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英语中形容词作后置定语的十种情况1、当形容词修饰由 some-,no-,any和 every-,-thing,-body和-one构成的不定代词,如something, everything, anything, nothing, somebody, everybody, anybody, nobody, someone, everyone, anyone等时,该形容词要后置。例如:Every minute there is something exciting going on here.这里每一分钟都有使人兴奋的事情发生。Everything useful in the house was taken away by him by force.房子里每件有用的东西都被他用武力夺去了。Have you ever met anyone famous?你曾经见过有名的人物吗?I met someone quite talkative at the party.在聚会上我遇到了一位十分健谈的人。Is there anything important in her article?她的文章里有什么重要之处吗?Mary certainly talks a lot and shes never interested in what anyone else has to say.玛丽当然说的太多了,她从来对别人需要说的话不感兴趣。The doctors have tried everything humanly possible to save his life.医生使用了可能的人道的方法去拯救他的性命。There is nothing difficult in the world.世上无难事。There is something wrong with my body. I am not feeling quite myself today.我的身体出问题了,今天我感觉不太好。2、形容词性短语作定语时要后置,这时该短语相当于一个定语从句。例如:The basket full of fruits belongs to the beautiful girl.装满水果的这个篮子是属于这个漂亮女孩的。There was nothing big enough to weigh the elephant.没有任何称足够大,可以称这头大象。Those brave enough to take the course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.那些选修这门课的勇敢的人当然会学到很多有用的技能。3、当某些以-ble或-ible结尾的形容词具有动词色彩,并表示被动意义时,应置于被修饰的词的后面,而且这些形容词大都和形容词最高级或 all,only,every等词连用:His is the earliest edition obtainable.他那本是现在能找到的最早的版本。He is the only person reliable.他是唯一可靠的人。I have tried all means imaginable.我已尝试了一切可想象的方法。Every message transmissible was sent out by them.每一条可播送的消息都被他们发了出去。4、由and, or等连接的两个或几个形容词作定语时常后置,从而进一步说明被修饰词的性质或特点,并起强调作用。例如:I like reading story-books both interesting and instructive.我喜欢读那些既有趣又有教育意义的故事书。People in the village, young and old, went to see the film yesterday evening.这个村子里的人,老的、少的,昨天晚上都去看了这场电影。Power stations, large and small, have been set up all over the country.大大小小的发电站已经在全国各地建立起来。-What a nice fire you have in your fireplace!-你的火炉里的火多旺呀!-During the winter I like my house warm and comfortable. -在冬天我喜欢我的家温暖而舒适。There are many people in the house,young and old.这座房子里有许多人,年轻的和年老的。A scientist is a good observer,accurate,patient and objective and applies persistent and logical thought to the observations he makes.一个科学家就是一个好的观察者,准确、耐心和客观,同时对他观察到的资料(事实)做不断的逻辑思考。We should be prepared to deal with the subversion and sabotage by all our enemies,domestic and foreign.我们必须准备对付国内外一切敌人的颠覆和破坏。5、在比较结构的句型中,修饰名词的比较结构须后置,以说明大小、多少、新旧、高矮等方面比较的情况。例如:They produced gases almost as harmful as the gases from the factories.他们排出的废气几乎和工厂排出的废气一样有害。The Smiths need a garage twice larger than this one.史密斯家需要一个比这个大一倍的车库。6、基数词+名词(时间、度量)+形容词构成的数量结构常放在名词之后作后置定语,以说明所修饰名词的年龄、长度、深度、高度等情况。例如:He found a good place in the rocks, more than twelve feet high with a narrow entrance.他在岩石中找到一个好地方,十二英尺多高,还有一个狭窄的入口。Yesterday, a Mr. Brown, 28 years old, came to visit you.昨天,一位28岁的自称叫布朗先生的人来拜访过你。There was an ancient tree 30 metres high.那是一棵三高的古树。They have a child three years old.他们有一个三岁的孩子。The soldiers crossed a river 4 miles wide.士兵们渡过了一条四英里宽的河。There is a leaning tower about 180 feet high. 有一个180英尺高的斜塔。7、else, left, present(出席的、在场的)等形容词作定语修饰名词时常后置,以说明名词的状态、特点等情况。例如:All the people present spoke at the meeting.所有出席的人都在会议上讲了话。I have little money left in my pocket, so I could buy nothing.我兜里没剩下几个钱了,所以我什么也不能买了。Anything else can I do for you, Madame?夫人,我还能为您做点别的什么吗?8、形容词连同其后面的介词短语或不定式短语一起修饰名词的时候,该形容词及其之后的部分一并后置,作后置定语。例如:This is an article worthy of careful study.这是一篇很值得研究的文章。They are good students always ready to help others.他们是随时乐于帮助别人的好学生。The train bound for Los Angeles has just left the station.开往洛杉矶的火车刚刚驶出车站。They need more materials relevant to the present question.他们需要更多的和目前问题有关的资料。This is a question easily accessible to beginners.这是一个易于为初学者理解的问题。People aware of their own shortcomings are wise.知道自己缺点的人是明智的。9、某些以a-开头的形容词,常用来作定语、表语,在作定语时要后置。这类形容词主要有asleep(睡着的),afraid(害怕的),alive(活着的),afloat(漂着的),afire(烧着的), awake, aged,ablaze(着火的)等。例如:He was the only person alive at that moment.他是那时惟一活着的人。I was only a boy aged ten at that time.当时,我才是一个十岁的孩子。There was a child asleep in the bed.一个孩子睡在床上。On their way home,they saw a house afire.在回家的路上,他们看到一座失火的房子。We saw many things afloat.我们看见很多漂着的东西。10、当形容词前有so,more,most等词修饰时,形容词应后置。例如:I have never seen a calm so deep.我从来没见过此平静的场面。He could not have chosen a time more favorable.他选择的时机再好不过了。Thats one of the things most precious.这是最宝贵的东西之一。


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