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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中英语试题(不含听力材料)(II)卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . AGood idea!BWhat bad news!CIts very kind of you.2 . How much did the womans daughter pay for her coat?A$100.B$150.C$200.3 . What is the man going to do?ATo meet his friend.BTo sit with his friend.CTo move over one seat.4 . APlay table tennis.BDo his homework.CHelp his mother.DPlay tennis.5 . What mistake does the girl often make?APronunciation mistakes.BGrammar mistakes.CListening mistakes.二、听长对话回答问题听对话,回答下列各小题。6 . Where does the women want to go?ATo a bus stop.BTo a restaurant.CTo a hospital.7 . How will the woman go there?ABy bus.BOn foot.CBy car.请听对话,回答下列各小题。8 . AHer parents.BHer classmates.CHer friends.9 . ABecause it has the newest movies and the biggest screens.BBecause it has the newest movies and the best service.CBecause it has the cheapest tickets and the biggest screens.10 . AAt 9:30 pm.BAt 10:30 pm.CAt 11:30 pm.听材料,回答下列各个小题。现在你有 15 秒钟的时间阅读下面三个小题。11 . What is difficult for the man to learn Chinese?AThe grammar.BThe pronunciation.CThe words.12 . Where will they meet?AIn their classroom.BAt their school gate.CIn the library .13 . What can we know from their dialogue?AThe man has never been to China.BThe man used to like Chinese very much,but now he doesnt.CBoth of the woman and the man like Chinese very much .请听材料,回答下列各小题。14 . Why will Emma travel to Hangzhou during her summer holiday? .AShe can learn and relax during the travelling.BHangzhou is a great place of interest.CHer hometown is Hangzhou.15 . How many times has Emma been to Hangzhou?ATwice.BThree times.CNever.16 . What can we learn from the conversation?AThe summer holiday will begin next month.BJacks grandparents live in his hometown.CEmma had a wonderful time in Hangzhou.三、听短文回答问题根据你所听到的短文内容,选出最佳选项。17 . When was the first International Friendship Camp held?AIn 1967.BIn 1976.CIn 1977.18 . Where was the camp held last year?AIn America.BIn Canada.CIn China.19 . How long did the teenagers stay with the local families last year?AFor 14 days.BFor one week.CFor a month20 . What did Antonio think of Chinese children before he came to Beijing?AFriendly.BSerious.CActive.21 . Which was true about Shirleys host family?AThey couldnt cook western food.BThey couldnt speak much English.CThey had never been to Canada.四、单选题22 . He saw a girl _ an old woman cross the road on his way home.AhelpedBhelpsChelpingDto help23 . Li Lei ranthan Lin TaoAmuch slowBvery more slowlyCmuch more slowly24 . Whats in _box ? There is _ordinary camera in it .Aa; theBthe ; theCthe ;anDthe ;a25 . He _ go back home this Sunday. He is not sure.AmustBmightCcanDcant26 . 2018年上海松江二模I will lend the book to you as soon as I finish_it.AreadBto readingCreadingDto read27 . Does Miss White like _?Yes, her favourite is tennis.AmusicBartCsportsDlessons28 . As soon as I _ the bell, I_ to open the door.Ashall hear; will goBhear; goChear; shall goDshall hear; go29 . -Wow! Your skirt looks so nice! -_. It is my mothers design.AThank youBSounds greatCMy designDGood idea30 . The number of the private cars _greatly since 2008 in the small town.Ahad increasedBhas increasedCwas increasingDincreased31 . Hope Runin Shanghai last year to raise money for cancer(癌症)patients and researches.Awas organizedBwill be organizedChas been organizedDis organized32 . Just go straight and turn . The bank is .Aleft; leftBon the left; leftCleft; to the leftDleft; on the left33 . A: _ is it from your office to the Exhibition Centre? B: About ten minutes walk.AHow farBHow longCHowDHow often34 . Judy,I heard you traveled to Taiyuan this holiday. Could you tell me? I took the high-speed train. I was really amazed at the speed and great convenience that technology brought tous.Ahow you went thereBwhom you went withCwhat did you do there35 . Meimei usually goes to school _,but on rainy days she_Aon foot ,by bus Bwalks ,by bus Cwalks, takes the busDon foot, takes the bus36 . I dont know when he _ tomorrow. If he _, Ill let you know. Acomes, comesBwill come, comesCcomes, will comeDcame, will come五、完型填空Life is not easy, so Id like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself.” When I was 14, I was_ nervous to talk to anyone. My classmates often _ me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, _ happened. It changed my life. It was an English speech contest(比赛). My mother asked me to take part in it. What a/an _idea! It meant I had to _ in front of all the teachers and students of my school! “Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to _.” Then, mother and I talked about many different topics (题目). At last I _ the topic “Believe in yourself”. I tried my best to _ all the speech and practised it over 100 times. _ my mothers great love, I did well in the contest. I could _ believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the _ from the teachers and students. Those _ who once looked down on (瞧不起) me, now all said “Congratulations!” to me. My mother hugged me and cried _. _ then, everything has changed for me. When I do anything, I try to tell myself to be sure and I will _ myself. This is true not