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人教版2019版中考二模英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When I got good marks in the exams, my mum smiled and said,“ _ ”.AThank youBYou are welcomeCWell doneDNot at all2 . Im new here. Could you tell me _?一Certainly. Its over there across from the bank.Awhen the park opensBwhere the park isChow far is the parkDhow can I get to the park3 . His sister is _. Today is her _ birthday.Atwelve; twelveBtwelve; twelfthCtwelfth; twelveDtwelfth; twelfth4 . 一Many young people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books一Thats too bad Everyone be a book lover Reading is more enjoyableAwouldBmayCshouldDneed5 . He cut the orange into piecesput them into the bowl.AandBbutCorDso6 . We had no choice but _ such a rainy day.Awalk onBwalk inCto walk onDto walk in7 . (题文)There is anin the zoo. We all love her.ApandaBkoalaCelephantDgiraffe8 . Do you know _ just now?Something about the art festival.Awhat our headmaster saysBwhat does our headmaster sayCwhat our headmaster saidDwhat did our headmaster say9 . What are you going to do this weekend, Judy?_. Do you have any good plans?ASounds greatBNo ideaCThats all.DThats right10 . After working around the world, Annie ended up _ English as a foreign language teacher.AteachBtaughtCteachingDto teach11 . The population of China is _ than that of Russia. And this makes the traffic in China _.Amuch larger, more crowdedBmuch more, more crowdedlyCmuch larger, more crowdedlyDmuch more, more crowded12 . Where did you go last night?I _ to go to Li Leis birthday party.AaskedBam asked Chave been askedDwas asked13 . Where _ Tony _ from?England( )Ais , /Bdo , comeCdoes , comeDboth A and C14 . You should take care of yourself画线处近义短语为_Alook forBlook upClook afterDlook at15 . There are many trees onboth sidesof the street.Aevery sideBall sidesCeach sidesDeach side二、完型填空阅读对话,选择正确的答案填空。Tramp: Good afternoon, Madam. Have you got _ old clothes?Mum: Yes, just a minute, please.Mum: Jim, _ a tramp at the door. He wants _ old clothes.Dad: You can give _ my old jacket.Mum: Here you are. You can _ this old jacket.Tramp: Thank you, Madam. Thats very kind _ you.Dad: Which jacket _ you give him, Betty?Mum: The jacket which was in the wardrobe. The brown one.Dad: The brown one?Mum: Whats the _ , Jim?Dad: Youve given him my _ jacket. Look, this is my old jacket. This is _ jacket you should have given him!16 . AsomeBaCanyDan17 . AhaveBhasCthere areDtheres18 . AsomeBaCanyDan19 . AheBhimChisDits20 . AhaveBbuyCborrowDwant21 . AtoBtooCforDof22 . AdoBdoesCdidDdoing23 . AwrongBhappenCmatterDup24 . AoldBwellCbetterDbest25 . AtheBaCanD/三、阅读单选We had a terrible school trip last week. Some students were late. Then we waited half an hour for the school bus, but it didnt arrive. Finally, our teacher took us to take the subway. It took over an hour. When we arrived at the zoo, we were all tired and hungry. We wanted to see dolphins(海豚), but there werent any. There were some really smart seals(海豹), but we didnt see the show because we arrived too late. We forgot our cameras, so we didnt take any photos. Then it started to rain, and no one had an umbrella. We didnt see many animals because of the rain. So we went for lunch. We ate hamburgers. My friends also had some ice-cream. But I didnt have any, because I dont like it. I wanted French fries, but there werent any in the shop. They were sold out(卖光)! Finally we went back to school. We were wet, tired and stressed out(紧张的). I didnt enjoy my school trip at all.26 . Why did the teacher take the students to take the subway?ABecause the students didnt want to have the trip.BBecause the school bus didnt arrive.CBecause the students didnt like taking the school bus.DBecause the students didnt take cameras.27 . The students were _ when they arrived at the zoo.AexcitedBhappyCtiredDlucky28 . What animal show was there at the zoo?ADolphin show.BSeal show.CMonkey show.DPanda show.29 . How was the weather after they arrived at the zoo?ASunny.BCloudy.CWindy.DRainy.30 . What did the writer think of the school trip?ATerrible.BGreat.CNot bad.DFun.There was a man. He had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn how to judge things, so he let them go and look at a pear tree that was far away.The first son went in winter, the second in the spring, the third in the summer, the youngest son in the fall. When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.The first son said the tree was ugly, bent and weak. The second son said no it was covered with green buds(新芽) and full of hope. The third son said it was filled with blossoms and they smelt so sweet and looked so beautiful. The last son disagreed with all of them, he said it was ripe and full of fruit, life