2019年人教版九年级上册英语 unit3 第2课时(sectionA 3a-3c)测试C卷

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2019年人教版九年级上册英语 unit3 第2课时(sectionA 3a-3c)测试C卷_第1页
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2019年人教版九年级上册英语 unit3 第2课时(sectionA 3a-3c)测试C卷_第3页
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2019年人教版九年级上册英语 unit3 第2课时(sectionA 3a-3c)测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . They preferred_in bed rather than_outdoor.Ato lie; playBlying; playingCto lie; to playDlying;play2 . The coat is _small for me _.Atoo;to wearBenough;to wearCtoo;to wear itDso;to wear3 . (题文)Why he like koalas?AisBareCdoDdoes4 . I guess that _ you _ Joanna was born in the year of rabbit because you have different animal signs. You are right. Joanna was.Aneither; norBeither; orCnot only; butDboth; and5 . I hear youll have _ one-week holiday _ next month. Is that right?Aa; theBa; /Can; theDan; /6 . If you feel _, you feel unhappy because you are alone or have no friends.AangryBworriedClonely7 . The fish we caught in the river this morning is still _ now.AliveBlivelyClivingDalive8 . The manager came up to see _Awhat was the matterBwhat the matter wasCwhat the matter isDwhats the matter9 . What _ Bob have _ dessert?Ais; forBdoes; forCdoes; atDis; of10 . Its to drop litter everywhere.ApoliteBunhappyCterribleDimpolite11 . Can I tell Mary about your decision?No, I dont want anyone else to know it. You _ keep it to yourself.AmustBneedCcanDmay12 . -I cant decide which shirt to take. Could you give me some useful advice?-I guess the red one isbecause it makes you look younger and prettier.AworseBbetterCmoreDless13 . Does this new type of robot _ you _ your studies?Ahelp; ofBhelp; forChelp; toDhelp; with14 . Why did Miss Wang look so worried when we saw her?Because she wondered_.Awhere did the other students goBwhen would the policemen and volunteers comeCwhat her students have done during the earthquakeDif her students had survived the earthquake in Yaan.15 . Sanya isthe south of China.AtoBonCinDat16 . The girl is amazed at the beauty of Wuxi. She said she _ here for another two weeks.AstayedBhas stayedCwould stayDhad stayed17 . _ , Li Lei was far behind the others at first.AAt 800-metre raceBIn the 800-metres raceCIn the 800-metre raceDAt the 800-metres race二、完型填空Once upon a time, an eagle(鹰) made her nest on a tall mountain. She laid (下蛋) four large eggs in her nest (鸟巢). On a windy day, one of her eggs rolled (滚) down the mountain to a _ farm. An old hen found the egg and looked after _ very well.Then the eagle was born on a sunny morning. When he _ , the eagle found he was taller and bigger than others, but he thought he _ only a strong chicken. He also felt very happy to have so many brothers and sisters.One day, when the eagle was playing a game with the chicken, he saw many eagles _ in the sky.“Oh,” the eagle said,I wish I could fly _ those birds.The chickens all laughed, You are a chicken and chickens _ fly.”The eagle felt sad and said nothing. The eagle dreamed that he could fly one day. Each time the eagle _ about his dream, all the _ chickens laughed at him and told him that was only a dream One day, he stopped dreaming.At last, the eagle died after living a long life _ a chicken.18 . AeagleBbirdCchicken19 . AitBthemCthis20 . Astayed upBgrew upCput up21 . AisBwasCwere22 . AflyingBfliesCflew23 . AfromBoutClike24 . AcanBcantCmustnt25 . AtalkedBtoldCspoke26 . AothersBanotherCother27 . AinBforCas三、完成句子完成句子。28 . 谢谢你替我保守秘密+Thank you for_ me.29 . 莉莉乐于帮助他人:Lily _ others.30 . 这个男孩经常在公共汽车上给人让座:The boy often_ other people on the bus.31 . 王强从不说别人坏话。因此他的同学都喜欢他。Wang Qiang never_ others, so his classmates all like him.32 . 我认为地理没有历史有趣I think Geography is_ History.四、单词填空Lisa的好朋友Rose要到她家来玩儿。这是Rose第一次到她家,不知道该怎么走。请你帮助Lisa完成下面的电子邮件,告知Rose来她家的路线。Dear Rose,Im very glad you are 96. 33 . to visit me. Now I will tell you 97. 34 . to get to my home. After you get off the 98.35 . at the railway station(火车站), you can take the No.8 bus to Yangbin Road. It may take you thirty 99. 36 . to get to my home. There is a bank 100. 37 . from my home. You cant miss it.Lisa五、汉译英:单词/短语(题文)38 . (小题1)打扰了,这是你的铅笔盒吗?_ , is this your pencil box?39 . (小题2)谢谢你的帮忙。_your_ .40 . (小题3)这些是鲍勃的铅笔吗?_ Bobs pencils?41 . (小题4)我的钢笔是黑色的,你的呢?My pen is black._yours?42 . (小题5)那些书不是我的。Those books _.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、二、完型填空1、三、完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、汉译英:单词/短语1、

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