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人教版2019-2020学年七年级12月月考英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Why do you become so in such a book? I dont think it is .Ainteresting; interestedBinteresting; interestingCinterested; interestingDinterested; interested2 . _ the player tried his best,he lost the game at lastAAlsoBButCAlthoughDHowever3 . _meals are there in a day? There are three meals in a day. _ breakfast, lunch and supper.AHow many; They areBHow many; There areCHow much; They are4 . We must stop _down trees if we dont want a world without them.AcutBto cutCcuttingDcuts5 . The boy _ black hair _ a blue coatAhas;hasBwith;inChas;wearsDwith;wears6 . -There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow?-No, Id rather buyin the bookstore.Ait, oneBone, oneCone, itDit, it7 . Where are you going, Mom?Im going to the store. There _ vegetables at home.Aare someBisnt anyCis someDarent any8 . Could you give me 200 yuan , Mum? I need to buy some books.-Sure . But I have little money .Ill go to the bank to _some money first.AdrawBmakeClendDkeep9 . 一Do you know that girl?Yes. She is my_. We are in the same class.AbrotherBclassmateCteacherDmum10 . _?Purple.AWhats thisBWhat color is itCWhats that in EnglishDHow are you11 . Please introduce _ to your new classmates.AyouByoursCyourDyourself12 . Sandy is in_.AClass One, Grade SevenBGrade Seven ,Class OneCclass one, grade sevenDgrade seven, class one13 . I went out to take part in a party with my friends and didnt come home until midnight last night. Thats _my mother got so angry with me.AhowBwhatCwhyDwhen14 . My uncle usually drives me _ there _ the shopping in the town centre.Ato; to doBto; doingC/; to doD/; do15 . I have some problemsEnglish well.Ato learnBlearningClearnedDlearn二、完型填空(题文)Long long ago a thief stole a bag of money from from a farmers house. The_went to the judge and asked_help. The judge ordered_the people of the farm to come before him. He took out a number of sticks of the same size and gave one stick to_man. Then he said,Come before me again tomorrow.Ill know which_you is the thief, because the thiefs stick will be one inch longer than the_ The thief was afraid to be found out and so he cut an inch_the stick.The next day the thiefs stick was found to be one inch_than any_stick_this way the theif was found out and put into prison.16 . (小题1)AtheifBfarmerCmoneyDbag17 . (小题2)AtoBofCforDfrom18 . (小题3)AallBeveryCeachDwhole19 . (小题4)AoneBeveryCeachDany20 . (小题5)AfromBforCtoDof21 . (小题6)AotherBothersCothersDothers22 . (小题7)AoutBoffCfromDof23 . (小题8)AshorterBlongerCthinnerDwider24 . (小题9)AanotherBotherCothersDthe other25 . (小题10)AOnBByCInDTo三、阅读单选FFINE COLD MEDICINEA: General information.FFINE is a cold medicine.B : How should I use FFINE tablets?Adults should take two pills of FFINE a day: one in the morning and one at night. Teenagers form 13 to 19 should take one pill a day: Do not take FFINE for more than three days.Children from 6 to 12 should use FFINE as instructed by doctors.C : Who should not take FFINE?Children under 6.People with high blood pressure.People with heart disease.26 . The medicine mentioned in the passage is for .Athe coldBhigh blood pressureCheart disease27 . If Mr. Gates who is 36 needs to take FFINE, how many pills does he need to take in three days?ATwo pills.BThree pills.CSix pills28 . If Lily is seven years old and she needs to take FFINE, .Ashe can take one pill a dayBshe shouldnt take FFINE for more than three daysCshe should use FFINE as instructed by doctors29 . The FFINE medicine is suitable for .Apeople with high blood pressureBpeople above 13Cpeople with heart disease30 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AIt is the instruction of a kind of medicine.BIt tells us some ways to prevent the cold.CIt tells us some ways to stay healthy.Nancy is an eight-year-old girl. She has a beautiful yellow cat, Mimi. Mimi has six new kittens (小猫). Three kittens are black, and two are white. One kitten is black, but it has white feet and a white face. Nancyasks, “Mom, can we keep (留下) all the kittens?” “We cant keep six kittens,” she says, “When the kitten are three months old, we willgivethemaway.”Nancy asks, “Can I keep one?” Her mom says yes. Nancy decides (决定) to keep the kitten with white feet. She calls it Boots. When the other five kittens are three months old, Nancys mom takes pictures of them. On Monday, Nancy takes the pictures to school. She shows (展示) the pictures to her friends. All her friends love the kittens. They come to her house that afternoon. They take all the five kittens except (除了) Boots.31 . Boots is the name of a _.AgirlBdoctorCcatDNancys friend32 . How many white kittens does Mimi have?ASix.BTwo.CFive.DThree.33 . How old are the kittens when they leave their mother?ASix moths old.BEight years old.CEleven months old.DThree months old.34 . What does the underlined phrase (划线短语) “give away” mean?A出售B赶走C赠送D关Football FinalBrazil VS Argentina National Sports Center8: 00 pm. SaturdayDolphin Show9: 00am. -11: 00 am.Every day except Monday and FridayHouse for RentIn Greenleaf Village By Moon Lake2, 000 yuan per monthTen minutes drive from Sun-rising Square, the center of the cityAssistant WantedFor a busy restaurantWork on the weekendsAll meals are freeCall at 383359 for more information35 . The match is between Brazil and _.AArgentinaBChinaCGermanyDJapan36 . If Marry wants to be the assistant, she can phone the number _.A833059B383539C383359D33085937 . Where is Sun-rising Square?AIts by Moon Lake.BIts