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2020年秋九年级上(人教版)英语期中复习:完形练习卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Jane and John _sister and brother. They like music. Jane can play the piano, and she likes _. She is in their school music club,. She often_ the piano on Sundays. But she _ play the violin. John cant play the piano. But he_ play the violin. He plays it very _ . You can see lots of _ in his bedroom. In _you can see all kinds of violins. Today they _ to carry a piano to _ bedroom._ piano is heavy(沉). They cant _it._ parents arent at home. But they _a cousin brother Mike. He is here today. They ask Mike to_ them.1 . AisBamCareDbe2 . Aplay the pianoBplaying the pianoCitDthem3 . AbuysBmakesCdoesDplays4 . AcanBcantCdoesntDdont5 . AcanBcantCdoesntDdont6 . AgoodBwellCniceDfine7 . AcomputersBsport shoesCpicturesDbasketballs8 . AitBthemCherDhim9 . AlikeBwantCcanDtake10 . AJaneBherCJanesDhers11 . ATheBaC/DA12 . AtakeBcarryChelpDwant13 . AJanes and JohnsBJane and JohnsCTheysDtheirs14 . AhaveBlikeCwantDneed15 . AcomeBgoCjoinDthankWe all know that “Practice makes perfect”(熟能生巧) is a very popular saying both in Chinese and English. It means that if you want to learn _, you have to practise it many times, and then you may remember _. Also we can say the more you know something, _ you can do it. No matter(无论)_ we do, those words are very _ to us.We can take English study _ an example. If we want _ some new words by heart, we must learn them and read them again and again _ we can remember them. Sometimes it will _ a lot of time for us to remember, but once we remember, we can use them freely. If we _ our best, we will do it very well. When you take an English exam and meet some meanings and usages(用法)you dont remember, how will you feel at that time? You must feel _. So English study means that you _ practise more and more.We can look at _ example in learning. When we read the same story for many times, we can remember it _ well that we can tell it to others. At the same time, we can also _ some stories from what we have heard. So in our study and life, we should keep the sentence “Practice makes perfect” in our mind. In this way, we can study well and live a better life.16 . Anothing newBanything newCsomething newDsomething easy17 . Awhat you learnBhow you learnCwhen you learnDwhy you learn18 . AbetterBthe betterCthe bestDbest19 . AwhatBwhenChowDwhere20 . AuselessBbadCdifficultDuseful21 . AasBlikeCwithDwithout22 . AlearnBlearningCto learnDlearnt23 . AafterBifCwhenDuntil24 . AspendBtakeCcostDpay25 . AtryingBtriedCtryDwill try26 . AhappyBgladCsorryDexcited27 . Ahave toBneedChadDneednt28 . AotherBanotherCothersDthe others29 . AveryBtooCsoDsuch30 . Abuild upBmake upCcut upDturn upFood is very important .Everyone needs to _ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food .This kind of food is _.We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young .Small to get knowledge even when we are very young .Small children are _in everything around them .They learn _while they are watching and listening .When they are getting older ,they begin to _story books ,science books ,any thing they like .When they find something new ,they love to ask questions and _to find out the answers .What is the best _to get knowledge ? If we learn _ourselves ,we will get the most knowledge .If we are _getting answers from others and do not ask why , we will never learn well .When we study in the right way , we will earn more and understand _.31 . AsleepBreadCdrinkDeat32 . AsportBexerciseCknowledgeDmeat33 . AinterestedBinterestingCweakDbetter34 . AeverythingBsomethingCnothingDanything35 . AlendBreadClearnDwrite36 . AtryBhaveCthinkDwait37 . AplaceBschoolCwayDroad38 . AonBwithCtoDby39 . AoftenBwithCusuallyDsometimes40 . AharderBmuchCbetterDwellIn most cultures, when you meet someone for the first time, it is usual to greet him/her. Once a young woman _ England went to Hong Kong to study. When she first arrived, she _ little about the Chinese culture of language. On her way to school, one day, she went to a _ to get some money. To her surprise, the bank clerk asked her _ she had had her lunch. She was surprised at such a question because in the British culture it would _ an invitation to lunch. Between unmarried young people it can also mean the young mans _ in dating the girl. Since this bank clerk was a stranger to the British woman, she was very puzzled(疑惑的) and quickly answered that she had eaten already. _ this she went on to school and was even more surprised when one of the teachers asked her the same question.By now she understood that it couldnt be an invitation _ was puzzled why they asked it. In the following days, she was asked the same question again and again she spent many hours _ to work out why so many people kept asking this. At last she thought that these people must be concerned about(关心) her health. She was rather _ at that time and she thought they must be worrying that she was not eating well.41 . AonBatCfrom42 . AknewBspokeCliked43 . AschoolBbankChome44 . AifBhowCwhen45 . AgiveBmeanCmake46 . AinterestBhobbyCidea47 . AWhenBBeforeCAfter48 . AbutBandCor49 . AtriedBtryCtrying50 . AfatBuglyCthin完形填空Ones attitude is always important.If you are lazy and weak,you will never taste any success.But if you are_,success and happiness will be more likely to come to you.I love eating kiwifruits(猕猴桃)But you cant get them until autumn.If you try them before the right time,they probably_ bad.In Grade Nine,because of my poor grades,my parents were_ that I wouldnt be able to get into an excellent high school.They_ me to study harder,but I didnt really understand why they were so anxious.Summer came,and I studied hard.The hot weather made me sleepy and I couldnt concentrate(集中)on my_.But every time I wanted to stop _,Mum would shout,“Hey you!Think about your_.If you dont work hard,youll regret!” I had to sit back down again and return to my textbooks.But all I_ was playing with my friends and eating kiwifruits.My mum would say to me,with a serious look on_ face,“If a kiwifruit tree doesnt grow in summer,it cant bear(结出)fruit in autumn!Only by working hard_ you get the good result of your work.”Although I didnt understand at that time,I_ came to see the truth of her words.A few months later,I succeeded in getting into the key high school.It was _.Walking in my new school,I could see a lot of kiwifruits in the trees.Suddenly,I_ that working hard may be bitter but its fruit is sweet.My mum was right: if a kiwifruit tree doesnt grow_ summer,it cant bear fruit in autumn.I_.I had grown through the summer and now it was autumn.I tasted my success and enjoyed the fruit of my labor!51 . AbusyBcleverChardworkingDhard52 . AlookBtasteCturnDbecome53 . AworriedBrelaxedCexcitedDinterested54 . AaffordedBallowedCpushedDrefused55 . AgamesBtextbooksCsongsDplays56 . AthinkingBsleepingCplayingDworking57 . AplaceBhobbyChealthDfuture58 . AtalkedBheardCthoughtDworried59 . AyourBherCmyDtheir60 . AcanBshouldCneedDmust61 . AprobablyBluckilyCquicklyDgradually62 . AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter63 . ArealizedBconsideredCnoticedDwatched64 . AbeforeBduringCafterDfrom65 . AsmiledBworkedCsleptDforgot第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、完型填空1、2、3、4、5、


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