2020年冀教版九年级英语全册Unit 5单元测试英语试题(I)卷

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2020年冀教版九年级英语全册Unit 5单元测试英语试题(I)卷_第1页
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2020年冀教版九年级英语全册Unit 5单元测试英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Dont turn on(打开)the TV. Grandmanow.Ais sleepingBis sleepCsleepingDsleeps2 . _of the earth _covered with water.ASeventh-tens; areBSeventh-tens; isCSeven-tenths; isDSeven-tenths; are3 . We are looking forward tothe new art museum soonAvisitBvisitingCvisitedDwill visit4 . Nothing let us down except for this test.I know I didnt do well this time, but I have known where I made a mistake.Amade . happyBmade . disappointedCmade . nervous5 . Food safety has become a social focus nowThats why laws are made to_problems on foot .AdivideBpreventCofferDsupport6 . This is Kates coat.Please _.Agive it to herBgive to herCgive it7 . This is _ book, and that is _ .Amy ; yoursBmy ; yourCmine ; yours8 . - Who will be our Biology teacher this term?- Mr. Green will teach _ Biology and his lessons are worth _.Ayou ; listeningByour; to listenCyou; listening toDyour; listen to9 . -Whats the population of China now?-About 1.3 billion people in China.Athe total number of peopleBthe total weight of peopleCthe total age of people10 . It is a wonderful film _too much fightingAbesidesBexceptCexcept forDapart from二、完型填空Though chopsticks are used in many Asian countries,they have their beginnings in China. Chinese _ says that China had chopsticks as far back as the Xia Dynasty(朝代)In the Spring and Autumn Period copper and iron chopsticks appeared. Then in the Han Dynasty lacquered(涂漆) chopsticks came. Gold and silver chopsticks followed later. Today we have chopsticks _ of plastic. The most expensive ones are made of tusks of elephants and hard green stones.Chopsticks tell Chinese tradition in their way. In ancient times the rich used gold chopsticks_ their wealth. In history many kings used silver chopsticks to take their food to see_ it was poisonous(有毒的)It was said that if it was,the silver chopsticks would_ color. Chopsticks are traditionally given to a daughter when she marries to show that they should have a son very soon,for “chopstick” in Chinese is pronounced _“quick a son”!Tianzhu chopsticks from Hangzhou,wooden chopsticks from Shanyang of Shanxi Province,and Beijings chopsticks are _Many westerners,businessmen,and tourists _ their knives and forks in favor of(喜欢;喜爱) chopsticks in China.Chopsticks appeared in the old Chinese story:An old man _ his sons a lesson by showing how he can easily break a single chopstick but not a number of them. In China chopsticks are_ good luck. So on the Chinese New Years Eve many families will lay out new chopsticks at dinners as a way of making requests for good luck.11 . A. art B. geography C. history12 . A. make B. made C. to make13 . A. to show B. show C. shows14 . A. when B. how C. if15 . A. grow B. become C. change16 . A. with B. like C. as17 . A. wellknown B. cheap C. big18 . A. put on B. put up C. put aside19 . A. wants B. teaches C. takes20 . A. connected with B. strict with C. thought of三、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Trying to take a picture of a black hole is like trying to take a photo of an orange sitting on the surface of Moon from Earth with your mobile phone.That is what Dr. Katie Bouman said two years ago during a talk c_ “How to take a picture of a black hole.”Bouman is 29 years old. She and o_ scientists produced a black hole picture from data(数据) collected from a series of telescopes(望远镜) around the world. They worked together to form an Earth-sized telescopeone powerful enough to do what seemed i_ in the past.Last month, the team of scientists showed the p_ the first picture of a black hole. Soon after, another picture was spreading over social media and the news. It showed a smiling Bouman with the black hole picture on her computer screen. She led a team to help create a program that t_the huge amount of telescopic data into one picture. She q_ became a symbol for women in science.A university student who recently completed her studies in engineering said, “So many young girls will consider Dr. Katie Bouman as a h_ and go on to make their own discoveries in space, physics, and computer science. A historic moment is not only for science,b_ for women in science.”But Bouman h_ said that she was not the only one who achieved this great success. She said, “No one made this picture. It required the amazing talent of a team of scientists from around the world. Also, it needed years of hard w_.”Bouman will begin her teaching career at a university later this year.21 . c_22 . o_23 . i_24 . p_25 . t_26 . q_27 . h_28 . b_29 . h_30 . w_四、多任务混合问题(卷号)2138990665859072(题号)2141435527593984(题文)阅读短文,然后按要求完成第71-75小题。Im so happy! Tomorrow Ill be one of the first students to travel into space. The spaceship will leave the Earth at 9 am. (A)It will take us to the Moon. I cant wait!The Moon is(B)around 380,000 kilometers from the Earth, so itll take us about four days to get (C)_. Theres no gravity(引力) in space, so well all be able to float(漂浮) around in the spaceship. Well have to tie ourselves to our beds (D)以便 we wont float away in our sleep! Without gravity, our bodies may get weak, so well have to do (E)exercises every day.When we arrive, Im going to walk on the Moon. Ill have to wear a spacesuit to help me breathe(F)because theres no air on the Moon.Im going to take as many(G)_ as I can, that is, if my camera still works up there31 . 文中划线部分(A)指代的是:_32 . 写出文中划线部分(B)和(E)的同义词或近义词。_33 . 在文中(C)和(G)的空白处分别填入适当的单词。_34 . 将文中划线部分(D)译成英语:_35 . 将文中划线部分(F)改写为:because there is _ air on the Moon.任务型阅读。As we all know, the rice bowl culture of China has influenced some Asian countries such as Japan, Korea and Vietnam since we started to use chopsticks while eating food.Chopsticks are usually two long thin pieces of wood or bamboo. They can also be made of plastic, animal bone or metal. (1) The most important thing is that chopsticks are a great invention in China.Five thousand years ago people usually cooked their food in large pots, using twigs(小树枝)to remove it. (2)the population grew, people began cutting food into small pieces. (3)Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs by people .And twigs were gradually changed into chopsticks.Some people think that the famous scholar Confucius living from about 551 BC to 479 BC pushed the development of chopsticks. Confucius believed that using chopsticks instead of knives would remind people to stay away from killing and violence at table. We enjoy our delicious food with our family members or friends while feeling the peaceful and people-loving world by using chopsticks at table anytime.36 . 请将1处下划线的句子译成中文:_37 . 在2空处填入一个使语意连贯的连词:_38 . What materials can be used to make chopsticks?_39 . 请将3处被动语态的句子转化为主动语态的句子。_40 . What is a possible title for this passage?_五、将所给单词连成句子连词成句(注意标点符号及字母的大、小写)41 . a, sell, goods, we, price, these, good, at, very_.42 . green, they, in, coats, have _.43 . do, you, to, what, want, buy_?44 . hat, his, have, sister, does, red, a_?45 . sells, store, which, vegetables_?六、话题作文46 . Write at least 50 words on the topic“A Healthy Diet”. (以“一种健康的饮食方法”为题,写一篇至少50个单词的短文,要求语句正确通顺,内容连贯,标点符号不占格)_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、单词填空1、四、多任务混合问题1、2、五、将所给单词连成句子1、六、话题作文1、

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