九年级英语下册仁爱版测试题:Unit5 topic1

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九年级英语下册仁爱版测试题:Unit5 topic1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Learning English reallymy mind to the western world.Acalled upBturned upCmade upDopened up2 . Lily goes to work by bus. I often see her when I walk _the bus stop.AalongBfromCpastDacross3 . The sunin the east.AriseBrisesCraiseDraises4 . During the last 3 years, the students _ more than 2000 English words.Ahave learned BlearnedCare learning Dwill learn5 . Our P.Ateacher isnt as young as he _, is he?No, but he is one of _ in our school.Blooked; the youngest teacherClooks; the youngest teachersDlooks; the oldest teachersElooked; the oldest teacher6 . Must we go there together at once?_ you _ he goes there. Only one student is needed.ABoth; andBEither; orCNeither; norDNot only; but also7 . Could you please describe your hometown _?Ain detailBattentivelyCdifficultlyDhardly8 . The apartments in the city center are always expensive. Katie cant _one with all her money.AprovideBaffordCofferDsupport9 . Our classroom must_every day.AcleanBbe cleanedCis cleaned10 . Spell it, please. _ .AR-U-l-e-rBr-u-l-e-rCrulerDR-U-L-E-R11 . When did your cousin arriveShenzhen? He got to the airportthe morning of the 28th November.Aat;inBin;inCto;onDin;on12 . Where is the School English Speech Contest going to be held tonight? Im not sure. Is it in the hall _ can hold 300 people?AwhereBwhatCthatDwhen13 . They only watch themTV.AatBonCinDinto14 . How cold! Yes. The temperature is only two degrees _ zero.AaboveBoverConDupon15 . “Where is your watch? ” my parents_me.AknowBaskCexcuseDanswer16 . -Hey, Molly, You_ on the phone just now. But you werent here and the man left a phone number.-Oh? I was in the library.AwantedBare wantedCwere wantedDhave wanted17 . How time flies!Ill _middle school.Congratulations!Youve made great progress in the past three years.Ahear fromBgraduate fromCwrite toDstand by18 . Lucy and Lily are _ night and day. Its hard to believe they are twins.Aas different asBthe same asCso different asDas same as19 . is a bad habit. People should give it up.ASmokeBTo smokeCSmoking20 . He liked playing cards very much. He didnt want to stop _meals, so he put meat between two pieces of bread.Ato haveBhavingCforDA and C二、完型填空Weve seen 3D films, 3D TVs and so on. They are so_that young people like to watch them very much. Have you ever heard of 3D_? That was what the Belgian (比利时的) newspaper, La Derniere Heure, tried to do for its readers. This was Europes_3D newspaper.It took the team two months to_the 3D newspaper. The team printed 115,000 copies of the special edition of La Derniere Heure. It was more than the usual_of the printed copies.Each of these newspapers came with a pair of free 3D glasses. All the_and ads in the newspaper were in 3D and the text was the same as usual._could get the best result by holding the paper 50 cm away from the eyes.In fact, if people dont_the 3D glasses, the newspaper will be terrible to read because the images are not_Many readers tried to_this kind of newspaper. In fact, some of them bought it just for fun. The first 3D newspaper was really popular. But the publishers had no plans to continue with it because it cost too much.21 . AexpensiveBdeliciousCinteresting22 . AbooksBpicturesCnewspapers23 . AfirstBsecondClatest24 . AbuildBmakeCread25 . AsizeBpriceCnumber26 . AphotosBwordsCnews27 . AReadersBVisitorsCLearners28 . AputBwearCkeep29 . AbigBclearCpopular30 . AbuyBseeCuse三、句型转换31 . How does he like talent shows?(改为同义句)_he_talent shows?32 . My mother loves sitcoms.(对画线部分提问)_ does your mother _ sitcoms?33 . Mary likes soap operas.(改为否定句)Mary_ soap operas.34 . She plans to play ping-pong this afternoon.(改为一般疑问句)_she_ to play ping-pong this afternoon?35 . My sister wants to see a movie.(改为否定句)My sister_ to see a movie.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空36 . Grandma went to the market and bought some meat ,eggs and _(西红柿) for lunch.37 . Reading is important, for it can open up an_(未知的) world to us.38 . Many countries speak_(高度地) of Chinas high-speed railway technologies.39 . John_(后悔) not attending the important conference the day before yesterday.40 . He seldom _ (回复) to the e-mails his friends send him.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空41 . Many people _(die) because of the earthquake in 2008.42 . He never_( go) shopping.43 . Her mom wants her_ (stay) at home.44 . Eating fruit and vegetables is good for your_(healthy).45 . Here is the result about _ ( use ) the Internet.六、句子/对话改错Find out the incorrect one of the four underlined parts46 . There are different ways to make electricity. We can make electricity withA Bwater. It is a much clean way, because we dont have to burn anything, whichC Dpollutes the environment.47 . My friend and I saw a poster for a concert of our favorite singer. But weAcouldnt attend it, because we found that the tickets were a bit of expensive andB Cwe had guitar lessons on the same day.D48 . Nuclear power stations generate electricity by breaking atoms. Break atomsA Bmakes a lot of heat. This heats the water and turns it into steam. The steamC Dturns a generator and the generator makes electricity.49 . In one of the paper left by the Franklin expedition, we found something strange.A BWith excellent maps, how did they get lost?C D50 . Some extreme sports fans sailed from Europe across the Arctic towardstheA B Cnorthwest of Canada.D51 . I told you. We should go somewhere else. During the holiday, the famousA Battractions are always full of tourists. There are sometimes 10 limes as much as usual.CD52 . Last night when the blackout happened, there was panic. But soon the policeAcame and asked us to stay calmly and walk slowly to the safe area. As a result, B C Dnobody got hurt in the blackout.53 . Stop the heat going outup the chimney, new houses dont have chimneysA B Cany more.D54 . I am moving to another city. So Im planning to sell my apartment and my car.AIn my apartment there is a large bookcase hashundreds of books. Although myB Ccar is 5 years old, it is still in perfect condition.D55 . We havent heard from Tom for a long time since he arrived in China. WeA Bwonder what has happened on him. Weve decided to look for him in China next year.C D第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、句型转换1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、句子/对话改错1、

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