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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末学业水平质量调研英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you like to go to a movie with us, Sandy?. I have lots of homework to do.ANo problemBIm afraid notCId love toDYes, please2 . What are you going to do this weekend, Laura?I _ go to see the movie Coming Home, but Im not sure.AmustBmightCcanDwould3 . Would you please_ so much noise?Anot makeBdont makeCnot to makeDmaking4 . _ people can live to be 150, but _ can live to be 100.AFew, a fewBA few, fewCA little, a littleDA little, little5 . The answers _ our questions about watching TV were interesting.AforBatCtoDwith6 . Do you knowa report on English learning tomorrow morning?Ais thereBthere is going to haveCwill there beDthere is going to be7 . 结合语境,判断下列句子连读标注正确的选项是 _。AIs the ring on the tableKates?BThat sounds interesting, but I dont have acomputer.CWhydoes Tom like math?DI need a pairof sports shoes for school.8 . I usually get up 7:30 a.m. Sundays.Aat; inBin; onCat; onDon; of9 . -Do you have _ e-mail address ?AaBanCtheD/10 . This is your new sweater. Please _Aput it onBput on itCturn it onDturn on it11 . Dont _ the old man. You should be polite.Alisten toBshout atCwrite toDtalk with12 . Which of the following word matches the sound /mail/?AmileBmealCmailDmall13 . There is a smile on Miss Gaos face. She must be _ with Sams work.I think so. No one did as_ as him in our class.Aangry; wellBpleasing; goodCpleased; wellDstrict; good14 . -_his last name?-His last name is Grcen.AWhatBWhatsCHowDHows15 . -Have you watched the CCTV news on TV?-Yes, _ children had a good festival on the _ Childrens Day.Amillions of, sixtyBten million, sixtyCmillions of, sixtiethDten millions, sixtieth16 . Those shoes are too small for me. Would you show me _ pair?Athe otherBthe othersCotherDanother二、补全短文6选5阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。选项中有一项为多余项。In China,learning some safety knowledge is becoming more and more important now.How should you keep yourself safe?36._At school:When students around you begin to push,try to hold onto something,or stay in a safer corner.37._On your way home or to school:Wait for the green traffic light. 38._Dress in bright colors,so the drivers can see you easily.39._:Stay calm and leave quickly.Use a piece of wet cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you dont breathe in smoke.For riding on the escalator (自动扶梯):40._You should hold onto handrails (扶手) and stand on the right side of the escalator,because right arms are stronger.AWhen theres a fireBHere are some tips for youCIt is dangerous to run up and down on the escalatorDIf you see a car coming,dont cross until it really stopsEIf you fall down in a crowed place,cover your head with both handsFWe should pay attention to safety17 . _18 . _19 . _20 . _21 . _三、阅读单选It sounds easy to write a poem,but when one gets down to it ,it becomes difficult. Here is a list of things to make it easier for you.The subjectThe subject(主题)is the important start of your poem. What are you trying to tell through your poem? Is it a story or an experience? An interesting way is writing down the words, phrases or sentences when you are thinking about the subject of your poem.The feelingA poem is not to be used to tell the ordinary things. We all know that the grass is green,for example. What do you need to tell in your poem? Your feeling. You have to tell your feeling when you see the green grass. A poem is about the feelings of the poet. You can take ordinary things from your daily life and write down all the words about your feelings when you see them.The readersWho are you writing for? The readers of the poem can help you choose the language, the style and the words. Read out your poem to a few of your friends, relatives, and neighbors. Ask how they feel about the poem. Try and try till you get it just right. Dont be afraid to keep working at your poem.22 . When it comes to finding the subject,what does the writer tell us?AWe should find an interesting subject at first.BWe should keep writing the poem until it is perfect.CWe should write down the words when we think about the subject.DWe should turn to our friends, relatives and neighbors for advice.23 . How many aspects(方面)about poems does the writer tell us ?AOneBTwoCThreeDFour24 . Why does the writer talk about the green grass in the third paragraph?ATo tell readers that a poem in very easy to understand.BTo tell readers that scenery is a good subject n poems.CTo tell us a poem is to tell feelings about ordinary things.DTo tell readers that grass often makes people remember some things.25 . What does the underlined sentence want to tell us ?AWe should teach the readers to understand our poem.BWe should work at our poem again and again.CWe should make our poem tell people right things.DWe should find more and more clever readers.26 . What does the passage talk about?ASome advice on how to write a poem.BSome advice on how to read a poem.CSome advice on how to find a poem.DSome advice on how to know about a poem.The worlds largest amphibious(水陆两栖的) airplane, AG-600, carried out its first flight on December 24th, 2017 in Zhuhai, a city in Guangdong Province. It is a plane that can take off and land on both ground and water. AG-600 took off from Jinwan Airport at 9:39 am. The flight took about one hour before the airplane landed at the same airport.AG-600 is one of three large airplanes made in China. The other two are Y-20 and C919.AG-600 can cover a maximum (最多的) flight distance of 4,500 kilometers and carry a maximum weight of 53.5 tons at a time. The development of it begin in March 2014 and was completed in July 2016. In April, the first ground test was successful. In early December, the airplane received the governments approval (批准) for the first flight.The airplane will mainly be used for firefighting and search and rescue(援救、营救) at sea. It can also be developed to do