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九年级开学测试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you know_?He is a dentist.Awhere he is fromBwhere is he fromCwhat does his father doDwhat his father is2 . - Tony, _ is your mobile phone? I want to have it for a while.- On the tableAwhereBwhenCwhichDhow3 . Lucy, pass _ the book. He wants to read it.AmeBhimCherDthem4 . This is the doctor _ saved the babys life.AwhoBwhomCwhose5 . I dont like historyits boring.AAndBSoCButDBecause6 . _ it snows, _ we usually feel in winter.AThe harder; the colderBHarder; colderCThe hard; the coldDHard; cold7 . I dont like soap operas, because I think they are _.AmeaninglessBinterestingCeducationalDfamous8 . Mr. Green to sing an English song at the party and he sang well.Awas invitedBinvitedCis invitedDinvites9 . Its so cold outside. Remember to close the dooryou when you leave.AbesideBbeforeCwithDbehind10 . We _eat too much sweet because they are bad for our health.Ahad betterBhadChad toDshould not11 . - Can you tell me where Tom is? - He _ on the playground.AplaysBplayingCis playing12 . Tom often _ interesting stories_us.Atalks,withBtells, toCspeaks,inDsays,at二、完型填空A long time ago, there lived a wise man named ZunNun in Egypt. A young man came to visit him and asked, “Teacher, why do you dress in _ a way? Nowadays its necessary to dress neatly(整洁地), isnt it? Or how will people know youre really a _and wise man?”ZunNun smiled, took a ring from his finger and said, “Young friend, Ill answer your question,_first do one thing for me. _this ring to the market. Can you_it for one chip(片) of gold?”When the young man looked at ZunNuns dirty ring, he thought to _,“How will I sell it _ that price?”He _ the ring to the vegetable, meat and fish traders and others in the market. But _ was willing to pay a chip of gold.He returned and told this to ZunNun. ZunNun said, “Now go to the gold shop and show the ring to the owner. Dont give a _ , just see_he will pay.”One hour _, the young man was back.“Teacher, people in the market really didnt know the value of this ring. The gold shop owner _ me 1,000 chips of gold.”ZunNun smiled.“Thats the answer _your question, my friend. Someone cant be valued only from his _. The ring was a gift from the emperor(皇帝), ”he said.13 . AsoBsuchCthisDthat14 . AspecialBstrangeCcommonDstupid15 . AuntilBhoweverCthoughDbut16 . AbringBtakeCcarryDfetch17 . AsellBbuyCsoldDbought18 . AhimBitChimselfDitself19 . AonBinCforDat20 . AgaveBshowedCsoldDprovided21 . AnobodyBneitherCanyoneDeveryone22 . AringBideaCpriceDreason23 . Ahow manyBwhatChowDhow much24 . AafterBbeforeCagoDlater25 . AcostBofferedCspentDlent26 . AofBforCtoDabout27 . AwordsBthoughtCknowledgeDdressMy father taught us in a very different way. On the first day of my primary school, my father gave me a_ with street names and directions(方向)on it. He told me how to_to the school. My school was a little far away. My father said, I wrote everything you_to know on the map._it and follow the directions. Dont run, and dont turn back. Then he kissed me and said_. I didnt know how many nervous(紧张的)moments I had or_it took me to get there,I do_how I felt when I saw my school. I was so happy that I jumped up and down. But I felt sorry_I was not with my father. I wasnt able to share my happiness with_. He wasnt there when I got home and I went to_before he got home. The next day he saw me and said,Hi, dear, did you have fun_yesterday, I saw you playing during the breaks? I said, Yes, and waited for him to ask what happened yesterday._he didnt do it. I was sad for a long time. Years later. I finally understood my father. He_me the whole way on that day. He stayed far enough _me, so I could not see him. When he saw me jump up and down at the school gate. He felt just as_as I did.28 . AbookBmapCletterDnotebook29 . ArideBrunCwalkDdrive30 . AneedBloveClikeDhelp31 . ASayBReadCFindDSing32 . Athank youBhelloCexcuse meDgoodbye33 . Ahow longBhow farChow muchDhow many34 . AmissBknowCrememberDthink35 . AbecauseBthoughCwhenDif36 . AhimBherCmeDyou37 . AworkBstudyCsleepDplay38 . Aat homeBat schoolCin hospitalDin bed39 . AAndBThenCOrDBut40 . AsawBfollowedCsavedDtaught41 . AbehindBnext toCacross fromDin front of42 . AsorryBnervousCsadDhappy三、阅读单选阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。