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外研版版2019-2020学年中考拓展训练黑白卷英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _father is a doctor. What about _?AHis, yourBHer, yoursCHis, youDHer, you2 . Nancy_ for five years.Awas dyingBhas diedCdiedDhas been dead3 . It is impossible for so _people to do so_work in a single day.Afew; muchBfew; manyClittle; muchDlittle; many4 . The China International Search and Rescue Team has brought help and hope to people in disasters around the world since it _ 18 years ago.Aset upBis set upCwas set upDwill be set up5 . - On the way to school, Jim _ a little girl from falling into the water.- What a brave boy!AsavedBpushedCallowed6 . Mike went boating with his friends last weekend. They _ a good time.AhaveBhadCwill haveDare having7 . Have you finished your homework ? Not yet. But Iit in half an hour .Awill finishBfinishCfinishedDhave finished8 . Jack, do you know when the train leaves?Sorry, I dont. But you can get the _ you need on the Internet.AinformationBnumberCquestionDstory9 . _he is ill,_he still goes to school.AAlthough,butB/,/CAlthough,/DBut, although10 . Hi, Helen. When were you born?I was born_February, 2004. Im 15 years old now.AonBinCwithDat11 . Lets go by train. Its cheaper and _.Amuch interestingBinterestingCinterestedDmore interesting12 . Two girls are singing. One is Lily,is Alice.AotherBanotherConeDthe other13 . He_ died several years ago.He still clearly remembers the accident.AactuallyBsimplyCreallyDnearly14 . -Can I help you? - Yes. I want a ticket to Nanjing. Tell me _take to get there.Ahow soon will itBhow soon it willChow long it willDhow long will it15 . Jenny, Im going to take part in Chinas Got Talent next month._! I m sure youll win.AMy pleasureBGood luckCNever mindDWell done16 . Would you like some coffee?Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee_milk.AwithBofCtoDthan17 . Selfie (自拍) has been named word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries editors because of its most usage.Awas namedBis namedCnamesDhas been named18 . Becky is a good student. She _ late for school.Ais neverBnever isCis alwaysDalways is19 . Taxi booking apps_ available for more than a year in some cities in Henan province since 2013.AareBwereCwill beDhave been20 . David thought his mobile phone was broken _ his sister pointed out that he didnt turn it on.AuntilBunlessCafter21 . Thank you for your coffee and tasty snacks._. Im glad you like them.ANo problem.BAll right.CThats right.DThats all right.22 . (题文) What do you think of the movie Zootopia? Hmm I think it is _ movie that I have ever seen these years.Aa goodBa betterCthe best23 . The bad weather cant prevent them _ to their favorite singers concert.AgoBto goCfrom goingDgone24 . Li Lei often _ Lin Tao _ his English.Ahelp; toBhelps; withChelps; toDhelp; with25 . _ the woman looks!( )Thats true. She cant find her son.AHow sadBWhat a sadCWhat sadDHow a sad第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、

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