-1ife friends.Do you know any people like these? They are part of a new addiction(瘾) called Internet addiction. Internet addicts spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week. The use of the Internet can be an addiction like drug(毒品) use. People lose control(控制) of the time they spend on the InternetFor example, one college student was missing for several days. His friends were worried, and they called the police. The police found the student in the computer lab: he was surfing the net for several days straight.Studies show that about 6 to 10% of Internet users become addicted. And people worry about the teens because the Internet is changing the playing field for some of them. They spend more time in cyberspace than in the real world of friends and family.Is surfing the net a hobby or an addiction for you? You may have a problem if you have these symptoms(症状):You do not go to important family activities or you do not do school work because you like to spend hours on the Internet.You cant wait for your next online time.You plan to spend a short time online, but then you spend several hours.You go out with your friends less and less.(1) What does the beginning of the passage tell us? A . How to become an Internet addict.B . What an Internet addict usually does.C . Where to find an Internet addict.D . Why to write this passage.(2) How does the writer describe the addicts use of Internet? A . It is something like keeping drugs.B . It is a way of producing drugs.C . It is like taking drugs.D . It is terrible to imagine.(3) Why do people worry about the teens? A . The teens are wasting too much money.B . They used to work on the Internet.C . The playing field of the teens will disappear.D . More and more of the teens will become addicted to the Internet.(4) The example in the passage shows that _. A . Internet problems are more serious among college studentsB . Internet addicts usually stay in the computer lab without sleepC . Some of the Internet users have already been seriously addictedD . The police often help to find those Internet addicts(5) What is the writer trying to tell us at the end of the passage? A . Dont be addicted to the Internet.B . Go to family activities more often.C . Do things as you have planned.D . Stay with your parents as often as possible.29. (10分) (2017永嘉模拟) 阅读理解Personal planes which can take off noiselessly from the back garden will be possible within two years.Lilium Aviation is inventing an electric two-seater airplane which takes just 20 hours to learn to fly and can travel at speeds of 250mph.More importantly, the small plane, which weighs just 25kg, can take off vertically which means it does not need to fly from an airport, but could be parked outside a house or in a garden. The company says the design will “open the door to a new class of simpler, quieter and environmentally friendly planes” and will be possible from 2018.“Our goal is to develop an airplane for use in everyday life,” said Daniel, CEO and one of the companys four founders. We are going for a plane that can take off and land vertically and does not need the difficult and expensive infrastructure of an airport.Although helicopters offer a choice, they are very noisy and difficult to fly and require expensive licenses. They also have no backup if the rotor fails, making them costlyto build and keep. While firstly limited to airfields, the Lilium airplane will eventually take off vertically from almost anywhere even from back gardens it needs only an open flat area of 50 ft. by 50ft (15 m x 15m).The plane is classed as a Light Sport Aircraft for two users, with the pilots license requiring 20 hours minimum training almost like taking a driving license. It is intended for fun flying during daylight, in good weather conditions and in least crowded airspace up to 3 km altitude. The airplane would have to follow the same flight laws as helicopters.(1) What is the advantage of the Lilium airplane? A . It can seat more people.B . It flies at a high speed.C . It needs a small airport.D . It only takes up a small space to park.(2) Which condition is proper for Lilium airplane to fly? A . On a fine evening.B . On a rainy morningC . On a sunny afternoonD . On a sunny evening(3) The Lilium airplane can be used in daily life because _. A . it needs a backup.B . it takes a very long time to learn.C . it takes off and lands very easily.D . it can fly in good weather condition.(4) From the passage we know that _. A . customers can buy this kind of aircraft in 2019.B . Lilium airplanes started a new period of planesC . back gardens will have no use for Lilium airplanesD . Lilium airplanes can offer comfortable and noiseless flight.30. (10分) (2019玉林) 阅读理解 Dubai (迪拜) is a good place to travel to. There, you can find many tall buildings, taste lots of delicious food and experience some interesting things. Have you ever been to this city? If you go to Dubai during the summer holiday, you may see a special kind of taxi. It is a drone (无人机). It flies in the sky by itself! It is said that Dubai plans to use Chinesemade droes as a self flying air taxi in July.The drone taxi is named EHang 184. A Chinese company(公司)made it. The city of Dubai will start using it in July. It will be the worlds first passenger drone, according to Yahoo News.The drone taxi can fly up to 3, 500 meters high. It can fly at a top speed of 160 kilometers an hour. It can only take one person.How do you call an EHang1842 You use its app(应用程序) on your phone. When the drone comes, you choose the place you want to go to on a touch screen. There is no pilot in the drone. But some people on the ground will be watching it. They will make sure your trip is safe. You dont have to worry about it.EHang 184s battery(电池) can only keep about 30 minutes, So it cannot take you further than 50 kilometers.Would you like to take a trip in this flying drone? Dont wait. Lets go!