and fulfillment(成就).The man then said to his sons that they were all right, because they each had seen but only one season in the trees life. He told them that you cannot judge a tree or a person by only one season, and that essence of who they are the pleasure, the joy and love from that can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.If you give up when its winter, youll miss the hope of your spring, the beauty of your summer, the fulfillment of your fall. Dont let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.31 . When did the youngest son go to observe the pear tree?AIn springBIn autumnCIn summerDIn winter32 . The underlined word blossoms probably meansAColorful flowersBWeak treesCGreen budsDRipe fruit33 . Whats mainly discussed in the text?ADont judge something by one season.BAutumn is the harvest season in a year.CNever give up until you get success.DSpring is the best time to do the years work.The monarch is one of the most beautiful butterflies. It is famous for its yearly migration(迁徙)from the northern part of North America to Mexico, There, millions of monarchs spend the winter together in one small area. This migration is one of the greatest wonders of nature. Yet this behavior has now put the monarch at risk.Every September, millions of monarchs from the United States fly to Mexico. After about two months of flying time, they reach their sanctuary(庇护所)in central Mexico. Then, in the warm climate of private and quiet valleys, far from most human activity, the butterflies create one of natures great scenes. They cover every tree with bright color. The show lasts until spring, when the butterflies return north.While they are all crowded together, the monarchs are highly weak. If the environment in those valleys was disturbed, the whole species could be hurt or even die out. That is why for many years scientists who knew about the monarchs winter sanctuary kept the location a secret.In recent years, however, the monarchs secret has been discovered. Today, the butterflies winter sanctuary is crowded with tourists, who disturb the environment. Worse still, local farmers who need more land to farm have begun to take up the area. They are cutting down trees, making it difficult for the butterflies to survive. They should not farm in the monarchs sanctuary.People should act immediately to protect the species winter sanctuary. Local farmers must be helped so that they no longer need to take land from the butterflies. Tourist visits to the butterflies hidden valleys must also be limited. Unless these steps are taken soon, in a few years the monarch butterfly of North America may be just a beautiful memory.34 . What do we know about monarch butterflies?AThey fly to the US in autumn.BThey spend the winter together.CThey are the most beautiful butterflies.DThey have been known to human beings until recent years.35 . What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?AThe monarchs diet.BThe monarchs colors.CThe monarchs life cycle.DThe monarchs migration.36 . Why did scientists keep the monarchs winter sanctuary a secret?ATo keep the valleys from being destroyed.BTo stop farmers from cutting down trees.CTo do their research secretlyDTo protect the monarchs.37 . What is the purpose of the text?ATo tell about a great place to watch monarch butterflies.BTo provide information about monarch butterflies.CTo ask people to protect monarch butterflies.DTo call on people to save the environment.Most visited museums in the worldThe British Museum, London, UKIt is one of the worlds greatest museums of human history and culture. It was opened on Jan 15, 1759. And now it has about 8 million things, from the stone tools of early men to 20thcentury inventions. Some famous inventions are on show there, such as the bicycle, the telephone, the television and so on.Musee du Louvre, Paris, FranceIt was first built in 1204, but as a museum, it was opened in 1793. Once a palace that was homes to kings of France, the Louvre is now the worlds most famous museums. Millions of visitors go to the museum every year. Its famous for some of the best pieces of art in the world.The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USThe museum is one of the worlds largest museums. It was opened in 1872. There are over 2 million things of art. You can see many interesting things from Africa and the Middle East. Of course, it has a great collection of American art. If you are interested in American history, dont miss it.38 . How many things are there in the British Museum now ?A2 millionB8 millionC5 millionD7 million39 . When was Musee du Louvre opened as a museum?A1759B1204C1793D187240 . In the passage, we know the Metropolitan Museum of Art is _.Ain New