In the universe, there is the Sun. The Moon, the Earth and so on. We know the Earth goes around the Sun, and the Moon goes around the Earth. We have day and night because theEarth keeps turning all the time. When our part of the Earth turns to the Sun, it is day, When our part of the Earth turns away from the Sun, it is night.Just because the Moon is closer to the Earth than the Sun, it looks much bigger than the Sun. Big things will look smaller when they are further, and small ones look bigger when they are nearer.The Sun is big enough to give out very strong light. The Moon cant give out any light, but it looks quite bright too. Why? In fact, the light from the Moon comes from the Sun. The Moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars. But actually (事实上) the stars are much bigger and brighter than the Moon. Also, they look smaller than the Moon because they are further away from the Earth。There are many other planets (行星) in the universe. But of all the planets, people can only live on the Earth.43 . We see the Sun is _ than the Moon from the Earth.AbiggerBlongerCshorterDsmaller44 . When our part of the Earth turns away from the Sun, the other part of the Earth is _.AnightBdayCeveningDnoon45 . What does the underlined word further in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A更远B更低C更重D更圆46 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe Moon goes around the Earth and it cant give out any light.BMoon goes around the Sun and its light is from the Sun.CThe Earth goes around the Moon and people can live only on the Earth.DOf all the planets, only the Earth goes around the Sun.47 . Where can we find the passage?AIn a science newspaper.BIn a History textbook.CIn a daily schedule.DIn an English diaryToday is Sunday, December 2nd, everyone in Sheep Village (羊村) is very busy. What does he/she do?Im Nuan Yangyang. I write a letter(信) to my friend at one oclock in the afternoon. Then I do my homework.Im Fei Yangyang. I want to be healthy, so I go to a sports club to play sports in the morning. I go home at three oclock in the afternoon.Im Lan Yangyang. I have lunch in a restaurant(饭店). But the food isnt good, I dont like it.Im Mei Yangyang. I go to a clothes store at nine in the morning. The clothes there are beautiful, so I buy a nice skirt.Im Xi Yangyang. I take the bus to the English club at ten thirteen in the morning. There I help two kids(孩子) learn to speak English.48 . Nuan Yangyang writes to a friend at _.A9:00 amB1:00 amC3:00pmD1:00 pm49 . Fei Yangyang may be _ at 3:12 pm.Aat schoolBin a sports clubCon the busDat home50 . Xi Yangyang can _ very well.AsingBdanceCplay soocerDspeak English51 . Which of the following sentences is RIGHT(正确)?ANuan Yangyang does homework on Sunday afternoon.BLan Yangyang doesnt eat lunch in a restaurant on December 2nd.CFei Yangyang has a nice skirt.DThere are no kids in the English club.Many people like to watch TV when they want to take a break from lifeSitcoms(情景喜剧)are a popular choice.Sitcoms,or situation comedies,can make us laugh out loudMaybe you didnt know that word “sitcom” before,but you might have heard of shows like Friends,How I Met Your Mother,and Modern Family,or the Chinese shows I Love My Family,Home with Kids,or My Own SwordsmanThese are all sitcoms.Sitcoms often take place in the same place,such as a living room or an office. The plots(情节)are often about the small problems we run into in everyday life. Every character(角色)has a special personality(个性)They make people laugh when they talk to each other.People love sitcoms because they can turn hard situations into something funny. The characters keep their sense of humor(幽默感),even when theyre having a bad dayThey tell us that even when bad things happen,we can laugh them off and life will go on.52 . Which of the following sitcoms is Chinese?AHome with KidsBModern Family.CFriendsDHow I Met Your Mother.53 . What usually makes people laugh?AThe places that sitcoms take placeBThe plots in sitcoms.CDifferent personalities of charactersDProblems in everyday life.54 . Which of the following is true?ASitcoms often take place in different places.BPeople love sitcoms because they turn hard situations into something funny.CThe plots are often about big problems we dont run into in everyday life.DThe characters keep their sense of humor only when theyre having a good day.55 . What does the writer probably agree with?AChinese sitcoms like I Love My Family are very popular in America.BThough life is hard sometimes,we still need to be happy.CWe can turn hard situations into something funny when we watch sitcoms.DProblems we run into in everyday life make our life funny.