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人教版九年级上学期阶段考试(二)英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Im not interested in the new movie at all,_ it is very popular.AbecauseBifCso thatDeven though2 . -What did Betty say to you a moment ago ,Jim?-She wanted to know _Awhat will my family do this weekendBwho did I play the piano with just nowCwhy I am late for the class meetingDif I could go shopping with her this evening3 . My cousin has difficulty _ English newspapers.AreadBReadsCreadingDto read4 . We had great fun _in the water last weekend.AplayBplayedCplayingDto play5 . I wont have dinner_ I finish my homework.OK. Remember to heat(加热) it when you eat.AwhenBifCuntilDbecause6 . (2017 山东泰安)Im a little hungry, Mum!There are some apple pies on the table, you may take _.AitBthisCthatDone7 . Can you provide memore information about Paris?A/BwithCforDA and B8 . -Mum,Im going on a picnic with my friends today. -Have_ good day.AaBanC/9 . - _ much work cant be finished on time, I think.- Yes. We need _ people so that we can finish it earlier and better.AWhat ; two moreBSuch; other twoCHow; more twoDSo; another two10 . What does your father do? He is a _ in Renmin Hospital.AactorBwriterCdoctorDreporter11 . - I like to draw. ? - I like to sing.AHow are youBHow old are youCWhat about youDWhat are you12 . Jerry goes to the swimming class _ Saturday afternoons.AinBatConDfor13 . If a thing is important enough, its worth _ well. So go out of your way to study for the coming challenge.Abeing doneBdoingCto do14 . I have a lot of beautiful pictures.I want to have a look. Can you show _ to me?AtheyBtheirCthem15 . -We plan to fly kites in the park. Can you go with us?-Sorry,I _.I have to prepare for the math test.AcantBcanCmustntDmust二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。AWhat can I do for you?BIm going to England for my holiday.CYou are welcome.DWith pleasure!EWhat should I call people there?FIts very kind of you.GAnd you mustnt talk loudly in public places.AWhat can I do for you?BIm going to England for my holiday.CYou are welcome.DWith pleasure!EWhat should I call people there?FIts very kind of you.GAnd you mustnt talk loudly in public places.A: Hi, Peter!Where are you going for your winter holiday?B: Hi, Bill!61.16 . Can you tell me some rules and customs in England?A: 62.17 . First, you should drive on the left side of the road.B: OK!Whats the next?A: 63.18 . B: I see. Is there anything else?A: Its not polite to ask personal questions, like “How old are you?” and “Whats your salary (薪水) ?” B: 64.19 . A: You can call them Mr, Mrs, Ms or Miss before their family name.B: Great. Thanks very much.A: 65.20 . 三、完型填空Peter was a potter (制陶工). He had a wife and two fine sons. One night, his older son got a stomachache. At first, Peter and his wife thought the boy just got a bad cold, so they didnt take it_. But it was not a cold. It was terrible appendicitis(阑尾炎), and the boy died suddenly that night. Knowing the death could not happen if he had taken the illness seriously, Peter was very sad and was _of guilt(罪恶). Then his wife couldnt accept the thing, so she left him alone with his six-year-old_son.Peter lost his two favourite persons. He felt no hope in the world and_to alcohol(酒精). Then Peter became an alcoholic. As he drank more, Peter began to lose_ he had-his home, his land and his work. Finally, Peter died alone in a San Francisco room. When I heard of Peters death, I thought he was a_and wasted his life. As time went by, I began to know_ I once thought was wrong. I knew Peters little son, Ernie. He is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving men I have ever known. I watched Ernie with his children and saw the love _them. I knew that kindness and caring had to come from somewhere. I never heard Erine talk much about his father.One day I asked him, Im really puzzled by something. I know your father was the only one to raise you. What on earth (究竟) did he do to make you become such a special person? Ernie sat quietly and smiled for a few _. Then he said, “When I was a child, he came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, I love you, son. ”Tears(眼泪) came into my eyes. Peter had not left any money _, but he had been a kind, loving father, and he left behind a legacy(遗产) of love.21 . AseriousBseriouslyCeasyDeasily22 . AfillBfilledCfullDfulled23 . AfineBelderCyoungerDyoungest24 . AgotBturnedCcameDsaid25 . AeverythingBsomethingCanythingDnothing26 . AwinnerBstrangerCtravellerDloser27 . AthatBwhyCwhatD/28 . AinBbetweenCamongDwith29 . AyearsBdaysCminutesDhours30 . AbackBbehindCin frontDbefore四、阅读单选My father and I started our morning by moving quickly into the local store. I waited in the line at the Starbucks counter while he shopped around to pick up a few things.As I was starting there I become aware of an elderly women, with untidy hair, wearing layers upon layers of old clothing, hunchbacked (弯背的) behind me in line. She had a few things for washing and seemed to want the Starbucks cashier to ring up since that queue was shorter than the queues in the store.At some point I became aware of her edging (慢慢挪动) closer behind me closer than I was comfortable with! I instinctively (本能地) placed a hand over my purse and drew it close to me. My fear and imagination raced creating wild stories about this homeless woman who might