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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末英语试题(不含听力材料)一、听短对话回答问题1 . Where did the girl visit this summer holiday?AChinaBAmericaCAustralia2 . Whose bag is it?ALi Leis.BTonys.CJacks.3 . Awatching TVBlistening to musicCreading booksDplaying games4 . What day is it today?AFriday.BSaturday.CSunday.5 . What does the woman mean?AIts the first time she has seen a picture.BShe thinks the picture is great.CHer picture is better than this one.6 . AJeff.BEmma.CJean.DNick.7 . What does David want to do?AGo cycling.BGo swimming.CWatch TV.二、听短文回答问题8 . The show will begin at _ this morning.A10:00B10:30C11:009 . There is a supermarket on the _ floor.AfirstBsecondCThird10 . We can buy _ on the third and the fourth floors.Amens clothesBwomens clothesCshoes and bags11 . On the sixth floor, there is a(n) _.ApictureBtelephoneCOffice听下面一段材料,回答以下小题。12 . Where did the story happen?AIn France.BIn England.CIn America.13 . How did the speaker go to the next town?AOn foot.BBy car.CBy lift.14 . What language did they say “good morning”?AFrench.BEnglish.CChinese.15 . Why did the young man wave to the speaker?AHe wanted to speak to the speaker.BHe recognized the speaker.CHe wanted to ask for a lift.16 . Who is the young man?AAn American.BAn English.CA French.三、单选题17 . - _ does it take us to go there by car?-About one hour. Lets hurry, or we will miss the beginning of the film.AHow longBHow muchCHow farDHow often18 . The story happened _ a rainy morning.AonBinCatDfor19 . Is Helen knocking at the door ? No. It be Helen. She is in America now.AdoesntBmustChasntDcant20 . Look at the picture, and guess what the boy has heard probably.ADaniel, you failed the exam again!BDaniel, you did a good job. Keep going!CDaniel, how about playing football at the weekend?DDaniel, my boy, happy birthday to you!21 . _ adults began to learn English in this small town.AThousand ofBThousands ofCThousands forDThousand from22 . _ useful advice Mr Smith has given us!AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a23 . What _ awful day! Its _ worst day in my life.Aa; aBan; theCan; /Dthe; /24 . -_does she usually get up?- She usually gets up at 6:30.AHow oftenBWhat timeCHow long25 . I am _the Internet to look for some photos for my project.AsearchingBsearching forClookingDlooking for26 . The street is _ of people.AfullBfillCfilledDfilled with四、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入的空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A:Good morning! Can I help you?B:Im looking for a single room.A:27 . How long do you want to stay?B:Just for one night.A:I have a double room for 60 dollars.B:28 . Are there any other hotels near here?A:Im sure theyre also full.29 . B:I see.30 . A:Im afraid the restaurant is closed now.We serve breakfast at 7 oclock tomorrow.B:If I stay here, can I leave my things in my room till tomorrow afternoon?A:31 . B:OK.Ill take the room.AThats too expensive.BWhat time does it finish?CCan I get something to eat at this hotel?DSorry, you cant, but I can look after them for you.EIm afraid all our single rooms are full.FWould you show me the room?GThere are a lot of travelers in town at this time.五、完型填空完形填空根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。If you meet Walker Ciorobea, a 2-year-old boy from Coral Gables, Florida, the first thing he will ask you is what kind of car you drive. Walker has been interested in_for more than a year, ever since the day his_, a car fan, brought home a single matchbox car for him.“He started to learn cars from his father, and within a week or two, he could_every car on the road,” Walkers mother Lynley Ciorobea said.Walkers father often brings home_about cars. Lynley said, “So Walker and his father would try to find cars in the magazines that we and our friends drove. So theyd_Saturn and my husband would say This is what mommy_! and then theyd look for Saab and say This is what daddy drives! Before we knew it,_pointed all our kinds of cars out on the road.”