2020版鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 1 单元检测B卷

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2020版鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 1 单元检测B卷_第1页
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2020版鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 1 单元检测B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Hello,Eric!_,David!AOKBGoodCFineDHello2 . 书写时占三格的字母是。AgBwCfDh3 . 下列字母是元音字母的一组是。AABBBECAE4 . Hello,Bob! I m fine, thank you!AGood morning!BHello!CHow are you?DGood evening!5 . 下列字母书写需要三笔完成的是 _ 。AXBMCADW6 . Good afternoon,Lily! _,Lucy!AGood morningBGood afternoonCGood eveningDHello7 . Good morning, Cindy.,Frank.AGood mooringBGood eveningCThank you8 . Its _ black.Its _ black ruler.Aa;/B/;aCa;aDan; an9 . 找出下列字母中有相同音素的一项。AAa,FfBCc,DdCGg,FfDEe,Aa10 . - Whats _? -Its a chair.AthatsBthisCthis is二、完型填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出一个最佳选项。Lan and Fred are _. They are both twelve years old, and they are in the same_in their school. Last Friday afternoon they had a _ in class, and their teacher was very _. He said to both of them, “Stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and _ your names a thousand (千) times.” After the last lesson, all the other boys _ home, but Lan and Fred stayed in the classroom with their _ and began writing their names.Then Fred began _.The teacher looked at him and said, “_ are you crying, Fred?”“Because his names Lan May, and _ name is Frederick Hollingsworth,” Fred said.11 . AsistersBgirlsCbrothersDboys12 . AroomBofficeCplaygroundDclass13 . ArestBfightCclassmateDfriend14 . AhappyBniceCangryDworried15 . AcallBwriteCmeetDchange16 . AwentBgotCleftDcame17 . AbrotherBclassmateCteacherDfather18 . AlaughingBtalkingCplayingDcrying19 . AHowBWhyCWhenDWhere20 . AherByourCmyDhis三、阅读单选How friends spent weekendIm Leo. Today is Monday. My friends are talking about how they spent the weekend.Mary: I stayed at home and studied a lot at the weekend. I studied for the math test on Saturday. On Sunday morning, I did my English homework. In the evening, I talked to my friend on the phone. What did you do, Lucy?Lucy: I had a great time. I visited my friends. On Saturday evening, we went to Nancys birthday party. We sang and danced at the party. On Sunday afternoon, we went to a new park near my home. We played tennis in the park. And you Lily?Lily: Oh,your weekend was great! But I had a boring weekend. I stayed at home and did some housework. I cleaned my room. I helped my mom cook dinner and wash clothes. Tim, did you go out?Tim: No, I didnt. I stayed at home and watched TV. Yesterday I saw a movie. It was very interesting.21 . Mary_ on Sunday evening.Avisited her friendsBdid her homeworkCtalked on the phoneDstudied for the math test22 . Nancys birthday party was_.Aon Saturday afternoonBon Saturday eveningCon Sunday afternoonDon Sunday evening23 . Lily did NOT_ at the weekend.Ago to the supermarketBclean her roomCwash clothesDcook dinner24 . Who stayed at home at the weekend?AMary, Lucy and Lily.BMary, Lily and Tim.CLucy, Lily and Tim.DLucy, Mary and Tim.25 . Which of the following is TRUE?ATim saw a boring movie on Sunday.BThere is a new park near Lily, s house.CLeo did his English homework on Sunday.DLucy had fun with her friends at the weekend.阅读短文,选择正确答案Grace and I are good friends. We get on very well with each other, though sometimes we fight. I remember last year we didnt talk with each other for a long time before Mid-Autumn Day. But when we met each other that day, we became good friends again.We both study well. We like talking about the problems in our studies.We also like making up(编) stories.We made one up in English last month. It was called “Magic Sunflower Club”. I think this is a wonderful name.Grace is tall and active. She does better in P.E. than me. She is good at music. She plays the piano so well that sometimes birds come to listen to her.Im shorter and quieter than Grace. I know a lot about science. I often have some new ideas. Im good at math and art. Our teacher says my drawing is getting better and better. If we dont know something very well, we help each other. So we never have any problems.26 . Last year they became good friends again_.Aon Mid-Autumn DayBthe day before Mid-Autumn DayCthe day after Mid-Autumn DayDtwo days before Mid-Autumn Day27 . What do they often talk about?AMusic and Songs.BThe problems in their studies.CWhat they do out of class.DTheir school and teachers.28 . From the passage, we can learn that “Magic Sunflower Club” is a_in English.AbookBcityCstoryDclub29 . Grace_.Adoes badly in her studiesBhas a wonderful nameCis short and quietDis good at palying the piano30 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe writer never fights with Grace.BWhen Grace has problems in her studies, she asks the teacher.CThe writer is not as tall as Grace.DThe teacher doesnt think the writer is improving in her drawing.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成句子中的单词31 . What do we write about the old house?_ (任何事情) special.32 . Lets _(比较) the two photos and find the differences.33 . Is that boy your friend?Yes. Ive got_ (几个) friends here.34 . What are the _(优势) of using this kind of machine?35 . They cant find the lost dog _(在任何地方) in the city.36 . I will send it to you by _(邮寄)37 . I am happy to_ (收到) Amys gift.38 . The glasses can keep the workers eyes _(安全的)五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。39 . _(who)book is this?Its Marys. There is her name on it.40 . The old man had fun _(receive)these presents from the children.41 . I felt _(easy)when the reporter asked me a private question.42 . I can get the idea by reading his _(express)on his face.43 . Its nice of you to provide us with the _(value)information.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词44 . 你妈妈长什么样子?她长得又高又漂亮。What_ your mum _?Shes tall and beautiful.45 . 美国人初次见面通常会相互握手。Americans usually shake hands _ when they first meet.46 . 他们通常把他们的朋友带到谈话中。They usually _ their friends_ the conversation.47 . 美国人谈话时会互相看着对方的眼睛。Americans look at each other _ when they talk.48 . 许多人经常相互拥抱。Many people often _.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给单词完成短文。His, she, Im, and, Her, are, He, myHello. 49 . Alan Can you see the boy(男孩)50 . the girl(女孩),The boy is 11. 51 . name is Frank. 52 . is from England. The girl is 12. 53 . name is Linda. 54 . is from the USA(美国)Now Frank and Linda 55 . in China. They are 56 . good friends.八、将所给单词连成句子连词成句(注意大小写)57 . afternoon, Bob, good(,)(!)_58 . am, I, thank, fine, you(,)(.)_59 . are, how, you, Dale(,)(?)_60 . night, good, Alice(,)( !)_61 . is, she, OK(.)_九、话题作文62 . 星期一的早晨,Frank和Grace在校门口相遇。他们互相问候。请你结合所学知识,把他们的问候写成一段对话。十、其他按要求写字母63 . 大写一笔能完成的字母_64 . 大写两笔能完成的字母_65 . 大写三笔能完成的字母_66 . 小写一笔能完成的字母_67 . 小写两笔能完成的字母_从栏中出与栏中英文缩略词相对应的汉语意思68 . CCTVA(美国)全国篮球协会69 . UNA联合国70 . CDA中国中央电视台71 . NBAA千克72 . kgA光盘第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、将所给单词连成句子1、九、话题作文1、十、其他1、2、

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