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人教版2019版九年级一模英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its important to learn about manners. For example, a lady doesnt like to be asked _.Awhats her ageBhow much she weighsCwhether she had been marriedDwhere she came from2 . Its six oclock. The Green family _ dinner.Ais eatingBare eattingCare eatingDeats3 . You dont have to take a bus , you may go there on foot. The underlined part means _.AneedntBcantCmay notDmustnt4 . Why do you like watching the news?Because I hope to _ whats going on around the world. Afind outBmake upCcome outDbring out5 . Would you like some _?Yes, please. Im thirsty.AwaterBbreadCpensDclothes6 . I could _ understand the teacher because he spoke so fast.AhardBalmostChardlyDalways7 . Changjiang is one of _ rivers in the worldAmuch longBlongerCmore popularDthe longest8 . The new school _ in the past five years.AbuiltBhas been builtChas builtDwill be built9 . A number of Hollywood films _ shown in China every year.Yes. The number of Hollywood films shown this year _ reached 30.Aare; hasBis; haveCare; have10 . Its not _ book. _ is on the desk.Ahers; HerBshes; HersCher; HersDshes; She二、完型填空For me,racing was something I started doing with my family when I was really young. My dad _ pushed me to race. He just wanted me to be out there giving it my all,applying myself, and most of all,having _ .I was racing motorcycles in California when I was 8 years old. In motorcycle racing, they _ you by age. My ninth birthday was coming up, which meant I would be moving up into the 9-to-1l-year-old group. One problem with that was the motorcycle was much bigger than me. But that didnt stop me from _ . So I was out there competing in the race, and went into a turn and fell over. My dad was sitting there in the trees just watching the race go on and watching me try to solve this problem. The motorcycle was lying on the ground and I couldnt _ it up. I got really frustrated(丧气的). I began to kick the motorcycle. Thats when I heard my dad _ to me, That motorcycle didnt do anything to your son. Dont kick it. I think lots of parents _ their kids too hard. They might be trying to live out their own dreams,or maybe they want so badly to see their kids _ that they take all the enjoyment out of it.I was so _ that my parents just wanted me to be safe and have fun. If I wanted to race, that was fine with them as long as(只要) I remembered that was what I was there to do,and I needed to take it seriously. It wasnt about winning or losing. It was about the attitude(态度).Thanks to them,Ive always really _ racing for all the right reasons. Its what I love to do, and Ive always found a way to enjoy it.11 . AoftenBneverCsometimesDalways12 . AfunBcourageCpatienceDvictory13 . AinviteBchooseCgroupDmatch14 . AdreamingBwinningCrunningDtrying15 . ApickBfixCgiveDlift16 . AexplainingBshoutingCcomplainingDreplying17 . AfollowBpushCtrainDpull18 . AsucceedBgrowCarriveDfight19 . AsurprisedBcommonCluckyDsad20 . ApractisedBsuggestedCmindedDenjoyed三、阅读单选A long time ago, there was a seed(种子) and because he was only a seed, nobody noticed him. Thus, feeling inferior(低等的), the seed gave no importance to his existence(存在).Then one day, a wind picked him up and threw him on an open field under the sun. Later, he was given rain.Years later he saw a traveler sitting by his side. “Thank God for this. I really need some rest,” he heard the traveler say.“What are you talking about?” the seed quickly asked. He thought the man was making fun of him. No one ever spoke to him like that.“Who just spoke?” the shocked man asked.“It is me. A seed.” “A seed?” The man looked at the big tree. “Are you joking? You are not a seed. You are a big tree!”“Really?”“Yes! Why do you think people come here?”What do they come here for?”“To feel your shade(树荫)! Dont tell me you didnt know you had grown over time.”The travelers words brought him pride.The seed thought and smiled for the first time in his life. The years of torture(折磨) by the sun and the rain finally helped him grow up.