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人教版(PEP)五年级下英语期末模拟测试卷7带解析姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . There are lots of_. ( )AflowerBflowersCfloweres2 . How _ cats can you see? ( )AmuchBmany3 . I have threein my schoolbag. ( )AcandyBcandiesCcandys4 . 读对话,选出下列划线单词的汉语释义。【小题1】Im in Primary Six.( )A小学六班B小学六年级C第六小学【小题2】School is over at 3:30 in the afternoon. ( )A下课B学校放假C放学【小题3】Let me tell you about my daily life. ( )A关于B大约C在.里【小题4】Im going to Beijing, How about you? ( )A大约B对于C怎么样?【小题5】Can you tell me by email? ( )A买B乘坐C以.方式5 . 根据情景选择正确的一项。( )1.你想知道丽丽是不是想成为一个歌手,你可以说:A. Do you want to be a singer?B. Do you want to be a dancer?( )2. 你想知道丽丽是不是想成为一个舞蹈演员,你可以说:A. Do you want to be a singer?B. Do you want to be a dancer?( )3.你告诉小伙伴你想当个厨师:A. I want to a cook.B. I want to be a cook.( )4.你同意小伙伴的看法,你可以说:A. Thats true. B. Bingo.( )5. 你想问杨明想成为什么,你可以说:A. What do you want to be?B. How do you want to be?6 . I like this coat,MumOK,Ill buy it for youAIts too big.BIts the right size for meCIts too small7 . Lets play _table tennis after school.AaBtheC/8 . Whatarethey? ( ) _ATheyarecarrots.BNo,theyarent.CYes,theyare.9 . The elephant is _.( )AfatBthinCshort10 . Danny is_ the chair and the desk. ( )AonBinCbetween11 . I was the first _ the 100-meter race. ( )AinBonCat12 . Sue always to school early, but she late for school this morning. ( )Ago; isBgoes; doesCgoes; wasDwent; was13 . They are singing and _ together at the party now. ( )AdanceBdancedCdancing14 . Look _ the picture and talk _ it.Aof, inBat, toCat, aboutDin, about15 . He _ this bicycle. ( )AinventBinventedCis invented二、填空题16 . Did Lily _(落下,掉下) her ice cream yesterday?选词填空。17 . Look! There are many_ (child, children ) in the classroom.18 . Mike and I _ (am, are) going, to the bookstore together.19 . We re going to _ (draw, drawing) some pictues.20 . Dont let the dog _ (run, runs) too fast.21 . Listen! They _. (singing, are singing)22 . She _(takes, is going to take) a trip with his uncle next week.23 . _ (Will, Are) you see a film next Sunday?24 . Miss White often _ (come, comes) to school by bus.25 . _ (How, What) a great museum!26 . Amy _(have, has ) many books about space.三、单词拼写27 . 根据句意及首字母填单词。1. Can I have some s_? They are sweet.(甜的)2. Its d_. I cant see anything.3. I am s_. I cant help you.4. T_ on the TV. Animal World is on.5. Turn on the l_, its dark.四、英译汉28 . 将下列单词翻译成中文Robot cow goat deer Marsmoon snake weather expensive29 . 英汉互译。1. new pen pal_2. look the same_3.集邮 _4.拉小提琴_5.骑自行车_五、连线题30 . 连线1. What are you eating?AIm eating chips.2. Do you want rice?BShes eating noodles.3. Are you eating a hamburger?CShe is using chopsticks.4. Whats Lingling doing?DYes, I am.5. What is she using?EYes, please.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、填空题1、2、三、单词拼写1、四、英译汉1、2、五、连线题1、


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