(1) EHang 184 was made by a(n) company. A . DubaisB . AmericanC . JapaneseD . Chinese(2) Which statement (陈述) about EHang 184 is correct? A . There is a pilot in it.B . Its battery can keep around half an hour.C . It can fly up to 4, 500 kilometers.D . The trip in it isnt safe.(3) Where may we find this article? A . On the Internet.B . In a guide book.C . In a story book.D . In a novel.(4) Whats the best title of the passage? A . The Exciting VacationB . The Special TripC . The Drone TaxiD . The Computer Company六、 选词填空 (共2题;共2分)31. (1分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词或短语仅用一次。 try go leave get reach(1) You should _to see a doctor. (2) Mother asked me_up early. (3) Lily is 1.7 meters tall. She is tall enough _the apples on the tree. (4) Lets_our best to make our world more beautiful. (5) He _his bag at school yesterday. 32. (1分) (2019七上洮北月考) 根据短文内容,从方框中选择合适的选项使文章完整、通顺。 A. in B. red C. a D. is E. She F. meet G. an H. color I. isnt J. Her K. Whats L. numberHello! Im Mark. Im _student (学生). Im in Shanghai, China. Im _ No. 5 Middle School. My student card _1330765. Cindy is my good friend. _last name is Green. _ is in Shanghai, too. Shes in No.3 Middle school.She _ in my school. We can _ in the evening. Cindy has(有)a red phone. _her phone number? Oh, Its 375-9168. Red is her favorite(最喜欢的) _. Her jacket is also _. She likes it very much.七、 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。 (共5题;共5分)33. (1分) We are going to the zoo in the morning (改为否定句)_going to the zoo in the morning34. (1分) I write ten emails every Sunday. (对画线部分提问) _ _emails do you write every Sunday?35. (1分) (2019山东模拟) Where do you plan to spend your vacation? Mike asked me. (改写句子,句意不变) Mike asked me _ I _ to spend my vacation.36. (1分) We have got some apples in the fridge. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ _ apples in the fridge?37. (1分) You should tell your mother the truth. (改为被动语态) 八、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。 (共5题;共5分)38. (1分) 我养成了每天晚上睡觉前听音乐的习惯。 I _ _ _ _ _ listening to music before I got to bed every night. 39. (1分) 一些旧光盘正在出售。Some old CDs are_40. (1分) 我的钥匙在椅子下面。 41. (1分) 足球在我们学校正变得受欢迎。 Soccer is _ _ in our school. 42. (1分) 所有铅笔中这支铅笔最长。 The pencil is _ _ _ _.九、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)43. (1分) (2019临沂模拟) 根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。 When you speak, write a letter, or make a telephone, your words carry a message. People communicate with words. _ A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears (眼泪) in your eyes tell others that you are sad._ the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions, You shake your head and people know you are saying No. You nod and people know you are saying Yes._ For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the door tells you where to go in or out. Have you ever thought that there are a lot of other signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time? _ An artist can use his drawings to tell about the beautiful mountains, the blue seas and many other thing. A writer writes books to tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas._ They can help us lo know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.A. People can communicate in many other ways.B. But do you know people also communicate without words?C. If you make noise in class.D. When you put up your hands in class.E. Magazines, TV, radio and films all help us communicate with others.F. Other things can also carry messages.十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)44. (5分) (2017九上杭州期中) 写作题假如你是韩梅,远在美国的笔友Linda 给你写信了!信中,Linda 向你了解中国有什么著名小吃(famous snack)。请根据表格提示给Linda回信。Name糖葫芦(Tanghulu)Place中国各个地方,如天津、北京等Materials used糖(sugar)和山楂(haw),草莓(strawberry),葡萄,苹果等Taste酸酸甜甜How to make手工制作,四个步骤,大约半小时可制成History始于宋代(the Song Dynasty)Symbol幸福和团圆(reunion)注意:1词数:80左右( 开头与结尾已为你拟好,不计入总词数);2短文应包含表格中的内容,可适当增加细节,以使短文连贯、自然;3短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息;Dear Linda,You asked me what famous snacks there were in my country. Well,第 24 页 共 24 页参考答案一、 读音选词,根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 选择填空,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 (共20题;共40分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)26-1、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)27-1、五、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、六、 选词填空 (共2题;共2分)31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、31-5、32-1、七、 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。 (共5题;共5分)33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、八、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。 (共5题;共5分)38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、九、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)43-1、十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)44-1、

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