“So now he knows_car you can imagine,” said Lynley, “including some super fancy cars that you never see on the road, such as Aston Martins and Lamborghinis. Were so_to see such a little guy who can name every car he sees!”Walker can now identify every car he sees on the road though his_isnt always right. “Hes not good with rs, so for example when he sees a Porsche, he calls it a Posh. And when he sees a Ford, hell call it Fod,” said Lynley.32 . AboxesBtoysCcarsDdolls33 . AfatherBgrandfatherCbrotherDsister34 . AnameBdriveCcleanDbuy35 . AnewspaperBmagazinesCbooksDcards36 . AtakeBbuyCfindDgetZXXK37 . AridesBdrivesCcatchesDbrings38 . AsheBheCweDthey39 . AeitherBneitherCeveryDno40 . AsurprisedBdisappointedCboredDangry41 . AspellingBpronunciationCimaginationDexplanation六、阅读单选WANT ADS(1)WANTEDAre you hard-working? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is“Yes”,then we have a job for you as a waiter.(2)SUMMER JOBDo you like to talk with people ?Do you like to write stories? If you want to work for our magazine as a reporter . please call Karen at 558366.(3)HELP WANTEDDo you like babies ? Can you look after one baby for two days? If you are sure to take good care of him/her , call me at 766588 . $80 or more . Today !Hurry !(4) CLEARER WANTEDCan you make a large house clean and tidy ? If you hope to get the job paid at $20 once, call me this evening 18:00-20:00 Tel:63380042 . The ads(广告) above are probably fromAa newspaperBa story bookCa science bookDa guide book43 . If you like children and have two days free, you can call atfor a job.A556779B558366C766588D63380044 . If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to tidy his/her house twice a week, how much will the cleaner get in a month?A120.B160.C200.D240.45 . are needed in AL Hotel.ATeachersBWorkersCSingersDWaiters46 . If youre a college student of English who enjoys writing, during your summer holidays you will be more interested in the job inAad. (1)Bad. (2)Cad. (3)Dad. (4)ChinaandWesterncountrieshavesomethingdifferentinculturesaboutcertainanimals,butwhenitcomestopigswehavethesameidea-pigsareugly,lazyandstupidJustlookatsomeChinesesayingssuchas “Boilingadeadpig” an“Apiglookinginthemirrorisstillapig”AndinEnglish,therearesomeexpressionslike“Eatinglikeapig”and“Pigsmightfly”Noneofthemare complimentaryHowever,pigshavesomegoodqualities(品质)TheyareevenassmartasdogsandelephantsTheyhavegoodmemoriesAndtheyknowwhetherpeopletreatthemwellornotAUKcartoon,PeppaPigisamostpopularcartoonThefourmembersinthepigfamilyteachchildrenfromallaroundtheworldaboutlove,friendshipandthevalueoffamilyAndaChinesecartoonfilm,theAdventuresofMeDull,isalsoveryfamousInthecartoon,thelittlepig,McDull,hasabeartofgoldandalwaysworkshardtowardshisdreamsMostpeoplewantquicksuccess,butMeDullisslowandpatient,andnotafraidoffailingagainandagainMaybewhenwetalkaboutpigsnexttime,weshouldthinkoftheirgoodqualities47 . Chinaandwesterncountrieshave _ inculturesaccordingtothepassageAthesameideatowardspigsBdifferentideastowardspigsCthesameideatowardsalltheanimals48 . Whatdoestheunderlinedword“complimentary”meaninChinese?_A固执的B赞美的C负面的49 . Fromthethirdparagraph,wecanlearnthat_ApigshavebadmemoriesBpigsdontknowwhotreatsthemwellCpigsareascleverasdogsandelephants50 . Thewritergivesthetwoexamplesofcartoonsinthepassagetoshow_ApigshavegoodqualitiesBthetwocartoonsarewell-knownCbothChineseandEnglishchildrenlikepigs51 . Whatsthebesttitleofthepassage?_AOpinionsonPigsBOpinionsonAnimalsCOpinionsonCartoonsYour body is specialno two people in the world are alike. Although you are different from everyone else, you have exactly the same body parts as the people around you, doing different jobs that keep all of us alive.What is inside my head? Your head houses the most valuable part of your body-your brain. As you are reading, your eyes send pictures to your brain which makes meaning from what you see. Your brain helps you to remember and think, and makes sure your body is doing what it should.What is my skin(皮肤)for? Your skin covers your body. In most parts of your body, the skin is just as thick as half a centimeter(cm). If you have your skin cut, it will have a quick cure(愈合)and stop viruses (病毒)from getting into your body. Your skin also helps you feel the heat and coldness of the environment around you. Hair grows from inside the skin. When you feel hot, extra heat comes out through your skin. As a result, your body temperature(温度)drops.How do I move? Muscles(肌肉)are found in most parts of your body. They work with your bones to help you move whenever you cry or smile, eat or speak, walk or dance, etc.Why do I breathe? Your body