only for a person but also for a country.37 . AsoBtooCveryDquite38 . Amade faces atBlooked afterCcaught up withDlaughed at39 . AsomethingBnothingCanythingDeverything40 . AinterestingBexcitingCterribleDwonderful41 . AwriteBspeakCtellDsay42 . AwinBloseCbeatDpass43 . AreachedBbroughtCchoseDthought44 . ArememberBseeCspellDhear45 . AAtBToCWithDAs46 . AalmostBnearlyCeverDhardly47 . AcheersBnoisesCthanksDwishes48 . AteachersBclassmatesCboysDgirls49 . AangrilyBsadlyCquietlyDexcitedly50 . ASinceBExceptCFromDBefore51 . Alook forBfindCfind outDlook六、阅读单选More than anything else in the world, Lion liked being King of the jungle(丛林).He walked around, showing off his power and pride.Each day Lion took a long lazy sleep under the shade of his favourite tree. He always dreamed of weaker animals bowing(鞠躬)before him.One day Mouse ran through the jungle and tripped over Lions huge paws. Lion woke up with a start. How dare you wake me up! he shouted angrily. Lion hunted Mouse with one paw. On the second thought, Im in the mood for the snack, and youll make a delicious meal. he said.Mouse cried out, King Lion, please spare me! If you let me live, Ill always remember your kindness. And, some day, I might be able to help you.How could such a powerless little mouse ever help me? That thought made Lion laugh so much that he decided to let Mouse go. A week later, Lion was walking through the jungle on theway to his favourite tree when he stepped onto a hunters net. The net scooped(兜接)him up. No matter how he twisted and turned, he couldnt run away.When Mouse heard Lions frightened shouts, he raced to help. Mouse quickly chewed(咀嚼) through the ropes to make a hole in the net. Soon, Lion moved out and was free. Lion looked down at the little mouse.Thank you for saving my life, said Lion ,smiling his widest smile, I was mistaken. You are not a powerless little mouse. You are a great friend!52 . What did Lion do each day?AHe showed kindness to animals in the jungle.BHe had a good sleep under his favourite tree.CHe bowed before weaker animals.DHe stepped onto a hunters net.53 . Why did Lion let Mouse go?ABecause he was trapped in the net.BBecause he took Mouse as his good friend.CBecause he doubted if Mouse could be of any help.DBecause he believed Mouse could save him.54 . What can we learn from the passage?APride makes you lose what you have.BDont put all your eggs in one basket.CEven the small can show great strength.DWhen the cats away, the mice will play.Here are some of the best books for children and young adults, according to the American Library Association. Read on and you might find your next book to read.A Ball for Daisy, Chris Raschka, USDaisy is a little dog. she loves a red ball very much. But another dog destroys Daisys ball. Without the ball, Daisy cant eat or sleep. One day, as Daisy walks in a park. the very same dog shows up and gives her a blue ball. The story teaches us how to react to loss and tells us never to lose hope.The Running Dream, Wendelin Van Draanen. USSixteen-year-old Jessica Carlisle is a runner. She thinks her life is over when she loses a leg in a car accident. However, Jessica meets her math tutor Rosa, who has to use a wheelchair because of an illness. They soon become friends, The friendship makes Jessica active an strong, Finally Jessica is able to run again with a prosthetic leg(假肢).Dead End in Norvelt, Jack Gantos, USJack Gantos is a 12-year-old boy. He lives in Norvelt, US. One day, he breaks his fathers rifle(来福枪).As punishment, he must stay at home. His mother only lets him leave home to help their elderly neighbor Miss Volker write some obituaries(讣告)for the town newspaper.Each obituary is a story about a great American who died. Through writing these obituaries, Jack learns a history of his country that schools dont teach.A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith, US Francie Nolan is an 11-year-old girl living in e slums(贫民窟)of Brooklyn, New York. Her family is so poor that she and her brother have to collect junk to exchange for money. But Nolan works hard to change her life. She helps her mother do housework and spends every afternoon reading at the library. However, since her family is so poor, Nolan has to leave high school and find a job. Her life is full of ups and downs.55 . Which of the following books is about a dog?AA Ball for Daisy.BThe Running Dream.CDead End in Norvelt.DA Tree Grows in Brooklyn.56 . Who helps Jessica become a runner again?AWendelin.BRosa.CMiss Volker.DFrancie.57 . Why does Jack Gantos need to stay at home?ABecause he does not like going to school at all.BBecause he is very afraid to meet his elderly neighbor.CBecause he has to write obituaries for the local newspaper.DBecause he is being punished for breaking his fathers rifle.58 . What does Francie Nolan do every afternoon?AShe collects junk.BShe does housework.CShe reads books.DShe works part-time.59 . Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?A.A dog destroys Daisys ball so he gives her another red one.AJessicas math tutor cannot walk because of an illness.BJacks school does not teach the history of the USA.CNolan collects junk for money and finishes high school.It keeps your insides from falling out. It helps you warm up when you are cold, and it can cool you off when you are hot. It lets you feel things by touch.What is this? Your skin(皮肤), of course! What does you skin ask for return for all the wonderful things it does? Just a little care! So lets learn how to take care of our skin.Like the heart and stomach, your skin is an organ (器官)In fact, it is the largest organ in your bodyUnless theres a problem, you may not think about your skin very muchBut skin has an important job to doYour skin is protecting youYour skin keeps you from getting sickWhen you take care of your skin, you are helping your skin do its jobTaking care of your skin today will help you have no problems in the futureClean skin is happy skin! One simple way to take care of your skin is to keep it cleanKeeping your hands clean is very importantWhen washing your hands, use warm waterWet your hands, and then use soapYou should wash your hands carefully everywhereYoull also want to use warm water, but not too hot, when you take a bathUse soap to clean your bodyDont forget under your arms and behind your ears! Your face needs attention, tooIts a good idea to wash your face once or twice a day with warm water60 . We can infer(推断出)from Paragraph 3 that _Apeople dont often care much about their skinBskin is an organCthere would be nothing wrong with your skinDskin is not important at all61 . Which of the following best describes your clean skin?AA kind of job to keep you from getting sickBAn important and largest organCSomething like your heart and stomachDHealthy and happy skin62 . Why does the writer think we should try to take care of our skin today?ATo help us warm up when we are coldBIn order to keep our insides from falling outCIn order to help us have no problems in the futureDTo let us feel things by touch63 . What does this passage mainly talk about?ATaking care of your skinBYour skinCAn important organDKeeping yourself from getting ill七、单词填空根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。每个选项只能用一次,有两项剩余。AsuccessBachievedCfull ofDItEwelcomeFwhichGstronger H. give up I. on J. choices K. yourself L. WhenA young man once asked his grandpa, “Grandpa, how have you 64 . so much in your life, and yet are still 65 . energy, while I am already tired of struggling (拼搏)?” The following was the grandpas answer: I think it depends 66 . how a person looks at things. I call it “keeping your eyes wide open”.First, realize that life is filled with surprises and many of them are good ones. If you dont keep watching for them, youll miss half of the excitement.When you meet with challenges,, 67 . them. Theyll make you smarter and 68 . than you were the day before. 69 . you make a mistake, be thankful for the things it taught you. 70 . is also important to decide exactly what you want. Then keep your mind focused (专心的) on it, and be ready to get it. Remember that your 71 . will create your successes and your failures. So think about all the ways ahead, and decide which ones to follow. Then believe in 72 . , get up, and get going.Most important of all: never 73 . . The person that ends up as a winner is the one who is determined (有决心的) to win. Give life everything youve got, and life will give its best back to you.八、信息匹配根据下表内容,从选项AF中选择合适的句子完成寻物和招领启事。其中一项为多余选项。ThingsPhone numberNameLostAn ID card654-6248MikeA baseball663-1845RickFoundA watch495-3539JohnA notebook245-8764TomA set of keys334-7845David74 . FoundCall John at 495-3539.75 . LostIf you see it, call me please. Tel: 663-1845. Rick76 . LostMy name is Mike. Please call 654-6248.77 . FoundPlease call Tom. Phone number: 245-8764.78 . FoundPlease call David at 334-7845.AIs this your notebook?BIs this your watch?CI lost my keys.DI cant find my baseball.EI lost my school ID card.FI found a set of keys.九、信息归纳任务型阅读阅读下面短文,根据文中信息完成表格,每空不多于两词。Carp Flags Fly in JapanIf you go to Japan in early May,you will see colorful carp flags(鲤鱼旗)in the sky.The flags fly to celebrate Childrens Day,which falls on May.In some places,people start to fly their flags in April.Families that have boys will usually fly the flags outside their homes.They also put warrior dolls(武士人偶)around their homes.They use the flags and dolls to encourage their boys to be strong and healthy,according to TheJapanTimes.People usually eat kashiwamochi(柏饼)on this day.It is a kind of rice cake inside of oak leaves(橡树叶)The cake has sweettasting red bean jam(红豆馅)inside.Childrens Day in 79 . DateOn May 5.Celebration*People fly carp flags in the sky as early as 80 . .*For boys,families also put 81 . around their homes.*People usually eat kashiwamochi,a kind of 82 . inside of oak leaves.It has sweettasting red bean jam inside.MeaningThey use the flags and dolls to encourage boys to be 83 . and healthy.十、材料作文84 . 现在的科技日新月异,各种发明以及高科技产品成为了我们生活中不可缺少的一部分,如电脑、笔记本电脑(laptop)、手机(mobile phone)、平板电脑(iPad)、数码相机(digital camera)等。请结合自己的经历来描述你最喜欢的一种发明,以及你喜欢该发明的理由。要求:1. 词数不少于80词;2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听长对话回答问题1、2、3、4、三、听短文回答问题1、四、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、五、完型填空1、六、阅读单选1、2、3、七、单词填空1、八、信息匹配1、九、信息归纳1、十、材料作文1、

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