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2019版外研版英语八年级下册期末综合练习测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)I like music that I can sing along _. What about you?I like music that I can dance _.Awith; withBwith; toCto; to2 . What do you think of my application?I m sorry. _ can be accepted _ you complete the survey.AEverything; beforeBAnything; sinceCSomething; tillDNothing; until3 . -_is his father?-Forty-four.AHow longBHow muchCHow manyDHow old4 . _.Is that your notebook? - Ah, no, its her notebook.AHello.BSorry.CExcuse me.DThanks.5 . Smoking can _ lung cancer. You had better give it up.Awork onBlead toCtake awayDput out6 . beautiful place Zhangjiajie is, Lu Ming!Yeah, and thousands of visitors come here to spend their holidays every year.AWhat a BWhat CHow7 . Do you know if _ back next week? If he _ back, please let me know.Ahe comes, will comeBwill he come, comesChe will come, comesDwill he come, will come8 . I didnt go to the party not_the weather, but_I didnt feel well.Abecause of;becauseBbecause;because ofCbecause of;because of9 . My uncles son and daughter work in Beijing and Shanghai. They cant live with my uncle, so he feels very.AhappyBlonelyCrelaxedDinteresting10 . (2013重庆)He lost his keyIt made him_in the cold to wait for his wifes returnAto stayBstayedCstaysDstay二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。A. What do you mean ?B. Its a great party, isnt it ?C. That sounds good .D. Oh ,no . What a pity !E. Year, we play in our free time .F. Yes, I love it .G. Im fine , thanks .A: How are you ?B:11 . A: 12 . B: Yes, it is . Do you like the music ? A:13 . I play this kind of music with my my band.B: Youre in a band ?A:14 . B: Really ? Well , I work on the Internet in all my free time .A:15 . B: Youre right . Its cool三、完型填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语,填入短文,用A、B、C或D 表示)Animals are our good friends. Without animals we will be lonely in the world. We should protect them and_ them.A lovely rabbit, a cute hamster ( 仓 鼠 ), some colourful fish, a strange-looking turtle or a snake . What kind of pets would you like? Lots of kids love animals and dream of_ a pet.But not every family can have a pet. So, in many western countries such as America, Britain and Australia, primary and middle school classes have their own pets. Looking after a pet is not as easy as you may think! Fish and turtles need clean water and the right food. Hamsters and rabbits need fresh vegetables and a warm place to sleep. Even little mice need good care! What would you feed a pet mouse? How about snakes? Class pets teach kids about nature and being responsible._ the pets have babies. Its very exciting, but it also means more animals to look after!Students take turns to look after their class pets. Every week the pets have new “mum and dad” to look after them. You may want to know what happens to the class pets_ school holidays._ term, the teacher chooses a responsible student. This lucky student keeps the pet at his or her home for the holidays.Looking after a class pet is not only fun, but also_ for us to know more about animals and love them more.16 . Apick upBtalk toCknock downDtake care of17 . AbringingBhavingCcarryingDwatching18 . ASometimesBUsuallyCAlwaysDNever19 . AbeforeBafterCduringDnear20 . AAt the beginningBofCAt the end ofDBecause of21 . AkindBbeautifulCfriendlyDhelpful四、阅读单选Uncle Wang is fifty. He has two sons, Wang Lei and Wang Fei. They are twins. They are twenty-two. Wang Lei likes making things. He makes many different things. Today hes making a machine. He wants to ride the machine like a hike and fly it like a plane. Wang Fei doesnt like making things at all. He likes reading and watching TV very much. He plays table tennis on Saturdays and Sundays. Wang Lei and Wang Fei like playing football a lot. Uncle Wang likes his two sons very much. They love each other, too.22 . Wang Lei and Wang Fei are_.AUncle Wangs sonsBstudentsCteachersDfriends23 . Wang Lei likes_AreadingBwatching TVCmaking thingsDflying kites24 . Wang Fei likes_AreadingBwatching TVCmaking thingsDreading and watching TV25 . The twin brothers like very much.Aplaying basketballBplaying footballCplaying gamesDplaying chess26 . Wang Fei on Saturdays and Sundays.Agoes shoppingBreads booksCdoes houseworkDplays table tennis五、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空27 . You can hardly imagine what great difficulty we had _(encourage) him to tell the truth.28 . The more you study, the more questions youll think of _(ask).29 . This is the second time he _(get) full marks in English.30 . No decision _(make) about the future sports meeting until we meet again.31 . -Has Tommy finished his homework yet?-I have no ideas. He _ (do) it this morning.32 . It is beyond doubt that it was the CPC(共产党) that _(lead) us to New China.33 . Though there are a few new words in the article, it _(read) well.34 . Last week, he promised he _(come) but he hasnt appeared yet.六、单词填空综合填空(2017山东莱芜)More than 95% of the people in the world have phones today.They help us easily make contact(联系)with others.It means that we 35 . write letters now.But a TV show,LettersAlive,is bringing36 . this old habit.The show is loved by people around China.It invites a famous actor or actress who walks up to a microphone(麦克风)and reads a37 . .People wrote the letters from different times in history.We can experience the real lives and38 . of the writers.Besides it,another TV show,Readers,is also39 . .It invites different people to read aloud on the stage,and40 . the touching stories behind them.They can read anything,like poems and books.Now the41 . gives people a special place,a reading pavilion(朗读亭),to read all over China.Reading pavilions are now in some42 . like Shanghai,Hangzhou and Xian.The pavilion is quite43 . .Only one person can come into it each time.A microphone in it records peoples voices.Some of the readers will be picked and invited to44 . on TV.Cultural values and true feelings are the keys to winning praise.Both shows are leading Chinese people to enjoy reading.In fact,this is also what our country is trying to do now.七、材料作文45 . 书面表达71. 最近,你在校200名学生中做了一项关于 “你的理想职业” 的调查,请你就调查结果写一份报告,在英语课上进行汇报,并谈谈你的理想职业和理由。理想职业所占比率理由你的理想职业及理由老师超过30%善于与孩子打交道,爱教书园艺工大约25%让城市更美厨师22%喜欢吃,为别人做健康美食注意:(1)短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节;(2)你的理想职业及理由至少各一条;(3)词数:80100;(4)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。参考词汇:园艺工gardenerRecently I have done a survey about students dream jobs in our school. _第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、材料作文1、

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