research on the environment and resource at sea. According to Huang Lingcai, one of its main designers, the airplane can make round trips without refueling (补充燃料)from the southern island province of Hainan. It is able to save 50 people when doing a rescue mission(使命) at sea. To put out forest fires, it can collect 12 tons of water from a nearby lake or sea in 20 seconds and then use the water to put out fires in an area of around 4,000 square meters. It is said that the airplane will be of great importance to the countrys emergency rescue system and the building of strong sea power.Next, the airplane will continue to make flight tests and will be put into use after it is proved to be safe and useful enough.27 . AG-600 can take off and land on _.AgroundBmountainsCboth mountains and waterDboth ground and water28 . How long did it take the Chinese people to develop AG-600?AOne yearBTwo yearsCThree years.DFour years29 . What will the airplane mainly be used to do?ATo fight in a war.BTo put out fires and save people at sea.CTo perform in big events.DTo help other planes refuel.30 . How many tons can AG-600 can carry at most?A12.B20.C50.D53.5.31 . The text is written mainly to _.Aintroduce Chinas big achievement in airplane fieldBtell us about three large airplanes made in ChinaCintroduce an interesting inventionDtell us how important an amphibious airplane is四、阅读判断阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。 Hello! my name is Li Lei. I am a Chinese boy. I have three good friends. They are Bob, Jim and Jenny. We like sports.My favorite sport is ping-pong. Its interesting. I have ten ping-pong bats and six ping-pong balls. They are all in a big box under my bed.Bob and Jim are both American boys. They think ping-pong is boring. Their favorite sport is basketball. They think basketball is relaxing and fun. They often play basketball together at school. They have three basketballs. Bobs two basketballs are in his bedroom. And Jims basketball is in the classroom.Jenny is an English girl. Her favorite sport is volleyball. She thinks its easy and fun. She plays it well. She has nine volleyballs and four tennis rackets. They are in her mothers room.32 . Li Lei has three American friends.33 . Li Lei doesnt like ping-pong, but Jim and Bob do.34 . Bob and Jim often play basketball together at school.35 . Both Bobs and Jims basketballs are in the classroom.36 . Jenny likes volleyball best.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空37 . We had a lot of sweet _ at the small house.(memory)38 . The _ of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in.(own)39 . They hope that their children will be _ and hard-working.(truth)40 . Cindys father _ her hand when they crossed the road.(hold)41 . I bought two _.One is yellow and the other is red.(scarf)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文difficult(adj.)catch(二)hand(n.)ball(n.)Jacks is a game that is quite popular with children. To play jacks, you need a small 42 . and ten small things called jacks.Its not 43 . to play it. First, you put the ten jacks on the ground. Throw(扔)the ball up, pick up one jack, and then 44 . the ball. Keep the jack in your 45 . and then, on to pick up the other jacks one at a time. You will lose your turn if you dont catch the ball, dont pick up a jack, or drop any jacks.activityhappenyousmilehelpusuallywellsadinsteadanywayshowgiveHello, everybody! My name is Chen Hao, and you can call me Doctor Chen. Today, let me tell you something about how to deal with your 46 . I hope my suggestions will be47 . to you.No one can be happy all the time. Its48 . to feel sad sometimes. When something bad 49 . to you, its all right to50 . youre sad, its all right to cry. But, my dear children, youd better not stay in your own rooms by 51 . all the time. 52 . , you should go out and take part in 53 . , or talk to your friends, teachers or parents, listen to soft music, you will feel much54 . .55 . at life is the best way for everyone of us. If you have any problem, please call me at 267-6709.七、回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。Many Chinese people like hot pot and Li Yang is one of them.Three days ago, Li Yang arrived in Britain. There he had three days of hamburgers, sandwiches, and potatoes. Yesterday he was very excited when he heard that there was going to be a meal of hot pot to welcome the new students.He went into the room and sat next to an American girl. To his surprise, he saw potatoes and bread in front of him. Where was the hot pot?When she saw Li Yang was very surprised, the American girl told him that hotpot is NOT hot pot.The Chinese has hot pot in two words but English hotpot is written in one word.Hotpot is made of meat, potatoes and onions. People put it in the oven(烤箱) all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat. It is easy to cook.Hotpot tastes nice. But Li Yang still misses hot pot, two words!56 . Do many Chinese people like hot pot?_57 . When did Li Yang arrive in Britain?_58 . Who told Li Yang that hotpot is not hot pot?_59 . Which language has hot pot in two words?_60 . What is English hotpot made of?_八、讲稿61 . 书面表达在即将举行的中学生国际文化交流活动中,你将代表学校介绍中国的传统节日,请你从所给的卡片中任选一张,用英语写一篇发言稿,介绍该节日。The Spring FeitivalTime:in January or FebruaryActivities: welcome the new year, visit relatives, got togetherMeaning: the biggest day of year, a new startThe Mid-Autumn FestivalTime:in September or OctoberActivities: express wishes and hopes, have mooncakes, enjoy the moonMeaning: symbol of being together, missing family members far away注意:1. 发言稿中必须包含卡片上的信息,并适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、学校名称等信息;3. 词数80左右;4. 文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to the Chinese culture tour. _Thats all. Thanks for listening.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、补全短文6选51、三、阅读单选1、2、四、阅读判断1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、回答问题1、八、讲稿1、

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