人教版九年级英语同步测试:unit 10 2 第二课时

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人教版九年级英语同步测试:unit 10 2 第二课时姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You are expected _ a diary in English every day if you want to improve your writing skills.AkeepBkeptCkeepingDto keep2 . Whats your favorite _, Lingling?I like purple best. I think it stands for mystery.AsubjectBfruitCcolorDsport3 . (题文)He_a stone and threw it into the lake.Apicked upBgave outCgot onDtook away4 . I saw him _ football on my way home.AplaysBplayingCplayedDto play5 . I havent finished the task yet. What am I supposed to do?Try again! Its only _ difficult.Aa bitBa bit ofCtoo muchDtoo many6 . Jim is _ shy . Hes afraid _ before the class .Aa bit , speakingBa bit , of speakingCa little of , to speakDa bit of , to speak7 . Have you decided where _ this summer holiday?Yes, I will go to Hainan Island because it is a good place_Ato go; to have funBgo; to have funCto go; have funDgo; have fun二、完型填空A woman_to work every day. She usually parks(停车) her car in the street_her office. One day after work, she got into her car and started driving_Suddenly, she_a yellow car following her. The_was a big man. When she turned left, the yellow car turned left. When she turned right, the yellow turned right. When she stopped_the traffic lights, the yellow car stopped_She was_so she drove quickly to the_She was_to see that the yellow car also stopped behind her car. She jumped out of her car quickly and ran to a policeman. She asked for_and told him everything.The policeman quickly ran to the yellow car. Just then the driver in the yellow car came out and_the policeman, “I want_back this purse(钱包) to her. I think she_it on the street.”The womans face turned red. She thanked_big man and the policeman.8 . AdriveBdrivesCdrivingDdrove9 . AoverBonCoutsideDinside10 . AhomeBworkCto homeDto work11 . AknowsBseesCfoundDmet12 . AworkerBpolicemanCcleanerDdriver13 . AonBatCunderDover14 . Ain frontBbehindCbeforeDin the fornt15 . AhappyBexcitedCsurprisedDafraid16 . AofficeBmarketCpolice stationDtraffic lights17 . AhappyBexcitedCsurprisedDafraid18 . AhelpBmoneyCher keyDher car19 . AaskedBsaid toCtalkedDchatted20 . AgiveBgivingCto giveDgave21 . AlostBloseCputDbought22 . AaB不填CanDthe三、根据首字母、中文提示填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。23 . Is Sandy your _(亲密) friend?24 . Im sorry to _(打扰) so early.25 . Thank you for giving us so many_. (建议)26 . Our teachers are _(严格) because they want us to be the best.27 . What do you often do in your _ (闲暇) time?28 . Thanks for _(share) your happiness with all of us.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、完型填空1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、

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