“Books will soon be obsolete(废弃的,淘汰的) in schools,” Thomas Edison said in 1913: they would, he believed, soon be replaced by silent films. Each new invention has brought the similar predictions. And each time, the old technologies of books, classrooms and teachers have stayed.Like teachers, educational technology comes in many forms, from wonderful to terrible. But, used properly, it now is important in schools, especially in pour areas.The UNs goals included that by 2015 all the worlds children would finish primary school. The goal has been achieved: nine out of ten children are now at school. However, the figure is not as brilliant as it sounds. Even most of the children go to school, a lot of them learn pretty much nothing there. A recent World Bank study shows, half of nine-year-old children in an African country can not read a simple word and a three-fourths can not read a simple sentence. The reason is terrible teaching. Only 7% of the teachers had the necessary knowledge and half the time the teacher was not in the classroom.Paying teachers more, in hope of better ones, is not the answer. Many methods are tried and things dont change much. Several studies suggest ed-tech can help. It seems to have an effect. But it does not mean putting computers on schools in the hope that children will understand how to use them. If they do so, plenty of money is wasted. Instead, it means offering schools with software that children can use with a little help from an adult. In this way, we can get things right more often and many things can be in control.Technology can not be everything. Good traditional teachers are not obsolete, but ed-tech can help greatly-both students and teachers in their own way.56 . With the new inventions, books, classrooms and teachers _Abecome more importantBsurvive all alongCare cleared outDbecome silent films57 . What was UNs goal for primary schools?AAll the kids complete primary school.B90% of kid go to school.CHalf children can read simple words.DThree-fourths of kids can read sentences.58 . Why did kids learn poorly at school according to the passage?AThey didnt work hard enough.BThere were no teachers in the classroom.CThe teachers didnt have any knowledge.DThe teachers teach terribly.59 . What does the underline word ed-tech mean?A网络科技B软件技术C教育科技D教学技能60 . What does the author think of ed-tech?AThe author thinks it is useful.BThe author doubts it is useful.CThe author thinks teachers will be obsolete.DThe author doesnt like it at all.四、回答问题【阅读表达】It is easy for many people to catch a cold in the springtime or fallIt makes us wonder if scientists(科学家)can send a man to the moon,why cant they find a cure for the common cold? The answer is easyThere are actually different cold viruses(病毒)out thereYou never know which one you will get,so there isnt a cure for each oneWhen a virus attacks(攻击)your body,your body works hard to get rid of(除去)itBlood rushes to your nose and causes a block(阻塞)in itYou feel terrible because you cant breathe(呼吸)well,but your body is actually eating the virusYour temperature goes up and you get a fever,but the heat of your body is killing the virusYou also have a runny nose to stop the virus from getting into your cells(细胞)You may feel very uncomfortable,but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the coldDifferent people do different things to deal with coldsIn the United States and some other countries,for example,people might have chicken soup to help them get over the coldSome people take hot baths and drink warm water0ther people take medicine to stop different symptoms(症状)of coldsThere is one interesting thing to note-some scientists say taking medicine when you have a cold is actually bad for youThe virus stays in you longer because your body doesnt have a way to fight it and kill itBodies can do an amazing iob on their ownThere is a joke,however,on taking medicine when you have a coldIt goes like this:It takes about one week to get over a cold if you dont take medicine,but it takes only seven days to get over a cold if you take medicine61 . Do you have difficulty breathing when you catch a cold?_62 . How long does it usually take to cure the common cold?_63 . Do you take medicine after catching a cold? Why or why not?_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、回答问题1、

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