try to steal from me.Then it was my turn to order. As the cashier rang up my total, I discovered I was 67 cents short. I called my father but he was hard of hearing. He asked me to repeat what I said but he still couldnt make me out. At that point, a long, grey arm, with holes in its sleeves, reached over from behind me. She laid 67 cents out on the counter, saying, “Here, we all need some help sometimes.”I wasstunned!Here was a woman who clearly had very little to give and was in great need herself. I had judged her wrongly and she had offered to reach out to help me!What an amazing gift and lesson this woman gave me about judging others! Thank you, God!31 . From the passage, we can learn that the elderly women.Aprobably lived a poor lifeBtried to steal money from the writerCalways followed close behind the writerDoften went to the store to buy a few things.32 . The elderly woman decided to help the writer.Athe moment she saw the writerBwhen she noticed the writer watching herCafter the writer failed to get help from her fatherDwhen the writer discovered she was 67 cents short33 . The underline word “stunned” in paragraph 5 probably means “”.AhappyBsurprisedCangryDdisappointed34 . What lesson does the writer learn from the story?AWe should look at things from two sides.BIts wise to give help to those in need.CThe world is full of love and surprises.DNever judge a person from his appearance.根据短文内容,从每个小题的备选选项中选择一个最佳答案。35 . If you want to buy a new jacket, youll have to go to _.A3031 No.3 RoadB5300 No.3 RoadC9020 Bridgeport RoadD1100 Chesnut Street36 . If you want to go out for dinner on Sunday, you can call up the number _.A22785161 or 22706030B22706030 or 33562367C77364431 or 22785161D33562367 or 2278516137 . You dont have to pay on Monday if you go to _.ASkyline HotelBLansdowne Park Shopping CenterCNew York MuseumDGarden Restaurant38 . If you want to enjoy yourself on Sunday mornings, you can go to _.ALansdowne Park Shopping CenterBNew York MuseumCGarden RestaurantDCoffee Shop39 . Visiting New York Museum, you can know _.Athe history of American native peopleBthe history of New YorkCthe art of AmericaDthe art of New YorkThe National Literacy Trust once did some research (调查) on reading. About 32,000 children from different schools in the UK answered the questions from it. These children are aged from 8 to 18.The research shows that children in the UK are reading less in their free time. Just over a quarter of the students said they read outside school. About the same number said their parents didnt feel that reading was important. Half of those students said they enjoyed reading very much or quite a lot. About two in five thought reading was cool, but about one in three said they only read when they had to.Jonathan Douglas from the National Literacy Trust said, Our research not only shows that children are reading less and having negative attitudes(消极的态度) to reading but also shows the relationship (关系) between this and their performance(表现) in reading tests.”The research also finds that many children in the UK like to read e-books outside school. The percentage in 2014 was about 6% and it grew to 12% in 2015In todays world, there are so many activities for children to do. But if they sit down and do some reading, they will find reading is really interesting and useful.40 . How many students answered the questions from the National LiteracyAAbout 32, 000BAbout 3, 200CAbout 16DAbout 8.41 . What does the research show?AChildren in the UK do well in their reading testsBParents in the UK think reading is unimportant.CChildren in the UK are reading less in their free time.DSchools in the UK dont give their students much free time42 . The underlined word this in Paragraph 3 refers to “_”Athe researchBthe National Literacy Trust 2.ebmonCmany children like to read e-booksDchildren are reading less and having negative attitudes to reading43 . About_ of the students in the UK liked to read e-books in 2014A6%B12%C40%D50%44 . The last paragraph tells us that childrenAshould do more readingBshould sit down when they readCneed to do all kinds of activitiesDlike interesting and useful thingsIt is less and less possible for moderns to have enough sleep because of the busy school or work life. Sleeping without worries about waking up too eary and enjoying wonderful dreams are like “ the castle in the sky” for many people; not everyone can get it. A study shows that only Americans sleep more than seven hours each day over surveying many countries, such as Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, etc. It is said that people over 20 should get seven hours of sleep each night and those under 20, one more hour of sleep. Sleeping less than six hours a night can make one get sick easily, lose his/her attention at school or at work and leave one 12% more likely to die before 65 years old. But sleeping too much is not good for one, either. Sleeping longer than nine hours a night can make one 30% more likely to die before 65. If moderns cannot have enough sleep every day, he/she needs to learn at least how to sleep better. Here are some tips.Move TVs and computers out of your bedroom.Dont play cellphones or use a computer before bed.Dont sleep with pets.Keep exercising for thirty minutes three or four times in the morning or afternoon a week.Keep ones bedroom cool and listen