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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年九年级上学期第一次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话6选5根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。A: Hello, Alice! Where are you going?B: Hi, Tony1 . A: You like playing chess, right?B: Yes.2 . A: Yes, I do.I am good at telling stories, so I am in the story telling club.B:3 . A: I go there on Tuesday and Thursday.What about you?B:4 . A: Great! I also love playing chess.5 . B: OK.Lets go now!AIm going to the chess club.BI go to the chess club on Wednesday and Friday.CCan I go with you?DWhen do you go to the club?ECan you play chess?FDo you Join any clubs?二、完型填空In my village in China, people are proud of being old._people always do as what old people say. However, in the United States, people think “growing old” is a_since “old” shows that a person is going to retire (退休)or that the body is not working well.After I moved to_, I had a part-time job as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. Once, when I was doing_for a middle-aged couple, the wife asked me how the food could be ready so_.I told her that I had made_they got their food quickly because I always have“the old”as my parents._I said that,her face_quite unhappy. My manager happened_what I said,he took me to one side and gave me a long talk about how they_the word“old”. I then walked back to the_and said sorry to the wife. After the couple heard my reason, they understood that the problem was_by cultural differences, so they laughed and were no longer_.After that, I changed the_I had been with older people. It is not that I wont do anything for them any more. I still show my politeness to them,_now I dont show my feelings through words.6 . AYoungBOldCPoorDRich7 . AluckBfactCproblemDfun8 . AJapanBAmericaCAustraliaDItaly9 . AsomethingBnothingCeverythingDanything10 . AsilentlyBquicklyCslowlyDeasily11 . AheadBmuchCideaDsure12 . ABeforeBIfCAlthoughDAs soon as13 . AtoldBfoundCshowedDnoticed14 . AhearingBheardChearsDto hear15 . AdislikeBlikeCagreeDdisagree16 . AkitchenBtableCchairDcorner17 . AbegunBinventedCcausedDturned18 . AangryBhappyCafraidDinterested19 . AideaBwayClifeDmind20 . AnorBthenCandDbut三、阅读单选阅读理解,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。ASo, lets imagine you are walking down the street drinking a box of tea. You finish drinking the tea. Now, what do you do with the box? Do you drop it on the ground? Or, do you do the right thing and drop it in a trash can? Hopefully, you drop it in the trash can because, besides harming the environment, littering is also very impolite.Recently, a magazine published a list of the most polite cities in the world. They looked three things: did people litter, did shop clerks say thank you and did people hold the door open for the person behind them? The top three politest cities were New York, USA, Zurich, Switzerland, and Toronto, Canada. Hong Kong, China was number 35. Shanghai wasnt even on the list.Does that mean that Shanghai is not a polite city? Well, maybe. There are different ways to judge(判断) politeness but the survey was looking at how a visitor to a city would feel when walking around its public places. Visitors dont like to step over empty tea boxes as they walk down the street. They dont like it when they buy something and the shop clerk doesnt say thank you or even give them a smile. They also dont like it when someone lets a door slam(砰然关上) into them instead of holding it open.Shanghai is a nice city but it is not always the most polite city. I dont think this is intentional(有意的). I think its just a lack of awareness(缺乏意识). China is becoming a popular place for tourists to visit. When they come to Shanghai they will find a friendly city: it would be nice if they also found a polite one. And, remember, being polite makes you feel good, too. Its nice to be nice.21 . The following cities EXCEPT _ are on the list of the most polite cities in the world.AShanghaiBTorontoCNew YorkDZurich22 . How many cities are mentioned in this passage?AFour.BFive.CSix.DSeven.23 . Why is Shanghai not always the most polite city in the survey?ABecause people there dont realize the importance of politeness.BBecause people there are not friendly enoughCBecause the food there is not delicious.DBecause the city is too old.24 . In the survey, it is looked to be impolite _.Ato give visitors a smileBto drop tea boxes into the trash canCto say thank you to visitorsDto hold the door closed for visitors25 . The writer mainly wants to tell us _.Anot to drink tea in the streetBto hold the door open for anybodyCto remember to be polite in public placesDto travel to the most polite cities more oftenA little knowledge can make a difference at a time of life or death. Do you know what to do if you find yourself in an earthquake?If you are inside:Quickly move under a strong desk, a strong table or along a wall. You can also go into a small room like the bathroom. This will protect you from falling things. Do not get into a lift.Dont stand near windows, large mirrors, heavy furniture(家具) or fireplaces.If youre outside:Move away from buildings and streetlights. These could fall on you.Squat(蹲下) and protect your head until the shaking stops.After the earthquake:Check, take care of injuries(伤员)and help make sure people around you are all right.Watch out for aftershocksProtect yourself by wearing long pants, a long-sleeved(长袖的) shirt and strong shoes.Listen to the radio for the latest information.26 . If you are in a tall building when an earthquake happens, youd better _Arun into a liftBnot stay in the bathroomCstand near large mirrorsDnot stand near windows27 . After the earthquake, you should _Alook after injuriesBnot help the others around youCprotect yourself without wearing shoesDnot listen to the radio for the latest information28 . The underlined word “aftershocks” in the passage means “_” in Chinese.A震撼B震源C余震D防震29 . The passage is mainly about _Awhat to do before an earthquake takes placeBwhat to do if you are in an earthquakeChow to escape from an earthquake when youre at homeDhow to predict an earthquake in the open air根据材料内容选择最佳答案。30 . Susan wants to know more about international exams. She should choose _.A. Ello B. Exam EnglishC. VocabSushi D. Study London31 . All of the following information can be found in Study London, except _.A. its website B. the cost you should payC. what city it is in D. what kinds of schools you can choose32 . Alice is weak in listening. She may visit _.A. http:/www.elllo.org/B. http:/www.examenglish.com/C. http:/www.vocabsushi.com/D. http:/www.studylondon.ac.uk/33 . Where may you find the text?A. In a dictionary. B. In a film.C. On the Internet. D. In a supermarket.34 . What do the four websites mentioned in the material have in common?A. They are all free.B. They are in the same country.C. They are all about English study.D. They all suit people of all ages.Once upon a time, a proud swallow lived in a large tree. He liked his colorful feathers and his long tail so much that he believed nothing could be better than them. One day, he saw a crow and thought, “How silly this bird is! All his feathers are black.” He looked at himself lovingly and enjoyed his own feathers. Just then, the crow flew and sat on the same branch(树枝) as the swallow. The swallow said, “All your feathers are black and your tail is so short.” The crow smiled and said, “But they help me fly.” The swallow said, “So do mine. But look at how beautiful they are!” He spread his wings and flew a little closer to the crow. The crow saw that the swallow had lots of blue feathers and some white and pink ones, too. He looked at his own feathers and thought, “Its true. The swallows feathers are much prettier than mine.”The crow said, “Swallow, youre right. You have lovely feathers and a long tail, but only in summer. Your little feathers cannot keep you warm in winter at all. While you shiver in the cold, my thick feathers keep me warm in the cold winters.”35 . When the swallow said the crows feathers and tail werent beautiful, the crow _.Abecame angryBsmiled and explainedCflew away quicklyDbecame worried and sad36 . The underlined word “shiver” means “_” in the passage.AshakeBloseCfallDturn37 . What does the story want to tell us?ABirds of a feather flock(聚集) together.BDont be proud of something thats of little use.CFind out our own problems and solve them quickly.DDont make friends with people who are too proud.Mr. Black decided to know more about the different jobs of his students parents. But some of students were laughing as he talked with Mary. Betty shouted, Marys father is a garbageman!Then everybody in the class laughed out loud. Mary felt her face tum red.