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人教版2020年九年级中招第三次调研测试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whats your sons? He prefers drawing.AbusinessBhobbyCdirectorDBody2 . Some students are so . They often make mistakes in their homework.AcarefulBseriousCcarelessDsuccessful3 . Did you seein the classroom? No,was there.Asomeone, no oneBsomeone , noneCanyone, everyoneDanyone, no one4 . _ great time I had on 28 of the lunar calendar! I attended the third Chinese folk activities of Cang Jie culture series held in Cangtou, Lushan. Wow. It must be interesting. I will take part in it next year.AHowBWhat aCWhatDHow a5 . Daniel lives _ his family _ a flat _ a quiet street.Awith; in; toBwith; on; inCin; in; onDwith; in; on6 . Our sports meeting _ last week. And we won first prize.Sounds great. Congratulations!AhappenedBtook placeCwas happenedDwas taken place7 . If we do nothing, soon there _ be no pandas left.AcanBmayCmustDshould8 . Which of the following is wrong?AYes, please. BWhere are you from? CIs he a teacher? DShes got black hair. 9 . They need a lot of money winter camp.Ato pay onBto pay forCpaying forDto pay at10 . - Who _ the girl from the fire?- A kind-hearted young man. But he lost his life.AhelpedBsavedCbroughtDcarried11 . What do you have for _ dinner, Amy? Rice, fish and some other nice food. My family often have _ big dinner.Aa; theB/; theC/; aDa; a12 . What _ would you like?Well, do you have hats here?AotherBanotherCelseDothers13 . I got up very early I got to the station on time.Ato the resultBin order toCso thatDbecause14 . Chinas hot words, like tuhao, dama and lianghui, _in the western media(媒体).Ause widelyBis widely usedCuses widelyDare widely used15 . Have you ever heard of Langlang?Sure. He is one of _ pianists _ I have even seen.Agood; that Bmuch better; whoCthe best; whichDthe best; that二、完型填空My husband Bill, was diagnosed with cancer(癌症).Over the course of seven months.he went from beating me silly at tennis to needing my help to go to the bathroom.It was the best seven months of my life. Maybe I dont _ mean that, but it was certainly the time when I felt most alive. I had become a respected professor, and a responsible wife. During those seven months, I came to understand that nothing would _ more than what I had done to my husband.When I couldnt sleep at night, I prayed(析祷)to God. Then I began praying it daily even if I had no difficulty sleeping, which _.my breathing and calmed my mind.During his last week.a relative visited I noticed that shed changed her appearance. but in a funny way. It was the kind of _ I kept to myself. After she left .Bill voiced exactly what Id been thinking, in that truthful way he bad and I found myself laughing out in my heart.I could live with this man, even needing as much care as he does, for the next 40 years, I thought._, he would be dead very soon. I will never again have that high a purpose in my life. I will try to be a little less unhappy, and a little more_for the small moments in life .I am a better person for caring for Bill. It was his last, best gift to me.16 . AcompletelyBhardlyCactuallyDcarefully17 . AcareBmatterCchangeDcost18 . AslowedBincreasedCheldDtook19 . AjokesBfriendsCworkDthought20 . ALuckilyBHoweverCInsteadDFinally21 . AsorryBexcitedCthankfulDworried三、阅读单选New York,London,Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums,theatres and cinemas. You can also buy things from all over the world.But there are serious(严重的) problems in big cities,too. The cost(花费) of living is high,and there are too many people in some big cities. Every year many people move to the cities because there are some chances(机会) to find jobs,to study,and to receive good medical care(医疗)But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in. Also,too many people in a small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean.Some people enjoy living in big cities. Others do not. Before people move to big cities,they should think about the problems of living there.22 . Which is the best title for this passage?ABig Cities.BNew York,London and Paris.CExciting Places to Live in.DSerious Problems in Big Cities.23 . In big cities people can _.Ago to different kinds of museumsBsee all kinds of plays and filmsCbuy things from all over the worldDA,B and C24 . Which of the following is TRUE?ABig cities are not safe enough.BPeople can easily find a good place to live in in big cities.CBig cities are safe,but not clean.DAll people like to live in big cities.25 . In this passage the writer advises(建议) people _.Ato move to a big cityBnot to move to a big cityCnot to move to a big city without thinking about the problems thereDnot to think too much about the problems before they move to a big city26 . Which is NOT talked about in this passage?ANew York and London are big cities,and Paris is,too.BBig cities are better than small cities.CBig cities are exciting places to live in.DBig cities have a lot of serious problems.My mother only has one eye. I hate her. I am always angry about it. She cooks dinner for students and teachers. One day at school, my mother sees me and says hello to me. I was so unhappy! How can she do this? I turn back and run away. The next day at school one of my classmates says,“EEEE, your mother only has one eye!” I dont know what to say. I wish my mother to just get away. I say to her at home, “If youre only going to make others laugh at(嘲笑)me, why dont you just die ?” She doesnt say a word. Many years later, I have my family in another city. Then one day, my mother comes to visit me. When she stands at the door, my children laugh at her. I shout, “GET AWAY! NOW!” “Oh, Im so sorry. I have the wrong address (地址).” A few years later, she dies. Somebody gives me a letter from my mother before she dies.It reads: “My dearest son, I think of you all the time. Im sorry that I should not go to your house and. You see, when you are very young, you lose (失去) your eye in a car accident. As a mother, I give you mine. I am glad you can see a whole world for me with that eye. With all my love to you. Your mother.”27 . Who does the writers mother work for?AFor his schoolBFor his familyCFor his classmates.DFor his children28 . How does the writer feel when his classmate laughs at him?AHappy.BAngry.CSorry.DGlad29 . What does the mother do before she dies?AShe has an accident and loses her eye.BShe visits the writer and his children.CShe gives her eye to her son.DShe writes a letter and asks someone to hand it to her son.30 . What does the underlined word “accident” mean in Chinese?A事故B停车场C车库D故事31 . How may the writer feel after he reads the letter?AHe still hates his mother because of her blind eye.BHe feels really sorry because he isnt kind to her before she dies.CHe feels happy that he will never see the one-eyed woman.DHe is not sad at all, but very angry.