to soft music before bed. It goes without saying sleeping enough is important, and so is sleeping well. After all, if one gets insomnia because of poor sleep and cannot sleep well, one will feel tired and worried during the daytime!45 . What do we learn about the reading?ATaiwanese sleep longer than Americans.BAll of the people in the world except Americans have enough sleep.CPeople who sleep longer than nine hours may have more chances to die before 65 than those who sleep less than 6 hours.DAll the people from different ages should sleep more than eight hours a day.46 . Which way can help us get better sleep according to the reading above?AListen to popular songs and make ones room warm.BMake ones puppy sleep in another place, not in his/her bedroom.CExercise for half an hour before bed three or four times a week.DClean the computer at the bedroom before sleeping.47 . Which is true according to this article?AModerns would like to sleep without worries.BPeople under 20 need to sleep for 7 hours.CNot only busy work but busy school is very important in modern life.D“ It” means building a castle in the sky is never possible.48 . What is “ insomnia” ?Athe sound one makes while sleeping.Bbeing difficult to fall asleep.Cworries about sleeping too much.Duseful ways to help people to have good sleep.五、句型转换合并句子49 . 2018年上海长宁二模1What does Alice send to Ms Jones on her birthday every year? Could you tell me?(合并成一句)Could you tell me_Alice_to Ms Jones on her birthday every year?50 . 2018年上海奉贤二模Paul s parents have taken over his QQ Farm. Paul can focus on his studies.(合并一句)Pauls parents have taken over his QQ Farm_he can focus on his studies.51 . 2018年上海宝山二模When will the truth of the missing flight MH370 come out? Many people wondered.(合并为一句)Many people wondered _ the truth of the missing flight MH370 _ come out.52 . 2018年上海静安二模 I asked the teacher,“Can I ask for leave this afternoon?”(合并为一句)I asked the teacher _ I _ ask for leave this afternoon.53 . 2018年上海青浦二模The boy was very bright. He worked out the crossword in ten minutes.(合并为一句)The boy was _bright _he worked out the crossword in ten minutes.54 . 2018年上海虹口二模 He asked the class teacher. When will we go for a spring outing?(两句并一句) He asked the class teacher _ they _ go for a spring outing.六、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。When was the last time you wrote out a letter by hand? I 55 . youre like most people, then your answer is,. “A long time ago.” Today, most people p56 . to type (打字)things on an electronic device (电子设备). In fact, there is h57 . any need to write something by hand except school homework and even that is changing.In recent years, some c58 . have begun cutting handwriting lessons from schools. For example, schools in Finland(芬兰)have replaced handwriting lessons with typing courses. Educators (教育工作者)there believe that typing is more u59 . for modem life.Students handwriting has become s60 . poorer and poorer that its difficult to read, and make it hard to mark exams (阅卷评分).Besides, students use laptops (笔记本电脑)to take notes instead of w61 . things by hand.Some people support the moving away from handwriting. They think handwriting isnt a useful s62 . anymore. Today, almost everything can be done electronically. So theres no need to write by hand. Whats more, typing is f63 . than handwriting, which gives us more time to think about things.On the other hand, many people are w64 . that handwriting would be lost. Some say handwriting is an important tradition and gives a personal touch to communication. Others think that writing by hand has more benefits (好处) for our brains than typing.In any case, it may be too soon to write handwriting off as a thing of the past.七、回答问题阅读表达CCTV reported that every year Chinese people throw away a lot of food. It can feed 200 million people for a year.Do we have too much food? Of course not.According to the UN world Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010. Six million children die of hunger every year.Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, lost her job because she took some leftover(剩余的) food home for her son. Many people stood by her side and criticized(批评) the waste of food.What should we do in our everyday life to waste less food? Here are some tips:1. Dont order too much food in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you order, take the rest of it home.2. Dont be too picky(挑剔的) about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it.3. Dont keep too much food at home, especially for vegetables and fruit.Every grain on the plate comes from hard work. It tells us everybody must save food.阅读短文,根据短文内容回答下列问题.65 . How many children die of hunger every year?_66 . Why did Li Hong lose her job?_67 . What should we do if we cant eat all the food we order?_68 . 与文中划线的句子最佳匹配的一句唐诗是“_”。69 . What can we learn from the passage?_八、书信作文70 . Alice是来自美国的交换生,她正在写信给父母介绍她在中国的学习和生活情况,请你根据提示的内容,完成这封信。内容要点如下:居住条件自己的卧室,房子有花园,鸟语花香业余爱好集邮,购物,设计机器人,阅读(因为)学校生活10分钟步行到学校,窗明几净,最喜欢生物,周三下午练习排球,上周饮食习惯水果蔬菜,少吃甜食(因为),计划多运动多吃健康食品其他春节快到,将准备新衣,收到红包,看歌舞表演注意:1. 必须包括上述所有要点,语句通顺,意思连贯;2. 无需逐词翻译,适当发挥;3. 词数100个左右,短文开头不计入总词数。Dear Mum and dad,_I really enjoy myself here! Im looking forward to hear from you.All the best,Alice第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、六、单词填空1、七、回答问题1、八、书信作文1、


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