in Greenleaf village.CIts far from the city.DIts in the center of the city.38 . You can watch the dolphin show _.Aat 9:30 am, WednesdayBat 10:00 am, MondayCat 1:00 pm, ThursdayDat 11:30 am, Tuesday39 . With 24,000yuan, Mr. Green can rent the house for _.A2 yearsBone yearC10 monthsD13 monthsToday I will give you a special test, said the English teacher with a smile on his face.All the students sat up straight and waited for the test to begin. The teacher began to give the test papers to all the students. After he finished handing out the test papers, he asked them to begin.The students were very surprised to see that there was not a question but a black dot(圆点)in the center of the paper. The teacher noticed the students surprise and said, I want you to write about what you see there. At the end of the class, the teacher took all the students answer sheets and read the answers. All of them described the black dot. After reading all the answers, the teacher said, Here everyone only paid attention to the black dot, but no one wrote about the white paper. The whole class listened silently, because they were afraid to fail in the exam. Then the teacher said, Dont worry about your marks for this test. I just want you to think about our life. The white paper is like our whole life and the black dot in the center of the paper represents(代表)problems in our daily life.Our life is a gift given to us by God, with love and care. However, we just pay attention to the problems like illness and poverty, and never see happy things in our life. So we should try to solve our problems and enjoy each moment life gives us.40 . What was in the center of the paper?Aa white dotBa black dotCa questionDa gift41 . Which of the following is wrong about the test?AThere was a black dot in the center of the papers.BNobody paid attention to the black dot.CStudents should not just care about their marks.DThe students were very surprised when they saw the papers.42 . What did the teacher mainly want to tell his students?AOur life is a gift given to us by God.BThe black dot doesnt mean any problem in our life.CDont worry about the marks for the test.DWe should solve our problems and enjoy each moment in life.43 . Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word poverty in the last paragraph?A污染B富有C贫穷D保险44 . Which is the right order of the story?The teacher read all the answers.The teacher asked his students not to worry about their marks.The teacher wanted his students to think about life.The teacher began to hand out the test papers.ABCD四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成句子。45 . The _ (树叶) of this kind of tree are green all the year round.46 . Walk _ (径直地) along Yingze Street, and take the second turning on the right.47 . A good friend is like a living _ (珍宝).48 . It is very cold _ (外面). Please put on more clothes before you go out.49 . There is _ (充足) of time for us to have a good drink.五、语法填空We have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and50 . (enjoy) mooncakes for51 . (century). Mooncakes have the shape of a full moon52 . Mid-Autumn night. They carry peoples53 . (wish)to the families they love and miss.There are many 54 . (tradition) folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Change is the most55 . (touch). Change56 . (be) Hou Yis beautiful wife. After Hou Yi57 . (shoot) down the nine suns, a goddess gave him a magic medicine 58 . (thank) him. Whoever drank this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to drink it59 . Change.六、信息归纳阅读下面短文,根据文中信息完成肯尼亚的信息表。每空限填三词。What is it like to live in Kenya? Keep reading to find it out.If you live in the city of Nairobi, you can live in a modern home. You can also visit a museum or go to the movies. You can even go to the shopping malls. If you live in the countryside, you may not have electricity. Of course you dont have a car either. You can only walk or ride a bike to other places. Your house may be made of trees or grass.Most Kenyan children go to school when they are twelve. They learn math and geography. But some children dont go to school. They have to help on the farm.Do you like rainy days? You can enjoy them if you live in Kenya! People in Kenya like the rainy season because most of them need rain to grow tea and coffee.Do you like to run? Many Kenyan people win in running in the Olympics. Other popular sports in Kenya are football and water sports.In Nairobi: There are 60 . homes and museums. You can go to the movies and the shopping malls.In the countryside: Peoples houses may be made of61 . . There isnt electricity or a car.The school: 12-year-old children start going to school. They learn62 . The weather: People in Kenya like 63 . days.The sports: Some Kenyan people are good at 64 . and the people also like football and water sports.七、汉译英:整句65 . 请你不要在这儿抽烟好吗?_66 . 为什么不请警察帮助?_67 . 昨天我正在看电视时,天下起了大雨。_68 . 我看见他的时候,他正在和他的朋友们放风筝._69 . 我认为他的英语学的很好. _70 . 我越了解玛丽,我就越喜欢她_八、材料作文71 . 书面表达(计15分)现在汽车越来越多,对空气产生极大影响。某网站在开展出行方式大讨论。假如你是李雷,你喜欢哪种出行方式?请根据提示词语和相关问题,给网站投稿。稿件的开头和结尾已给出,其词数不计入总词数。提示词语:expensive, relax, easy, be good for, reduce, save energyHow do you go to school, by car, by bus, by bike or on foot?Which way is the best?What are the advantages?Dear Editor,I know you are organizing a discussion about the ways of going out. Im a middle school student and I want to join the discussion.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、语法填空1、六、信息归纳1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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