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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年七年级上学期10月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)Are those Jennys photos?_. Theyre Anns.AYes, they areBNo, they arentCYes, it isDNo, it isnt2 . Where are his keys?_ on the chair.AItsBTheyreCThey3 . Must I take the medicine every day?No, you _.AmustntBdontCdont have toDcant4 . -How many uncles have you got?-_.ANo, there arent any.BIve got two.CYes, I have some uncles.DNo, I havent.5 . Smiling can make peoplehappy, lively and warm.Ato feelBfeelsCfeelDfelt6 . -Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?-_ANo, Id love to.BNo, I cantCSorry, Im afraid not. I have to look after my sick mother.DYes, I like.7 . When did she _?She arrived late. When she _ the theatre, the movie had been on for 30 minutes.A arrive; arrivedB reach; got toC arrive; got toD arrive at; reach8 . 现在下午1点钟,你该如何向别人问候?_.AGood morningBGood afternoonCGood evening9 . Do you eat _? No,I dont.I eat _.Aegg;hamburgersBapples;chickenCchickens;bread10 . I dont know when he _ tomorrow. If he _, Ill let you know. Acomes, comesBwill come, comesCcomes, will comeDcame, will come二、完型填空Jenny is an English teacher. She has a good eating habit and she enjoys eating healthy food. She is always _and energetic(充满活力的). She has a good habit of having _ every morning. She has milk, bread and an egg. She eats an apple _ the second class in the morning.For lunch, she has a bowl of rice with vegetables or some_.She drinks lots of water a day. Water is very _ to our body. After work, she _some food and vegetables and cooks dinner at home. She likes_ different soup, such as fish soup, vegetable soup or melon soup. She never eats_because she thinks it will make her fat. She always _ to drink a glass of milk before sleeping because she thinks its good_ her health.11 . AsorryBhealthyCfunnyDsad12 . AsupperBdinnerClunchDbreakfast13 . AinBonCafterDout14 . AbeansBcarrotsCmeatDpotatoes15 . AimportantBsweetsCtiredDdelicious16 . AbuyBbuysCsellDsells17 . AlookingBbeginningCdrinkingDlistening18 . Atoo muchBa bitCvery muchDmuch too19 . ArememberBremembersCforgetDforgets20 . AofBatCfromDfor三、阅读单选A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案,用 A、B、C 或 D 表示)Dear Breta,Thank you very much for the letter. Yes, I would like to have a pen pal. Its very exciting! I am also the youngest child. I have a big family. I have two sisters and one brother. We dont have any pets. We live in a city called Vera Cruz. It is on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. My house is close to the ocean. It only takes me ten minutes to get there on foot. I love to swim and play there. This year, I am learning to use a body board. Its like surfing but the board is smaller. I lie down on it instead of standing up.I have never been skiing. In Mexico, there are some high mountains with snow, but there are no ski places. The climate is very warm here all year.I go to an international school. All of my classes are in both Spanish and English. My father works for a car company. He knows English very well. He always speaks English with me and my mom speaks Spanish.How about in your family? Where did you learn English? Hope to hear from you soon!Adios! (This means goodbye in Spanish!)Maria Lopez21 . Why did Maria write this letter?AShe is trying to find a pen pal.BShe wants to study English.CShe is writing back to someone.DShe is going skiing in Germany.22 . What is Maria learning this year?AEnglish.BSurfing.CBody boarding.DSkiing.23 . Wheres Marias house?AOn a high mountain.BNext to the international school.COn the beach.DNear the beach.24 . Who speaks English with Maria at home?AHer mother.BHer father.CHer brother.DHer sister.25 . Maria has her class in.AEnglish B.SpanishBGermanCBoth A and B.26 . Which is true?AMaria has a younger brother.BMarias sisters are older than she is.CMaria has two brothers.DMaria is an only child.I have a friend. His name is James. Hes an English boy. He is thirteen years old. He is tall(高的). He has a round face, big eyes and a big nose. His mouth is wide, but his ears are small. His hair is short. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。27 . James is my _.AstudentBteacherCfriendDsister28 . James is _.A12B13C14D1529 . James comes from _.ACanadaBJapanCChinaDEngland30 . James has _ hair.AshortBlongCbigDsmall31 . _ is James.ABCDSonia has a sports collection. She has ten tennis rackets, seven basketballs, four volleyballs and five soccer balls. She plays tennis every day she is in the school tennis club.Susan also has a sports collection. She has five baseballs, six volleyballs, three ping-pong bats and many ping-pong balls. Oh, she also has two soccer balls. But she doesnt play sports. She only watches them.Sandy doesnt play sports, and she doesnt have balls.32 . Sonia and Susan havevolleyballs.A4B6C10D1233 . Sonia playsevery day.Aping-pongBtennisCbaseballDsoccer34 . Susan doesnt have a.AvolleyballBbasketballCbaseballDping-pong ball35 . has/have two soccer balls.ASusanBSoniaCSandyDSusan and Sonia36 . Does Suan play sports?-_.AYes ,she does.BNo,she doesnt.CYes,she doesntDNo,she does.Daniel comes from Sydney. He is now staying in Beijing with his family. He usually gets up at about 6:30 am and has breakfast at 7:00 am. Then he leaves home at 7:15 am.He gets to school at 7:45 am. His first class begins at 8:00 am. There are four lessons in the morning. Morning classes are over at 11:50 am, and he has lunch 10 minutes later.Afternoon classes begin at 1:30 pm. There are two lessons in the afternoon. They are over at 3:10 pm. Daniel usually stays at school for another hour to play soccer, and then goes home.37 . Where is Daniel living now?A. Sydney. B. Beijing. C. New York. D. Shenzhen.38 . When does Daniels first class begin?A. At 7:15 am. B. At 7:45 am. C. At 8:00 am. D. At 8:15 am.39 . What time does Daniel have lunch?A. At 11:50 am. B. At 12 oclock.C. At 12:10 pm. D. At 12:20 pm.40 . How many classes do they have a day?A. Four. B. Two. C. Six. D. Eight.41 . After school, Daniel usually stays at school for one hour to _.A. play soccer B. play basketballC. do his homework D. play music四、单词填空缺词填空Here are t42 . pictures. A man and a boy are in one picture. Who are they? L43 . me tell you. The man is Mr. White, and the boys n44 . is Bill. Hes the mans son. Now they are in Bills bedroom. We can see some Chinese b45 . on his desk. And on the bed, t46 . is a shirt. Its Bills. His trousers are on it, too.Now lets l47 . at the other picture. You can see a woman and a girl in it. The woman is Bills m48 . and shes in her daughter, Anns room. You can see a photo o49 . the Whites on the white wall. W50 . that on the floor? Oh, its Anns hat. but it looks l51 . a brown cat.五、多任务混合问题阅读短文,并按要求完成6670题。Clara is a cow and she lives on a very good farm. She likes all kinds of sweet foods. Cakes and pies are her favourites. When she gets a cake, she always jumps around on the grass. When she eats it, she starts making noises to show she is happy. When she wants to have another one, she will sit on the ground.But there is a problem - she often gets sick because she eats many sweet foods. So the farmer Bill stops giving her sweet foods to eat. Clara is not happy every day.Then Bill has a good idea. He gives Clara a pie on Sunday, a cake on Tuesday, a donut on Thursday and ice-cream on Saturday. Clara must eat grass on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.Clara also thinks it is a good idea.66、67题完成句子;68题简略回答问题;69题找出并写下第三段的主题句;70题将划线句子翻译成汉语。52 . Clara likes _ bestA53 . Clara is sad every day because _A54 . What does Clara do when she wants another cake?_A55 . _A56 . _.六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句57 . it,did,dare,to,anyone,admit_?58 . any,I,talk,longer,with,cant,him_.59 . help,for,he,to,turned,me_.60 . snow,covered,the,is,playground,with_.61 . school,the,sang,she,girl,to,as,walked_.七、书信作文62 . Peter是一名英国学生,正在网上寻找笔友。假如你叫王平(请不要写真实姓名),请用英语给Peter写封信,介绍你自己、你的的家庭、学习情况和个人爱好等,信的词数60左右。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、单词填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、书信作文1、

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