needs to take in oxygen(氧气)from the air and give out the unwanted carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)in the body. When you breathe, air comes through your nose and mouth into your lungs where oxygen flows to different parts of your body. What makes me sneeze(打喷嚏)?When dust or a strong smell gets into your nose, you sneeze. This is the way your body cleans up the dust in your nose. Your lungs push out the air and try to clear your nose. What does my heart do? Your heart is a very special muscle. It is slightly bigger than your fist(拳头)and grows bigger as you do. If you place your hand on your heart, you will feel your heart beating which forces blood to move around your body.52 . Which part is the most valuable part of your body?AMy skin.BMy brain.CMy mouth.DMy nose.53 . If you have no skin covering your body, what would happen?AViruses cant get into our body easily.BOur body can be guarded(保护)by our hair.CExtra heat can only stay inside our body.DWe cant feel the changes in temperature.54 . What can you learn about your body?ASneezing is a way to clear our nose.BOur heart is the same size from birth.CWe take in carbon dioxide to stay alive.DOur muscles stop working when we cry.55 . Which is the best title for this passage?AWhat Your Body NeedsBHow Your Body WorksCWhy Your Body GrowsDWhen Your Body Moves七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,完成句子。56 . We must drink lots of water in d_ weather.57 . A little boy is s_ on the lake with thick ice.58 . Does your uncle often climb m_ on weekends?59 . You can pass the exam if you study h_.60 . Lisa wants to visit Canada, the US and other c_.61 . Its _(晴朗的)today. Why not go for a picnic?62 . Theres a lot of _(雪)in winter.63 . Jack is my brother, and I love _(他).64 . The _(天气)was very good, so I went to the beach with my friends.65 . We all want to move to a _(温暖的)place.八、回答问题Today is the Earth Day. Our reporter Nick Ford interviewed several people in the street. This is what they told him:9:24 Miss Mayfield, a young teacherI try to tell my students the importance of our relations with wild animals. I take them to zoos and forests, and I avoid using materials that come from wild animals, for example, ivory, which comes from elephants. I dont wear things made of fur, and I even avoid buying leather shoes. Wool is okay, thoughthe sheep dont get hurt!10:03 Mr. Perdue, a businessmanI dont use my car for short journeys. I walk or go by bike. Its good for my health, and it doesnt pollute the air.10:30 Tom Pitt, a 14-year-old studentI only buy writing paper and notebooks made from recycled paper. And when I buy something made of wood, like a wooden table, Ill make sure that the wood comes from a forest where they plant new trees.11:01 Mr. White, an artistIm an artist, and I enjoy recycled art. They are things made out of rubbishlike this model plane made from old containers. In fact, I hate throwing things away. I even keep my old woolen clothes and cotton handkerchiefs and use them for cleaning.11:35 Ms. Nelson, a policemanIm careful not to waste electricity. For example, I always turn the lights off when I leave a room. And I dont have the TV on when Im not watching it.12:00 Mr. Parks, a doctorI take my empty bottles, jars, and anything else made of glass to the recycling center every week. I try not to buy plastic bottles because you cant recycle most kinds of plastic.66 . Is Miss Mayfield a young teacher?_67 . Who doesnt use a car for short journeys?_68 . Where does Mr. Parks go every week?_69 . What is recycled art?_70 . What are these people trying to do?_九、汉译英:整句四、将下列句子译成英语71 . 别追赶公交车。太危险了。_72 . 那女孩眼睛睁得大大地站在那儿。_73 . 直到会议结束他什么也没说。_74 . 我们不得不中止篮球赛,因为天开始下雨了。_75 . 我想教我弟弟说英语。_十、材料作文76 . 文彦博是北宋杰出的政治家,他自小聪明过人。“文彦博灌水浮球”的故事在我国人民群众中广为流传,脍炙人口。请你根据以下的内容提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍“文彦博灌水浮球”的故事。(内容提示)文彦博1. 文彦博与朋友踢球时,球被踢进了树洞里。2. 孩子们尝试取球,可是树洞太深,摸不到底。3. 文彦博想出办法后,叫朋友们提来几桶水。4. 注意:(1)参考词汇:桶 bucket浮foat;(2)词数80左右(3)不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。_第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、听短文回答问题1、2、三、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、四、补全对话7选51、五、完型填空1、六、阅读单选1、2、3、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、回答问题1、九、汉译英:整句1、十、材料作文1、

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