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)Lao She wrote Teahouse in 1957. The play shows audience life in China between 1898 and 1945. It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us the story of Wang Lifa and his customers. It asks us to see the teahouse as the centre of the neighborhood. Finally, it says farewell to old Beijing and its people.The story starts in 1898 during the Qing Dynasty. It continues in 1916, and finally, it brings the audience to the end of the Anti-Japanese War, in 1945. After the war, Wang loses the teahouse and dies.Lao She was born in Beijing in 1899. His parents sent him to the Teachers School in Beijing and he became a teacher. From 1924 to 1929 he taught Chinese to the English in London. He wrote many plays, novels and short stories. He was named a “Peoples Artist” and “Great Master of Language”. He was one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century.In Lao Shes Teahouse today, waiters bring tea to the customers and sell them delicious Chinese food. If you are fond of Beijing Opera, folk music, acrobatics or magic shows, you can enjoy them in the teahouse. Lao Shes Teahouse gives wonderful welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world.32 . Whats the meaning of the word “farewell” in Paragraph 1?A再见B欢迎C你好D感谢33 . Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4?ALao Shes Teahouse.BLao She.CThe story of the TeahouseDThe play Teahouse.34 . How many years of life in China is shown in the play Teahouse?A57 years.B45 years.C47 years.D98 years.35 . When does Wang Lifa lose the Teahouse?AIn 1898.BAfter 1945.CBefore 1945.DIn 1916.36 . Lao She was all of the following except_.Aa Peoples artistBa boss of TeahouseCa Great Master of Language.Done of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century37 . Who are welcome to Lao Shes Teahouse today?AOnly Chinese customers.BEvery customer from home and abroad.COnly foreign customers.DOnly Beijing Opera audience.四、用单词的正确形式完成短文AsituationsBoperateCamazingDrecentlyEamazedThere are other intelligent personal assistants, like Google Assistant, which is an app that works with smart devices in your home. When it is given commands, it will connect to your other devices, allowing users to 38 . their home appliances remotely.In late 2017, the world was 39 . when Sophia, a human-like robot, made the news again. Developed by Hong Kongs Hanson Robotics, she was designed to work with humans and adapt to their behavior. She was interviewed by the press and was even givenSaudi Arabian citizenship. And more 40 . , Sophia spoke at Brain Bar, which describes itself as “The Biggest European Festival of the future”. It is clear from the video that Sophia continues to improve and update. The robot even says that “just a few months ago, I couldnt tell a dogs face from a humans face, but now I can. Its already saved me from a few embarrassing 41 . .”五、填写适当的句子补全对话根据图片补全对话42 . Whats that in English?_43 . _Its an orange.44 . _Hi, Ann! Im OK, thanks.45 . _P-E-N.六、阅读排序将下列段落重新排序,组成一篇意思连贯的文章(将序号填在横线上)(A) The bus started. Now it was getting dark and the bus began to go up a hill. It was very steep(险峻的) and the bus stopped as usual.(B) “Yellow ticket passengers,” the driver shouted, “Stay in the bus, please. Red ticket passengers, get out and walk. Green ticket passengers, get out, close the door and push the bus!”(C) Summer vocation began. Jack left New York and went traveling in Africa. He lost his wallet in a hotel and he had little money left. He had to go to a city by bus. One of his friends worked in the city. Jack was going to borrow some money so that he could fly back to his country.(D) It would take Jack two days to get to the city. He had to stay for a night when he was halfway. Jack had to pay five dollars for the hotel and food. He thought for a while and then said, “Green, please.”(E) He got on a bus and the conductor showed him a yellow ticket. “You had better buy a yellow ticket,” said the conductor. “Its ten dollars. I have another two kinds. The red one is five dollars and the green one is three dollars.”46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _50 . _七、材料作文51 . 学校举行征文比赛,要求用英文介绍你的家乡扬州。请根据下列提示,完成你的征文。A good place to visitthe Slender West Lake,.(Give one or two reasons)A good place to have nice foodDongguan Street, .(Give one or two reasons)A great man in YangzhouZhu Ziqing (studied in Yangzhou Middle School;left Yangzhou to Peking University at 18;his works of art express the .of life; they bring .to the readers)要求:1)必须包含所有提示信息,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2)意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;3)请勿在文中使用真实的姓校名及提示信息以外的地名。As a local person in Yangzhou, I am proud of my hometown. Its my great honor to introduce my great hometown to all of you. 八、书信作文52 . 美中文化交流中心(ACCEC)暑假将组织学生来华学习、交流,现正在中国招募志愿者,帮助他们学习中文。假如你是飞扬中学的学生王平,请按要求给该项目负责人Mr. Smith写一封申请信。内容包括:1.申请担任志愿者;2.说明自己乐于助人、擅长中文;3.谈谈学好中文的方法;4. .参考词汇:volunteer, be good at, improve, culture注意:1.申请信需要涵盖以上所有要点,可适当发挥;2.文中不能出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;3.词数:90 词左右。开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。Dear Mr. Smith,Im Wang Ping from Feiyang Middle School._Thank you for your consideration.Yours truly,Wang Ping第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、阅读排序1、七、材料作文1、八、书信作文1、

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