“Oh! That means Im not a little seed anymore! I was actually born to make people feel comfortable. Wow! Thats great.21 . From the first paragraph, we can learn that the seed.Aneeded someone that could look after himselfBpaid great attention to himself Cdreamt that he would grow up into a big tree.Dfelt ignored(被忽略的) and didnt believe in himself22 . The traveller sat by the seeds side to.Akeep off the rainBtake care of itChave a rest and enjoy the shade.Dtalk with the big tree23 . How did the seed feel after hearing the travellers words?ASadBProudCGuilty(内疚的)DSorry24 . With the passage , the writer wants to tell us.Awe should never laugh at othersBthe seed should be praised(表扬) for his strengthCwe should never lose heart.Dwe need funny stories to make our life interesting25 . Where is the passage probably taken from ?AA history bookBA science bookCA story bookDA magazinePlease sit down and enjoy your mealJust dont talk about itThese are the requirements at a popular dining party that is known as silent dinnersIt encourages people who take part in the dining party not to speak for one to two hours and not to use electronic devicesInstead,the idea is to just on the foodSilent dinner parties are fast growing, said Honi Ryan,who has hosted 32 silent dinner parties in 11 cities across eight countries,including Germany,Australia and the United StatesThe way we communicate is changing so fast that we need to stop and think about itAccording to a 2013 nationwide survey,restaurant noise came in second only to poor service among customer(顾客) complaintsAnd 19 percent of diners who took part in the survey said noise and crowds disturbed them most while eating outThough silent dinners may seem curious,the idea is not a new oneYogis(瑜伽信徒) have long enjoyed silent meals as part of a deepened practiceIn fact,it was a trip to a temple(寺庙) in India by a man that encouraged one Brooklyn restaurant recently to add a silent dinner to its event programmingWell make a small speech at the beginning of the meal to make sure everyone understands what is happening and ask them not to speak or use their mobile phones for at least an hour, said EAT Greenpoint owner Jordan ColonAnd background music will be turned off,tooIts funny;when I first opened EAT,I didnt play music for some time and people had very different reactions(反映) to that, said ColonSome people who come out to eat are ready to party,but it was so quiet without musicBut I wanted to create an environment that makes you relaxedAlthough personal reactions to a silent dinner may be various,in general they are more likely to get into a lot of talk afterwards,said RyanAt the end of the night people always have a lot to say about silenceBut the most reaction is that there is always a good laugh26 . The first paragraph is written to be a(n)_ Aconclusion B. introductionBargument D. warning27 . At silent dinner parties,people should not_Aleave before they finish eatingBjust pay attention to the foodCuse a mobile phone or listen to musicDtake electronic devices to the party28 . What does the writer try to tell us in Paragraph 5?ASilent meals help people live longerBYogis are the first to hold silent dinnersCMore and more people like eating in silenceDThe idea of eating in silence appeared long ago29 . In Jordan Colons opinion,silent dinners _Amake people comfortable and relaxedBare hard to be accepted by most peopleCcan help him to attract more customersDprovide a chance to get to know others30 . How soon can you be fluent in your chosen language?AIn a weekBIn a monthCIn a yearDIn two months31 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the advertisement?AParla is a method of learning languages.BYou will get CDs and books from the training center.CAny trail must be paid.D100 thousand people have learned another language with“ Parla”Once upon a time, there was a man with a fine house healthy animals and fertile land. He was also blessed with a handsome, loving son. But the man was worried about his son, because the boy had grown up knowing only good times and good fortune (命运). “What will happen when something goes wrong for him?” wondered his father. “How will he know what to do?”So one day, the man asked the boy to go into the forest and collect wood. To help him carry the wood home, the man gave the boy an old cart (手推车) and two horses. As he was leaving, the man said to his son, “If the cart breaks down while you are in the forest, dont worry. Necessity will teach you what to do.”The boy collected as much wood as he could load onto the cart. But when he turned to come home, the cart broke under the weight of the wood. “I hope that fathers friend lives nearby,” thought the boy, and he started crying out, “Necessity! NE-CESS-ITY! Where are you?” The boy called and called, but no one