“Be quiet! Stop laughing!Mr. Black said, It is difficult but useful to be a garbageman. We should all be thankful to Marys father.”Marys father came to walk her home from school as usual, but she didnt run up to him the way she always did. When they got back home, Mary went to her room and cried for a long time. Her father came into her room, What happened? Why are you so sad?”Mary told her father what happened and looked at him sadly. He didnt seem angry or hurt, “Well. “He said, They are right. Being a garbageman is a dirty job. Tomorrows Saturday. Come to work with me,Mary.”Mary wrinkled her nose because of the bad smell. Dont worry. In five minutes you wont smell a thing.”said her father.Everybody there was working hard, and they seemed to have a good time. Marys father handed her a pair of gloves and told her to get the little plastic bags and throw them into the truck.It was fun, but also hard work. At last, no more garbage was left and Mary felt very proud and happy.“Garbage makes us uncomfortable and unhealthy but when we clear it away, everything is nice and clean. You can make yourself happy only by making others happy.”Mary gave her dirty, smelly garbageman daddy a big kiss because she regarded him as an unselfish man. Now whenever someone asks Mary what her daddy does, she says, He is a garbageman! Everyone makes garbage, but my daddy takes it away!”38 . From the passage, we can know .AMary ran up to her father the way she always didBMary gave her father a sweet kiss after school(es usualCMary went to her room and cried for a long time after she got back homeDMary didnt tell her father what had happened39 . Why did Marys father take her to his workplace?ATo make Mary calm down.BTo prove how dirty his job is.CTo keep Mary away from her classmates.DTo help Mary learn about his Job.40 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AHow Mary changed her mind about her fathers job.BWhy Marys teacher asked the students such a question.CWhat Marys fathers job is.DWhat garbagemen do in their daily life.四、语法填空阅读理解填词:As we know,museums are buildings where many valuable and important exhibits (展品) are kept so that people can go and see themFor example,art museums are places where people can learn about 41 . culturesMore and more popular design museums that are opening today,however,perform quite a different roleUnlike most art museums,the design museum shows exhibits that are easily found in our daily life ,such as fridges and washing 42 . The advantage of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibitsBeing different from the art museum visitors,design museum visitors seldom feel frightened or puzzledThis is partly43 . design museums clearly show how and why massproducts (批量产品) work and look 44 . they do,and how design has improved our livesArt museum exhibits,on the other hand,would most probably 45 . visitors with a feeling that there is something out of their understandingSeveral new design museums have opened their doors in recent yearsEach of these museums has tried to satisfy the public s 46 . interest in the field with new ideasLondon s Design Museum,for example,shows a collection of massproduced exhibits 47 . electric typewriters to a group of Italian fishtinsThe choices open to design museums seem far less strict than48 . to art museums,and visitors may also 49 . humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and 50 . attractive(有吸引力的)toys collected from our everyday life五、回答问题Hello! Im Jack. Lisa is my sister and she has a room. Her room is nice but its not tidy. A white bed is in the room. A blue quilt(被子) and a red skirt(裙子) are on the bed. A desk is near the bed. And many things are on the desk- a computer, two CDs, a schoolbag and some books!A clock and a tape player are in her bookcase. Some books are in it, too. But whats this in the bookcase? Oh, it is her nice watch.Where is my ruler? Where is my notebook? Where is my ID card? Lisa always asks. And I always help Lisa find them. Oh, no! Where are her keys now? Ah! They are under the bed. The cat Polly put(放)them there.根据短文内容回答下列各题。51 . Whats on the bed?_52 . Where are the clock and the tape player?_53 . Is Lisas room nice and tidy?_54 . Whose keys are under the bed?_55 . Does Jack always help Lisa find her things?_六、材料作文56 . 拥有健康的身体对我们而言是非常重要的。根据表格内容,请给你的家人或朋友提一些保持身体健康的建议。要求:1. 语句通顺、意思连贯、语法正确、书写规范;2. 行文中不得出现真实的人名、校名或地名;3. 必须包含表格中的所有内容,并作适当发挥;4. 词数70左右。(短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数)How to Keep HealthyWhat is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health. In order to keep healthy, you第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、补全对话6选51、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、四、语法填空1、五、回答问题1、六、材料作文1、


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