YorkBonce a palaceCnot interestingDfamous for science四、根据首字母、中文提示填空VocabularyA. Complete each sentence with proper words. The first letter of each word is given.41 . In September 2009, P_ Obama gave a speech to students all across America about taking the responsibility (责任) of receiving education (教育).42 . Nanjing Foreign Languages School has e_ teachers, best students and modern teaching facilities (设施). No wonder (难怪) its one of the top schools in China.43 . Telling j_ is a good way to relax and have fun with friends. Everyone may laugh.44 . Are you going to do some homework this evening, Darren? A_ not. Its Friday, Mom.45 . Dave wants to s_ his pocket money to help the poor children get the books they want.46 . If you want to go to Canada, youd better learn some French and English. Both of them are the o_ languages there.47 . Matt, 19, plays the bass g_ in the Targets. He is from Birmingham.48 . Alison needs a notebook for her science class. But she will not buy one a_ $5. Thats too expensive for her.49 . The new s_ in my office told me the wrong time of the meeting, so I was late for it this morning.50 . American young people like r_ flats. They love to buy houses of their own when they get older.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空51 . More and more people have _(person)computers at home.52 . My mother loves _(cook)for us every Saturday.53 . I think my resolutions _(be)the promises to myself.They can make my life easier.54 . I dont remember I ever _(promise)that.55 . Is your brother interested in art?Yes, he often spends a lot of time _(paint)56 . The Browns had a party with their neighbors yesterday.They all enjoyed _(them)57 . I keep in touch(保持联系)with my friends by _(send)emails.58 . Is there anything new in todays newspaper?No,all of the _(article)are about exams.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Read, choose and write down the words(选择所给的单词填空,每空一词)become dancing hand leaves onionsSaturday, Oct. 23rdMy mother plants some 59 . in the pot today. I can see some sprouts. The 60 . are green The bodies are pink. They are very lovely in the sun.Sunday, Oct. 24thToday the leaves are open. One leaf is big. Its 61 . in the wind. I think its saying “Im Little Onion. Happy Fall!”Sunday, Oct. 31stToday the onions look like a 62 . . Some leaves are short. Some are long.Sunday, Nov. 7thToday the onions are very big. Their bodies 63 . purple. They look very beautiful.七、单词填空Do you know AlphaGo? If not, it isnt too 64 . (迟的). As for AlphaGo, we can also call it AI. Its famous because of the game “A 65 . (电脑) VS a man”. It plays 66 . (五) weiqi games with Ke Jie, a great weiqi67 . (明星). He can play weiqi68 . (真正地) well after he takes many weiqi69 . (课). And he has many games around the world. But its 70 . (困难的) for him to get every point at these games. Ke Jie must do his best for each step(步骤). But AlphaGo is smart. After Ke Jie 71 . (完成) his step, it can always find out the right step to go in a 72 . (短的) time. Two points goes to each other, but AlphaGo gets the 73 . (最后的) one and wins(赢).八、填空阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成下列句子。Where does Harry Potter come from? Hes from the United Kingdom, an island country in Western Europe. It is an amazing country with a long history and rich culture.Many people think of the Queen Elizabeth II when asked what they think about the UK. Though she is a queen, she doesnt actually run the country. The royal family has little real power.People in the UK are proud of their literature(文学). There are many great British writers.William Shakespeare is probably the most famous one. His writing is over 400 years old and is a bit difficult to read. But his plays teach important values(价值观念). Thats why they are so popular.British music, movies and TV shows are enjoyed by people all over the world. Bands like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin have had a huge influence on modern-day musicians. The James Bond films, as well as TV shows like Sherlock and Downton Abbey, are beloved by many.74 . United Kingdom is an island country in Western _.75 . Queen Elizabeth II is a queen and she doesnt actually _the country.76 . People in the UK are proud of _77 . _is probably the UKs most famous writer. His plays teach important values.78 . British music, movies and _are enjoyed by people all over the world.九、材料作文79 . 书面表达二月十号是 Kevin的生日。他想邀请好友Betty去他家参加生日派对。根据以下信息,给Betty写一封邀请函,要求80词左右。要点如下:1.请Betty来家里参加生日派对;2.住址:格林大街28号,时间:二月十号,周六下午三点;3.穿好看的衣服,带家人和朋友;4.先唱歌跳舞,晚饭后要玩游戏,获胜者会有小礼物;5.派对结束时畅谈新年愿望,周五前回复。参考词汇: February n.二月; resolution n.愿望; smart clothes好看的衣服Dear Betty,第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、材料作文1、

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