came so he decided to fix the cart himself.When he arrived home he said to his father, “You said Necessity would teach me to fix the cart, but I couldnt find him anywhere. I had to fix it all by myself.”The man smiled to himself and thought, “Necessity really is the best teacher.”32 . Why was the boys father worried?AHis son was lonely.BHis son was not smart enough.CHis son was always getting lost.DHis son knew only good times and good fortune33 . Why did the father send his son into the forest?AHe wanted to punish his son.BHe wanted his son to learn.CHe was too old to go himself.DHe was fighting with his son.34 . What did the boy do first when the cart broke?AHe called for help.BHe waited for his father.CHe gave up the cart.DHe walked back home.35 . Which word best describes the boys father in this story?ALazy.BSilly.CWise.DFunny.36 . What can we learn from this story?ATake care of the environment.BFamily is the most important.CWorking hard makes you a better person.DOne should learn how to solve problems.四、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。On Thanksgiving Day,a teacher asked her class of first graders to draw a picture37 . something they were thankful for.She thought that these children from poor38 . (family) actually had little to be thankful for.And she found most of them drawing pictures of flowers or tables with food.The teacher was very 39 . (surprise) to see the picture Douglas handed in.Its a hand,a simple hand.But whose hand?The class were very interested in the strange picture.“I think it must be the hand of God that brings us food,” said one child.“A farmer,” said another.“Because40 . (him) or she grows beautiful flowers.” Finally when the others were at work,the teacher went over to Douglas desk and asked 41 . hand it was.“Its your hand,teacher,” he said quietly and 42 . (shy)She remembered that she had taken Douglas,43 . dirty lonely child,by the hand while having a class break.She often did that with the children.But it44 . (mean) so much to Douglas.Perhaps this is 45 . (everyone) Thanksgiving,not for the material things we get,46 . for the chance,in whatever small way,to give to others.五、多任务混合问题Chinese writer Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012. Mo, who was born in 1955 into a farmers family in Gaomi County in Shandong Province, is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. In his early years, life was not easy and he experienced hunger(饥饿). These things have influenced Mo Yans later writings.60-year-old Park Geun-hye(朴槿惠)was elected(选举)the new President of South Korea in December, 2012. She becomes the countrys first female head of state and her term will last five years from 2013. “I will become a president who puts peoples living before anything else,” she told the cheering Peopl in central Seoul as she accepted her win. “I will keep my premises.”Barack Obama ( born in Hopolulu, Hawaii in 1961), who was elected the 44thPresident of the United States in 2008, has been elected again to a second term, fighting against Republican chllenger Mitt Romney. Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School. His father was from Kenya. And his mother was born in Wichits, Kansas.47 . When Mo Yan was young, his family might be.AbigBpoorCrichDsmall48 . When was Park Geun-hye born?AIn 1952.BIn 1955.CIn 1961.DIn 1987.49 . Where was Barack Obama born?AIn Kansas.BIn Kenya.CIn Columbia.DIn Hawaii.50 . Which of the following is NOT true about the passages?AThe writer Mo Yan lived in a big city before he got the prize.BPark Geun-hye will lead South Korea till the year 2018.CObama fought against his challenger Mitt Romney in the election.DAmong the three persons, Park Geun-hye is the oldest.51 . The three passages may be from.Aan email Ba letterCnewsDan ad六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句。52 . welcomevisitors like me I dont they will think_53 . tall buildingsaround our neighbourhood we many have_54 . with your studentsare willing to help you homework the college_55 . live acommunity centre like this were lucky to in_56 . with problems help the people Ishare my skills want to and_七、材料作文57 . 书面表达随着手机等电子产品使用的日益广泛,一些查找作业答案的手机应用软件也应运而生,同学们认为一:作业太多,太难,不得不向手机求助。二:抄写答案不能提高学生的学习能力,只能阻止学生思考。恰当运用网络,不依赖网络。那么你认为呢?请描述你的观点。注意: 1. 文中应包括提示观点,可以适当发挥,增加自己的看法。2. 不少于80词,文中不要出现真实姓名及班级。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、

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